(Te Ashi Do) TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):Google Search,América do Norte,Estados Unidos,Países das Américas,Todas as Cidades, Estados e Paises do Mundo inteiro:
(Te Ashi Do) TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):Google Search,América do Norte,Estados Unidos,Países das Américas,Todas as Cidades, Estados e Paises do Mundo inteiro:
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Fernanda - YouTube,► 0:32► 0:32 www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4I5AttT8gU,28 set. 2010 - 32 seg - Vídeo enviado por 1mychael,Essa é a menina que esta se destacando no centro olimpico modalidade Karate shotokan.Stephanie Munaretti - Balneario Camboriu - Karate centro olimpico ...► 2:22► 2:22 www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQbolIB9mBA,28 set. 2010 - 2 min - Vídeo enviado por 1mychael,Filha se preparando para o 1º desafio dia 10 de outubro 2010 em fraiburgo ...... vamos ver .....KARATE BALENARIO CAMBORIU - YouTube,► 2:35► 2:35 www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeA5pEkGvZs,17 nov. 2008 - 3 min - Vídeo enviado por Assocbcsc,Stephanie Munaretti - Balneario Camboriu - Karate centro olimpico 2:22. Watch Later Error ...Mais vídeos para karate balneario camboriú,Karatê de Balneário Camboriú vence estadual novamente • Guia ...www.guiacatarina.com.br/.../karate-de-balneario-camboriu-vence-est...Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,4 nov. 2011 – Os karatecas da Fundação Municipal de Esportes de Balneário Camboriú (FME) conquistaram, de forma antecipada, mais um título estadual ...Karate | FME Balneário Camboriúwww.fmebc.sc.gov.br/categoria/karate/Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Os atletas de Karatê da Fundação Municipal de Esportes de Balneário Camboriú (FMEBC) conquistaram o terceiro lugar da 15ª Copa Santa Catarina de Karatê ...KARATÊ DE BALNEÁRIO CAMBORIÚ DISPUTA COPA SANTA ...www.fmebc.sc.gov.br/.../karate-de-balneario-camboriu-disputa-copa-...Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,11 maio 2012 – A equipe de Karatê da Fundação Municipal de Esportes de Balneário Camboriú (FMEBC) participa neste sábado (12) da 15ª Copa Santa ...Karatê FMEBC | FME Balneário Camboriúwww.fmebc.sc.gov.br/tag/karate-fmebc/Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,11 maio 2012 – A Fundação Municipal de Esportes de Balneário Camboriú (FMEBC) será representada por 30 karatecas do município no Campeonato ...KARATÊ DE BALNEÁRIO CAMBORIÚ PARTICIPA DO ...www.fmebc.sc.gov.br/.../karate-de-balneario-camboriu-participa-do- ...Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,6 mar. 2012 – Acontece neste fim de semana a 1ª etapa do Estadual de Karatê, em Irineópolis ( SC). Balneário Camboriú terá uma equipe com 40 ...Imagens de karate balneario camboriú - Denunciar imagensAgradecemos seus comentários. Denunciar outra imagemDenuncie a imagem ofensiva. CancelarPronto,Karatê de Balneário Camboriú é bicampeão estadualpraiadecamboriu.blogspot.com/.../karate-de-balneario-camboriu-e.ht...Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,1 dez. 2010 – A equipe Balneário Camboriú com o título de 2010 se torna bicampeã estadual de karatê depois de vencer as dez etapas do campeonato.Balneário Camboriúacademias-ginastica.vivastreet.com.br/...balneario-camboriu/q/karateEm cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Os filtros de busca não retornaram resultados para a consulta "karate" em Aulas de Ginástica Balneário Camboriú. Por favor, tente as seguintes sugestões ...Pesquisas relacionadas a academias porto alegre,academias porto alegre centro,academias porto alegre menino deus,academias porto alegre santana,academia bio ativa porto alegre,academia central porto alegre,acm porto alegre,academias canoas,Mais vídeos para karate do porto alegre,hagah,Pesquisas relacionadas a karate porto alegre,karate shotokan porto alegre,kung fu porto alegre,karate shotokan,aikido porto alegre,acm porto alegre,academia karate porto alegre,federação gaucha de karate,karate poa,Pesquisas relacionadas a kung fu porto alegre,kung fu porto alegre centro,kung fu porto alegre zona sul,kung fu porto alegre zona norte,associação gaúcha kung fu,wing chun porto alegre,karate porto alegre,aikido porto alegre,academia sinobrasileira de kung fu e tai chi chuan,Pesquisas relacionadas a kyokushin porto alegre,academia kyokushin porto alegre,academias porto alegre,kyokushin liberdade,kung fu porto alegre,kyokushin rs,Pesquisas relacionadas a artes marciais porto alegre,artes marciais porto alegre zona sul,kung fu porto alegre,loja artes marciais porto alegre,academia artes marciais porto alegre,boxe porto alegre,taekwondo porto alegre,artes marciais porto alegre centro,judo porto alegre,Karate blumenau Guia de Karate nos Bairros de Blumenau Centro,Karate Ponta Aguda,Karate Itoupava Seca,Karate Velha,Karate Garcia,Karate Itoupava Norte,Karate Vila Nova,Karate Victor Konder,Karate Vorstadt,Karate Itoupava Central,Karate Jardim Blumenau,Karate Itoupavazinho,Karate Fortaleza,Karate Escola Agrícola,Karate Água Verde,Karate Salto Norte,Karate Glória,Karate Progresso,Karate Têsto Salto,{"gEflT6_pBIWE8QSzmri2AQ":[[60,{}],[81,{"persisted":true}],[10,{"client":"serp","dh":true,"ds":"","fl":true,"host":"google.com.br","jsonp":true,"kbl":"pt-BR","kbv":5,"lyrs":29,"msgs":{"lcky":"Estou com sorte","lml":"Saiba mais","psrc":"Esta pesquisa foi removida do seuHist\u00f3rico da web","psrl":"Remover","srch":"Pesquisa Google"},"ovr":{"ms":1},"pq":"karate florian\u00f3polis","psy":"p","rgen":true,"scd":10,"sce":4,"stok":"fqe9svNCL05t2mMQ46oO1Ak3TrY"}],[152,{}],[163,{"a":"/settings/ads/preferences/","l":false,"r":"ChVrYXJhdGUgZmxvcmlhbsOzcG9saXMaFAgEEAEiDgiyorn4SRCu5OXWPCAAGhoIBBCBgAwiEgiExfXvJRDt7KoKGPSxgi4gAyCvqYiyxOOwAioRd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20uYnIyuwFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdvb2dsZS5jb20uYnIvc2VhcmNoP3E9a2FyYXRlK2Zsb3JpYW4lQzMlQjNwb2xpcyZybHM9Y29tLm1pY3Jvc29mdDpwdC1icjpJRS1TZWFyY2hCb3gmaWU9VVRGLTgmb2U9VVRGLTgmc291cmNlaWQ9aWU3JnJsej0xSTdSTlFOX3B0LUJSQlI0NTUmcmVkaXJfZXNjPSZlaT1mMGZsVDRMX040V2U4UVRVN0wzQkFROjBQUkVGPUlEPTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDA6VT0wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwOkZGPTA","t":"ADvV1Icsj0CklniXHsGu0RvQ7A4AqC8EEToxMzQwNDI2MTEyMzI4"}],[43,{"qir":true,"rctj":true,"ref":false,"uff":false}],[83,{"bih":571,"biw":1024}],[213,{"pberr":"Erro: O servidor n\u00e3o p\u00f4de concluir sua solicita\u00e7\u00e3o. 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Pressione Enter para pesquisar.Pressione "Enter" para pesquisar.Pressione "Enter" para pesquisar.PesquisarAproximadamente 183.000 resultados (0,22 segundos) Configurações da pesquisa,Pesquisa avançada,Histórico da web,Ajuda da PesquisaTudo,Imagens,Mapas,Vídeos,Notícias,Shopping,Livros,Places,Blogs,Discussões,Aplicativos,Mais,Menos,Blumenau - SC,Detectado, automaticamente,Alterar local,Opções de pesquisa,A Web,Páginas em português,Páginas de Brasil,Páginas estrangeiras traduzidas,Menos ferramentasMais ferramentasAnúncio relacionado a karate florianópolisPor que esse anúncio?Esse anúncio é baseado em seus termos de pesquisa atuais.Acesse o Gerenciador de preferências de anúncio do Google para saber mais ou para desativar anúncios personalizados.PREMIUM Artes Marciais | premiumma.com,www.premiumma.com,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Pratique Taekwondo em Florianópolis Programas para todas as idades!Resultados da pesquisaBUDOKAN Shinbun: O informativo online sobre o Karate-Do ...www.budokan.com.br/Em cache - Similares,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,BUDOKAN Shinbun: O informativo online sobre o Karate-Do Tradicional. ... Clique para entrar! Associação Desterro. Karate-Do Tradicional. Florianópolis / SC ...Academia de Karatê - Dô Budokan, Florianópolis, SC - Guia Local ...www.hagah.com.br/.../florianopolis/.../248532,2,academia-de-karate-...Em cache, Similares,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,academias, Academia de Karatê - Dô Budokan no hagah: informações, endereço e telefones da empresa em Florianópolis, SC.História - ::.Associação Bonsai de Karatê-Dô.::www.bonsaikarate.com/historia.htmEm cache, Similares,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Em 07 de Março de 1983, Jurandir Lucas Hasse deu início aos treinamentos de Karatê-Dô na cidade de Florianópolis, onde treinou com vários professores, ...FLORIANÓPOLIS KARATE NA VEIA..wmv - YouTube,► 3:49► 3:49 www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mH652r4UoI,27 out. 2011 - 4 min - Vídeo enviado por RenatinhaCDL,KARATE FCK CBK WKF FLORIANÓPOLIS SANTA CATARINA BRASIL-SENSEI WILMIS DE MOURA ...Mais vídeos para karate florianópolis »ASSOCIAÇÃO ANTONIO PEIXOTO DE KARATE,Florianópolis,OLXflorianopolis.olx.com.br › ... › Esportes › Outros EsportesEm cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,PRATIQUE KARATE GANHE SAÚDE E SEJA UM CAMPEÃO VISITE O SITE www.historiageral.net/karate.htm - Florianópolis - Outros Esportes,Federacao Catarinense de Karate-do Tradicional (Centro - Imigraimigra.com.br › Florianopolis › Associações de ClasseEm cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Federacao Catarinense de Karate-do Tradicional - Florianopolis. Telefone: ... Telefones, Mapas, Endereços, Fotos, Produtos, Serviços, Como Chegar e Locais ...Aula Particular de Karatê em Florianópoliswww.omelhordavida.com.br/experiencias/.../aula-de-karate-florianop...Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,O karatê é uma arte marcial que requer técnica, boa condição física, disciplina e concentração. É uma das modalidades de luta que obtém seguidores sendo ...Karate de Florianópolis se destaca em Maceió :: Notícias JusBrasilprefeitura-florianopolis-sc.jusbrasil.com.br/.../karate-de-florianopolis...Em cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,20 abr. 2010 – Karate de Florianópolis se destaca em Maceió O karate de Florianópolis teve um excelente desempenho no Brasileiro Mirim, Infantil e ...KarateSulwww.karatesul.com.br/Em cache - Similares,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,De férias na ilha de Florianópolis, curtindo aquelas praias maravilhosas, aproveitei para participar de um treinamento com o atual "campeão mundial de Karate" ...Conheça as origens do Karatê Florianópolis, Santa Catarina - Brasilguialocal.brasil.com.br › ... › Saúde e BelezaEm cache,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Estude a história do Karatê e suas influências. O faixa preta Sérgio Lopes analisa essa luta marcial, bem como a filosofia chinesa. O Karatê-Do pode ser ...Anúncio relacionado a karate florianópolisPor que esse anúncio?Esse anúncio é baseado em seus termos de pesquisa atuais,Acesse o Gerenciador de preferências de anúncio do Google para saber mais ou para desativar anúncios personalizados.TSKF Academia de Kung Fu,www.tskf.com.br/KungFu,Você marcou isto com +1 publicamente. Desfazer,Certificada pela Conf. Mundial de Kung Fu Tel.: 11-5071-7484,Endereços - Treinamento à distancia - A TSKF - Porque praticar,As Melhores Fotos de PR,Curitiba,Centro,Academias, Advogados, Agência de Emprego, Aluguel de Roupas, Auto-Escola, Bares, Buffet, Cabeleireiros, Clínicas de Estética, Clínicas e Veterinários, Escola Infantil, Farmácias e Drogarias, Floriculturas, Hotéis, Imobiliárias, Óticas, Pet Shop, Pizzarias, Restaurantes, Salão de Beleza,Login,Cadastre-se,Escolha o País, Escolha o Estado, Escolha a Cidade, Escolha o Bairro, Principal do Bairro, Anuncie, Contato, Destaques, Eventos, Notícias, Mapa, Utilidade Pública, História, Dicas do Bairro, Portal das Noivas,Destaques,Novos,Usados, Tipo de Veículo,Marca do Veículo,Modelo do Veículo,No valor,De R$ aAté R$ Ano,De aAté Buscar,Negócio,Tipo,No valor,De R$ aAté R$ Estado,Cidade,Imobiliária,Buscar,Busca rápida,Categorias: Academia,Academia, Multicenter,Academias,Capoeira,Ginástica,Karatê,Academia de Dança,Danças em Geral, Advogados,Advogados 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Procure por (bares, pizzarias, flores),Onde (rua, nº, cidade, UF),InícioOfertasCineMapasDicasSoluções,DiskMobileLoginCadastre-se6484 resultados para "Academias" em Brasil(50 Km) Filtrar Busca 1 de 433 páginas Organizar por:Relevância,Mais próximos,Ordem alfabética,Estados:Minas Gerais,Paraná,São Paulo,Acre,Alagoas,Amapá,Amazonas,Bahia,Ceará,Distrito Federal,Espírito Santo,Goiás,Maranhão,Mato Grosso,Mato Grosso do Sul,Minas Gerais,Pará,Paraíba,Paraná,Pernambuco,Piauí,Rio de Janeiro,Rio Grande do Norte,Rio Grande do Sul,Rondônia,Roraima,Santa Catarina,São Paulo,Sergipe,tocantins,Mais...Categorias Relacionadas:Academias - Artigos, Equipamentos e ManutençãoAcademias Artísticas, Científicas e LiteráriasGinástica - AcademiasAcademias - Artigos, Equipamentos e Manutenção,Academias Artísticas, Científicas e Literárias,Artes Marciais - Academias,Ginástica - Academias,Patinação Artística - Academias,Mais...Expandir,Contrair Mapa da Região,Compartilhar Cotação 1 ACADEMIA VIP FIT10050,em Academias,5 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Santa Madalena Sofia Barat, 809 - Bairro Alto,Curitiba, PR | CEP: 82820-490,(41) 3367-7793,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Você em sua melhor forma! A Vip Fit oferece as seguintes modalidades: musculação, abdominal, muay thai, alongamento, vip localizada.2 SINTONIAH10040,em Academias,4 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,Av Doutor Timóteo Penteado, 3738 - Vila Galvão,Guarulhos, SP | CEP: 07061-002,(11) 2451-0070,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Ginástica, muay thai, jump, step, personal trainers, dança de salão, aparelhos de musculação novíssimos, nutricionista. Vestiário com chuveiro.3 ACADEMIA OLÍMPIA10040,em Academias,4 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Tenente Manoel Alves dos Anjos, 674 - Centro,Mogi das Cruzes, SP | CEP: 08710-680 Como chegar,(11) 4794-0605,Clique e Fale Grátis, Saiba mais,Nosso site,Mapa,Fale conosco,Fotos,Compartilhe,17 anos tradição em Mogi. 2 unidades centro e B Cubas, ambos oferecendo mais de 17 modalidades p/se adequar a vc. Aulas pilates, Body Systens, sala Spinning alto gasto calórico.4 ACADEMIA VIVA10040,em Academias,4 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R XV de Novembro, 1056 - Centro,Curitiba, PR | CEP: 80060-000 Como chegar,(41) 3233-3434,Clique e Fale Grátis, Saiba mais,Nosso site,Mapa,Fale conosco,Fotos,Compartilhe,A melhor academia no centro da cidade! Yoga, pilates, jump class, programas body systems, spinning, alongamento, local e musculação. Ar-condicionado.5 ACADEMIA CORPO & FORMA10040,em Academias,4 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R R 6, 338 - Setor Oeste,Goiânia, GO | CEP: 74125-080 Como chegar,(62) 3291-3525,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Ginástica, natação, hidro, musculação, spinning, personal, hidro-spinning.6 ACADEMIA VIVA10030,em Academias,3 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Anita Ribas, 477 - Bacacheri,Curitiba, PR | CEP: 82520-610 Como chegar,(41) 3016-6602,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,No coração do Jardim Social pulsa uma nova academia! Yoga, pilates, jump class, programas body systems, spinning, alongamento, local e musculação. Amplo estacionamento.7 STUDIO INFINITY PERSONAL10030,em Academias,3 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,Av R 11, 870 lj 6 - Setor Oeste,Goiânia, GO | CEP: 74125-100,(62) 3095-3588,Clique e Fale Grátis, Saiba mais,Nosso site,Fale conosco,Fotos,Compartilhe,Musculação e ergometria visando: Condicionamento físico, redução do percentual de gordura, reabilitação, hipertrofia, estética.8 CELL CENTRO DE EXERCÍCIOS FÍSICOS LUIZ LOPES10030,em Academias,3 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Alberto Pasqualini, 12B - Amaralina,Salvador, BA | CEP: 41900-455 Como chegar,(71) 3248-9679,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Hidroginástica, hidrogestante, natação infantil, watsu, alongamento, acupuntura, treinamento funcional, escola de coluna, estímulo aquático para bebês e muito +.9 UNO SPORTS10030,em Academias,Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Benedito Faustino de Morais, 72 - Vila Rachid,Guarulhos, SP | CEP: 07012-080 Como chegar,(11) 2443-0694,Clique e Fale Grátis, Saiba mais,Nosso site,Mapa,Fale conosco,Fotos,Compartilhe,É diferente porque é igual a você! Musculação, natação, fitness, danças, artes marciais, personal trainer, uno gold, uno kids, hidroginástica.10 ACADEMIA BEM ESTAR10020,em Academias,2 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R C 24 qd 30 lt 10 Esq c/ T-7 - Jardim América,Goiânia, GO | CEP: 74265-140 Como chegar,(62) 3274-1447,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Jump, Pilates,Ritmos,Ergometria, Musculação, Muay Thai e Boxe, ABS, Spinning, Alongamento, Ginástica Localizada. Venha pegar uma aula experimental. Prof. formados e especializado,11 ACADEMIA CORPO & CIA10020,em Academias,2 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,Av T 1, 273 - Setor Bueno,Goiânia, GO | CEP: 74210-098 Como chegar,(62) 3093-6011,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Musculação, ergometria, ginástica e pilates.12 PERSONNALLE ESTÚDIO DE PILATES10020,em Academias,2 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,Av Milão, 1543 s 6/7 - Residencial Celina Park,Goiânia, GO | CEP: 74373-270 Como chegar,(62) 3087-7870,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Cuide de seu corpo, faça pilates, é uma atividade agradável, fácil e traz resultado rápidos. Estética corporal. Ligue e agende seu horário.13 PILATES CORPORALE10010,em Academias,1 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R R 13, 20 qd R10 lt 11 - Setor Oeste,Goiânia, GO | CEP: 74125-150 Como chegar,(62) 3294-1530,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Cuide da sua saúde! Pilates postural, reabilitação, musculação adaptada ao pilates, treinamento de corrida, shiatsu, acupuntura, estética e massagem.14 RICO ACADEMIA10010,em Academias,1 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Otto Júlio Malina, 333 - Ipiranga,São José, SC | CEP: 88111-500 Como chegar,(48) 3346-2390,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisMapaFotosCompartilhe,Musculação para homem e mulheres, condicionamento físico, emagrecimento aumento de massa muscular, musculação p/ terceira idade.15 MULTI CENTER ACADEMIA10010,em Academias,1 Seja o primeiro a avaliar,R Júlio de Castilhos, 1026 - Belenzinho,São Paulo, SP | CEP: 03059-005 Como chegar,(11) 2292-5257,Clique e Fale Grátis Saiba maisNosso siteMapaFale conoscoFotosCompartilhe,Musculação,ginástica,condicionamento físico,boxe,muay thay,jiu-jitsu,karatê,yoga,pilates,terceira idade,rítmica,treinamento de corrida,personal trainer,assessoria esportiva.Anterior123456789PróximoSentiu falta de alguma empresa nesse espaço? Cadastre uma empresa.Expandir/Contrair,Mapa: Brasil Veja os resultados de Academias em Brasil no Mapa Patrocinadores locais,Os outros buscam. A gente encontra.guiamais.com,DESCONTO,59% Tempo restante,22h04m01s Camiseta Adulto com Repelente de R$160 por apenas R$65 na AYA Tecidos Inteligentes. Frete Grátis para todo o Brasil!Por apenas:R$ 65,00 Preço normal:R$ 160,00,GuiaMais.com,Quem Somos,Trabalhe Conosco,Mapa do Site,Entre em Contato,Ajuda e FAQ,Imprensa,Siga-nos:Twitter,Facebook,Link,edinFlickr,Youtube,Ferramentas,iGoogle Gadgets,Caixa de Busca,Aplicativo Twitter,Extensão Google Chrome,Encurtador de URL,CEP, DDD e DDI,Add-ons,Cotação,Guias,Guia de Atividades,Guia de Cidades,Últimas Empresas,Para Você,Cadastre-se,Para sua Empresa,Cadastre uma Empresa,Anuncie Aqui,Impresso,Internet,Áudio,Mobile,Central do Anunciante,Todos os direitos reservados 2000 - 2012 – GuiaMais.com – Termos de Uso | Política de Privacidade | Aviso de Fraude | Aviso Legal,Carregando...
Pesquisas relacionadas a search,TE ASHI DO(KARATE DO):Google Search,América do Norte,Estados Unidos,Países das Américas,search:Te Ashi Do Norte Amériva, Estados Unidos da América (USA, EUA), musicas,search images,search mp3,search rh,search blog,search pdf,search twitter,hotfile search.Additional Search Options, Search Query:Click radio button to select option or click underlined word for detailed explanation, Concept (searches for documents statistically related to your query), Relate (suggests words related to your query, based on co-occurrence within database), Fuzzy (suggests words spelled similarly to the first word in your query), Dictionary (verifies existence and popularity of a word in the database), Set the maximum (up to 4096) number of sections to be retrieved at a time:SEARC UNIDAD STADES,Search for TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): •People Search,Background Check,•Criminal Records,•Marriage Records,•Divorce Records,•Social Network Search,•Property Records',•Reverse Address Lookup,•Reverse Phone Lookup,HITOTSU - JINKAKU KANSEI NI TSUTOMURU KOTO,Primeiro. Esforçar-se para formação do caráter. HITOTSU - MAKOTO NO MICHI WO MAMORU KOTO,Primeiro. Fidelidade para com o verdadeiro caminho da razão. HITOTSU - DORYOKU NO SEISHIN O YASHINAU KOTO,Primeiro. Criar o intuito de esforço. HITOTSU - REIGI O OMONZURU KOTO, Primeiro. Respeito acima de tudo. HITOTSU - KEKKI NO YU O IMASHIMURU KOTO, Primeiro. Conter o espírito de agressão. Quando você lê o Kun (mandamentos) provavelmente notará algo.Cada linha começa com primeiro, porque? Por que não segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto? O mestre Funakoshi entendia que nenhum item do Kun fosse mais importante que o outro. Por isso, cada item foi numerado como sendo o primeiro. Vocabulário,DOJO - local onde se pratica uma arte marcial; academia. KUN - mandamento; obrigação. HITOTSU - um; uma unidade. JINKAKU - caráter; personalidade.KANSEI - formação; conclusão; término; acabamento. TSUTOMURU - esforçar-se; empenhar-se; tentar arduamente. MAKOTO - verdade; sinceridade; honestidade. MICHI - caminho. MAMORU - obedecer; respeitar; guardar; cumprir; defender.DORYOKU - esforço; empenho. SEISHIN - espírito; alma; vontade; intenção; mentalidade. YASHINAU - alimentar; sustentar; manter; criar. REIGI - etiqueta; cortesia; civilidade; boa educação; respeito. OMONZURU - respeitar; ter muita consideração; apreciar; estimar; venerar; honrar. KEKKI - impetuosidade; arrebatamento; violência. YU - vigor; coragem. IMASHIMURU - repreender; proibir; reprimir; conter. KOTO - sufixo que transforma a expressão em uma ordem.NI - para. NO - de; do; da. O (WO) - indica objeto direto.About, About Yelp, Yelp Blog,Press, Investor Relations, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Help, FAQ, Advertise, Content Guidelines, Contact Yelp, Business Support, Developers, More,Careers, Yelp Mobile, The Weekly Yelp, Yelp Apparel, RSS, Top Searches, Countries,Australia,Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,Norway,Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Language,English Dansk (Danmark) Deutsch (Deutschland) Deutsch (Schweiz) Deutsch (Österreich) English (Australia) English (Belgium) English (Canada) English (Republic of Ireland) English (Switzerland) English (United Kingdom) English (United States)Español (España) Suomi (Suomi) Français (Belgique) Français (Canada) Français (France) Français (Suisse) Italiano (Italia) Italiano (Svizzera) Norsk Bokmål (Norge) Nederlands (België) Nederlands (Nederland) Svenska (Finland) Svenska (Sverige),I had been to TeAshi before for a pedicure and had a good experience. This time, though, it was really bad. My friend and I decided to go in but we were definitely running late. We felt bad, but they weren't that busy. When we walked in, I said that we had an appointment. Then one of the manicurists said "your appointment?" and then eyed the clock behind her very obviously. If they were really busy and could no longer honor the appointment, that would have been completely fine. But if they're going to take us, don't give us the attitude. Next, the pedicure. Overall, not a terrible experience until the pedicurist cut my toe! She apologized, and it seemed like she definitely felt bad. But I still have a painful toe. When we were getting ready to pay, I noticed a sign that said cash tips only. My friend asked me about tip and I said that I thought it was cash tips only, but just to be sure, she asked the manicurist. Better to ask than not, right? She gave my friend grief about it. With attitude, she goes "your friend just told you cash tips only." All she needed to do was respond to the question. Attitude was definitely not necessary. Needless to say, I will not be going back.Te & Ashi Spa, 86 reviews Rating Details Categories: Beauty and Spas Nail Salons Beauty and Spas Day Spas Nail Salons, Day Spas [Edit] Ashi Ashi Boley Tumi -Thakur New York - York College- Sargam Band ... Upgrade to the latest Flash ... 363 Primrose Rd Burlingame, CA 94010, (650) 401-6899, Add Photos Hours:Tue-Sat 10 am - 7 pm,Sun 10 am - 6 pm, Price Range:$$,Accepts Credit Cards:Yes,By Appointment Only:No,Wheelchair Accessible:Yes, First to Review Muncia S. Edit Business Info, Send to Friend Bookmark Send to Phone Write a Review, Yelp Ad Dermalounge, 37 reviews, About This Business: At Dermalounge, we believe that beautiful skin begins with education. Your visit with us begins with a complimentary consultation with our skin health… read more » 86 reviews for Te & Ashi Spa Reviews Matching: Search Reviews Sort by: Yelp Sort | Date | Rating | Elites' | Facebook Friends,' Facebook Friends,From Reviewers You're Following,Reviews from Your Friends, 85 reviews in English, Review from Erica E. Elite '12 99 friends122 reviewsErica E. Menlo Park, CA, 2/12/2012 1 Check-in Here ROTD 5/25/2012 For a spa place in Burlingame, this is about as good as it gets for a girl with my budget. The wonderful ladies were friendly and pleasant. The colors were fantastic!!!! They have Shelac and Gelish- totally doing that next time. They also have OPI, SpaRitual, Chanel and other great lines. The prices are AWESOME!! Spa pedicure with hot stone massage, exfoliating scrub and the works for only $25. Manicure w/o hot stone, but still fantastic for $15. I'll report back on how long the polish lasts, but as a self-proclaimed "nail expert" I know that they took the time to make sure that it was done right, with no scratches, cuts or polish on my skin! Was this review …?seful (4) Funny Cool (3) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Irma R. 30 friends218 reviewsIrma R. San Francisco, CA, 12/22/2011 I came here at 10 am rushing for a mani.... they were able to fit me right in. I don't know the name of the girl who helped me but she did a good job. It's the first time i came here. It was nice and peaceful inside, not loud like other places. She was able to do my mani in the "free" time I had and told me that if i messed them up to come back and she'd fix them for me. It was $15.00 I had no cash and on the cc receipt they don't give you a line for tip. I'll probably come back to see how the pedis are. The only con I have is that it was really cold in there. Maybe they don't have a heater? But over all i liked it. Was this review …?Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Selena M. 0 friends2 reviewsSelena M. Burlingame, CA, 6/18/2012 I've been going to Te and Ashi for 2 years and i think it is the best nail salon I've ever been to! The shop is very clean and organized. They're massage chairs actually give you a relaxing massage unlike all the others which just pinch your back. They have a variety of nail polish that you can pick from. The workers were very professional and very welcoming. They don't talk in another language the entire time. I hate that so much because i always feel like they are gossiping about me. The location is great. The prices are also very reasonable. You always get what you paid for. The salon's environment is very calming and relaxing. They always keep the store clean and smelling good instead of the nail polish remover smell. Te and Ashi also plays music in the back ground which helps relax a person ever more. The employees are very thoughtful of their customers and always makes sure their customer is comfortable with whatever is being done with them. I don't understand why there are some ridiculous reviews for Te and Ashi because this place is nothing but PERFECT. If they can't squeeze you in, then it's not their fault. If you think they have an attitude, then you might want to recheck because YOU might be the one with the attitude. I would highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a place to relax with friends. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Jean B. 0 friends1 reviewJean B. Burlingame, CA, 4/8/2012 My daughter and I tried this nail spa for the first time last week, and it is fantastic. Everyone who works there is extremely professional and very friendly. Most importantly, the results are great. The polish lasted very well and there were many to choose from. We both tried Shelac for the first time and are hooked. We will definitely be regulars at Te & Ashi from now on. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Kylie C. 5 friends36 reviewsKylie C. San Francisco, CA, 5/18/2012 Horrific attitude! I literally walked out 5 min after they started my manicure. The rudeness started as soon as I walked in. While picking a color as instructed, I looked around for someone to ask a color related question. The rude woman started by looking at me with her eyebrows raised in silence from across the room even though she wasn't doing anything (I felt uncomfortable yelling across the room to ask her) like I was an idiot. When I got in the chair, she was just radiating annoyance. She started by dipping my right hand in a bowl of water for about 10 seconds took it out and started on my cuticles. She told me to put my left hand in. I did. It sat in there in the bowl for about 5 min before I pulled it out to respond to a text. I put it back in. Took it back out...they the woman snaps "can u put ur hand back in the water so I can cut ur cuticles." I responded "u didn't need my other hand in the water before u started on it" she says "that's cause I put cuticle oil on it" n gestures toward a bottle she had taken all of 3.5 seconds to dab on each finger. Really?! Did I miss something?! She just had a funky attitude. She says "fine u don't have to put ur hand in the water if u don't want" with a nasty tone. EHW!!! What the?! I don't pay $85 to get a mani/pedi and be treated like a pain in some bleeps bleep! I said you know what, that's fine, I'm gonna go. It ended with her yelling at me as I got up, "Don't you fall in here!!" Was this review …? Useful Funny (1) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Nika B. 21 friends1 reviewNika B. Burlingame, CA, 8/15/2011 I'd like to know what some reviewers mean by "it's your typical Vietnamese nail salon", that seems a little narrow minded, no? Also, if you're going to be erratic about your appointments, you really have no reason to complain. If you can't get your poop together, why should you expect anyone else to, business or not. More importantly, don't ever assume people are talking about you, in Vietnamese or any other language. You're not that important. Mai and her team at TeAshi are the best at what they do. I've been following Mai at her various locations for over 10 years and there's a reason for that. Not only are they great at doing manicures and pedicures but they also try to make you feel at home in their place of business. They remember your name, they ask you about your family, they remember how you like your nails done and you're not just another customer to them. They value you as a customer and they really do take care of you. I wouldn't dream of going anywhere else to get my nails done and every penny is worth it. They do get busy, so make an appointment, it's worth it. Was this review …?Useful (2) Funny (1) Cool (3) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Mashimaro M. 10 friends184 reviewsMashimaro M. San Francisco, CA, 9/16/2011 1 Check-in Here Some people had raving reviews about this place but it just didn't grab me as I had hoped it would. The lady seemed to be working very meticulously but since my trip there my cuticles had been stripping and peeling, which has never happened elsewhere. Argh. The thing that irritated me the most is that you have to tip CASH ONLY. What the... Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Anna D. Elite '12 236 friends381 reviewsAnna D. San Francisco, CA 7/22/2011 1 Check-in Here Impressed with the shellac mani in that it keeps shiny and doesn't chip for an extended amount of time. However, I opted for a french mani and the white tips, though impressively done free-handed and thin just how I like, didn't look so fresh. It looks like the white nail polish they used was old and thick causing the tips to clump and appeared to have these ridges. From afar it looks like a great french mani, but when I look up close, it's not as impressive as I thought. The girls in the salon are pleasant, friendly, and keep conversation. The one gal in the salon that did my eyebrow wax and mani was really outgoing and funny. I mistook her for the owner, which she says many customers do. Prior to her, another girl prepped my nails for the mani. She was pleasantly friendly as well. But, she cut me. Normally I'm not so sensitive to this but she cut me to the point that it stung. She was rushing the prep which probably caused the cut. Overall, it's a nicely kept salon. Very cute and professional for a small space. I'd maybe come back for a shellac if I was going on a vacation and needed a mani that was long lasting. But I definitely am going to have to take off two stars for the rush job, the less than perfect french mani, and the boo boo. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from sophia l. 138 friends67 reviewssophia l. Daly City, CA 8/13/2011 2 Check-ins Here This was the second time I came in for a mani/pedi. It's preferable to make an appt. at least a week in advance to get the time you want. The manicurists were all welcoming & friendly. They spent about an hour on me. I loved the exfoliating scrub and massage on my legs and feet. They used a warm rock that felt really good. Unfortunately, the polish application just wasn't up to par this time. My entire nails were not covered with polish, and the polish on my toes were very thin. I had to add another coat at home :( Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Oriana C. Elite '12 264 friends288 reviewsOriana C. San Mateo, CA 7/16/2011 1 Check-in Here I rarely get my nails did now that I live in Nor Cal - so when I saw a deal on groupon ...Scored! The Decor is super cute and very "zen" like. They have Chanel Nail Polish. No Gossiping. Hot stones/towels. Clean. No Rush. I will def. come back!! Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Naho M. 2 friends3 reviewsNaho M. San Francisco, CA 8/6/2011 Love, love, love this place! I have been a regular here (for gel/acrylics and pedi) for a couple of months now and plan to stay so. I have gone through so many nail salons in CA in the last 10 years, in SD, LA, SF, Sacramento, all over the Peninsula.... And finally! I found the one. In regards to some of the poor reviews here, I wonder if these are the same ladies I've seen walk in, demand service condescendingly, and stomp out after having gotten the same exact service as the person right next to them. I agree credit should certainly not be given to where credit is not due but I hardly believe this place is deserving of such negative feedback. If anyone posted these horrible reviews in hopes to cash in, I insist you take my sincere advice and find a real job. (Hint hint ladies, the salon owners know very well who you are.) Te & Ashi is a standout because it meets everything I look for in a nail salon: The place and equipments are clean. Everyone is professional, friendly, and qualified. My favorites are the owner and Mai. They are skilled, detail-oriented, and to top if off, super kind. Trust me, you will walk out of this place feeling relaxed and content with fabulous nails. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Patricia Y. 39 friends84 reviewsPatricia Y. San Francisco, CA 2/22/2011 If there was a way for me to give 0 stars, I would for this place. I am completely perplexed as to why they received a 4.5 star rating on Yelp. This is your typical Vietnamese nail salon, only it looks nicer and therefore they are able to charge you more for their services. The reason I came here was because I purchased a Groupon for a mani and pedi. I scheduled an appointment beforehand, and they were able to seat me in a timely manner. It was a standard pedi, however the water was only lukewarm and I had to ask the ladies to put in hotter water. I got my pedicure last Thursday, and 5 days later, the polish is already starting to chip. I noticed they offered Shellac, so I opted to get that for my nails for an additional $15. Typically with Shellac, the polish is supposed to last at least 2 weeks. Mine didn't even last 1 week. Within a few days, the polish started to chip and peel away from my nail bed. When the lady was applying the polish, I noticed she missed several spots, and kept putting on more base + top coat, which may have led to the quick peeling. On top of that, she failed to cut my cuticles and cut my nails square, when I requested them be round. She had to go back several times to fix mistakes and redo things over again because she did not do it the first time. When she rounded my nails, she did not file them evenly resulting in an uneven shape. Needless to say, I did not leave a tip. The main lady (I assume owner or manager), could tell I was not happy and when I started to leave without paying a tip, she proceeded to give me a 50% off coupon. Even with that incentive, I will not be visiting this salon again. It is small, cramped, slow, and lacks quality nail ladies. Be forewarned. EDIT 2/26/11 -- ALL of the Shellac from my nails peeled off by 2/23, a mere SIX DAYS after I had them painted. So disappointing. I am never coming to this hell hole again. Listed in: so fresh and so clean Was this review …? Useful (3) Funny (9) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Jean T. 15 friends77 reviewsJean T. San Francisco, CA 5/20/2011 This is a small tiny nail salon. They provide really good wax for waxing and you don't usually see in other salons. However, the host here is really pushy. She asked me did I leave review on Yelp and also I can tell all the girls working here have pressure from her. A simple conversation will be great but not to be pushy. Was this review …? Useful Funny (2) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Pari G. 11 friends11 reviewsPari G. South San Francisco, CA 5/7/2011 I LOVE this spot! As a new mom and recent law school grad, I rarely had the time to get my nails done. My study buddy and I wanted to treat ourselves to some pampering. Mai greeted us with a huge smile and playful demeanor. Immediately we felt welcomed. SHe treated us like long time friends! We were sat down and pampered with no delay. The women skillfully treated my hands and feet, on top of giving luxurious massages with hot stones, after a luscious rub which lifted the dreariness and exhaustion from every day life. After 3 months of no spoiling myself, I returned to Te & Ashi. Mai remembered me immediately! I was pleasantly surprised as I am sure she meets a ton of people every day. Again, I was pampered to the fullest with percise expertise and utmost professionalism. I definitely would suggest all to visit this joint. They truly know how to treat a girl (or guy). Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from The Y. 0 friends33 reviewsThe Y. San Mateo, CA 7/13/2011 Went here with a Groupon- for mani-pedi. Very friendly, pleasant service, and a great mani-pedi. It felt totally unrushed. Cosy and pleasant atmosphere. What's not to like! Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Doreen H. 25 friends108 reviewsDoreen H. Burlingame, CA 4/12/2011 Do you like to be reminded every 5 minutes how crappy your cuticles look? Do you like to have your cuticles cut until you bleed, and when you point it out to her, to have her say, "oh, I thought they were like this when you came in?" (uh, no, I wasn't bleeding. See how the blood dropletS are pooling? See how you're wielding your cuticle scissors? Hmm...) If so, this is your place! Facilities were fine. I just didn't like the service. (oh yeah, bleeding cuticles also don't make me happy, but whatev.) Shellac lasted about a week, so I was fine with that. Good thing I purchased a Groupon, and will never be coming back. Was this review …? Useful Funny (4) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from ANGELA B. 42 friends118 reviewsANGELA B. San Mateo, CA 1/19/2011 1 Check-in Here I have no choice but to wait a few days after a pedicure to yelp because I want to make sure my toe nails don't start chipping & such. o, I purchased the GROUPON the same day I got the email and I made sure to forward it off to a friend. We both purchased it and waited until it was ready to be printed to make an appointment for Saturday afternoon. We go in, its a tad small but very comfortable. Not a squished in kind of feeling just an intimate feeling of being surrounded by numerous hard working ladies & one gentleman. We pick out our colors and they have a few good ones, even Chanel colors. We get to sit down and get started for our pedicure, the water is perfect not too hot not too cold, they start out like any other pedi and they make sure to do what you ask of them (me specifically, I need them to pick at my ingrown, yeah gross but shut up) anyway, the moment prior to the massage they give you an orange wash type thing, with half and orange no joke squeezed all over your toes and rubbed into your legs. It was very different but it felt really nice. Anyway, the massage was great the polish was put on quite well and the woman that helped both myself & Nicole were very attentive and were bringing us tea (citrus is the bomb) and making sure we were comfortable. Ohhh & even better upon leaving we were offered a coupon for our next trip, I will say I am going to be giving the fancy pedi's a try next time, maybe the lavender... mmm I cant wait! Thank you Te & Ashi Spa for a great experience! We will be back! Was this review …? seful (1) Funny (2) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Irina K. 67 friends39 reviewsIrina K. Santa Clara, CA 2/13/2011 1 photo 1 Check-in Here The overall place is a little small but is very clean and tidy. There are only 3 massage chairs, cashier table, drying station for 2 people and 2 tables for manicures. Staff is very patient, careful, happy and friendly. It does look like this place is fairly new, but overall it looks like a little spa getaway. I also liked that they have a small fountain at the entrance, makes it soothing :) and having OPI is definitely a plus :) I got a Groupon for Mani- Pedi and it was worth every penny and more. Definitely coming back!!!!!!! Was this review …? Useful (2) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Esther A. Elite '12 310 friends669 reviewsEsther A. San Francisco, CA 2/4/2011 I don't usually get my nails done at the salon anymore as I've been on the new nail polish sheets that adheres to your nails (lasts about two weeks and NO dry time) but I got a deal from Groupon that was too good to pass up. I went with a friend and we were ready to get pampered and relax for about an hour. We had reservations but they seemed a bit overwhelmed when we arrived as I'm sure their appointment book was packed due to the Groupon promotion. This salon is tiny and only have three pedi chairs and three stations to do nails. They asked us to pick out a nail color while they finished up on one of the other patrons. I was surprised to find they had a selection of Chanel colors. They were about to have a lady get on the chair to soak her toes but WE had the reservation so they had to do her mani at the table first before she had her pedi on the chairs. I loved the leg massage and the hot stone. It was so relaxing that I almost fell asleep right on the chair. Like all the salons, some girls are chatty and some aren't. I find complete silence a bit awkward but I'm sure some people prefer it. I walked out relaxed with pretty toes and nails and a 50% off services coupon, which in itself is like another Groupon promotion. I'd definitely drive all the way out here from the city for this type of pampering again. Was this review …? Useful (2) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from AK S. 4 friends43 reviewsAK S. San Francisco, CA Updated - 11/8/2010 Went back for a Mani/Pedi with no appointment. Walk-in - no problem I was in and out in an hour (and I had a lot of cuticle!). This is the first time I went during a peak period and even though they were perhaps quicker than in the past, the service was not rushed. My feet (5 days later) still feel soft and tingly. The most surprising? - My manicure has not chipped at all and I had my hands soaking in a TON of water this weekend. It's officially my favorite place ever for Mani/Pedi and the price is right. Was this review …? Useful (3) Funny Cool (1) 2 Previous Reviews: Show all » 7/28/2010 Back for another visit - even better then the last. The chairs ARE massage chairs, they recognized me… Read more » Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Areena M. 8 friends164 reviewsAreena M. Belmont, CA 1/29/2011 I got a great deal from Groupon, so I can't really complain too much. For my $22 plus $5 tip, I got a decent mani/pedi (although I had to fix the polish on one nail right after I got home--didn't notice the error at the spa). If I had paid their usual $45, this would be a 2-star rating. Pros: Very clean, nice massage, and they didn't seem to mind using my polish & topcoat at my request. Cons: Water for the pedi was cold (girl didn't ask me about temp; I had to ask her to warm it up), one of my nails is filed at an odd angle, there was no conversation during the hour I was there--just had the 2 ladies working in near silence, they didn't catch all the polish on my skin--I had to point it out, and my pet peeve--having my mani done while I'm sitting in the pedi chair (means I have to reach one arm across my body for the woman to work and I don't get to relax my arms during the whole affair). Overall, it wasn't a bad job but it wasn't great. If I lived nearby and I got another coupon, I might go back, but I don't foresee returning otherwise. Was this review …? Useful Funny (1) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Ace M. 63 friends17 reviewsAce M. Daly City, CA 4/27/2011 Came here with a friend & my daughter (4y/o) to get our nails done. Three very patient & pleasant woman. Other nail places they're always talking and laughing about something between themselves. This place was very professional & quiet and very very clean. They took their time on our nails and they were very gentle too. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Alicia C. 2 friends11 reviewsAlicia C. San Carlos, CA 7/13/2011 I came here on a groupon that my husband gave me. I tried for the first time ever a shellac manicure and I am hooked. The shellac stayed on for more than two weeks. I only took it off because my nails were growing and it was starting to look like a french manicure. I was not so happy with the pedicure. It looked just "ok." Now, that I have tried the shellac manicure at two different locations, I liked the shellac manicure better here. Although, I need to find a place that will do a good job on both my hands and feet. So the hunt will go on. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Vindy C. 65 friends60 reviewsVindy C. South San Francisco, CA 1/21/2011 I've been to my fair share of nail salons and this place is one of the cleaner and friendlier ones I've been to. I brought my mom and sister her for a little treat since Groupon was having such a great bargain on their mani/pedi package.... simply couldn't resist a little pampering. Before entering the salon, I didn't know what to expect since it was our first visit. Upon entering, I remember my first thought being "This place is tiny" =oP They had 2 manicure stations and 3 spa chairs. But as the old saying goes... never judge a book by its cover. Being that we had an appointment, they got started on us immediately. The environment was comfortable and the staff was friendly. Not once did we feel rushed and it turned out to be a very relaxing evening. I truly enjoyed my mani/pedi and so did my mom and sister. And even though the salon was small compared to othere places I've been to, it didn't feel cramped at all. The next time I visit, I think I'll have to try the Shellac nails. By the sound of it from the other clients, people seem to enjoy it. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from C. T. 5 friends64 reviewsC. T. San Francisco, CA 2/24/2011 Purchased a groupon and had my mani and pedi. They were really friendly and nice, and there were no loud talking in Vietnamese, which I also liked. They offered me a drink, which was good. Now on the details...the lady that did my feet spent around 45 minutes just prepping it for the pedi! i was so impressed because I figured I wouldn't get that great of a service because I used a groupon. However, it did hurt when she was picking at my ingrowns but luckily I didn't bleed. My feet and hands look really well. I would definitely go back if they had a groupon special again. I don't want to pay $45 when I can pay less somewhere else, since I don't always get my nails done. However, I did not get a 50% off coupon when i left as some reviewers have mentioned. =( Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Xenia M. 0 friends3 reviewsXenia M. Burlingame, CA 5/28/2011 I have been going to Mai for my eyebrows and pedicures for years. She is AMAZING and has a huge following. I have been going to her since her Pinkies days!! She is an eyebrow/waxing genius, ALWAYS does a great job and knows her craft so well, that she knows if I have been cheating on her;-) HA HA! I love Te and Ashi Spa, the atmosphere is calm and relaxing and the location is great. I LOVE LOVE LOVE, that they offer nail polish that is Toluene, Formaldehyde and DPB free!!! I get pedicures there all the time and they always look great and last a long time. Mai treats her clients like family. I even got a gift when my daughter was born!! Great place!!! Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Carla S. 10 friends40 reviewsCarla S. Burlingame, CA 1/14/2011 Totally digging this place for many reasons. I bought the groupon as soon as it came on today (literally, at 12:01) and when my gf called to make us appointments, (around 1pm) they said they could take us today as long as we were able to print out the coupon. We made our appointment for 30 minutes later and they were ready for us when we went in. It's a small place, so an appointment is basically necessary on a Friday (and definitely for the groupon!). My (Mai?) did my nails and was fantastic. We both will be back. No doubt. I still can't get over how great my feet feel. She worked hard at getting my "runner feet" callouses off and did an amazing job. Oh, they have a great selection of polish to choose from. And "green" which is nice to see. My partner usually brings her own in, but she actually used theirs today, which is a first! Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from N C. 3 friends48 reviewsN C. Burlingame, CA 8/2/2010 I usually go to SF for pedicures cuz they're cheaper and they do a good job, but I've been looking for a place closer to home and I think I found it! Got a gift card and a recommendation from my cousin about this place. She had had bad pedicures in the past where she got infections in addition to her nails done. She really liked this place and highly recommended it. I called and made an appointment an hour before, and luckily enough, they had time. I thought they did a really good job and even though it's pricier than the average place, they really do a lot more. I got a standard pedicure, but it came with an exfoliating leg and foot scrub where they used some kind of lavender colored salt scrub and then squeezed some fresh orange juice on it. After that, they massaged in the lotion for a good 5 mins. each leg and then used a warmed rock as part of the massage. It was very relaxing. I had just cut my own toe nails the day before and I like to cut them short. Usually when I go in for a pedicure at other places they always tell me my I cut my nails too short and then they don't try very hard to file or cut the cuticles but at Te & Ashi, they spend a good amount of time and effort on the basics. I appreciated the fact that she neither blamed or complained to me that I cut my nails too short and still tried to do her best. The place was very clean, all their tools are wrapped in sealed bags, and the ambiance is nice and calming. I thought the staff was very calm, composed and professional, despite some customers rude attitudes towards them. Was this review …? Useful (5) Funny Cool (3) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Q L. 14 friends105 reviewsQ L. San Francisco, CA 6/18/2010 I went here once for a pedicure, and I'm at a loss at all the 5 star reviews. I had to show the woman doing my pedicure that she missed removing old nailpolish on multiple toes. The filing was uneven. And when the owner/manager (I'm not sure if she was, but obviously a superior), heard me telling this to the nail tech, she started berating the tech right in front of me, I couldn't believe it and decided I would not make any more comments on the lackluster job. I had picked out Zoya polish (which I've had before) but in this application the nails had bubbles and the polish ended up smuding even though I waited 4 hours to wear shoes, and peeled off on some toes. If I were you, I'd try across the street at Universe instead. UPDATE: Wow, since writing my HONEST review, I've received "compliments" from "Ronda C.San Mateo, CA" telling me I should give the place another try and the person was "let go due to poor performance" I was also sent a message from I'm assuming the owner telling me as well to give the place another try and the worker was let go. I find this all very interesting since in my review (as you can read) I never mentioned the exact day or name of the person who gave me a pedicure. The only way I would try this place again is if they had new management. It was the supervisor/manager's response...her berating of her employee in front of customers which I cannot stomach, and here I am getting mulitple messages that this person was fired. Wow. Really. I won't be surprised if the owner/manager gets my honest review deleted, and I seriously question the validity of these other 5 star reviews if the response by this business is to start harassing people who write less than perfect reviews. Was this review …? Useful (7) Funny (8) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Shirley C. 0 friends4 reviewsShirley C. Millbrae, CA 7/12/2011 I would give them zero stars if it was possible because it was a very unpleasant experience. When I walked in at 10:55am today, the owner asked if we had an appointment. When I said yes, she said she didn't have any appointments for me and asked when I called. I said I called over the weekend and she again said she didn't have any appointments. I told her I called her three times over the weekend and had to prove to her from my iPhone log that I called 3 times to their phone number on Saturday. I told her that it was confusing because I made an appointment the first time for 11am on Tuesday then called back and changed it to 6pm on Thursday and called again to change it back to 11am on Tuesday. This was all within 10 minutes when I found out that my daughter couldn't make the 6pm timeframe. I understand that this could be confusing and she could have inadvertently not put our names down the third time; however, what was unpleasant was how rude she treated us and grilled us on when we made the appointment. Everyone at the shop was staring at us as if we tried to crash a party. I really think as an owner of the establishment, she didn't have to be rude. To make it even more uncomfortable, she immediately said something in Vietnamese to her staff and we were rushed through the process. We really only got to dip our feet in the water because it was pulled out to start the pedicure immediately. We did not feel relaxed and felt the tension in the air throughout our manicure and pedicure. During our pedicure, the owner was talking to one of her repeat customers. I can tell from her mumbling that she was talking about us and our situation, which I don't think is appropriate. When we were drying our hands, she came up to us as wanted to make sure that her appointment book was correct so she asked me the times of the appointments I made so she can erase the future one. When she asked for my name and phone number again and looked through her book, she finally said she can see my name and number erased for Tuesday at 11am. She didn't apologize for being rude or for making the mistake and didn't acknowledge she got three calls from me. When it came time to pay, I asked the owner if she wanted me to give the tips to her to give to her staff or if I should hand it to her staff myself. She said to do whatever I felt comfortable with. Therefore, I told her she can give it to her staff for me. When I gave her two $5 bills, she immediately told me I should give it to them myself. I'm not sure why she changed her mind but maybe the $5 tip was too low. I read in prior Yelp reviews that was the amount given so I followed it and thought $5 was good enough considering the unpleasant experience. Maybe it wasn't and she felt offended by it because she certainly made me feel like I was cheap. To top it all off, both of our manicures and pedicures weren't great. I used my Groupon to try out new vendors but this is definitely one vendor I would never go back to. Was this review …? Useful (2) Funny (2) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from AJ S. 3 friends113 reviewsAJ S. San Diego, CA,9/7/2009 LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PLACE,I went for a bikini wax and it has to be one of the best I have had in a long time. The place is spotless clean and Te is just as sweet as can be. Looking forward to booking a mani & pedi, Was this review …? Useful (4) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Steven K. 64 friends11 reviewsSteven K. San Francisco, CA, 10/15/2011 Fast and efficient service! Provides eye brow waxing service also. Ask for the owner, 'Mai' she's very nice and easy to talk to and express your desired look. Was this review …? Useful, Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Christy L. Elite '12 223 friends572 reviewsChristy L. San Francisco, CA, Updated - 6/19/2010 3 Check-ins Here Back for another fab mani and pedi. I love My and her staff! They made me feel relaxed and at home and they never rush.I was sad to see the one star review :( I know I have only received the best quality and care when I've been and have no complaints. My works hard to please her customers! My has also been doing my brows and is helping me whip them back into shape!Thanks again My - I am looking forward to my next visit :)Was this review …?seful (2) Funny Cool (1) 1 Previous Review: Show all »6/14/2010, I am so happy that I found Te & Ashi Spa! My and her ladies made me feel pampered and at home. My spa… Read more » Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from katya t. 4 friends16 reviewskatya t. Burlingame, CA, 10/18/2010 I found this place about a year ago (when it opened I guess). I used to always get my nails done SF but since I work down south now this is closer. I have tried other nails places in Burlingame (because that's where I live) and I'm sorry to say that they all suck. This place is really great though, I get a mani/pedi here every two weeks, which is how long they last (definite plus!) , and I love that they also have natural (non-toxic) nail polish brands like Spiritual and Zoya. Once you get to know the girls they treat you like family and thats really great. They always give their honest opinion (if you ask for it) about what color looks good, etc. They also do really good eyebrow waxing and shaping. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Lina S. 0 friends29 reviewsLina S. San Francisco, CA, 9/15/2011 I went to this place because I bought Groupon and read good reviews. I do not understand the good reviews. Avoid this business. This place does a horrible job of mani-pedi. First of all, they do not listen when they are told "not to cut cuticles" I like my cuticles pushed and only gently cut the end piece to clean off, but do not like cutting it all the way around. Quick rundown:1. Rude! Especially, girl named May. Bad attitude and unpleasant personality.2. Their polish do not last and they do not listen to your request. 3. Massage chair isn't worth sitting in. Very weak massage. 4. The bathroom was out of order! 5. They do not give very good massage during the service. 6. Spa water is lukewarm and very unpleasant to soak your feet in. The first time I went to this place, they told me to come 30 min. later. I accommodated them. I went there 35 min. later. So, I waited 30 min. for them but I was 5 min. late. They gave me attitude from the start for this even though I accommodated them in the first place. The girl in charge (I am not sure if she is the manager) May, is awful. She is full of attitude and just plain rude. Very unpleasant. When you ask something, she cut you off and act like she already knows what you are about to say. And, of course they never quite get what you want and just do whatever they want to like cutting my cuticles all the way around. The mani-pedi polish did not last even a few days and they started to flake and peel off. My cuticles looked awful after a day. They give half-witted massage and their spa water is never hot enough to feel good to soak your feet in it. I received terrible service the first time I used groupon here. Although I wasn't happy with their service, I had to use the coupon I purchased so I scheduled a service for which I had to reschedule my appointment that was for July. When I called them to inquire about the expiring coupon (it was to expire on July 17 and I wanted to know if they will still honor it), they told me I can still use it when I come back in the later time. They did not mention any stipulation. When I went today to redeem the coupon, they insisted that I pay extra $23 for mani-pedi because the coupon expired even though that is not what they told me on the phone. They were very rude and said either I pay it or they will call the police. I reluctantly paid to avoid further argument and embarrassment. Again, I was unhappy with overall quality of the service I received. They basically treat Groupon customers terribly. They like to sell it to raise money but do not like it when customers come to redeem coupons. Hours: Monday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Tuesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Wednesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, more...Monday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Tuesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Wednesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Friday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Categories: Day Spas, Nail Care, Payment: Visa, MasterCard, Debit Cards, Specialities: Spa Parties are offered by reservation. Brands: Select from one of our many Toluene, Formaldehyde and DPB free nail polishes! Products and Services: Te and Ashi Spa offers an extensive selection of spa treatments for your face, hands, feet more...Te and Ashi Spa offers an extensive selection of spa treatments for your face, hands, feet and body. Other Contact Info: Email: teandashispa@yahoo.com, Edit business details, nota: Informações sobre o significado do Dojo Kun foram publicadas na, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):Encontre aqui academia de ginástica, natação e musculação, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):SEARC UNIDAD STADES_Estados Unidos da América - EUA,Informações sobre os Estados Unidos, bandeira dos Estados Unidos, cultura norte-americana, mapa dos Estados Unidos, consulado dos Estados Unidos, tudo sobre a Estados Unidos, geografia, economia, administração e cultura, cidades e estados dos Estados Unidos Alabama – Montgomery, Alasca – Juneau, Arizona – Phoenix, Arkansas – Little Rock, Califórnia – Sacramento, Carolina do Norte – Raleigh, Carolina do Sul – Columbia, Colorado – Denver, Connecticut – Hartford, Dakota do Norte – Bismarck, Dakota do Sul – Pierre, Delaware – Dover, Flórida – Tallahassee, Geórgia – Atlanta, Havaí – Honolulu, Idaho – Boise, Illinois – Springfield, Indiana – Indianápolis, Iowa – Dês Moines, Kansas – Topeka, Kentucky – Frankfort, Luisiana – Baton Rouge, Maine – Augusta, Maryland – Annapolis Massachusetts – Boston, Michigan – Lansing, Minnesota – Saint Paul, Mississippi – Jackson, Missouri – Jefferson City, Montana – Helena, Nebraska – Lincoln, Nevada – Carson City, New Hampshire – Concord, Nova York – Albany, Nova Jersey – Trenton, Novo México – Santa Fé, Ohio – Columbus, Oklahoma – Oklahoma City, Oregon – Salem, Pensilvânia – Harrisburg, Rhode Island – Providence, Tennessee – Nashville, Texas – Austin, Utah – Salt Lake City, Vermont – Montpellier, Virgínia – Richmond, Virgínia Ocidental – Charleston, Washington – Olympia, Wisconsin – Madison, Wyoming – Cheyenne, Estados, Alabama, Alasca, Arizona, Arkansas, Califórnia, Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota do Norte, Dakota do Sul, Delaware, Flórida, Geórgia, Havaí, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Nova Hampshire, Nova Iorque, Nova Jérsei, Novo México, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pensilvânia, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgínia, Virgínia Ocidental, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Territórios e distritos, Distrito de Columbia, Guam, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Porto Rico, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Cidades com mais de 100 mil habitantes, Alasca, Juneau Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Alasca, Anchorage, Barrow, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau - capital, Ketchikan, Nome, Seward, Sitka, Valdez, Arizona, Phoenix Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Arizona, Chandler, Flagstaff, Gilbert, Glendale, Marana, Mesa, Nogales, Oro Valley, Peoria, Phoenix - capital, Prescott, Sahuarita, Scottsdale, Sierra Vista, Tempe, Tucson, Yuma, Arkansas, Little Rock Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Arkansas, Bentonville, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Hope, Hot Springs, Jonesboro, Little Rock - capital, North Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Springdale, Texarkana, West Memphis, Califórnia, Sacramento Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Califórnia, Alameda, Alhambra, Anaheim, Apple Valley, Bakersfield, Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Cerritos, Chico, Chino, Chino Hills, Citrus Heights, Corona, Cypress, Daly City, Diamond Bar, Downey, Escondido, Eureka, Fairfield, Fremont, Fresno, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Glendale, Half Moon Bay, Huntington Beach, Huntington Park, Irvine, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lodi, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Merced, Modesto, Monterey, Moreno Valley, Moraga, Newport Beach, Norwalk, Oakland, Ontário, Orange, Oxnard, Palmdale, Palm Springs, Palo Alto, Paramount, Pasadena, Pomona, Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cucamonga, Redding, Redlands, Rialto, Riverside, Sacramento - capital, Salinas, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San José, San Juan Capistrano, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, San Rafael, Santa Ana, Santa Bárbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Mônica, Simi Valley, Stockton, Thousand Oaks, Tustin, Sonoma, Vallejo, Visalia, West Covina, Whittier, Carolina do Norte, Raleigh Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Carolina do Norte, Asheville, Burlington, Cary, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Concord, Durham, Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Gastonia, Greensboro, Greenville, Hickory, High Point, Jacksonville, New Bern, Raleigh - capital, Rocky Mount, Wilmington, Winston-Salem, Carolina do Sul, Columbia Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Carolina do Sul, Anderson, Charleston, Clemson, Columbia - capital, Darlington, Florence, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, Orangeburg, Spartanburg, Colorado, Denver Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Colorado, Acres Green, Aspen, Aurora, Boulder, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Denver - capital, Durango, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Lakewood, Littleton, Pueblo, Vail, Connecticut Hartford Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Connecticut Bridgeport, Greenwich, Hartford - capital, Middletown, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Norwich, Stamford, Storrs, Dakota do Norte, Bismarck Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Dakota do Norte, Bismarck - capital, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Mandan, Minot, Williston, Dakota do Sul, Pierre Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Dakota do Sul, Aberdeen, Deadwood, Pierre - capital, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Sturgis, Vermillion, Watertown, Delaware, Dover Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Delaware, Dover - capital, Elsmere, Georgetown, Milford, Newark, New Castle, Rehoboth Beach, Seaford, Wilmington, Flórida, Tallahassee Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Flórida, Boca Raton, Bradenton, Brandon, Cape Coral, Clearwater, Coral Gables, Coral Springs, Daytona Beach, Delray Beach, Deltona, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Gainesville, Hialeah, Hollywood, Jacksonville Kendall, Key West, Kissimmee, Lakeland, Melbourne, Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Gardens, North Miami, Ocala, Orlando, Palm Beach, Panama City, Pembroke Pines, Pensacola, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Port St. Lucie, Port Charlotte, Saint Augustine, São Petersburgo, Sarasota, Sunrise, Tallahassee - capital, Tampa, West Palm Beach, Geórgia, Atlanta Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Geórgia (Estados Unidos), Alpharetta, Athens, Atlanta - capital, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Dalton, Gainesville, Kennesaw, LaGrange, Macon, Marietta, Rome, Roswell, Sandy Springs, Savannah, Statesboro, Thomasville, Valdosta, Warner Robins, Waycross, Havaí, Honolulu Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Havaí, Hilo, Honolulu - capital, Kailua, Kailua-Kona, Lahaina, Lihue, Pearl City, Schofield Barracks, Wahiawa, Waipahu, Illinois, Springfield Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Illinois, Aurora, Belleville, Bloomington, Cairo, Calumet City, Carbondale, Champaign, Charleston, Chicago, Chicago Heights, Cicero, Danville, Decatur, DeKalb, East St. Louis, Evanston, Farmer City, Galesburg, Highland Park, Joliet, Kankakee, Macomb, Moline, Naperville, Normal, North Chicago, Peoria, Quincy, Rock Island, Rockford, Springfield - capital, Urbana, Waukegan, Wheaton, Indiana, Indianápolis Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Indiana, Bloomington, Elkhart, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Gary, Hammond, Indianápolis - capital, Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso, Vincennes, West Lafayette, Iowa, Des Moines Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Iowa, Ames, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines - capital, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Iowa City, Mason City, Sioux City, Waterloo, Kansas, Topeka Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Kansas, Abilene, Dodge City, Hutchinson, Kansas City, Lawrence, Liberal, Manhattan, Overland Park, Topeka - capital, Wichita, Kentucky, Frankfort Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Kentucky, Bowling Green, Covington, Danville, Florence, Frankfort - capital, Hopkinsville, Jeffersontown, Lexington, Louisville, Murray, Owensboro, Paducah, Richmond, Louisiana, Baton Rouge Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Luisiana, Alexandria, Baton Rouge - capital, Bossier City, Grambling, Hammond, Houma, Kenner, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, Monroe, Morgan City, Natchitoches, New Iberia, New Orleans, Opelousas, Ruston, Shreveport, Slidell, Thibodaux, Maine, Augusta Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Maine, Augusta - capital, Bangor, Bar Harbor, Caribou, Freeport, Kennebunk, Lewiston, Orono, Portland, Presque Isle, Maryland, Annapolis Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Maryland, Annapolis - capital, Baltimore, Bethesda, Bowie, College Park, Dundalk, Cumberland, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Hagerstown, Laurel, Ocean City Rockville (Maryland), Salisbury, Silver Spring, Towson, Waldorf, Washington, DC - capital dos Estados Unidos, Massachusetts, Boston Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Massachusetts, Agawam, Amesbur, Attleboro, Beverly, Boston - capital, Brockton, Cambridge, Chelsea, Chicopee, Easthampton, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Franklin, Gardner, Gloucester, Greenfield, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Marlborough, Medford, Melrose, Methuen, Needham, New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Adams, Northampton, Peabody, Pittsfield, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Somerville, Springfield, Taunton, Waltham, Watertown, West Springfield, Westfield, Weymouth, Woburn, Worcester, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO)Cities of Estados Unidos da América, Lista de cidades populares, New York, Las Vegas, NV, Washington, DC (311 hotéis) Miami Beach, FL (387 hotéis), Chicago, IL, Miami, FL (784 hotéis) Los Angeles, CA, BOSTON, MA, Houston, TX, Lista das cidades de Estados Unidos da América, Abbeville, AL, Abbeville, LA, Abbotsford, Abbottstown, PA, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, MD, Aberdeen, MS, Aberdeen, NC, Aberdeen, SD, Aberdeen, WA, Abilene, KS, Abilene, TX, Abingdon, Abiquiu, Absecon, Acme, Acworth, GA, Ada, Adair, Adairsville, Addison, Addison, IL, Addison, TX, Adel, Adelanto, Adrian, Afton, Agoura Hills, Aiken, Ainsworth, Airway Heights, Akron, Akron, OH, Akron, PA, Alabaster, Alachua, FL, Alameda, CA, Alamo, Alamogordo, Alamosa, Albany, Albany, GA, Albany, KY, ALBANY, MN, Albany, NY, Albany, OR, Albemarle, Albert Lea, Albertville, AL, ALBERTVILLE, MN, Albion, Albuquerque, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, Alcoa, TN, Alexander City, Alexandria, Alexandria, LA, Alexandria, MN, Alexandria, VA, Algoma, Algona, Algonquin, Alhambra, Alice, Aliso Viejo, Allegan, Allen, Allen Park, ALLEN PARK, MI, Allen, TX, Allendale, Allentown, Alliance, NE, Alliance, OH, Alma, AR, Alma, GA, Alma, MI, Alma, NE, Aloha, Alpena, Alpharetta, ALPHARETTA, GA, Alpine, Alpine, CA, Alpine, TX, Alsip, Alsip, IL, Alta, WY, Altamont, Altamonte Springs, Altamonte Springs, FL, Altavista, Alto, Alton, Altoona, IA, Altoona, PA, Alturas, Altus, Alva, Alvarado, Alvin, Amarillo, AMARILLO, TX, Amelia Court House, Amelia Island, AMELIA ISLAND, FL, American Canyon, American Fork, Americus, AMERICUS, GA, Ames, Amesbury, Amherst, Amherst, MA, Amherst, NY, Amherst, OH, Amite, Amory, Amsterdam (Amsterdão), Anacortes, Anadarko, Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, ANAHEIM, CA, Anamosa, Anchorage, ANCHORAGE, AK, Andalusia, Anderson, Anderson, CA, Anderson, IN, Anderson, MO, Anderson, SC, Andover, KS, Andover, MA, Andrews, Andrews, NC, Andrews, TX, Angel Fire, Angels Camp, Angleton, Angola, Ankeny, Ann Arbor, Anna, Annandale, Annapolis, Annapolis Junction, ANNAPOLIS, MD, Annawan, Anniston, Anoka, Anthem, AZ, Anthony, Antigo, Antimony, UT, Antioch, Antioch, CA, Antioch, IL, Antioch, TN, Antonito, CO, Apache Junction, Apalachicola, Apalachin, Apex, Apopka, Apple Valley, Appleton, Appleton, WI, Appomattox, Aptos, Aquia Harbour, Arab, Aransas Pass, Arcadia, Arcadia, CA, Arcadia, FL, Arcata, CA, Archdale, Arcola, Arden, Ardmore, Ardmore, OK, Ardmore, TN, Ardsley, Arkadelphia, ARKANSAS CITY, Arlington, Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights, IL, Arlington, MA, Arlington, TX, Arlington, VA, Arlington, VT, Arlington, WA, Armonk, NY, Arnold, CA, Arnold, MO, Arnolds park, Arroyo Grande, ARROYO GRANDE, CA, Artesia, Artesia, CA, Artesia, NM, Arvada, Asbury Park, Ascutney, VT, Ashburn, Ashburn, GA, Ashburn, VA, Asheboro, ASHEVILLE, NC, Ashford (WA), Ashland City, Ashland, KY, Ashland, NH, Ashland, OH, Ashland, OR, Ashland, VA, Ashland, WI, Ashtabula, Ashville, Aspen, Aspen, CO, Aspermont, Astoria, Astoria, NY, Astoria, OR, Atascadero, Atchison, Athens, AL, Athens, GA, Athens, OH, Athens, TN, Athens, TX, Atkins, Atlanta, GA, Atlanta, IL Atlanta, TX Atlantic, Atlantic Beach, FL, Atlantic Beach, NC, Atlantic City West, ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, Atlantic City, NJ, Atlantic Highlands, Atmore, Atoka, Attalla, Attleboro, Au Gres, Auburn, Auburn Hills, Auburn, AL, Auburn, CA, Auburn, IN, Auburn, MA, Auburn, ME, Auburn, MI, Auburn, NY, Auburn, WA, Auburndale, Audubon, Augusta, Augusta, GA, Augusta, KS, Augusta, ME, Aurora, Aurora, CO, Aurora, IL, Aurora, OH, Austell, Austin, Austin, MN, Austin, TX, Austinburg, Austintown, Ava, Avalon, Avenel, Aventura, Aventura, FL, Avila Beach, Avon, Avon Park, Avon, CO, AVON, CT, Avon, IN, Avon, MN Avon, OH Avondale, Avondale, AZ, Avondale, LA, Azle, Azusa, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Babson Park, Bad Axe, Bailey Island, Baileys Harbor, Bainbridge, Bainbridge Island, Baker City, BAKER CITY, OR, Bakersfield, BAKERSFIELD, CA, Bal Harbour, Balch Springs, Bald Head Island, Baldwin Park, Baldwin, FL, Baldwin, WI, Baldwinsville, Ballard, Baltimore, BALTIMORE, MD, Baltimore-Washington, Bandera, Bandon, Bangor, BANGOR, ME, Banner Elk, BANNER ELK, NC, Banning, Bannockburn, Bar Harbor, Bar Harbor, ME, Baraboo, Baraga, Barboursville, Bardstown, BARDSTOWN, KY, Barkeyville, Barnesville, Barnwell, Barre, Barrington, Barrow, AK, Barstow, Barstow, CA, Bartlesville, Bartlett, NH, Bartlett, TN, Bartonsville, PA, Bartow, Bartow, FL, Basalt, Basking Ridge, Bass Lake, Bastrop, LA, Bastrop, TX, Basye, Batavia, NY, Batavia, OH, Batesville, AR, Batesville, IN, Batesville, MS, Bath, ME, Bath, NY, Baton Rouge, BATON ROUGE, LA, Battle Creek, Battle Ground, Battle Mountain, Battleboro, Baudette, Baxley, Baxter, Bay City, MI, Bay City, TX, Bay Harbor, Bay Minette, BAY SAINT LOUIS, MS, Bay Shore, Bay St. Louis, Bayside, Baytown, Beach Haven Gardens, Beachwood, Beachwood, OH, Bear, Beardstown, Beatrice, Beatty, Beaufort, Beaufort, SC, Beaumont, Beaumont, CA, Beaumont, TX, Beaver Bay, MN, Beaver Creek, BEAVER CREEK, CO, Beaver Dam, KY, Beaver Dam, WI, Beaver Falls, Beaver, UT, Beaver, WV, Beaverton, Beaverton, OR, Becker, Beckley, Bedford Heights, Bedford Park, Bedford Park, IL, Bedford, IN, Bedford, MA, Bedford, NH, Bedford, PA, Bedford, TX, Bedford, VA, Beebe, Beeville, BEL AIR, Belen, Belfair, Belfast, Belgrade (Belgrado), Bell Gardens, BELL GARDENS, CA, Bella Vista, Bellaire, Belle Fourche, Belle Plaine, Belle Vernon, Bellefontaine, Bellefonte, Bellemont, Belleville, Belleville, IL, Belleville, KS, Belleville, MI, Bellevue, Bellevue, KY, Bellevue, NE, Bellevue, OH, Bellevue, WA, Bellflower, Bellingham, Bellmawr, Bellows Falls, Bells, Belmont, CA, Belmont, NC, Beloit, Beloit, KS, Beloit, WI, Belton, MO, Belton, TX, Beltsville, Belvidere, Bemidji, Ben Lomond, Benbrook, Bend, BEND, OR, Benicia, Bennettsville, Bennington, Bennington, VT, Bensalem, BENSALEM, PA, Bensenville, Benson, AZ, Benson, MN, Benson, NC, Bentleyville, BENTLEYVILLE, PA, Benton Harbor, Benton, AR, Benton, IL, Benton, KY, Bentonville, AR, Berea, Beresford, Berkeley, Berkeley Springs, Berkeley, CA, Berkeley, MO, Berlin, CT, Berlin, NH, Berlin, NJ, Berlin, OH, Berlin, VT, Berlin, WI, Bernalillo, Bernardsville, Berrien Springs, Berwick, LA, Berwyn, Bessemer, Bessemer City, Bessemer, AL, Bessemer, MI, Bethany, Bethany Beach, Bethany, MO, Bethany, OK, Bethel, AK, Bethel, CT, Bethel, ME, Bethel, PA, Bethesda, BETHESDA, MD, Bethlehem, NH, Bethlehem, PA, Bethpage, Bettendorf, Beulah, MI, Beulah, ND, Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, CA, Beverly, MA, Bicknell, Biddeford, Big Bear, Big Bear Lake, CA, Big Bend National Park (TX), Big Island, HI, Big Rapids, BIG SKY, MT, Big Springs, TX, Big Stone Gap, Big Sur, Big Sur, CA, Big Timber, Bigfork, Bill, Billerica, BILLERICA, MA, Billings, Billings, MT, Biloxi, Biloxi, MS, Bingham, Binghampton, Birch Run, Bird in Hand, Birmingham, AL, Birmingham, MI, Bisbee, Biscoe, Bishop, Bishop, CA, Bishop, TX, Bishopville, Bismarck, ND, Biwabik, Black Hawk, Black Mountain, Black River Falls, Blackduck, Blackfoot, Blacksburg, Blackshear, GA, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blaine, MN, Blaine, WA, Blair, Blairsville, GA, Blairsville, PA, Blakely, Blakeslee, Blanco, TX, Blanding, Block Island, Bloomfield, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Bloomingdale, Bloomingdale, IL, Bloomington, IL, Bloomington, IN, Bloomington, MN, Bloomsburg, Blowing Rock, Blue Ash, OH, Blue Bell, Blue Earth, Blue Ridge, Blue Springs, BLUE SPRINGS, MO, Bluefield, VA, Bluefield, WV, Bluff Point, Bluffton, IN, Bluffton, OH, Bluffton, SC, Blythe, Blytheville, Blythewood, Boardman, OH, Boardman, OR, Boaz, Bodega Bay, Bodega, CA, Boerne, Bohemia, Boiling Springs, Boise, Boise, ID, Bolingbrook, Bolivar, MO, Bolivar, OH, Bolton Landing, Bolton Valley, Bonham, Bonita Shores, Bonita Springs, BONITA SPRINGS, FL, Bonne Terre, Bonner Springs, Bonners Ferry, Boone, IA, Boone, NC, Booneville, Boothbay Harbor, Bordentown, Borger, Borrego Springs Bossier City BOSSIER CITY, LA Boston, BOSTON, MA, Bothell, Bottineau, Boulder, BOULDER, CO, Bountiful, Bourbonnais, Bourne, Bow, Bowie, MD, Bowie, TX, Bowling Green, FL, Bowling Green, KY, Bowling Green, MO, Bowling Green, OH, Bowman, Bowmansville, Boxborough, Boyes Hot Springs, CA, Boyne Falls, MI, Boynton Beach, FL, Bozeman, BOZEMAN, MT, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, FL (Bradenton Beach), BRADENTON, FL, Bradford, Bradley, Brady, Brainerd, Braintree, BRAINTREE, MA, Branchburg, Brandenburg, Brandon, FL, Brandon, MS, Brandon, SD, Branford, Branford, CT, Branson West, Branson West, MO, Branson, MO, Branson, MT, Brant Beach, Braselton, Brattleboro, BRATTLEBORO, VT, Brawley, Brazil (Brasil), Brea, Brea, CA, Breaux Bridge, Breckenridge, CO, Breckenridge, MN, Breckenridge, TX, Breezewood, Breinigsville, PA, Bremen, Bremerton, Brenham, Brent, Brentwood, Brentwood, CA, Brentwood, MO, Brentwood, NY, Brentwood, TN, Bretton Woods, BRETTON WOODS, NH, Brevard, NC, Brewer, ME, Brewerton, Brewster, MA, Brewton, Brian Head, Briarcliff Manor, Bridge City, TX, Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CA, Bridgeport, CT, Bridgeport, MI, Bridgeport, TX, Bridgeport, WV, Bridgeton, Bridgeton, MO, Bridgeview, Bridgeville, Bridgewater, Bridgewater, NJ, BRIGANTINE, NJ, Brigham City, Brighton, CO, Brighton, MI, Brillion, Brinkley, Brinkley, AR, Brisbane, Bristol, Bristol, CT, Bristol, PA, Bristol, RI, Bristol, TN, Bristol, VA, Brockport, Brockton, BROCKTON, MA, Brockway, CA, Broken Arrow, Broken Bow, NE, Broken Bow, OK, Bronx, Brook Park, Brookdale, Brookfield, Brookfield, CT, Brookfield, MO, Brookfield, WI, Brookhaven, Brookings, OR, Brooklawn, BROOKLINE, MA, Brooklyn Center, MN, Brooklyn Park, BROOKLYN, CT, Brooklyn, IA, Brooklyn, MI, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn, OH, Brookpark, Brooks, Brookshire, Brooksville, Brooksville, FL, Brookville, OH, Brookville, PA, Broomfield, Broussard, Brown Deer, Brownfield, Browns Mills, Brownsburg, Brownsville, TN, Brownsville, TX, Brownsville, VT, Brownwood, Brunswick, Brunswick, GA, Brunswick, MD, Brunswick, ME, Brunswick, OH, Brush, Bryan, Bryan, OH, Bryan, TX, Bryce Canyon National Park, UT, Bryce, UT, Bryson City, Buckeye, Buckeye Lake, Buckhannon, Buckley, Bucksport, Bucyrus, Buda, Budd Lake, Buellton, Buena, Buena Park, Buena Vista, Buffalo, Buffalo Grove, Buffalo, MN, Buffalo, NY, Buffalo, TX, Buffalo, WY, Buford, Bull Shoals, Bullfrog, Bullhead City, Bulls Gap, Bunkie, Burbank, Burbank, CA, Burbank, IL, Burkburnett, Burkeville, Burleson, Burley, Burlingame, BURLINGAME, CA, Burlington, Burlington, CO, Burlington, IA, Burlington, MA, Burlington, NC, Burlington, NJ, Burlington, VT, Burlington, WA, Burlington, WI, Burnet, Burnham, Burns, Burnsville, Burr Ridge, Burr Ridge, IL, Bushkill, Bushnell, Butler, MO, Butler, PA, Butte, Buttonwillow, Buxton, Byers, Byhalia, Byram, Byron, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Cabool, Cabot, Caddo Valley, AR, Cadillac, Cadiz, Cahokia, Caineville, UT, Cairo, GA, Cairo, IL, Calabasas, Calabasas, CA, Calabash, Calcium, Caldwell, ID, Caldwell, OH, Caledonia, Calera, Calexico, Calhan, Calhoun, California (Califórnia), Calimesa, Calistoga, Calistoga, CA, Callicoon, Calumet, Calumet City, Calvert City, Camarillo, Cambria, CAMBRIA, CA, Cambridge, Cambridge, MA, Cambridge, MD, CAMBRIDGE, MN, Cambridge, OH, Camden, AL, Camden, AR, Camden, ME, Camden, SC, Camden, TN, Camdenton, Cameron, Cameron Park, Cameron, MO, Cameron, TX, Camilla, CAMP HILL, Camp Springs, Camp Verde, Campbell, CAMPBELL, CA, Campbellsville, Campton, Canaan, Canadensis, Canadian, TX, Canal Winchester, Canandaigua, Canby, Candler, Canfield, Canistota, Cannon Beach, Cannon Falls, Canoga Park, Canoga Park, CA, Canon City, Canonsburg, Canonsburg, PA, Canton Township, Canton, GA, Canton, IL, Canton, MI, Canton, MO, Canton, MS, Canton, NC, Canton, NY, Canton, OH, Canton, TX, Canyon, Canyon Lake, CA, Canyon Point (UT), Canyonville, CAPE CANAVERAL, Cape Charles, VA, Cape Charles, VT, Cape Cod, Cape Coral, Cape Elizabeth, Cape Girardeau, Cape May, Capistrano Beach, Capitol Heights, Capitola, Captiva, Captiva Island, Carbondale, CO, Carbondale, IL, Cardiff by the Sea, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA, Carefree, Carefree, AZ, Caribou, Carle Place, Carlin, Carlinville, Carlisle, Carlisle, AR, Carlisle, PA, Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA, Carlsbad, NM, Carlstadt, Carlton, Carlyle, Carmel, Carmel by the Sea, Carmel Valley, Carmel Valley, CA, Carmel, CA, Carmel, IN, Carnegie, Carnelian Bay, Carneys Point, CARNEYS POINT, NJ, Carol Stream, Carolina Beach, Carpinteria, Carpinteria, CA, Carrabassett Valley, Carrington, Carroll, Carrollton, GA, Carrollton, KY, Carrollton, MO, Carrollton, OH, Carrollton, TX, Carson, Carson City, CARSON, CA, CARTER LAKE, Carteret, Cartersville, Carthage, MO, Carthage, NC, Carthage, TX, Cary, CARY, NC, Caryville, Casa Grande, Cascade, Cascade Locks, CASEY, IL, Caseyville, Cashiers, Casper, CASPER, WY, Casselberry, Casselton, Cassville, Castaic, Castle Rock, Castleton, Castro Valley, Cathedral City, CATHEDRAL CITY, CA, Catlettsburg, Catonsville, Catoosa, Catskill, Cave City, Cave Creek, Cavendish, VT, Cayce, Cayucos, Cedar, Cedar City, CEDAR CITY, UT, Cedar Falls, IA, Cedar Hill, Cedar Key, FL, Cedar Lake, Cedar Park, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids, IA, Cedaredge, Cedartown, Celebration, Celebration, FL, Celina, Centennial, Centennial, CO, Center, Centereach, Centerville, IA, Centerville, IN, Centerville, OH, Centerville, TN, Centerville, TX, Central City, KY, Central City, NE, Central Point, Central Valley, CENTRAL VALLEY, NY, Centralia, IL, Centralia, WA, Centre, Centreville, Cerritos, Chadds Ford, Chadron, Chalk Hill, Chalmette, Chama, Chamberlain, Chambersburg, Chamblee, Champaign, CHAMPAIGN, IL, Champions Gate, Chandler, Chandler, AZ, Chanhassen, Channelview, Chantilly, CHANTILLY, VA, Chanute, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Chaplin, CT, Chapmanville, Chariton, Charles City, Charles Town, Charleston, CHARLESTON NORTH, Charleston, IL, Charleston, MO, Charleston, SC, Charleston, WV, Charlestown, Charlevoix, Charlotte, Charlotte, MI, Charlotte, NC, Charlottesville, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, Chaska, Chatham, Chatham, MA, Chatsworth, CA, Chatsworth, GA, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, Chebeague Island, Cheboygan, Checotah, Cheektowaga, Chehalis, Chelan, Chelmsford, Chelsea, MA, Chelsea, MI, Cheney, Chenoa, Cheraw, Cherokee, Cherokee, IA, Cherokee, NC, Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill, NJ, Cherry Valley, Chesaning, Chesapeake, Chesapeake, VA, Cheshire, Chester, Chester, CA, Chester, IL, Chester, NY, Chester, PA, Chester, VA, Chester, VT, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, MI, Chesterfield, MO, Chesterton, Chesterton, IN, Chestertown, Chetek, Cheverly, Chevy Chase, Cheyenne, CHEYENNE, WY, Chicago, IL, Chickamauga, GA, Chickasha, Chico, Chico, CA, Chicopee, CHICOPEE, MA, Chiefland, Childersburg, Childress, Chilhowie, Chillicothe, Chillicothe, IL, Chillicothe, MO, Chillicothe, OH, Chiloquin, Chilton, Chimney Rock, NC, Chincoteague, Chincoteague Island, Chinle, CHINLE, AZ, Chino, Chino Hills, Chino Valley, AZ, Chipley, Chippewa Falls, Chittenden, Chocowinity, NC, Choctaw, MS, Chowchilla, CHOWCHILLA, CA, Christiansburg, Chula Vista, CHULA VISTA, CA, Church Hill, Cicero, Cincinnati, CINCINNATI, OH, Cinnaminson, Circleville, Cisco, City of Industry, Clackamas, Clairton, PA, Clanton, Clare, Claremont, Claremont, CA, Claremont, NC, Claremore, CLAREMORE, OK, Clarence, Clarendon, Clarinda, Clarion, Clark, NJ, Clarks Summit, Clarksburg, Clarksburg, WV, Clarksdale, Clarkston, Clarksville, Clarksville, AR, Clarksville, GA, Clarksville, IN, Clarksville, TN, Clarksville, VA, Clatskanie, Clawson, Claxton, Claymont, Clayton, GA, Clayton, MO, Clayton, NC, Clayton, NM, Cle Elum, Clear Lake, Clear Lake, IA, Clear Spring, MD, Clearfield, PA, Clearfield, UT, Clearlake Oaks, CLEARMONT, WY, Clearwater, Clearwater Beach, FL, Clearwater, FL, Clearwater, MN, Cleburne, Clemmons, Clemson, Clermont Clermont, FL Cleveland, Cleveland, GA, Cleveland, MS, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland, TN, Cleveland, TX, Clewiston, Clifton, Clifton Park, Clifton, CO, Clifton, NJ, Clifton, TX, Clint, Clinton Township, Clinton, AR, Clinton, IA, Clinton, MD, Clinton, MO, Clinton, MS, Clinton, NC, Clinton, NJ, Clinton, OK, Clinton, SC, Clinton, TN, Clintonville, Clive, CLIVE, IA, Cloquet, Cloudcroft, Cloverdale, CA, Cloverdale, IN, Clovis, CA, Clovis, NM, Clute, CLUTE, TX, CLYDE, OH, Coalinga, Coalville, Coarsegold, CA, Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY, Cockeysville, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Cocoa Beach, FL, Coconut Grove, Cody, CODY, WY Coeur d*Alene, ID, Coeur d''Alene, ID, Coffeyville, Cohasset, Cohasset, MA, Cohoes, Colby, Cold Spring Hills, Coldwater, Coleman, Colfax, Colfax, IA, Colfax, WA, College Corner, College Park, College Park, GA, College Park, MD, COLLEGE STATION, TX, Collegeville, Collierville, Collins, Collinsville, IL Collinsville, VA Colombus, Colonial Heights, Colonial Heights, VA, Colony, Colorado City, Colorado City, CO, Colorado City, TX, Colorado Springs, Colstrip, Colton, COLTS NECK, Columbia, Columbia City, Columbia Falls, Columbia, IL, Columbia, KY, Columbia, MD, Columbia, MO, Columbia, MS, Columbia, PA, Columbia, SC, Columbia, TN, Columbus, Columbus, GA, Columbus, IN, Columbus, MS, Columbus, MT, Columbus, NC, Columbus, NE, Columbus, OH, Columbus, TX, Columbus, WI, Colville, Comanche, Comfort, Commack, Commerce, Commerce Township, Commerce, CA, Commerce, GA, Commerce, TX, Compton, Comstock Park, Concord, Concord, CA, Concord, MA, Concord, NC, Concord, NH, Concord, OH, Concordia, KS, Concordia, MO, Concordville, Conley, GA, Conneaut, Conover, Conrad, Conroe, Conshohocken, Conway, AR, Conway, SC, Conyers, CONYERS, GA, Cooke City, Cookeville, Cookstown, Coon Rapids, Cooper Landing, Coopersburg, Cooperstown, Coopersville, Coos Bay, COOS BAY, OR, Copiague, Copley, Copper Center, Copper Mountain, Copperas Cove, Coral Gables, Coral Gables, FL, Coral Springs, CORAL SPRINGS, FL Coralville, Coraopolis, CORAOPOLIS, PA, Corbin, Cordell, Cordova, Corfu, NY, Corinth, Corinth, MS, Corinth, VT, Cornelia, Cornelius, Cornersville, Corning, Corning, CA, Corning, NY, Cornwall, NY, Corolla, Corona, Corona, CA, Corona, NY, Coronado, CORONADO, CA, Corpus Christi, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX, Corrales, Corsicana, Corte Madera, Cortez, CORTEZ, CO, Cortland, Corvallis, Corvallis, OR, Corydon, Cos Cob, Coshocton, Costa Mesa, COSTA MESA, CA, COTTAGE GROVE, MN, Cottage Grove, OR, Cottonwood, COTTONWOOD, AZ, Cotulla, Counce, Council Bluffs, Countryside, Coupeville, Coventry, Covina, Covington, Covington, GA, Covington, KY, Covington, LA, Covington, TN, Covington, VA, Coxsackie, Cozad, Cozad, NE, Craig, Cranberry, Cranberry Township, Cranbury, Crandon, Cranford, Cranston, Crawfordsville, Crawfordville, Creedmoor, Crescent City, Crescent City, CA, Cresco, Cresson, TX, Crested Butte, Creston, Crestview, Crestwood, Creswell, Crete, Creve Coeur, Cripple Creek, CO, Crivitz, Crockett, Cromwell, Crookston, Cross Lanes, Crossett, CrossLake, MN, Crossville, Crowley, Crump, TN, Crystal, Crystal Bay, NV, Crystal Beach, Crystal Lake, Crystal Mountain, Crystal River, Crystal River, FL, Cuba, MO, Cuba, NY, Cullman, Culpeper, Culver City, CULVER CITY, CA, Cumberland, Cumberland, MD, CUMBERLAND, WI, Cumming, CUMMING, GA, Cupertino, Cupertino, CA, Custer, Cut Bank, Cuthbert, Cutler Ridge, CUYAHOGA FALLS, Cypress, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Dade City, Dahlgren, Dahlonega, Dale, Daleville, AL, Daleville, IN, Daleville, VA, Dalhart, Dallas, GA, Dallas, OR, Dallas, TX, Dalles, Dalles, OR, Dalton, Dana Point, Dana Point, CA, Danbury, DANBURY, CT, Danby, Dandridge, Dania, Dania Beach, Dania Beach, FL, DANIA, FL, Daniels, Danvers, DANVERS, MA, Danville, Danville, CA, Danville, IL, Danville, KY, Danville, PA, Danville, VA, Daphne, Daphne, AL, Darby, Dardanelle, AR, Darien, GA, Darien, IL, Darlington, Darlington, SC, Darlington, WI, Davenport, Davenport, CA, Davenport, FL, Davenport, IA, Davidson, Davie, Davis, CA, Davis, WV, Davison, Dawson, Dawsonville, Dayton, Dayton, OH, Dayton, TN, Dayton, TX, Daytona, Daytona Beach, FL, Dayville, De Funiak Springs, De Kalb, De Land, De Pere, De Smet, De Soto, KS, Deadwood, Dearborn, DEARBORN, MI, Death Valley National Park, DEATH VALLEY, CA, Debary, Decatur, Decatur, AL, Decatur, GA, Decatur, IL, Decatur, IN, Decatur, TX, Decherd, Decorah, Dedham, DEDHAM, MA, Deer Lodge, Deer Park, Deerfield Beach, DEERFIELD BEACH, FL, Deerfield, IL, Deerwood, Defiance, Deforest, DEL CITY, OK, Del Mar, DEL MAR, CA, Del No, Del Norte, Del Rio, DEL RIO, TX, Delafield, Delafield, WI, Deland, Delano, Delavan, DELAVAN, WI, Delaware, Delaware Water Gap, Delhi (Deli), Delmar, Delmont, Delphos, Delray Beach, DELRAY BEACH, FL, Delta, Delta, CO, Delta, UT, Deltona, Deming, Demopolis, Denali, Denali National Park, AK, Denham Springs, Denison, Denison, IA, Denison, TX, DENNIS PORT, MA, Dennisport, Denton, Denton, MD, Denton, TX, Denver, Denver, CO, Denver, PA, Denville, Depoe Bay, Deptford, Dequeen, Derby, KS, Des Moines, Des Moines, IA, Des Plaines, Des Plaines, IL, Desert Hot Springs, Desoto, Desoto, TX, Destin, Destin, FL, Detorit, MI, Detroit, Detroit Lakes, DETROIT, MI, Devens, Devils Lake, Dewey Beach, DeWitt, DeWitt, MI, DeWitt, NY, Dexter, Diamond Bar, Diamondhead, D'Iberville, D'Iberville-Biloxi, MS, Dickinson, Dickinson, ND, Dickinson, TX, Dickson, Dickson City, Dillard, Dillon, Dillon, CO, Dillon, MT, Dillon, SC, Dillsboro, Dillsburg, Dimondale, Dinuba, Dix, Dixon, CA, Dixon, IL, Dixville Notch, DOBSON, Dodge City, DODGE CITY, KS, Dodgeville, Donaldsonville, Donaldsonville, LA, Donegal, Doniphan, MO, Donna, Doral, DORAL, FL, Doraville, Dorris, Doswell, DOSWELL, VA, Dothan, DOUGLAS, AZ, Douglas, GA, Douglas, MI, Douglas, WY, Douglasville, Dove Creek, Dover, Dover, DE, Dover, NH, Dover, NJ, Dover, OH, Dowagiac, Dowell, Downers Grove, Downers Grove, IL, Downey, Downey, CA, Draper, Driggs, Drums, Dry Ridge, Du Bois, Du Quoin, Duarte, Dublin, Dublin, CA, Dublin, GA, Dublin, OH, Dublin, VA, DuBois, PA, Dubois, WY, Dubuque, Dubuque, IA, Duck, Duck Keys, Dulce, Dulles, DULLES, VA, Duluth, GA, Duluth, MN, Dumas, AR, Dumas, TX, Dumfries, Dunbar, Duncan, OK, Duncan, SC, Duncannon, Duncansville, Duncanville, DUNCANVILLE, TX, Dundee, FL, Dundee, MI, Dunedin, Dunkirk, Dunmore, Dunn, Dunnigan, DUNNIGAN, CA, Dunsmuir, Dupont, Durand, Durango, DURANGO, CO, Durant, MS, Durant, OK, Durham, Durham, NC, Durham, NH, Duson, Dwight, Dyersburg, Dyersville, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Eagan, Eagan, MN, Eagar, Eagle, Eagle Nest, Eagle Pass, EAGLE PASS, TX, Eagle River, AK, Eagle River, WI, Eagle, ID, Early, Earth City, Easley, Easley, SC, East Aurora, East Boothbay, East Brunswick, East Brunswick, NJ, East Chicago, IN, East Dubuque, East Ellijay, East Elmhurst, East Glacier Park (MT), East Greenbush, East Hampton, East Hanover, East Hartford, EAST HARTFORD, CT, East Haven, East Hazelcrest, East Lansing, East Liverpool, East Moline, East Norriton, East Norwich, East Orange, East Palatka, East Peoria, East Peoria, IL, East Point, East Providence, East Quogue, NY, East Ridge, East Rutherford, EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ, East Stroudsburg, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA, East Syracuse, NY, East Tawas, EAST TROY, East Wareham, East Wenatchee, East Windsor, East Windsor, CT, East Windsor, NJ, Eastham, Eastland, Eastman, Easton, Easton, MD, Easton, PA, Eaton, Eatonton, Eatontown, Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI, Ebensburg, Eddyville, Eden, Eden Prairie, Eden Prairie, MN, Eden, NC, Eden, UT, Edenton, Edgartown, Edgerton, Edgewater, Edgewater, FL, Edgewater, NJ, Edgewood, Edina, Edinburg, TX, Edinburgh (Edimburgo), Edison, EDISON, NJ, EDISTO BEACH, Edisto Island, SC, Edmond, Edmonds, Edmore, Edna, Edwards, Edwardsville, Effingham, Effingham, IL, Egg Harbor, Egg Harbor Township, Ehrenberg, El Cajon, El Cajon, CA, El Campo, El Centro, CA, El Cerrito, El Dorado Hills, El Dorado Springs, MO, El Dorado, AR, El Dorado, KS, El Monte, El Paso, El Paso, IL, El Paso, TX, El Portal, EL PORTAL, CA, El Reno, El Segundo, EL SEGUNDO, CA, Elberton, Eldon, Eldridge, Elgin, IL, Elgin, SC, Elgin, TX, Elizabeth City, Elizabeth, IN, Elizabeth, NJ, Elizabethton, Elizabethtown, KY, Elizabethtown, NC, Elizabethtown, PA, Elk, Elk City, ELK CITY, OK, Elk Grove, Elk Grove Village, Elk Grove Village, IL, Elk Grove, CA, Elk Horn, IA, Elk River, Elkhart, Elkhart Lake, Elkhart, IN, Elkhorn, Elkhorn, ID, Elkhorn, WI, Elkins, Elko, ELKO, NV, Elkridge, Elkton, FL, Elkton, MD, Elkview, Ellensburg, Ellensburg, WA, Ellenton, Ellicott City, Ellicottville, Ellisville, Ellsworth, KS, Ellsworth, ME, Elma, Elmendorf, Elmhurst, Elmhurst, IL, Elmhurst, NY, Elmira, Elmsford, Elmsford, NY, Elmwood Park, Eloy, Elroy, ELY, MN, Ely, NV, Elyria, ELYRIA, OH, Emerald Isle, Emeryville, Emeryville, CA, Emmetsburg, Empire, Emporia, Emporia, KS, Emporia, VA, Encinitas, Endicott, Endwell, Enfield, Englewood, Englewood, CO, Englewood, FL, ENGLEWOOD, NJ, Englewood, OH, Enid, Ennis, Enola, Enterprise, AL, Enterprise, OR, Enumclaw, Ephraim, Ephrata, PA, Ephrata, WA, Erick, Erie, ERIE, PA, Erlanger, Erwin, Escanaba, Escondido, Espanola, Essex, Essex Junction, Essington, ESSINGTON, PA, EST, NM, Estero, Estero, FL, Estes Park, ESTES PARK, CO, Estherville, Etowah, Etters, Eufaula, Eufaula, AL, Eufaula, OK, Eugene, Eugene, OR, Euless, Eunice, Eupora, MS, Eureka, Eureka Springs, Eureka Springs, AR, Eureka, CA, Eureka, MO, Eureka, NV, Eustis, Eutaw, Evans, Evansdale, Evanston, IL, Evanston, WY, Evansville, Evansville, IN, Evansville, WI, Evansville, WY, Eveleth, Everett, EVERETT, WA, Evergreen, Ewing, NJ, Excelsior Springs, Exeter, CA, Exeter, NH, Exmore, Exton, Eynon, PA TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):bens, Fair Lawn, Fairbanks, FAIRBANKS, AK, Fairborn, Fairburn, Fairfax, Fairfax City, Fairfax, VA, Fairfax, VT, Fairfield Bay, FAIRFIELD BAY, AR, Fairfield Glade, Fairfield Glade, TN, Fairfield, AL, Fairfield, CA, Fairfield, CT, Fairfield, IA, Fairfield, NJ, Fairfield, OH, Fairfield, PA, Fairfield, TX, Fairhaven, Fairhope, Fairmont City, Fairmont, MN, Fairmont, WV, Fairport, Fairview, Fairview Heights, Fairview Park, Fairview, PA, Fairview, TN, Falconer, Falfurrias, Fall River, Fallbrook, Falling Waters, Fallon, Falls Church, Falls Church, VA, Falmouth, FALMOUTH, MA, Fancy Gap, Fargo, Fargo, ND, Faribault, Farmer City, Farmers Branch, Farmingdale, NJ, Farmingdale, NY, Farmington, Farmington Hills, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI, Farmington, CT, Farmington, MO, Farmington, NM, FARMINGTON, NY, Farmingville, Farmville, Fayette, Fayetteville, AR, Fayetteville, NC, Fayetteville, NY, Fayetteville, PA, Fayetteville, TN, Fayetteville, WV, Feasterville Trevose, PA, Federal Way, Federal Way, WA, Fenton, MI, Fenton, MO, Ferdinand, Fergus Falls, FERN PARK, FL, Fernandina Beach, Ferndale, WA, Fernley, Festus, Fife, Fillmore, CA, Fillmore, UT, Findlay, Findley Lake, Finlayson, Firebaugh, Firestone, Fish Camp, FISH CAMP, CA, Fish Creek, Fisher Island, FL, Fishers, Fishers, IN, Fishersville, VA, Fisherville, Fishkill, Fishkill, NY, Fitchburg, MA, Fitchburg, WI, Fitzgerald, FLAGLER BEACH, Flagstaff, FLAGSTAFF, AZ, Flat Rock, MI, Flat Rock, NC, Flatonia, Flemington, Fletcher, Flint, Flint, MI, Flintstone, Flora, Floral Park, Flordia City, FL, Florence, Florence, AL, Florence, AZ, Florence, CO, Florence, IN, Florence, KY, Florence, OR, Florence, SC, Floresville, Florham Park, Florida City, Florida City, FL, Florida Keys (FL), Florien, Florissant, Flowery Branch, Flowood, Flushing, FLUSHING, NY, Fogelsville, Foley, Folkston, Folly Beach, Folsom, Folsom, CA, Fond Du Lac, Fontana Dam, Fontana, CA, Fontana, WI, Foothill Ranch, Foothill Ranch, CA, Fords, Fordyce, Forest, Forest City, Forest City, IA, Forest City, NC, Forest Grove, Forest Hill, Forest Lake, Forest Park, Forest Park, GA, Forest Park, OH, Foristell, Forks, Forney, Forsyth, GA, Forsyth, IL, Forsyth, MT, Fort Atkinson, Fort Bragg, FORT BRAGG, CA, Fort Collins, FORT COLLINS, CO, Fort Dodge, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Fort Lee, FORT LEE, NJ, Fort Madison, Fort Mill, Fort Mitchell, Fort Montgomery, Fort Morgan, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, FORT MYERS, FL, Fort Oglethorpe, Fort Payne, Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce, FL, Fort Pierre, Fort Scott, Fort Smith, FORT SMITH, AR, Fort Stockton, Fort Stockton, TX, Fort Sumner, Fort Valley, FORT WALTON BEACH, FORT WALTON BEACH, FL, Fort Washington, Fort Washington, PA, Fort Wayne, IN, Fort Worth, FORT WORTH, TX, Fort Wright, Fortuna, Fosston, Foster City, Fostoria, Fountain, Fountain Hills, Fountain Valley, Fountain Valley, CA, Four Oaks, NC, Fowlerville, Foxborough, Frackville, Framingham, Framingham, MA, Francestown, Franconia, Frankenmuth, Frankfort, IN, Frankfort, KY, Franklin, Franklin Park, Franklin, IN, Franklin, KY, Franklin, LA, Franklin, MA, Franklin, NC, Franklin, OH, Franklin, PA, Franklin, TN, Franklin, TX, Franklin, VA, Franklin, WI, Franklinton, NC, Frazer, Frederick, Frederick, MD, Frederick, OK, Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg, TX, Fredericksburg, VA, Fredonia, Freehold, Freeport, FREEPORT, IL, Freeport, ME, Freeport, NY, Freeport, TX, Freer, Fremont, Fremont, CA, Fremont, IN, Fremont, NE, Fremont, OH, French Lick, Frenchtown, Fresno, FRESNO, CA, Friday Harbor, Fridley, Friendship, Frisco, CO, Frisco, TX, Front Royal, Frostburg, Fruita, Fruitland, MD, Fullerton, FULLERTON, CA, Fulton, IL, Fulton, KY, Fulton, MO, Fulton, MS, Fulton, TX, Fultondale, Fuquay-Varina, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Gable, Gadsden, Gaffney, GAFFNEY, SC, Gahanna, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, Gainesville, GA, Gainesville, TX, Gainesville, VA, Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg, MD, Galax, Galena, Galena Park, Galesburg, Galion, OH, Gallatin, Galliano, Gallipolis, Galloway, NJ, Gallup, GALLUP, NM, Galt, Galveston, Galveston, TX, Gamaliel, Garberville, Garden City Beach, Garden City, GA, Garden City, KS, Garden City, NY, Garden Grove, Garden Grove, CA, Gardena, Gardendale, Gardiner, Gardner, KS, Gardner, MA, Gardnerville, Garibaldi, Garland, Garner, Gary, Gas City, Gassaway, Gassville, Gastonia, Gastonia, NC, Gatesville, Gateway, Gatlinburg, GATLINBURG, TN, Gautier, Gaylord, Gearhart, Geneseo, IL, Geneseo, NY, Geneva, Geneva on the Lake, Geneva, IL, Geneva, NY, Genoa, George West, Georgetown, Georgetown, CO, Georgetown, DE, Georgetown, KY, Georgetown, SC, Georgetown, TX, Gering, Germantown, Germantown, MD, Germantown, TN, GERMANTOWN, WI, Gettysburg, Gettysburg, PA, Geyserville, Ghent, Gibsonia, Giddings, Gig Harbor, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Gilford, NH, Gillette, Gilman, Gilroy, Gilroy, CA, Girard, Girdwood, Glade Spring, Gladstone, OR, Glasgow, Glastonbury, Glastonbury, CT, Glen Allen, Glen Allen, VA, Glen Arbor, Glen Burnie, Glen Burnie, MD, Glen Carbon, Glen Cove, NY, Glen Ellen, Glen Falls, Glen Mills, Glen Rose, Glencoe, Glendale, Glendale Heights, Glendale, AZ, Glendale, CA, Glendale, CO, Glendale, UT, Glendale, WI, Glendive, Glendora, Gleneden Beach, Glenmont, Glennville, Glenpool, Glens Falls, Glenview, Glenville, Glenwood Springs, Globe, Gloucester City, Gloucester City, NJ, Gloucester, MA, Gloucester, VA, Gold Beach, Gold Canyon, Golden, Golden Valley, Golden, CO, Goldendale, Goldsboro, Goleta, GOLETA, CA, Gonzales, Gonzales, LA, Gonzales, TX, Goode, VA, Goodland, Goodlettsville, Goodyear, Goose Creek, Gordonsville, TN, Gordonsville, VA, Gorham, Gorman, Goshen, IN, Goshen, NY, Gothenburg, Government Camp, Graeagle, Graford, Grafton, Grafton, ND, Grafton, VT, Grafton, WI, Graham, NC, Graham, TX, Grain Valley, GRAN PRAIRIE,TX, Granada Hills, Granbury, Granbury, TX, Granby, CO, Granby, CT, Grand Blanc, Grand Canyon West (AZ), Grand Canyon, AZ, Grand Forks, Grand Forks, ND, Grand Haven, Grand Island, Grand Island, NE, Grand Island, NY, Grand Junction, GRAND JUNCTION, CO, Grand Lake, Grand Marais, Grand Mound, Grand Prairie, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI, GRAND RAPIDS, MN, Grand Rivers, Grandview, Grandview, MO, Grandview, TX, Grandville, Granger, IN, Grangeville, Granite City, Grants, Grants Pass, GRANTS PASS, OR, Grantsville, Grantville, Granville, Grapevine, Grapevine, TX, Grasonville, Grasonville, MD, Grass Valley, Gray Summit, Gray, GA, Gray, LA, Grayling, Grayslake, Grayson, Grayville, Great Barrington, Great Barrington, MA, Great Bend, Great Falls, GREAT FALLS, MT, Great Neck, NY, Greeley, Green Bay, GREEN BAY, WI, Green Lake, Green River, UT, Green River, WY, Green Valley, Greenbelt, Greenbelt, MD, Greencastle, Greeneville, Greenfield, IN, Greenfield, MA, Greenough (MT), Greenpprt, NY, Greensboro, Greensboro, GA, Greensboro, NC, Greensburg, IN, Greensburg, KS, Greensburg, PA, Greenup, IL, Greenville, AL, Greenville, IL, Greenville, ME, Greenville, MI, Greenville, MS, Greenville, NC, Greenville, OH, Greenville, SC, Greenville, TX, Greenwich, CT, Greenwood Village, GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO, Greenwood, IN, Greenwood, MS, Greenwood, SC, Greer, Grenada (Granada), Grennough, Gresham, GRESHAM, OR, Gretna, Gretna, LA, Gretna, NE, Gretna, VA, Greybull, Griffin, GRIMES, IA, Grinnell, Griswold, Groesbeck, TX, Groton, Groton, CT, Grove, Grove City, OH, Grove City, PA, Groveland, Groveport, Grover Beach, Grover Beach, CA, Groves, Grovetown, Grundy, Grundy Center, Gualala, Guardia, la, Guerneville, Guilderland, Guilford, Gulf Shores, Gulf Shores, AL, Gulfport, Gulfport, MS, Gun Barrel City, Gunnison, Guntersville, Gurdon, Gurnee, Gurnee, IL, Gustavus, Guthrie, Guymon, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO: Hacienda Heights, HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA, Hackensack, Hackettstown, Haddonfield, Hadley, Hadley, MA, Hagerstown, Haiku, Hailey, Haines, Haines City, Half Moon Bay, Halfway, Hallandale, Hallandale Beach, Hallettsville, Hallock, Hallowell, Halsey, Haltom City, Ham Lake, Hamburg, Hamburg, NY, Hamburg, PA, Hamden, Hamder, CT, Hamilton, Hamilton, AL, Hamilton, MT, Hamilton, NJ, Hamilton, OH, Hamilton, TX, Hammond, Hammond, IN, Hammond, LA, Hammonton, Hampshire, Hampton, Hampton, GA, Hampton, IA, Hampton, NH, Hampton, SC, Hampton, VA, Hamptonville, Hana, Hanalei, Hanceville, Hancock, Hancock, MA, Hancock, MD, Hancock, ME, Hancock, MI, Hanford, Hankamer, Hankinson, Hannibal, Hanover, Hanover Park, Hanover, MD, Hanover, NH, Hanover, PA, Hapeville, Harahan, Harbor City, Harbor Springs, Harbor Springs, MI, Hardeeville, Hardin, MT, Hardy, Hardyston, Harker Heights, Harlan, Harlan, IA, Harlan, KY, Harleyville, Harlingen, Harlingen, TX, Harmarville, Harpers Ferry, Harriman, Harrington, Harrisburg, Harrisburg, IL, Harrisburg, PA, Harrison, Harrison, AR, Harrison, NJ, Harrison, OH, Harrisonburg, Harrisonville, HARRODSBURG, KY, Hart, Hartford, Hartford, CT, Hartford, WI, Hartland, Hartselle, Hartsville, Hartwell, Harvard, Harvey, Harvey, IL, Harvey, LA, Harwich Port, Hasbrouck Heights, HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NJ, Haskell, Hastings, HASTINGS, MN, Hastings, NE, Hatfield, Hatteras, Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, MS, Haubstadt, Hauppauge, Hauppauge, NY, Havelock, Haverhill, Havre, Havre de Grace, Haw River, Hawaiian Gardens, CA, Hawaii-Hilo, Hawaii-Mauna Lani, Hawkinsville, Hawley, Hawthorne, Hawthorne, CA, Hawthorne, NV, Hawthorne, NY, Hayden, Hays, Hayti, Hayward, Hayward, CA, Hayward, WI, Hazard, Hazelton, PA, Hazelton, WV, HAZELWOOD, MO, Hazen, Hazle Township, Hazlehurst, Hazlehurst, GA, Hazlehurst, MS, Hazlet, Hazleton, Healdsburg, Hearne, Heath, Hebbronville, Heber, Heber City, Heber Springs, Hebron, Hebron, IN, HEBRON, KY, Hebron, OH, Heflin, Helen, Helena, HELENA, MT, Hemet, Hemet, CA, Hempstead, Henderson, Henderson, CO, Henderson, KY, Henderson, NC, Henderson, NV, Henderson, TN, Henderson, TX, Hendersonville, Hendersonville, NC, Hendersonville, TN, Henniker, HENRIETTA, Henrietta, NY, Henrietta, TX, Henryetta, Hereford, Herkimer, Hermann, MO, Hermiston, Hermitage, PA, Hermitage, TN, Hermosa Beach, Hernando, Hernando, FL, Hernando, MS, Herndon, Herndon, VA, Hershey, Hershey, PA, Hesperia, Hesston, Heth, Hewitt, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Hiawassee, Hibbing, Hickory, Hicksville, Hidalgo, TX, Higginsville, High Point, Highland, Highland Beach, Highland Falls, Highland Park, Highland, CA, Highland, IL, Highland, NY, Highlands, Highlands Ranch, Highlands Ranch, CO, Hill City, Hilliard, Hillsboro, Hillsboro, OH, Hillsboro, OR, Hillsboro, TX, Hillsborough, Hillsborough, NC, Hillsborough, NJ, Hillsdale, Hillside, Hillsville, Hillview, Hilo, Hilton Head Island, Hilton Head Island, SC, Hilton Head, SC, Hinckley, Hines, Hinesville, HINESVILLE, GA, Hiram, Hixson, Hobart, Hobbs, Hoboken, Hoffman Estates, HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL, Hogansburg, Hogansville, Holbrook, HOLBROOK, AZ, Holderness, NH, Holdrege, Holiday, Holiday City, Holladay, Holland, Holland, MI, Holland, OH, Hollister, Hollister, CA, Hollister, MO, Holly Springs, Hollywood, Hollywood Beach, FL, Hollywood, CA, Hollywood, FL, Holmes Beach, Holton, Holts Summit, Holtsville, Holyoke, Homer, HOMER, AK, Homestead, Homestead, FL, Homewood, Homewood, AL, Homewood, IL, HOMOSASSA, FL, Hondo, Honey Brook, Honolulu, HI, HONOMU, HI, Hood River, HOOD RIVER, OR, Hooksett, Hoover, Hope, Hope Hull, Hope Mills, Hope, AR, Hopewell, Hopewell Junction, Hopkinsville, Hoquiam, WA, Horn Lake, Horn Lake, MA, Horn Lake, MS, Hornell, Horse Cave, Horseheads, Horseheads, NY, HORSESHOE BAY, Horsham, Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, Hot Springs, AR, Hot Springs, SD, Hot Springs, VA, Houghton, Houghton Lake, HOUGHTON, MI, Houlton, Houma, Houston, MS, Houston, TX, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Huber Heights, Hudson, Hudson, MA, Hudson, NY, Hudson, OH, Hudson, WI, Hudsonville, Hulett, HULL, MA, Humble, Humboldt, Hummelstown, Hunt Valley, Hunt Valley, MD, Huntersville, Huntingburg, Huntingdon, Huntingdon, PA, Huntington, Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, CA, Huntington Park, CA, Huntington Station, Huntington, IN, Huntington, NY, Huntington, WV, Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, Huntsville, TX, Hurley, Huron, Huron, OH, Huron, SD, Hurricane, Hurricane Mills, Hurricane, UT, Hurricane, WV, Hurst, Hutchins, Hutchinson, HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, Hutchinson, KS, Hutchinson, MN, Hutto, Hyannis, HYANNIS, MA, Hyattsville, MD, Hyde Park, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO: Ida Grove, Idabel, Idaho Falls, ID, Ignacio, CO, Ilion, Imlay City, Imperial, CA, Incline Village, Independence, Independence, IA, Independence, KS, Independence, MO, Independence, OH, Indialantic, FL, Indian Head, Indian River, Indian Rocks Beach, INDIAN SHORES, FL, Indian Wells, INDIAN WELLS, CA, Indiana, Indiana, PA, Indianapolis, IN, Indianola, Indianola, IA, Indianola, MS, Indio, Inez, Ingleside, Inglewood, INGLEWOOD, CA, INNISBROOK, Intercourse, Interior, International Falls, Intervale, Inver Grove Heigts (INVER GROVE HEIGHTS), Inverness, Inwood, Iola, Ionia, Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa City, IA, Iowa Falls, Ipswich, IRMO, SC, IRON MOUNTAIN, Iron River, Irondale, Ironton, Ironwood, Irvine, IRVINE, CA, Irving, Irving (TX), Irvington, NJ, Irvington, VA, Iselin, Ishpeming, Islamorada, ISLAMORADA, FL, Island Park, Islandia, Isle of Palms, SC, Issaquah, Issaquah, WA, Itasca, Ithaca, Ithaca, NY, Ivins, Ivoryton, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Jackman, Jackpot, NV, Jackson, Jackson Village, Jackson, AL, Jackson, CA, Jackson, GA, Jackson, MI, Jackson, MN, Jackson, MO, Jackson, MS, Jackson, NH, Jackson, OH, Jackson, TN, Jackson, WI, Jackson, WY, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Jacksonville, AL, Jacksonville, AR, Jacksonville, FL, Jacksonville, IL, Jacksonville, NC, Jacksonville, OR, Jacksonville, TX, Jamaica, Jamaica, NY, Jamesburg, Jamestown, Jamestown, CA, Jamestown, ND, Jamestown, NY, JAMESTOWN, RI, Janesville, Jasper, Jasper, AL, Jasper, FL, Jasper, GA, Jasper, IN, Jasper, TX, Jean, Jefferson, Jefferson City, Jefferson City, MO, Jefferson City, TN, Jefferson, GA, Jefferson, IA, Jefferson, NC, JEFFERSON, TX, Jefferson, WI, Jeffersonville, Jeffersonville, GA, Jeffersonville, IN, Jeffersonville, OH, Jekyll Island, JEKYLL ISLAND, GA, Jellico, JELLICO, TN, Jenks, Jenner, Jennings, Jennings, FL, Jennings, LA, Jensen Beach, JENSEN BEACH, FL, Jericho, Jerome, Jersey City, JERSEY CITY, NJ, Jerseyville, Jessup, Jessup, MD, Jewett, TX, Jim Thorpe, Joelton, John Day, Johnson, Johnson City, Johnson City, NY, Johnson City, TN, Johnson City, TX, Johnson Creek, Johnston, Johnstown, Johnstown, NY, Johnstown, PA, Joliet, Jonesboro, Jonesboro, AR, Jonesboro, GA, Jonesborough, Jonestown, Jonesville, Jonesville, MI, Jonesville, NC, Jonson City, Joplin, Joplin, MO, Joppa, Joshua Tree, Joshua, TX, Jourdanton, Julesburg, CO, Junction, Junction City, Junction City, KS, Junction City, OR, June Lake, Juneau, Juneau (AK), JUNEAU, AK, Juno Beach, Jupiter, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Kaanapali, Kadoka, Kahala (HI), Kahana, Kahuku, HI, Kahului, Maui, Kailua, KAILUA KONA, HI, Kalama, Kalamazoo, KALAMAZOO, MI, Kalispell, KALISPELL, MT, Kalkaska, Kalona, Kamas, Kamuela, HI, Kanab, KANAB, UT, Kaneohe, Kankakee, Kankakee, IL, Kannapolis, Kansas City, Kansas City, KS, Kansas City, MO, Kapaa, Kapalua, Kapolei, Kasson, Katy, Kauai Island, HI, KAUAI, HI, Kaufman, Kaukauna, Kaunakakai, Kayenta, KAYENTA, AZ, Kearney, Kearney, MO, Kearney, NE, Keene, KEENE, NH, Keizer, Kellogg, Kelseyville, CA, Kelso, KELSO, WA, Kemah, Kemmerer, WY, Kenai, Kendall, Kendallville, Kenilworth, Kenly, Kenmore, Kennebunk Beach, ME, Kennebunk, ME, KENNEBUNKPORT, ME, Kennedy, Kenner, Kenner, LA, Kennesaw, KENNESAW, GA, Kennett, Kennett Square, Kennett Square, PA, Kennewick, KENNEWICK, WA, Kenosha, KENOSHA, WI, Kent, Kent, OH, Kent, WA, Kentland, Kenton, Kentwood, Kenwood, Keokuk, Kernersville, Kerrville, KERRVILLE, TX, KESWICK, VA, Ketchikan, Ketchikan, AK, Ketchikan, AR, Ketchum, Kettleman City, Kewadin, MI, Kewanee, Key Biscayne, Key Islamorada, Key Largo, KEY LARGO, FL, Key West, KEY WEST, FL, Keystone, Keystone, CO, Keystone, SD, Kiawah Island, Kihei, Kilgore, Kill Devil Hills, Kill Devil Hills, NC, Killeen, KILLEEN, TX, Killington, VT, Kilmarnock, Kimball, Kimball, NE, Kimball, SD, Kimball, TN, Kimberling City, Kimberly, Kimberly, WI, Kinder, King City, KING CITY, CA, King George, King Of Prussia, KING OF PRUSSIA, PA, Kingdom City, Kingfield, Kingman, Kings Beach, Kings Mountain, Kingsburg, Kingsland, KINGSLAND, GA, Kingsport, Kingsport, TN, Kingston, Kingston Springs, Kingston, NY, Kingston, TN, Kingstree, Kingsville, Kingwood, Kingwood, TX, Kingwood, WV, Kinston, Kiowa, OK, Kirkland, KIRKLAND, WA, Kirksville, Kirkwood, KISSEEMME, FL, Kissimmee, Kissimmee, FL, Kittanning, Kittery, Kitty Hawk, Kitty Hawk, NC, Klamath Falls, KLAMATH FALLS, OR, Knightdale, Knik Glacier - Palmer, AK, Knob Noster, Knoxville, Knoxville, IA, Knoxville, TN, Kodak, Kodiak, KODIAK, AK, Kohala Coast, HI, Kohler, Kokomo, Koloa, Koloa, Kauai, HI, Kosciusko, Kountze, Kremmling, CO, Kulpsville, Kuttawa, Kutztown, Kyle, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): La Belle, La Crosse, WI, La Feria, La Grande, La Grande, OR, La Grange, GA, La Grange, KY, La Grange, TX, La Jolla, LA JOLLA, CA, La Junta, La Marque, LA MESA, LA MESA, CA, LA MIRADA, CA, La Miranda, LA PALMA, CA, La Pine, La Plata, La Porte, La Porte, IN, La Porte, TX, La Puente, La Quinta, La Vergne, La Vista, Lacey, Lackawanna, Laconia, Lacy Lakeview, Ladoga, Ladson, Lady Lake, Lady Lake, FL, Ladysmith, Lafayette, Lafayette Hill, Lafayette, CA, Lafayette, IN, Lafayette, LA, Lago Vista, Laguna Beach, LAGUNA BEACH, CA, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Lahaina, LAHAINA, HI, Lahaska, Laie, Lajitas, Lake Ariel, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Bluff, Lake Buena Vista, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Lake Charles, LAKE CHARLES, LA, Lake City, FL, Lake City, MN, Lake City, SC, Lake City, TN, Lake Dallas, Lake Elmo, Lake Elsinore, Lake Forest, Lake Forest, CA, Lake Forest, IL, Lake Geneva, Lake George, Lake Harmony, Lake Havasu, Lake Havasu City, Lake Havasu City, AZ, Lake Jackson, Lake Junaluska, Lake Lure, Lake Luzerne, Lake Mary, LAKE MARY, FL, Lake Mills, Lake Orion, Lake Oswego, LAKE OSWEGO, OR, Lake Ozark, MO, Lake Park, Lake Placid, Lake Placid, FL, Lake Placid, NY, Lake St Louis, Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoe, CA, Lake Tahoe, NV, Lake Village, Lake Wales, Lake Worth, Lake Worth, FL, Lake Worth, TX, Lake Zurich, Lakeland, Lakeland, FL, Lakeland, TN, Lakeport, Lakeshore, Lakeside, Lakeview, Lakeville, Lakeville, CT, Lakeville, MN, Lakeville, NY, Lakeville, PA, Lakeway, Lakewood, Lakewood, CO, Lakewood, NJ, Lakewood, WA, Lamar, Lamar, CO, Lamar, MO, Lambertville, Lamesa, TX, Lamoni, Lampasas, Lanai, Lanai City, LANAI CITY, HI, Lancaster, LANCASTER, CA, Lancaster, NH, Lancaster, OH, Lancaster, PA, Lancaster, SC, Lancaster, TX, Lancaster, WI, Lander, Landover, Landover Hills, Lanett, Langhorne, Lanham, Lansdale, Lansing, Lansing, IL, Lansing, KS, Lansing, MI, Lantana, Lapeer, Laplace, Laramie, Laramie, WY, Laredo, LAREDO, TX, Largo, Largo, FL, Largo, MD, Larkspur, Larned, Las Animas, Las Colinas, Las Cruces, LAS CRUCES, NM, Las Vegas, NM, Las Vegas, NV, Latham, Lathrop, Latrobe, Latta, Lauderdale, Laughlin, LAUGHLIN, NV, Laurel, Laurel, MD, Laurel, MS, Laurel, MT, Laurens, Laurinburg, Lava Hot Springs, Lavergne, Lavonia, Lawndale, Lawrence, Lawrence, KS, Lawrence, MA, Lawrence, NY, Lawrenceburg, Lawrenceburg, IN, Lawrenceburg, KY, Lawrenceburg, TN, Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville, GA, Lawrenceville, NJ, Lawton, LAWTON, OK, Layton, LAYTON, UT, Le Claire, Le Mars, Le Roy, Lead, Leadville, League City, Leavenworth, Leavenworth, KS, Leavenworth, WA, Leawood, KS, Lebanon (Líbano), Lebanon, IN, Lebanon, KY, Lebanon, MO, Lebanon, NH, Lebanon, NJ, Lebanon, OH, Lebanon, OR, Lebanon, PA, Lebanon, TN, Lebanon, VA, Lebec, Lecanto, Ledgewood, Ledyard, Lee Vining, Lee*s Summit, MO, Lee, MA, Leeds, Lees Summit, Leesburg, Leesburg, FL, Leesburg, VA, Leesville, Leesville, LA, Lehi, Lehigh Acres, Lehighton, Leitchfield, Leland, Leland, NC, Lemon Grove, Lemoore, Lenexa, LENEXA, KS, Lenoir, Lenoir City, Lenox, Lenox, GA, Lenox, MA, Leola, Leominster, Lester, Levelland, Levittown, Lewes, Lewisburg, Lewisburg, PA, Lewisburg, TN, Lewisburg, WV, Lewisport, Lewiston, Lewiston, ID, Lewiston, ME, Lewistown, Lewisville, Lewisville, TX, Lexington, Lexington Park, Lexington, KY, Lexington, MA, Lexington, NC, Lexington, NE, Lexington, SC, Lexington, TN, Lexington, VA, Libby, Liberal, Liberty, Liberty Lake, Liberty, MO, Liberty, NY, Liberty, TX, Libertyville, LIGONIER, PA, Lihue, LIHUE, HI, Lillington, Lima, Limerick, PA, Limon, Lincoln, Lincoln City, LINCOLN PARK, MI, Lincoln, AL, Lincoln, CA, Lincoln, IL, Lincoln, NE, Lincoln, NH, Lincoln, RI, Lincolnshire, Lincolnton, Lincolnville, Lindale, Linden, Lindsay, CA, Lindsay, TX, Linn, LINO LAKES, Linthicim Heights (MD), Linthicum Heights, MD, Linthicum, MD, Lisbon, ND, LISBON, NH, Lisbon, OH, Lisle, Lisle, IL, Litchfield, Litchfield Park, Litchfield, CT, Litchfield, IL, Litchfield, MN, Lithia Springs, Lithonia, Lithonia, GA, Lititz, Little America, LITTLE CHUTE, LITTLE FALLS, MN Little Falls, NY Little River Little River, CA Little River, SC Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, Little Torch Key, Littlefield, Littleton, Littleton, CO, Littleton, NH, Live Oak, Live Oak, FL, Livermore, Livermore, CA, Liverpool, Livingston, Livingston, AL, Livingston, MT, Livingston, NJ, LIVINGSTON, TX, Livonia, Livonia, LA, Livonia, MI, Llano, Lock Haven, Lockhart, Lockport, Locust Grove, Locust Grove, GA, Locust Grove, OK, Locust Valley, NY, Lodi, Lodi, CA, Lodi, WI, Logan, Logan, OH, Logan, UT, Logan, WV, Logansport, Lolo, Loma Linda, Lombard, Lombard, IL, Lomira, Lomita, Lompoc, LOMPOC, CA, London, London, KY, London, OH, Londonderry, Londonderry, NH, Londonderry, VT, Lone Pine, Lone Pine, CA, Lone Tree, LONE TREE, CO, Lone Wolf, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, Long Beach, MS, Long Beach, NY, Long Beach, WA, Long Branch, LONG BRANCH, NJ, Long Island City, LONG ISLAND, NY, Long Lake, Long Prairie, Longboat Key, LONGBOAT KEY, FL, Longmont, LONGMONT, CO, Longview, Longview, TX, Longview, WA, Lonoke, Lookout Mountain, Loomis, Lordsburg, Lorton, Los Alamitos, Los Alamos, Los Alamos, NM, Los Altos, Los Angeles, CA, Los Banos, Los Banos, CA, Los Gatos, Los Lunas, Los Osos, Lost Hills, Lost Pines, Loudon, Loudon, NH, Loudon, TN, Louisa, Louisburg, Louisville, Louisville, CO, Louisville, KY, Louisville, MS, Loveland, LOVELAND, CO, Loves Park, Low Moor, VA, Lowell, Lowell, AR, Lowell, MA, Loxley, Lubbock, LUBBOCK, TX, Lucedale, Lucerne, CA, Luck, Ludington, Ludlow, Ludlow, MA, Ludlow, VT, Lufkin, LUFKIN, TX Lugoff Luling Luling, LA Lumberton LUMBERTON, NC Luna Pier, Luray, LURAY, VA, Lusk, Lutsen, Lutz, Luverne, AL, Luverne, MN, Lynbrook, Lynchburg, LYNCHBURG, VA, Lynden, WA, Lyndhurst, Lynn Haven, Lynnwood, Lynnwood, WA, Lyons, Lyons, IL Lytle TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Maalaea, Maui, Mableton, Macclenny, Macedonia (Macedónia), Macedonia, OH, Mackinac Island, Mackinaw City, Macomb, Macon, Macon, GA, Macon, MO, Macon, MS, Macungie, Madeira (FL), Madeira Beach, MADEIRA BEACH, FL, Madelia, Madera, Madill, OK, Madison, Madison Heights, Madison Heights, MI, Madison Heights, VA, Madison, AL, Madison, CT, Madison, FL, Madison, GA, Madison, IN, Madison, MS, Madison, SD, Madison, TN, Madison, WI, Madisonville, Madisonville, KY, Madisonville, TX, Madras, Magee, Maggie Valley, Magnolia, Mahwah, Mahwah, NJ, Maitland, Maitland, FL, Makena, Malden, Malibu, Malone, Malta, Malvern, AR, Malvern, PA, Mammoth Lakes, MAMMOTH LAKES, CA, Manahawkin, Manalapan, Manassas, MANASSAS, VA, Manchester, Manchester Township, Manchester Village, Manchester, CT, Manchester, IA, Manchester, KY, Manchester, ME, Manchester, NH, Manchester, NY, Manchester, TN, Manchester, VT, Mancos, Mandan, Manhattan Beach, MANHATTAN BEACH, CA, Manhattan, KS, Manhattan, NY, Manheim, Manistee, Manistique, Manitou Springs, Manitowoc, Mankato, Mankato, MN, Manning, Manor, Mansfield, Mansfield, MA, Mansfield, OH, Mansfield, PA, Mansfield, TX, Manteca, Manteno, Manteo, Manti, UT, Manvel, TX, Many, Manzanita, Maple Grove, Maple Grove, MN, Maple Shade, Maple Shade, NJ, Maplewood, Maquoketa, Marana, Marathon, MARATHON, FL, Marble Falls, Marblehead, MA, Marblehead, OH, Marco Island, MARCO ISLAND, FL, Marianna, Maricopa, Marienville, Marietta, Marietta, GA, Marietta, OH, Marietta, PA, Marina, Marina Del Rey, MARINA DEL REY, CA, Marinette, Marion, Marion, AR, Marion, IA, Marion, IL, Marion, IN, Marion, NC, Marion, OH, Marion, VA, Mariposa, Mariposa, CA, Markham, Markle, Marlboro, Marlboro, MA, Marlin, TX, Marmora, Marquette, MARQUETTE, MI, Marrero, Mars, Mars Hill, Marshall, Marshall, IL, Marshall, MI, Marshall, MN, Marshall, MO, Marshall, TX, Marshalls Creek, PA, Marshalltown, Marshfield, MA, Marshfield, MO, Marshfield, WI, Marston, Martin, TN, Martinez, Martinez, CA, Martinsburg, Martinsburgh, Martinsville, IN, Martinsville, VA, Mary Esther, Maryland Heights, Marysville, Marysville, CA, Marysville, KS, Marysville, MI, Marysville, OH, Marysville, WA, Maryville, IL, Maryville, MO, Maryville, TN, Mascoutah, IL, Mashantucket, Mashpee, Mason, Mason, OH, Maspeth, Massapequa Park, Massena, Massillon, Matamoras, Mathis, Matteson, Matthews, Mattoon, Maui, Maui, HI, Maui-Kahana, Maumee, Maumelle, Maunaloa, Mauston, Max Meadows, Mayfield, Mayfield Heights, MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, OH, Mayfield Village, Maysville, Mayville, NY, Mayville, WI, Maywood, Mc Allen, Mc Call, Mc Cook, Mc Donough, Mc Gehee, Mc Kinney, Mc Pherson, Mcalester, McAllen, TX, McCamey, TX, Mccomb, McGaheysville, McHenry, IL, McHenry, MD, Mckenzie, Mckinleyville, Mclean, Mclean, IL, Mclean, VA, McLeansville, McMinnville, OR, Mcminnville, TN, McPherson, KS, Meade, Meadville, Mebane, Mechanicsburg, MECHANICSBURG, PA, Mechanicsville, Medford, Medford, MA, Medford, NY, Medford, OR, Medford, WI, Media, Medina, Medley, FL, Medora, Melbourne, MELBOURNE BEACH, Melbourne, FL, Melrose, Melrose Park, Melville, Melvindale, Memphis, Memphis, TN, Memphis, TX, Mendenhall, Mendocino, Mendon, Mendota, Mendota Heights, Menemsha, Menlo Park, Menominee, Mentor, Mequon, Merced, Merced, CA, Mercedes, Mercer, Meredith, Meriden, Meridian, Meridian, ID, Meridian, MS, Merkel, Merriam, Merrill, Merrillville, Merrillville, IN, Merrimack, Merritt Island, Merritt Island, FL, Mesa, Mesa Verde, Mesa Verde National Park, CO, Mesa, AZ, MESCALERO, NM, Mesquite, Mesquite, NV, Mesquite, TX, Metairie, Methuen, Metropolis, Metropolis, IL, Mettawa, Metter, Mexia, Mexican Hat (UT), Mexico (CidadedoMéxico), Mi Wuk Village, CA, Miami Beach, FL, Miami Lakes, Miami Springs, Miami, AZ, Miami, FL, Miami, OK, Miamisburg, Michigan City, Middleboro, Middleburg Heights, Middleburg, VA, Middlebury, Middlesboro, Middleton, Middletown, CT, Middletown, DE, Middletown, NJ, Middletown, NY, Middletown, OH, Middletown, PA, Middletown, RI, Middletown, VA, Midland, Midland, MI, Midland, TX, Midlothian, Midlothian, TX, Midlothian, VA, Midvale, Midvale, UT, Midway, Midway, FL, Midway, UT, Midwest City, Mifflintown, Mifflinville, Milaca, Milan, Milan, MI, Milan, OH, Milan, TN, Milbank, Miles City, Milesburg, Milford, Milford, CT, Milford, DE, Milford, IA, Milford, MA, Milford, ME, Milford, OH, Milford, PA, Milford, UT, Mill Hall, Mill Valley, Millbrae, MILLBRAE, CA, Millbrook, Millbury, Milledgeville, Miller, Millersburg, Millington, Millinocket, Millsboro, DE, Millville, Milpitas, MILPITAS, CA, Milroy, Milton, Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE, WI, Minden, Minden, LA, Minden, NV, Mineola, Mineral Point, Mineral Wells, TX, Mineral Wells, WV, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minocqua, Minot, MINOT, ND, Miramar, Miramar Beach, Miramar Beach, FL, MIRAMAR, FL, Mishawaka, Mishicot, Misquamicut, RI, Mission Hills, Mission Viejo, Mission, KS, Mission, SD, Mission, TX, Missoula, Missoula, MT, Missouri Valley, Mitchell, Moab, MOAB, UT, Moberly, Mobile, MOBILE, AL, Mobridge, Mocksville, Modesto, Modesto Ceres, Modesto, CA, Mohnton, PA, Mojave, Mokelumne Hill, Mokena, Moline, MOLINE, IL, Molokai, HI, Monaca, Monahans, Moncks Corner, Monee, Monett, Monmouth Junction, Monmouth, IL, Monmouth, OR, Monona, Monroe, GA, Monroe, LA, Monroe, MI, Monroe, NC, Monroe, OH, Monroe, WA, Monroe, WI, Monroeville, AL, Monroeville, PA, Monrovia, Monrovia, CA, Montague, Montana City, Montauk, Monte Rio, Monte Vista, Monteagle, Montebello, MONTEBELLO, CA, Monterey, Monterey Park, Monterey Park, CA, Monterey, CA, Monterey, TN, Montevideo (Montevidéu), Montezuma, Montgomery, Montgomery, AL, Montgomery, NY, Montgomery, TX, Montgomeryville, Monticello, AR, Monticello, FL, Monticello, IL, Monticello, IN, Monticello, KY, Monticello, MN, Monticello, NY, Monticello, UT, Montoursville, Montpelier, ID, Montpelier, OH, Montpelier, VT, Montrose, Montvale, Monument Valley, MONUMENT VALLEY, UT, Monument, CO, Moody, Moon Township, PA, Moore, Mooresville, Mooresville, NC, Moorhead, Moose Lake, Moose Pass, Moosic, Moosup, Mora, Moraine, Moran, Morehead City, Morehead, KY, Morehead, NC, Moreno Valley, Morgan City, Morgan Hill, Morganton, Morgantown, PA, Morgantown, WV, Moriarty, Morrill, Morrilton, Morris, Morris Plains, MORRIS, CT, Morris, IL Morris, MN, Morristown, Morristown, NJ, Morristown, TN, Morrisville, Morrisville, NC, Morrisville, PA, Morro Bay, MORRO BAY, CA, Morrow, Morton, Morton Grove, Morton's Gap, Mortons Gap, KY, Moscow (Moscovo), MOSCOW, ID, Moses Lake, MOSES LAKE, WA, Mosinee, WI, Moss Landing, CA, Moss Point, Moulton, Moultonborough, Moultrie, Mound City, Mounds View, Mount Airy, Mount Arlington, Mount Carmel, MOUNT CARMEL, UT, Mount Clemens, Mount Crested Butte, Mount Dora, Mount Ephraim, Mount Gilead, Mount Holly, Mount Hope, Mount Jackson, Mount Joy, Mount Juliet, Mount Kisco, Mount Laurel, Mount Laurel, NJ, Mount MORRIS, Mount Olive, NC, Mount Olive, NJ, Mount Orab, Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, IA, Mount Pleasant, MI, Mount Pleasant, PA, Mount Pleasant, SC, Mount Pleasant, TN, Mount Pleasant, TX, Mount Pocono, MOUNT POCONO, PA, MOUNT PROSPECT, Mount Shasta, CA, Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling, KY, Mount Sterling, OH, Mount Sunapee, Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, IA, Mount Vernon, IL, Mount Vernon, IN, Mount Vernon, KY, Mount Vernon, MO, Mount Vernon, OH, Mount Vernon, TX, Mount Vernon, WA, Mountain City, Mountain Grove, Mountain Home, Mountain Home, AR, Mountain Home, ID, Mountain Iron, MN, Mountain View, Mountain View, AR, Mountain View, CA, Mountlake Terrace, Mountville, Mt Hood, OR, Mukilteo, Mukilteo, WA, Mukwonago, Muldraugh, Muldrow, Mullins, Muncie, Mundelein, Munfordville, Munising, Munster, Murdo, Murfreesboro, TN, Murphy, Murphy, CA, Murphy, NC, Murphys, Murray, KY, Murray, UT, Murrells Inlet, Murrieta, Muscatine, Muscle Shoals, Muskegon, Muskogee, Myerstown, Myrtle Beach, SC, Mystic, MYSTIC, CT, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): NAALEHU, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, TX, Nags Head, NC, Nampa, NAMPA, ID, Nantucket, Nanuet, Nanuet, NY, Napa, CA, Naperville, Napili (HI), Naples (Nápoles), NAPLES, FL, Napoleon, Napoleonville, Nappanee, Narragansett, Nashua, NASHUA, NH, Nashville, Nashville, IL, Nashville, IN, Nashville, TN, Nassawadox, Natchez, NATCHEZ, MS, Natchitoches, Nathrop, Natick, National City, National Harbor, MD, Natural Bridge, Naugatuck, Nauvoo, Navarre, Navarre Beach, FL, Navasota, Nebraska City, Nederland, CO, Nederland, TX, Needham, Needles, Neenah, Neillsville, Nelsonville, Neosho, Nephi, Neptune, NEPTUNE BEACH, NEVADA, Nevada City, Nevada, MO, New Albany, New Albany, IN, New Albany, MS, New Ashford, New Bedford, New Bedford Falls, PA, New Berlin, New Berlin, WI, New Berlinville, New Bern, New Bern, NC, New Boston, New Braunfels, New Britain, CT, New Brunswick, NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ, New Buffalo, New Canaan, New Caney, TX, New Carrollton, New Castle, CO, New Castle, DE, New Castle, IN, New Castle, NH, New Castle, PA, New Columbia, New Cumberland, New Florence, New Freedom, New Hampton, New Hampton, IA, New Hampton, NY, New Harmony, New Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, CT, New Haven, IN, New Holland, New Hope, New Iberia, New Kensington, New Lisbon, New London, New London, CT, New London, WI, New Market New Milford, CT, New Milford, PA, New Orleans, LA, New Paltz, New Paris, New Philadelphia, New Port Richey, NEW PORT RICHEY, FL, New Prague, New Providence, New Richmond, NEW ROCHELLE, New Smyrna Beach, New Stanton, New Ulm, New Windsor, New York, New York/ Brooklyn, NY, Newark, Newark, CA, Newark, DE, Newark, NJ, Newark, NY, Newark, OH, Newberg, Newberry, Newberry, MI, Newberry, SC, Newburgh, NEWBURGH, NY, Newbury, Newbury Park, Newbury, NH, Newburyport, Newcastle, Newcomerstown, Newell, Newfane, Newington, Newnan, Newport, Newport Beach, Newport Beach - Irvine, CA, Newport Beach, CA, Newport Coast, CA, Newport News, Newport News, VA, NEWPORT, AR, Newport, KY, Newport, OR, Newport, RI, Newport, TN, Newry, Newton, Newton Falls, Newton, IA, Newton, KS, Newton, MA, Newton, MS, Newton, NJ, Newtown, Niagara Falls, NIAGARA FALLS, NY, Niantic, Nice, Niceville, Nicholasville, Niles, IL, Niles, MI, Niles, OH, Nisswa, Nixa, Noblesville, Nogales, Nome, Norco, Norcross, GA, Norden, Norfolk, Norfolk, CT, Norfolk, NE, Norfolk, VA, Normal, Norman, NORMAN, OK, North Adams, North Attleboro, North Augusta, North Aurora, North Bay Village, North Bend,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): North Bergen, NORTH BERGEN, NJ, North Birmingham, North Branch, North Brunswick, NJ, North Canton, North Canton, OH, North Charleston, North Charleston, SC, North Chelmsford, North Chicago, North Conway, NORTH CONWAY, NH, North Creek, NY, North Dartmouth, North East, North East, MD, North East, PA, North Eastham, North Falmouth, North Fort Myers, North Haven, North Hills, North Hollywood, CA, North Huntington, North Kansas City, North Kingstown, North Las Vegas, North Lima, North Little Rock, North Little Rock, AR, North Myrtle Beach, SC, North Olmsted, North Palm Beach, FL, North Plainfield, North Platte, NE, North Redington Beach, North Redington Beach, FL, North Richland Hills, North Ridgeville, North Rim, North Salt Lake, North Scituate, North Sioux City, North Stonington, North Syracuse, North Tonawanda, North Truro, North Vernon, North Wales, North Wildwood, NORTH WOODSTOCK, NH, Northampton, Northborough, Northbrook, NORTHBROOK, IL, Northeast Harbor, Northfield, Northglenn, Northlake, Northport, Northridge, Northville,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Northwood, Northwood, IA, Northwood, OH, Norton, Norton, MA, Norton, VA, Norwalk, Norwalk, CA, Norwalk, CT, Norwalk, OH, Norway (Noruega), Norwich, Norwich, CT, Norwich, NY, Norwood, Notre Dame, Novato, NOVATO, CA, Novi, Novi, MI, Nyack, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): O Fallon, IL, O Fallon, MO, O*Fallon, IL, O*Fallon, MO, Oacoma, Oahu, Oak Bluffs, Oak Brook, IL, Oak Creek, OAK CREEK, WI, Oak Forest, Oak Grove, Oak Grove, KY, Oak Grove, MO, Oak Harbor, Oak Harbour, WA, Oak Hill, Oak Lawn, Oak Park, Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge, TN, Oakbrook Terrace, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, Oakdale, Oakdale, CA, Oakdale, LA, Oakdale, MN, Oakdale, PA, Oakhurst, OAKHURST, CA, Oakland, Oakland, CA, Oakley, Oakley, CA, Oakley, KS, Oakridge, Oakridge, OR, Oakwood, Oakwood Village, Oberlin, Obetz, Ocala, OCALA, FL, Occidental,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Ocean City, Ocean City, MD, Ocean City, NJ, Ocean Isle Beach, Ocean Shores, OCEAN SHORES, WA, OCEAN SPRINGS, Oceano, Oceanside, OCEANSIDE, CA, Ocoee, Oconomowoc, Oconomowoc, WI, Oconto, Odessa, Odessa, MO, Odessa, TX, Oelwein, Ogallala, Ogden, Ogdensburg, Oglesby, Ogunquit, OGUNQUIT, ME, Oil City, Ojai, Okawville, Okeechobee, Okemah, Okemos, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Okoboji, IA, Olathe, Old Forge, Old Greenwich, Old Lyme, Old Orchard Bea, ME, Old Orchard Beach, OLD ORCHARD BEACH, ME, Old Saybrook, Oldsmar, Oldsmar, FL, Olean, Olean, NY, Olive Branch, Olmito, Olmsted, Olney, Olympia, OLYMPIA, WA, OLYMPIC VALLEY, Olympic Village, Omaha, Omaha, NE, Omak, Omro, Onalaska, Onamia, Onawa, Oneida, O'Neill, Onekama, Oneonta, Oneonta, AL, Oneonta, NY,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Onley, Ontario, Ontario, CA, ONTARIO, NY, Ontario, OR, Ooltewah, Opelika, Opelousas, Opp, Orange, Orange Beach, AL, Orange City, Orange City, FL, Orange City, IA, Orange County, Orange Park, Orange Park, FL, Orange, CA, Orange, CT, Orange, TX, Orange, VA, Orangeburg, Orangeburg, NY, Orangeburg, SC, Orcas Island, Orchard Park, Oregon, Oregon City, Orem, OREM, UT, Orion Township, Oriskany, Oriskany, NY, Orland Park, Orlando, Orlando, FL, Orleans, MA, Ormond Beach, ORMOND BEACH, FL, Oro Valley, Orofino, Orono, ORONO, ME, Oroville, Oroville, CA, Ortonville, Osage, Osage Beach, Osceola, AR, Osceola, IA, Oscoda, Oshkosh, WI, Oskaloosa, Osprey, Osseo, WI, Oswego, Oswego, IL, Oswego, NY, Othello, Otsego, Ottawa, Ottawa, IL, Ottawa, KS, Ottertail, Ottumwa, Ottumwa, IA, Ouray, Overland Park, Overland Park, KS, Overton, Owasso, OK, Owatonna, Owego, Owensboro, OWENSBORO, KY, Owings Mills, Owings Mills, MD, Oxford, Oxford, AL, Oxford, MS, Oxford, NC, Oxford, OH, Oxnard, OXNARD, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Oxon Hill, Ozark, Ozark, AL, Ozark, AR, Ozark, MO, Ozona, Ozone Park, NY, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Pacific, Pacific City, Pacific Grove, PACIFIC GROVE, CA, Pacifica, Pacifica, CA, Packwood, Paducah, PADUCAH, KY, Page, PAGE, AZ, Pagosa Springs, Pagosa Springs, CO, Pahoa, Pahrump, Paia, Painesville, Painted Post, PAINTED POST, NY, Paintsville, Pala, Palatine, Palatine Bridge, NY, Palatka, Palestine, Palisade, Palisades, Palm Bay, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Palm Beach Shores, PALM BEACH, FL, Palm Coast, Palm Coast, FL, Palm Desert,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Palm Desert (CA), Palm Springs, PALM SPRINGS, CA, Palmdale, Palmdale, CA, Palmer, Palmyra, Palmyra, NY, Palmyra, PA, Palo Alto, PALO ALTO, CA, Pampa, Panama Beach City, PANAMA CITY, Panama City Beach, FL, Panguitch, Paola, Parachute, PARADISE, Paradise Valley, Paradise, CA, Paradise, MI, Paradise, PA, Paragould, Paramus, Paris, Paris, IL, Paris, KY, Paris, TN, Paris, TX, Park City Park City, KS, Park City, UT, Park Falls, Park Hill, Park Rapids, Park Ridge, Parker, Parker, AZ, Parker, CO, Parkersburg, Parowan, Parsippany, Parsippany, NJ, Parsons, Pasadena, Pasadena, CA, Pasadena, TX, Pascagoula, Pasco, PASCO, WA, Paso Robles, Patterson, PATTERSON, CA, Pauls Valley,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Paw Paw, Pawleys Island, Pawtucket, PAWTUCKET, RI, Paxinos, PA, Paxton, Paynesville, MN, Payson, Payson, AZ, Payson, UT, Peabody, Peach Springs, Peachtree City, Pearl River, Pearl River, LA, Pearl River, NY, Pearl, MS, Pearland, Pearland, TX, Pearsall, Pebble Beach, Pecos, Pekin, Pelham, Pelham, AL, Pelham, GA, Pell City, Pella, Pellston, Pemberton, Pembine, Pembroke, Pembroke Pines, Pendleton, PENDLETON, OR, Penn Yan, Pennsville, Pensacola, Pensacola Beach, Pensacola Beach, FL, PENSACOLA, FL, Pentwater, Peoria, Peoria, AZ,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Peoria, IL, Peosta, Pequot Lakes, Percival, Perdido Key, FL, Perham, Perris, PERRY, Perry, FL, Perry, GA, PERRY, IA, Perry, OK, Perrysburg, OH, Perryton, Perryville, MD, Perryville, MO, Peru, Peru, IL, Peru, IN, Peru, VT, Pescadero, Petaluma, PETALUMA, CA, Petersburg, Petersburg, IL, Petersburg, VA, Petoskey, Pevely, Pewaukee, Pflugerville, TX, Pharr, Phelan, Phelps, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, MS, Philadelphia, PA, Philipsburg, Phillips, Phoenix, AZ, Phoenix, OR, Phoenixville, PA, Picayune, Pickerington, OH, Pico Rivera, Piedmont, Pierre, Pigeon Forge, PIGEON FORGE, TN, Pikesville, Pikesville, MD,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Piketon, Pikeville Pilot Mountain, Pinckneyville, PINE BLUFF, Pine Brook, Pine Grove, Pine Knoll Shores, Pine Mountain, Pine River, Pinebluff, Pinedale, Pinehurst, Pinellas Park, FL, Pinetop, Pinetop, AZ, Pineville, Pineville, LA, Pineville, NC, Pinole, Pioneer, Pipestone, Piqua, Piscataway, Piscataway, NJ, Pisgah Forest, NC, Pismo Beach, PISMO BEACH, CA, Pittsboro, Pittsburg, Pittsburg, CA, Pittsburg, KS, PITTSBURG, PA, Pittsfield, Pittsfield, MA, Pittsfield, ME, Pittsford, Pittston, Placentia, CA, Placerville, Placerville, CA, Plainfield, Plainfield, CT, Plainfield, IN, Plainfield, NH, Plainsboro, Plainview, Plainview, NY, Plainview, TX, Plainville, Plainwell,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Plano, TX, Plant City, Plantation, Plantation, FL, Plantsville, Plaquemine, Platte City, Platteville, Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, Playa del Rey, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill, CA, Pleasant Hill, IA, PLEASANT PRAIRIE, Pleasanton, Pleasanton, CA, Pleasanton, TX, Pleasantville, Plover, Plymouth, Plymouth Meeting, Plymouth Meeting, PA, Plymouth, IN, Plymouth, MA, Plymouth, MI, Plymouth, MN, Plymouth, NC, Plymouth, NH, Plymouth, WI, Pocahontas, Pocatello, POCATELLO, ID, Pocomoke, Pocomoke City, Pocono Manor, Poconos, Point Arena, Point Clear, Point Pleasant, Poipu, Poipu Beach, Poland (Polónia), Pollock Pines, Polson, POMONA, CA, Pompano Beach, POMPANO BEACH, FL, Pompton Plains, Ponca City, Ponderay, Pontiac, Pontiac, IL, Pontiac, MI, Pontoon Beach, Pontotoc, Pooler, Poplar Bluff, Port Allen, Port Angeles, WA, Port Aransas, Port Arthur, Port Charlotte,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): PORT CHARLOTTE, FL, Port Clinton, Port Hueneme, CA, Port Huron, Port Isabel, Port Jefferson, Port Jervis, Port Lavaca, Port Lucie, Port Ludlow, Port Orange, Port Orchard, Port Richey, Port Royal, Port Saint Joe, Port Saint Lucie, Port Saint Lucie, FL, Port Townsend, Port Washington, PORT WENTWORTH, Portage, Portage, IN, Portage, WI, Portales, Porter, Porter, IN, Porter, TX, Porterville, Porterville, CA, Portland, Portland, IN, Portland, ME, Portland, MI, Portland, OR, Portland, TN, Portland, TX, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, NH, Portsmouth, OH, Portsmouth, VA, Post, Post Falls, Poteau, Potomac, Potosi, Pottsboro, Pottstown, Pottstown, PA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Pottsville, Poughkeepsie, Poulsbo, Pounding Mill, Poway, Poway, CA, Powell, Powell Butte, Powell, TN, Powell, WY, Pownal, Prairie Du Chien, Pratt, Prattville, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Prescott, AR, Prescott, AZ, Presque Isle, ME, Prestonsburg, Price, Priceville, Primm, NV, Prince Frederick, Prince George, Princess Anne, Princeton, Princeton, IL, Princeton, IN, Princeton, MN, Princeton, NJ, Princeton, WV, Princeville, HI, Prior Lake, Proctor, Prospect (OR), Prospect Heights, Prosser, Providence, Providence, RI, Providence, UT, Provincetown, Provo, Pryor, Pueblo, Pueblo West, PUEBLO, CO, Pulaski, NY, Pulaski, TN, Pullman, Punta Gorda, PUNTA GORDA, FL, Purcell, Put-in-Bay, Putnam, Puyallup TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Quakertown, Quanah, Quantico, Quechee, Queens, Queensbury, Quinault, QUINAULT, WA, Quincy,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Quincy, FL, Quincy, IL, Quincy, MA, Quincy, WA, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Racine. RACINE, WI. Radcliff. Radford. Radnor, Rahway, Rahway, NJ, RAILROAD, Rainsville, Raleigh, RALEIGH, NC, Raleigh/Durham, NC, Ramona, CA, Ramsey, Ramsey, MN, Ramsey, NJ, Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cordova, CA, Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, RANCHO MIRAGE, RANCHO MIRAGE, CA, Rancho Palo Verdes (CA), Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Viejo, Ranchos de Taos, Randolph, Rangeley, ME, Rangely,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Ranger, Ranson, Rantoul, Raphine, Rapid City, RAPID CITY, SD, Raritan, Raton, Rawlins, Raymondville, Raymondville, TX, Rayne, Raynham, Rayville, Reading, Red Bank, Red Bluff, Red Lodge, Red Oak, IA, Red Oak, TX, Red River, Red Wing, Redding, REDDING, CA, Redfield, Redgranite, Redington Beach, FL, Redington Shores, Redlands, CA, Redmond, Redmond, OR, Redmond, WA, Redondo Beach, REDONDO BEACH, CA, Redway, Redwood City, Redwood City, CA, Redwood Falls, Reedsburg, Reedsport, Refugio, Register, Rehoboth, Rehoboth Beach, Reidsville, Remington, Reno, RENO, NV, Rensselaer, Rensselaer, IN, Rensselaer, NY, Renton, Renton, WA, Republic, Research Triangle Park, Reseda, Reston, REUNION, FL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Revere, REVERE, MA, Rexburg, ID, Reynoldsburg, REYNOLDSBURG, OH, Rhinelander, Rialto, Rice Hill, Rice Lake, Richardson, RICHARDSON, TX, Richburg, Richfield, Richfield Springs, Richfield, MN, Richfield, OH, Richfield, UT, Richland, Richland Center, Richland Hills, Richland, MS, Richland, WA, Richlands, Richmond, Richmond Heights, MO, Richmond Hill, GA, Richmond, CA, Richmond, IL, Richmond, IN, Richmond, KY, Richmond, MA, Richmond, MO, Richmond, VA, Richmondville, Richwood, Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest, CA, Ridgedale, MO, Ridgefield Park, Ridgefield, CT, Ridgefield, NJ, Ridgeland, Ridgeland, MS, Ridgeland, SC, Ridgeway, Ridgeway, SC, Ridgeway, VA, Rifle, Riggins, Rincon, Ringgold, Rio Grande City, Rio Grande Valley, TX, Rio Rancho, Rio Rancho, NM, Rio Rico, Rio Vista, Ripley, Ripley, MS, Ripley, TN, Ripley, WV, Ripon, Ripon, CA, Ripon, WI, Rising Sun, Ritzville, River Edge, LA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): River Falls, River Grove, River Ranch, Riverdale, Riverhead, Riverside, Riverside, AL, Riverside, CA, Riverside, IA, Riverside, MO, Riverton, RIVERTON, WY, Riverview, Riverwoods, Riviera, Riviera Beach, Roanoke, Roanoke Rapids, Roanoke Rapids, NC, Roanoke, AL, Roanoke, TX, Roanoke, VA, Roanoke, WV, Robbinsville, Robinson, Robinsonville, Robstown, Rochelle, Rochelle Park, Rochester, Rochester Hills, Rochester, IN, Rochester, MI, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NH, Rochester, NY, ROCK FALLS, Rock Hill, Rock Hill, SC, Rock Island, Rock Port, Rock Springs, ROCK SPRINGS, WY, Rock Valley, Rockaway, Rockaway, NJ, Rockdale, Rockford, Rockford, IL, Rockingham, Rockland, Rocklin, ROCKLIN, CA, Rockmart, Rockport, Rockport, IN, Rockport, MA, Rockport, ME, Rockport, TX, Rockville, Rockville Centre, Rockville Centre, NY, ROCKVILLE, MD, Rockwall, Rockwall, TX, Rockwood, Rocky Hill, Rocky Mount, Rocky Mount, NC, Rocky Mount, VA, Rogers, Rogers, AR,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Rogers, MN, Rogersville, Rohnert Park, ROHNERT PARK, CA, Roland, Rolla, Rolling Meadows, Rome, Rome, GA, Rome, NY, Romeo, Romeoville, Romulus, ROMULUS, MI, Ronan, Ronkonkoma, Ronkonkoma, NY, Ronks, Roosevelt, Roseau (ROZO), Roseburg, Roseburg, OR, ROSELLE, Rosemead, Rosemead, CA, Rosemont, ROSEMONT, IL, Rosenberg, Roseville, Roseville, CA, Roseville, MI, Roseville, MN, Rossford, Rosslyn, Roswell, Roswell, GA, Roswell, NM, Rothschild, Round Rock, Round Rock, TX, Rowland, Rowland Heights, Rowland Heights, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Rowlett, Rowley, Roxboro, Royersford, PA, Royse City, Royston, Ruckersville, Rugby, Ruidoso, Ruidoso Downs, Ruidoso, NM, Rumford, ME, Rumford, RI, Runnemede, Rushville, Rusk, Ruskin, Russell, Russellville, Russellville, AL, Russellville, AR, Russellville, KY, Ruston, Ruther Glen, Rutherford, Rutherford, CA, Rutherford, NJ, Rutland, RUTLAND, VT, Rye, Rye Brook, Rye Brook, NY, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saco, Sacramento, SACRAMENTO, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saddle Brook, Saddle River, Safety Harbor, Safford, Saginaw, Saint Albans, Saint Albans, VT, Saint Albans, WV, Saint Anthony, Saint Augustine Beach, Saint Augustine, FL, Saint Charles, Saint Charles, IL, Saint Charles, MO, Saint Charles, MT, Saint Clair, Saint Clair, MO, Saint Clairsville, Saint Cloud, Saint Cloud, MN, Saint Croix Falls, Saint Francisville, SAINT FRANCISVILLE, LA, Saint George, Saint George, SC, Saint George, UT, Saint Germain, Saint Helena, Saint Ignace, Saint James, Saint Johns, Saint Johnsbury, Saint Joseph, Saint Joseph, MI, Saint Joseph, MN, Saint Joseph, MO, Saint Louis, Saint Louis Park, MN, Saint Louis, MO, Saint Marys, Saint Marys, GA, Saint Marys, PA, Saint Michaels, Saint Michaels, MD,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saint Paul, Saint Paul, MN, Saint Paul, NE, Saint Pete Beach, Saint Peter, Saint Peters, Saint Petersburg, SAINT PETERSBURG BEACH, FL, Saint Petersburg, FL, Saint Regis, Saint Robert, Saint Rose, LA, Saint Simons Island, Saint Stephen, Sainte Genevieve, Salado, Salamanca, Salem, Salem, IL, Salem, MA, Salem, MO, Salem, NH, Salem, OR, Salem, VA, Salida, Salida, CA, Salida, CO, Salina, Salina, KS, Salina, UT, Salinas, Salisbury, Salisbury, MD, Salisbury, NC, Sallisaw, OK, Salmon, Salt Lake City, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, San Angelo, San Angelo, TX, San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, San Augustine, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA, San Bruno, San Carlos, San Carlos, AZ, San Carlos, CA, San Clemente, San Clemente, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): San Diego, San Diego, CA, San Dimas, San Francisco, CA, San Gabriel, San Gabriel, CA, San Jacinto, San Jose, SAN JOSE, CA, San Juan, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, San Leandro, San Leandro, CA, San Luis Obispo, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA, San Marcos, San Marcos, CA, San Marcos, TX, San Martin, San Mateo, SAN MATEO, CA, San Pablo, San Pedro, San Rafael, San Rafael, CA, San Ramon, San Simeon, CA, San Ysidro, Sanbornton, Sand Spring, Sandersville, Sandpoint, SANDPOINT, ID, Sandston, SANDSTON, VA, Sandusky, OH, Sandwich, Sandwich, IL, Sandwich, MA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Sandy, Sandy, OR, Sandy, UT, Sanford, Sanford, FL, Sanford, ME, Sanford, NC, Sanibel Island, FL, Santa Ana, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, Santa Ana, CA, Santa Barbara, CA, Santa Clara, SANTA CLARA, CA, Santa Clarita, Santa Clarita, CA, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, Santa Fe, Santa Fe Springs, SANTA FE, NM, Santa Maria, CA, Santa Monica, CA, Santa Nella, Santa Paula, CA, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa Beach, FL, Santa Rosa, CA, Santa Rosa, NM, Santa Ynez, Sante Fe, Santee, Santee, CA, Santee, SC, Sapphire, Sapphire Valley, NC, Sapulpa, Saraland, Saranac Lake, Sarasota, SARASOTA, FL, Saratoga Springs,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saratoga Springs, NY, Saratoga, CA, Sardis, Sartell, Sasabe, Satellite Beach, Satsuma, AL, Saugatuck, Saugerties, Saugus, Saugus, MA, Sauk Centre, Sauk City, Saukville, Sault Sainte Marie, Sault Sainte Marie, MI, Sausalito, Savage, Savanna, IL, Savanna, OK, Savannah, Savannah, GA, Savannah, TN, Savoy, Sawyer, Sayre, Sayre, OK, Sayre, PA, Scarborough, Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL, Schenectady, Schererville, Schertz, Schiller Park, SCHILLER PARK, IL, Schofield, Schoharie, SCHROON LAKE,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Schulenburg, Scituate, Scotland, Scotrun, Scott, Scott City, Scottdale, Scotts Valley, Scottsbluff, Scottsboro, Scottsburg, Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ, Scottsville, Scranton, Scranton, PA, Sea Island, Sea Ranch, Sea Side Heights, SEA TAC, WA, Seabrook, Seabrook, NH, Seabrook, TX, Seacrest Beach, Seaford, Seagoville, Seagrove Beach, FL, Seal Beach, Sealy, Seaman, Searcy, Searsport, ME, Seaside, Seaside Heights, Seaside Heights, NJ, Seaside Park, Seaside, CA, Seaside, OR, SeaTac, Seattle,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): SEATTLE, WA, Sebasco Estates, Sebastian, Sebastopol, Sebring, Secaucus, Secaucus, NJ, Sedalia, Sedona, SEDONA, AZ, Seekonk, Seffner, Seguin, Seguin, TX, Seligman, Selinsgrove, Sellersburg, Sellersburg, IN, Selma, Selma, AL, Selma, CA, Selma, NC, Selma, TX, Selmer, Seminole, Senatobia, Seneca, Seneca Falls, Seneca, SC, Sequim, Sequoia National Park, Sergeant Bluff, Sevierville, Sevierville, TN, Seville, Seward, Seward, AK, Seward, NE, Seymour, Seymour, IN, Seymour, MO, Shady Cove, OR, Shaftsbury, Shakopee, Shalimar, Shallotte, Shamokin Dam, Shamrock, Sharon, Sharon Springs, KS, Sharonville, Shartlesville, Shawano, Shawnee,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Shawnee on Delaware, Shawnee, KS, Shawnee, OK, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan, WI, Sheffield, Sheffield, AL, Sheffield, IL, Shelbina, Shelburne, Shelby, Shelby Township, MI, Shelby, MT, Shelby, NC, Shelbyville, Shelbyville, IN, Shelbyville, KY, Shelbyville, TN, Sheldon, Sheldon Point Airport, AK, Shell Beach, CA, Shell Lake, Shelter Island, Shelton, Shelton, CT, Shelton, WA, Shenandoah, Shenandoah, IA, Shenandoah, TX, Shepherdstown,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Shepherdsville, Sheridan, Sheridan, WY, Sherman, Sherman Oaks, Sherwood, MD, Shillington, Shiloh, Shippensburg, Shipshewana, Shoreview, Shoreview, MN, Short Hills, Shorter, Shoshone, Show Low, Showshoe, Shreveport, Shrewsbury, MA, Sibley, Sidney, Sidney, MT, Sidney, NE, Sidney, NY, Sidney, OH, Sierra Vista, Sierra Vista, AZ, Siesta Key, Signal Hill, Sikeston, Siloam Springs, Silt, Silver Bay, Silver City, Silver City, MI, Silver City, NM,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Silver Spring, MD, Silver Springs, Silver Springs, FL, Silverdale, Silverthorne, Silverton, Simi Valley, Simpsonville, Simsbury, Singer Island, FL, Sinton, Sioux Center, Sioux City, Sioux City, IA, SIOUX CITY, IN, Sioux Falls, SIOUX FALLS, SD, Siren, Sisseton, Sister Bay, Sisters, Sitka, SITKA, AK, Skagway, SKAGWAY, AK, Skaneateles, Skokie, Skokie, IL, Skytop, Slaton, TX, Slidell, Slidell, LA, Slinger, Smackover, Smithfield, Smithfield, NC,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Smithfield, RI, Smithtown, Smithville, MO, Smithville, NJ, Smithville, TX, Smugglers Notch, Smyrna, Smyrna, DE, Smyrna, GA, Smyrna, TN, Sneads Ferry, Snellville, Snoqualmie, Snowflake, Snowmass Village, Snowshoe, Snyder, Socorro, Soddy Daisy, Solana Beach, Soldotna, Soledad, Solomons, Solomons, MD,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Solon, Solon Springs, Solvang, SOLVANG, CA, Somers Point, Somerset, Somerset, KY, Somerset, MA, Somerset, NJ, Somerset, PA, Somerton, AZ, Somerville, Somerville, MA, Somerville, TX, Sonoita, Sonoma, SONOMA VALLEY, CA, Sonoma, CA, Sonora, Sonora, CA, Sonora, TX, Sorrento Mesa, South Amboy, South Beach, South Beloit, South Bend, South Bend, IN,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): South Boston, South Boston, VA, South Brunswick, South Burlington, South Burlington, VT, South Charleston, South Deerfield, South El Monte, South Fork, South Gate, South Hackensack, South Haven, South Hill, South Holland, South Houston, South Jacksonville, SOUTH JORDAN, South Kingstown, South Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe, CA, South Lee, South Ozone Park, South Padre Island, South Padre Island, TX, South Pasadena, South Plainfield, South Plainfield, NJ, South Point, South Portland, SOUTH PORTLAND, ME, South Saint Paul, South Sioux City, NE, South Wellfleet, South Yarmouth, South Yarmouth, MA, Southampton, Southaven, Southaven, MS, Southborough, Southbridge, Southbury, Southern Pines, Southfield, SOUTHFIELD, MI, Southgate, Southington, Southlake, Southpoint, Southport, Southport, ME, Southport, NC, Spanish Fort, Sparks, SPARKS, NV,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Sparta, Sparta, IL, Sparta, KY, Sparta, NC, Sparta, WI, Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC, Spearfish, SPEARFISH, SD, Speedway, Spencer, Spindale, Spirit Lake, Spokane, Spokane Valley, SPOKANE, WA, Spooner, Spray Beach, Spring, Spring City, Spring Hill, Spring Hill, FL, Spring Hill, TN, Spring Lake, Spring Lake, MI, Spring Lake, NC, Spring Lake, NJ, Spring Valley, Springboro, Springdale, Springdale, AR, Springdale, OH, Springdale, UT, Springerville, Springfield, Springfield, IL, Springfield, KY, Springfield, LA, Springfield, MA, Springfield, MN,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Springfield, MO, Springfield, NJ, Springfield, OH, Springfield, OR, Springfield, PA, Springfield, TN, Springfield, VA, Springfield, VT, Springville, Springville, NY, Springville, UT, Spruce Pine, St Helena, CA, St Peters, MO, St. Augustine, FL, St. Clairsville, OH, ST. LOUIS, MO, ST. PETERSBURG, FL, Stafford, Stafford, TX, Stafford, VA, Stamford, Stamford, CT, Standish, Stanfordville, Stanley, Stanton, Stanton, CA, Stanton, TN, Staples, Star City, Starke, Starkville, Starkville, MS, State College, State College, PA, Stateline, Stateline, NV, Staten Island, Staten Island, NY, Statesboro, Statesville, Staunton, Staunton, IL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Staunton, VA, Steamboat Springs, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO, Steinhatchee, Stephens City, Stephenville, Stephenville, TX, Sterling, Sterling Heights, Sterling, CO, Sterling, MA, Sterling, VA, Steubenville, Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI, Stevenson Ranch, Stevenson, WA, Stevensville, STEVENSVILLE, MI, Stewartville, Stillwater, Stillwater, MN, Stillwater, OK, Stilwell, Stockbridge, Stockbridge, GA, Stockbridge, MA, Stockton, Stockton, CA, STOCKTON, IL, Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA, Stonington, Stony Brook, NY, Stony Creek, Stonybrook (NY), Storm Lake, Storm Lake, IA, Storrs, Story City, Stoughton, MA, Stoughton, WI, Stow, Stowe, Stowe, VT, Strasburg, Strasburg, OH, Strasburg, PA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Strasburg, VA, Stratford, Stratford, CT, Stratton, Stratton Mountain, Streator, Streetsboro, Strongsville, Stroud, Stroudsburg, Strousburg, Stuart, Stuart, FL, Stuart, IA, Studio City, Studio City, CA, Sturbridge, STURBRIDGE, MA, Sturgeon Bay, Sturgis, Sturgis, MI, Sturgis, SD, Sturtevant, Stuttgart (Estugarda), Sublimity, Sudbury, Suffern, Suffolk, Suffolk, VA, Sugar Hill, NH,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Sugar Land, Suisun City, CA, Sullivan, IN, Sullivan, MO, Sulphur, Sulphur Springs, Sulphur, LA, Sulphur, OK, Summerland, Summersville, Summerton, Summit, Sumner, Sumter, Sun City, Sun City Center, Sun City, CA, Sun Prairie, Sun Valley, Sunapee, Sunbury, Sundance, Sundance, UT, Sundance, WY, Sunny Isles, Sunny Isles Beach, Sunny Isles Beach, FL, SUNNY ISLES, FL, Sunnyside, Sunnyvale, SUNNYVALE, CA, Sunrise, Sunrise Beach, SUNRISE, FL, Sunriver, Sunset Beach, Sunset Beach, CA, Sunset Beach, NC, Sunset, UT, Superior, Superior, MT, Superior, WI, Suquamish, Surfside Beach, Surfside Beach, SC,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Surprise, Susanville, Sutherlin, Sutter Creek, Sutton, Sutton, MA, Sutton, WV, Suwanee, Swainsboro, Swansboro, Swansea, Swanton, Swedesboro, Sweet Springs, Sweetwater, Sweetwater, TN, Sweetwater, TX, Sycamore, Sylacauga, Sylmar, Sylva Sylvania, GA, Sylvania, OH, Syosset, Syracuse, Syracuse East, Syracuse, NY, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tacoma, TACOMA, WA, Tahlequah, Tahoe City, Tahoe Vista, Talladega, Tallahassee, Tallahassee, FL, Tallapoosa, Tallulah, Tamarac, Tampa, Tampa, FL, Tannersville, Tannersville, NY, Tannersville, PA, Taos, Taos, NM, Tappahannock, Tarboro, Tarentum, Tarpon Springs,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tarrytown, Tarrytown, NY, Tarzana, Taunton, Tavares, Tavernier, Tawas City, Taylor, Taylor, AZ, Taylor, MI, Taylor, TX, Taylorsville, Taylorsville, IN, Taylorsville, MS, Teaneck, Tehachapi, Tell City, Telluride, Temecula, Temecula, CA, TEMPE, AZ, Temple, Temple Hills, Temple Terrace, TEMPLE, TX, Tenafly, Tequesta, FL, Terre Haute, Terre Haute, IN,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Terrell, Test City, Test City, AZ, Test City, HI, Test City, NE, Teton Village, TETON VILLAGE, WY, Tewksbury, Texarkana, Texarkana, AR, Texarkana, TX, Texas City, Thackerville, Thatcher, Thermopolis, Thibodaux, THIBODAUX, LA, Thief River Falls, Thomaston, Thomaston, GA, Thomaston, ME, Thomasville, Thomasville, AL, Thomasville, GA, Thomasville, NC, THOMPSONVILLE, Thomson, Thornburg, Thornton, Thorofare Thorp, Thousand Oaks,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Thousand Palms, Three Rivers, Three Rivers, CA, Three Rivers, MI, Three Rivers, TX, Thurmont, Tiburon, Ticonderoga, Tiffin, Tifton, Tigard,, TIGARD, OR, Tillamook, TILLAMOOK, OR, Tilton, Timberline, Timmonsville, Timonium, TIMONIUM, MD, Tinley Park, Tinley Park, IL, Tinton Falls, Tipp City, Titusville, Titusville, FL, Titusville, PA, Toccoa, Tofte, Tok, AK, Toledo, Toledo, IA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Toledo, OH, Toledo, OR, Tolleson, Tomah, Tomahawk, Tomball, Tombstone, TOMBSTONE, AZ, Toms River, Tonawanda, Tonopah, Tooele, Topeka, Topeka, KS, Toppenish, Topsham, Torrance, Torrance, CA, Torrey, TORREY, UT, Torrington, CT, Torrington, WY, Totowa, Towanda, Townsend, Townsend, TN, Towson, Tracy, Trappe, Trapper Creek, Travelers Rest, Traverse City, Traverse City, MI, Treasure Island, TREASURE ISLAND, FL, Tremonton, Trenton, GA, Trenton, ME, Trenton, NJ, Trevose, TREVOSE, PA, Triadelphia, Triangle, Trinidad,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Trinidad, CA, Trinidad, CO, Trion, Tropic, UT, Trout Creek, Troutdale, Troutville, Troy, Troy, AL, Troy, IL, Troy, MI, Troy, MO, Troy, NY, Troy, OH, Truckee, TRUCKEE, CA, Trumann, Trumbull, Trussville, AL, Truth or Consequence, Tualatin, Tuba City, AZ, Tubac, Tucker, Tucker, GA, Tucson, TUCSON, AZ, Tucumcari, TUCUMCARI, NM, Tukwilla, Tulalip,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tulare, Tullahoma, Tully, Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, Tumwater, Tunica, Tunica Resorts, Tunica, MS, Tunkhannock, Tupelo, Tupelo, MS, Turlock, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Cottondale, AL, TUSCALOOSA, AL, Tuscola, Tuscumbia, Tuskegee, AL, Tustin, Tuxekan Island, Twenty Nine Palms, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, ID, Twin Mountain, NH, Twinsburg, Twinsburg, OH, Two Harbors, Two Rivers,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tybee Island, Tyler, TYLER, TX, Tyngsboro, Tysons Corner, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Uhrichsville, Uintah, UT, Ukiah, Ullin, Ulysses, Umatilla, Unadilla, Uncasville, Union City, Union City, CA, Union City, GA, Union City, TN, Union Gap, Union, MO, Union, NJ, Union, SC, Union, WA, Uniondale, Uniontown, Uniontown, OH, Uniontown, PA, Universal City, Universal City, CA, Universal City, TX,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): University Park, University Park, FL, Upland, Upper Lake, Upper Marlboro, Upper Sandusky, Urbana, Urbana, IL, URBANA, OH, Urbandale, Utah Lake State Park, UT, Utica, Utica, IL, Utica, MI, Utica, NY, Uvalde, Uxbridge, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Vacaville, Vacherie, Vail, Vail, CO, Valdez, VALDEZ, AK, Valdosta, Valdosta, GA, Valencia (Valência),TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Valentine, Vallejo, VALLEJO, CA, Valley, Valley Center, Valley Center, CA, Valley City, Valley Forge, Valparaiso, Van Buren, Van Horn, Van Nuys, Van Wert, Vance, Vancouver, Vancouver, WA, Vandalia, Vandalia, IL, Vandalia, OH, Vaughn, Vega, Venice, Venice Beach, Venice, CA, Ventnor City, Ventura, VENTURA, CA, Vergennes, Vermillion, Vernal, VERNAL, UT, Vernon, Vernon Hills, Vernon, CT, VERNON, NJ,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Vernon, NY, Vernon, TX, Vero Beach, Verona, NY, Verona, VA, Verona, WI, Vestal, Vestal Parkway, Vestavia Hills, Vevay, Vicksburg, Vicksburg, MA, Vicksburg, MS, Victor, Victor, ID, Victor, NY, Victoria, Victoria, TX, Victorville, Victorville, CA, Vidalia, Vidalia, GA, Vidalia, LA, Vidor, Vienna (Viena), Vienna, VA, Vienna, WV, Villa Rica, Villa Ridge,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Villages, Ville Platte, Vincennes, Vineland, Vineyard Haven, Vinita, Virginia, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA, Virginia City, Visalia, VISALIA, CA, Vista, VISTA, CA, Volcano, Voorhees TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): W. Chesterfield, NH, Wabash, WABASHA, MN, Waco, WACO, TX, Waconia, Wade, Wadena, Wadesboro, Wadsworth, Wadsworth, IL, Wadsworth, OH, Wagoner, Wahpeton, Waikiki, Waikoloa Hawaii,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): WAIKOLOA, HI, Wailea, Wailuku, Waimea, HI, Waitsfield, Wake Forest, WaKeeney, Wakefield, WAKEFIELD, MA, Walcott, Waldford, MD, Waldo, Waldorf, Waldport, Walker, Walker, LA, Walker, MI, WALKER, MN, Wall, Wall Township, Wall, NJ, Wall, SD, Walla Walla, Wallace, Wallace, ID, Wallace, NC, Walland, Waller, Wallingford, Walloon Lake, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Walnut, CA, Walnut, IA, Walsenburg, Walterboro, Waltham, WALTHAM, MA, Walton, Wamego, Wapakoneta, Warm Springs, Warminster, Warner Robins, Warner Robins, GA, Warren, Warren, AR, Warren, IN, Warren, MI, Warren, NJ, Warren, OH, Warren, PA, Warren, VT, Warrensburg, Warrensburg, MO, Warrensville Heights, Warrenton, Warrenton, MO, Warrenton, OR, Warrenton, VA, Warrenville, Warrenville, IL, Warrington, Warroad, Warsaw, Warsaw, IN, Warsaw, MO, Warsaw, NC, Warsaw, VA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Warwick, WARWICK, RI, Wasco, CA, Waseca, Washburn, Washington Court House, Washington, CT, Washington, DC, Washington, GA, Washington, IA, Washington, IL, Washington, IN, Washington, MO, Washington, NC, Washington, PA, Washington, UT, Washington, VA, Washougal, WA, Wasilla, Wasta, SD, Watch Hill, RI, Waterbury, Waterbury Center, Waterbury, CT, Waterbury, VT, Waterford, Waterford, CT, Waterford, MI, Waterford, WI, Waterloo, Waterloo, IA, Waterloo, IL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Waterloo, NY, Watertown, Watertown, MA, Watertown, NY, Watertown, SD, Watertown, WI, Waterville, Waterville Valley, WATERVILLE, ME, WATKINS GLEN, Watseka, Watsonville, WATSONVILLE, CA, Waukegan, Waukesha, Waukon, Waunakee, Waupaca, Waupun, Wausau, Wausau, WI, Wauseon, Wautoma, Wauwatosa, Waveland, Waverly, IA, Waverly, OH, Waxahachie,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Waycross, Wayne, Wayne, NE, Wayne, NJ, Wayne, PA, Waynesboro, Waynesboro, GA, Waynesboro, PA, Waynesboro, VA, Waynesburg, Waynesville, Waynesville, NC, Weatherford, Weatherford, OK, Weatherford, TX, Weaverville, Webster, Webster City, Webster, NY, Webster, TX, Weed, Weedsport, Weehawken, Weeki Wachee, Weimar, Weirs Beach, NH, Weirton, Welch, Welches, Weldon, Weldon Springs, Wellington, Wellington, CO, Wellington, FL, Wellington, KS, Wellington, UT, Wells, Wells, ME, Wells, NV, Wellsville, Wellsville, NY, Wellsville, UT, Wellton, Wenatchee, Wendover, Wendover, NV, Wendover, UT, Wenona,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Wentzville, Weslaco, WESLACO, TX, Wesley Chapel, West, West Allis, West Atlantic City, West Baden Springs, West Baraboo, West Bend, West Bend, IA, West Bend, WI, West Branch, IA, West Branch, MI, West Burlington, West Chester, West Chester, OH, West Chester, PA, West Columbia, West Columbia, SC, West Columbia, TX, West Conshohocken, West Covina, West Covina, CA, West Coxsackie, West Dennis, West Des Moines, West Des Moines, IA, West Dover, West Dundee, West Fargo, West Forks, West Frankfort, WEST GLACIER, MT, West Greenwich,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): West Harrison, West Hartford, West Haven, WEST HAVEN, CT, West Hazleton, West Helena, West Hollywood, West Homestead, West Jefferson, West Jordan, West Lafayette, West Lafayette, IN, West Lebanon, West Liberty, IA, West Liberty, KY, West Long Branch, West Memphis, WEST MIDDLESEX, West Mifflin, West Monroe, West Monroe, LA, West Orange, West Palm Beach, FL, West Plains, West Plains, MO, West Point, West Point, GA, West Point, MS, West Point, NE, West Point, NY, West Sacramento, West Salem, West Seneca, West Springfield, WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA, West Townshend, VT,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): West Union, WEST VALLEY CITY, WEST VALLEY CITY, UT, West Warwick, West Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, MA, West Yellowstone, WEST YELLOWSTONE, MT, Westampton, Westborough, Westborough, MA, Westbrook, CT, Westbrook, ME, Westbury, Westbury, NY, Westchester, Westchester, IL, Westchester, NY, Westerly, Westerville, Westfield, Westfield, IN, Westfield, MA, Westfield, NJ, Westfield, NY, Westford, Westhampton, Westlake, Westlake Village, Westlake, OH, Westlake, TX, Westley, Westminster, Westminster, CA, Westminster, CO, Westminster, MA, Westminster, MD, Westminster, SC, Westmont, Westmorland,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Weston, Weston, FL, Weston, WI, Weston, WV, Westport, Westport, CT, Westport, MA, Westwego, Westwood, Wethersfield, WETHERSFIELD, CT, Wetmore, Wetumpka, Wexford, Weymouth, Wharton, Wheat Ridge, Wheatland, Wheaton, IL, Wheeler, Wheelersburg, Wheeling, Wheeling, IL, Wheeling, WV, Whippany, WHIPPANY, NJ, White, White Bear Lake, White Castle, White City, White Hall, AR, White Haven, White House, White Marsh, White Pine, White Plains, White River Junction, White Rock, White Settlement, White Springs, FL, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WV,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Whitefield, Whitefish, WHITEFISH, MT, Whitefish, PA, Whitehall, Whitehall Township, Whitehall, MI, Whitehall, MT, Whitehouse Station, Whites City, Whites Creek, Whitesboro, TX, Whitesburg, Whitestone, Whiteville, Whiteville, NC, Whiteville, TN, Whitewater, Whitley City, Whitmore Lake, Whitney, Whitsett, Whittier, Whittier, CA, Whittier, NC, Wibaux, MT, Wichita Falls, WICHITA FALLS, TX, WICHITA, KS, Wickenburg, WICKENBURG, AZ, Wickliffe, Wiggins, Wilbraham, Wilder, Wildersville, TN, Wildwood Crest, Wildwood, FL, Wildwood, MO, Wildwood, NJ, Wilkes Barre, WILKES BARRE, PA, Wilkesboro, Willard, Willcox, Williams,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Williams, AZ, Williams, CA, Williams, IA, Williamsburg, Williamsburg, IA, Williamsburg, KY, Williamsburg, VA, Williamsport, Williamsport, MD, Williamsport, PA, Williamston, Williamstown, Williamstown, KY, Williamstown, MA, Williamstown, NJ, Williamstown, WV, Williamsville, WILLIAMSVILLE, NY, Willington, Willis, Williston, Williston, ND, Williston, VT, Willits, WILLITS, CA, Willmar, Willoughby, Willow Grove, Willow Park, Willow Springs, Willowbrook, WILLOWBROOK, IL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Willows, Willsboro, Wilmington, Wilmington, CA, Wilmington, DE, Wilmington, IL, Wilmington, NC, Wilmington, NY, Wilmington, OH, Wilmington, VT, Wilson, Wilson, NC, Wilson, WY, Wilsonville, WILSONVILLE, OR, Wilton, Wimberley, Winchester, Winchester, IN, Winchester, KY, Winchester, TN, Winchester, VA, Wind Gap, Winder, Windham,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Windom, Window Rock, Windsor, Windsor Locks, Windsor Locks, CT, Windsor Mill, Windsor, CA, Windsor, CO, Windsor, CT, Windsor, WI, Winfield, Winnemucca, Winner, Winnfield, Winnie, Winnsboro, Winnsboro, LA, Winnsboro, SC, Winnsboro, TX, Winona, Winslow, Winston Salem, Winston Salem, NC, Winston, OR, WINTER GARDEN, WINTER GARDEN, FL, Winter Haven, Winter Park, Winter Park, CO, Winter Park, FL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Wintergreen, Winterhaven, CA, Winterset, Winterville, Winthrop, Winthrop, MA, Winthrop, ME, Winthrop, WA, Wisconsin Dells, WI, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Wise, Wittenberg, Wixom, Woburn, WOBURN, MA, Wolcott, Wolf Point, Wolfeboro, Wolfforth, TX, Wood Dale, Wood Dale, IL, Woodbridge, Woodbridge, NJ, Woodbridge, VA, Woodburn, Woodbury, WOODBURY, MN, Woodbury, NY, Woodcliff Lake, Woodcliff Lake, NJ, Woodhaven, WOODHAVEN, MI, Woodinville, Woodland, Woodland Hills, Woodland Hills, CA, Woodland Park, Woodland, CA, Woodland, WA, Woodlands, Woods Cross, Woodside, Woodstock, Woodstock, GA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Woodstock, IL, Woodstock, VA, WOODSTOCK, VT, Woodward, Woodway, Woonsocket, Wooster, Worland, Wormleysburg, Worthington, Worthington, MN, Worthington, OH, Wrightstown, Wrightsville Beach, Wurtsboro, Wylie, TX, Wynne, Wyoming, Wyomissing, Wysox, Wytheville, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Xenia, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Yachats, Yadkinville, Yakima,, YAKIMA, WA, Yampa, Yanceyville,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Yankton, Yardley, Yarmouth Port, Yazoo City, Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park, YELLOWSTONE PARK, MT, Yemassee, Yermo, Yonkers, Yonkers, NY, Yorba Linda, York, York Beach, York Harbor, York, AL, York, ME, York, NE, York, PA, York, SC, Yorktown, Yorkville Yosemite National Park, Yosemite National Park, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Young Harris, Youngstown, Youngstown, OH, Yountville, Ypsilanti, Yreka, Yuba City, Yucca Valley, Yukon, Yulee, Yuma, YUMA, AZ, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Zachary, Zanesville, Zapata, Zephyr Cove, Zephyrhills, Zillah, Zion, Zion National Park, UT, Zumbrota, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): fghanistan, Albânia, Alemanha, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antígua, Antilhas Neerlandesas, Arábia Saudita, Argélia, Argentina, Arménia, Aruba, Austrália, Áustria, Autoridade Palestiniana, Azerbaijão, Bahamas,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bélgica, Belize, Benim, Bermudas, Bielorrússia, Bolívia, Bósnia e Herzegovina, Botswana, Brasil, Brunei, Bulgária, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Butão, Camarões, Camboja, Canadá, Cazaquistão, Chade, Chile, China, Chipre, Colômbia, Coréia do Sul, Costa Rica,, Coted’’Ivoire,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Croácia, Cuba, Dinamarca, Djibouti, Dominica, Egipto, El Salvador, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Equador, Eritreia, Eslováquia, Eslovénia, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Espanha, Estados Unidos da América, Estónia, Etiópia, Filipinas, Finlândia, França, Gabão, Gâmbia, Gana, Georgia, Gibraltar, Granada, Grécia, Gronelândia, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Guiana, Guiana Francesa, Guiné, Guinea Equatorial, Haiti, Honduras, Hungria, Iémen, Ilhas Cayman, Ilhas Cook, Ilhas Faroé, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Ilhas Virgens Britânicas, Ilhas Virgens dos Estados Unidos, Índia, Indonésia, Irão, Iraque, Irlanda,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Islândia, Israel, Itália, Jamaica, Japão, Jordânia, Kuwait, Laos, Lesoto, Letónia, Líbano, Líbia, Liechtenstein, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Macedónia, Madagáscar, Malásia, Malawi, Maldivas, Mali, Malta, Marrocos, Martinica, Maurícia, Mauritânia, México, Micronésia, Moçambique, Moldávia, Monaco, Mongólia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Myanmar, Namíbia, Nepal, Nicarágua, Nigéria, Noruega, Nova Caledónia,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Nova Zelândia, Omã, Países Baixos, Panamá, Papua Nova Guiné, Paquistão, Paraguai, Peru, Polinésia Francesa, Polónia, Porto Rico, Portugal, Qatar, Quénia, Quirguízia, Reino de Tonga, Reino Unido, República Checa, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): República da África do Sul, República de Cabo Verde, República de Fiji, República de Palau, República Dominicana, Reunião, Roménia, Ruanda, Rússia, Samoa, Samoa Ocidental, San Marino, Santa Lúcia, São Cristóvão e Nevis, São Martinho, São Tomé e Príncipe, Senegal, Sérvia, Seychelles, Singapura, Síria, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent, Suazilândia, Sudão, Suécia, Suíça, Suriname, Tailândia, Taiwan, Tajiquistão, Tanzânia, Togo, Trinidad e Tobago, Tunísia, Turcomenistão, Turks e Caicos, Turquia, Ucrânia, Uganda, Uruguai, Uzbequistão, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietname, Zambia, Zimbábue, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): DADOS PRINCIPAIS, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Área: 9.372.614 km², Capital: Washington DC, População: 308.745.538 milhões (Censo 2010), Moeda: dólar norte-americano ( USD ), Nome Oficial: Estados Unidos da América ( United States of America ). Nacionalidade: norte-americana ou estadunidense, Data Nacional: 4 de julho ( Dia da Independência dos Estados Unidos ). Hino: HINO DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): GEOGRAFIA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS (Física e Humana), Mapa: Mapa dos Estados Unidos,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Divisão Administrativa: 50 estados e uma capital federal (Washington DC), Localização: centro da América do Norte, Fuso Horário: - 2 horas em relação à Brasília, Clima dos Estados Unidos: temperado continental (L), subtropical (SE), de montanha (centro e Montanhas Rochosas), árido tropical (SO), mediterrâneo (costa O), árido frio (NO). Cidades dos Estados Unidos (principais): Nova Iorque, Los Angeles; Chicago, Houston, Filadélfia, Washington DC, São Francisco, Miami, Detroit, San Diego, Boston, Orlando, Dallas, Atlanta, Portland, Seattle, New Orleans, Austin, Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Denver, San Antonio , Sacramento Estados dos Estados Unidos: Alabama, Alasca, Arizona, Arkansas, Califórnia, Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul, Colorado, Connecticut, Dacota do Norte, Dacota do Sul, Delaware, Flórida, Geórgia, Havaí, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Luisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississípi, Missouri, Montana, Nebrasca, Nevada, Nova Hampshire, Nova Iorque, Nova Jérsei, Novo México, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pensilvânia, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgínia, Virgínia Ocidental, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Territórios Administrados: Porto Rico, Ilhas Marianas do Norte, Atol Johnston, Guam, Ilhas Wake, Ilhas Midway, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Samoa Americana. Composição da População: brancos (79,96%); negros (12,85%); asiáticos (4,43%), indígenas nativos e do Alasca (0,97%); nativos do Havaí e outras ilhas do Pacífico (0,18%); duas ou mais raças (1,61%). (estimativa de julho de 2007) Densidade Demográfica: 32,9 hab./km2. Crescimento Demográfico: 0,963% por ano (estimativa 2011), CULTURA E DADOS SOCIAIS,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Idioma: inglês (oficial).TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Religião: Protestantes 51,3%; católicos 23,9%; mórmons 1,7%; outros cristãos 1,6%; judeus 1,7%; budistas 0,7%; muçulmanos 0,6%, outros não especificados 2,5%; não afiliados 12,1%; nenhum 4% (estimativa ano de 2007), Taxa de Analfabetismo: 1% (estimativa 2003). IDH: 0,910 (Pnud 2011) - desenvolvimento humano muito alto, Gini: 45.0 (ano de 2007), ECONOMIA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS:TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Produtos Agrícolas: tabaco, milho, soja, sorgo, batata, beterraba, trigo, outros cereais. Pecuária: : bovinos, suínos, aves.TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Mineração: petróleo, gás natural, carvão, minério de ferro, minério de cobre, alumina, prata, urânio. Indústria: equipamentos de transporte, alimentícia, máquinas, química, metalúrgica, gráfica e editorial. Renda per capita: US$ 48.500 ( estimativa 2011). PIB: US$ 15,087 trilhões (2011) Crescimento do PIB em 2011: 1,7%, Taxa de Desemprego: 9,7% (janeiro de 2010), RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES: TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas), FMI (Fundo Monetário Internacional), Banco Mundial, OMC (Organização Mundial do Comércio), G-8, OEA (Organização dos Estados Americanos), Nafta (Tratado Norte-Americano de Livre Comércio), OCDE (Organização de Cooperação e de Desenvolvimento Econômicos), OTAN (Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte). Consulado dos Estados Unidos em São Paulo,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Rua Henri Dunant, 700, Chácara Santo Antônio, CEP 04709-110 - São Paulo - SP, tel: (0xx11) 5186-7000, fax: (0xx11) 5186-7199, Embaixada dos Estados Unidos,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Av. das Nações, Q.801 - Lote 3 - Brasília-DF, Tel. (061) 3312-7000, fax (061) 3225-9136, e-mail: contact@embaixada-americana.org.br, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Veja também:TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Pontos Turísticos dos Estados Unidos - os principais pontos de turismo e culturais nos Estados Unidos,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Economia dos Estados Unidos - características econômicas, dados, taxas, produção, exportações e importações. População dos Estados Unidos - grupos étnicos, taxas de crescimento, urbanização, migração e outros dados. Dólar - história da moeda, dolarização da economia mundial, valores das notas e moedas, impressão, etc. Cidades dos Estados Unidos - lista das principais cidades dos Estados Unidos da América. Geografia dos Estados Unidos - relevo, clima, vegetação e outras informações geográficas. Bandeira dos Estados Unidos - história e significados da bandeira dos Estados Unidos da América. Rios dos Estados Unidos - lista com os principais rios dos Estados Unidos. Guerra de Secessão - a Guerra Civil Americana,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Presidentes dos Estados Unidos - nomes dos presidentes dos Estados Unidos e período de governo. Livros sobre os Estados Unidos - indicação de bibliografia sobre os Estados Unidos.
Referencias:[Karate Do,Te Ashi Do,kung fu]Artes Marciais:_[Karate Do,Te Ashi Do,kung fu]_busca_detalhada:karate,Karate-do,karate,Busca:..-TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):Google Search,América do Norte,Estados Unidos,Países das Américas,Pesquisas relacionadas a search,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):Google Search,América do Norte,Estados Unidos,Países das Américas,search:Te Ashi Do Norte Amériva, Estados Unidos da América (USA, EUA), musicas,search images,search mp3,search rh,search blog,search pdf,search twitter,hotfile search.Additional Search Options, Search Query:Click radio button to select option or click underlined word for detailed explanation, Concept (searches for documents statistically related to your query), Relate (suggests words related to your query, based on co-occurrence within database), Fuzzy (suggests words spelled similarly to the first word in your query), Dictionary (verifies existence and popularity of a word in the database), Set the maximum (up to 4096) number of sections to be retrieved at a time:SEARC UNIDAD STADES,Search for TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): •People Search,Background Check,•Criminal Records,•Marriage Records,•Divorce Records,•Social Network Search,•Property Records',•Reverse Address Lookup,•Reverse Phone Lookup,HITOTSU - JINKAKU KANSEI NI TSUTOMURU KOTO,Primeiro. Esforçar-se para formação do caráter. HITOTSU - MAKOTO NO MICHI WO MAMORU KOTO,Primeiro. Fidelidade para com o verdadeiro caminho da razão. HITOTSU - DORYOKU NO SEISHIN O YASHINAU KOTO,Primeiro. Criar o intuito de esforço. HITOTSU - REIGI O OMONZURU KOTO, Primeiro. Respeito acima de tudo. HITOTSU - KEKKI NO YU O IMASHIMURU KOTO, Primeiro. Conter o espírito de agressão. Quando você lê o Kun (mandamentos) provavelmente notará algo.Cada linha começa com primeiro, porque? Por que não segundo, terceiro, quarto e quinto? O mestre Funakoshi entendia que nenhum item do Kun fosse mais importante que o outro. Por isso, cada item foi numerado como sendo o primeiro. Vocabulário,DOJO - local onde se pratica uma arte marcial; academia. KUN - mandamento; obrigação. HITOTSU - um; uma unidade. JINKAKU - caráter; personalidade.KANSEI - formação; conclusão; término; acabamento. TSUTOMURU - esforçar-se; empenhar-se; tentar arduamente. MAKOTO - verdade; sinceridade; honestidade. MICHI - caminho. MAMORU - obedecer; respeitar; guardar; cumprir; defender.DORYOKU - esforço; empenho. SEISHIN - espírito; alma; vontade; intenção; mentalidade. YASHINAU - alimentar; sustentar; manter; criar. REIGI - etiqueta; cortesia; civilidade; boa educação; respeito. OMONZURU - respeitar; ter muita consideração; apreciar; estimar; venerar; honrar. KEKKI - impetuosidade; arrebatamento; violência. YU - vigor; coragem. IMASHIMURU - repreender; proibir; reprimir; conter. KOTO - sufixo que transforma a expressão em uma ordem.NI - para. NO - de; do; da. O (WO) - indica objeto direto.About, About Yelp, Yelp Blog,Press, Investor Relations, Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Help, FAQ, Advertise, Content Guidelines, Contact Yelp, Business Support, Developers, More,Careers, Yelp Mobile, The Weekly Yelp, Yelp Apparel, RSS, Top Searches, Countries,Australia,Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,Norway,Spain,Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, Language,English Dansk (Danmark) Deutsch (Deutschland) Deutsch (Schweiz) Deutsch (Österreich) English (Australia) English (Belgium) English (Canada) English (Republic of Ireland) English (Switzerland) English (United Kingdom) English (United States)Español (España) Suomi (Suomi) Français (Belgique) Français (Canada) Français (France) Français (Suisse) Italiano (Italia) Italiano (Svizzera) Norsk Bokmål (Norge) Nederlands (België) Nederlands (Nederland) Svenska (Finland) Svenska (Sverige),I had been to TeAshi before for a pedicure and had a good experience. This time, though, it was really bad. My friend and I decided to go in but we were definitely running late. We felt bad, but they weren't that busy. When we walked in, I said that we had an appointment. Then one of the manicurists said "your appointment?" and then eyed the clock behind her very obviously. If they were really busy and could no longer honor the appointment, that would have been completely fine. But if they're going to take us, don't give us the attitude. Next, the pedicure. Overall, not a terrible experience until the pedicurist cut my toe! She apologized, and it seemed like she definitely felt bad. But I still have a painful toe. When we were getting ready to pay, I noticed a sign that said cash tips only. My friend asked me about tip and I said that I thought it was cash tips only, but just to be sure, she asked the manicurist. Better to ask than not, right? She gave my friend grief about it. With attitude, she goes "your friend just told you cash tips only." All she needed to do was respond to the question. Attitude was definitely not necessary. Needless to say, I will not be going back.Te & Ashi Spa, 86 reviews Rating Details Categories: Beauty and Spas Nail Salons Beauty and Spas Day Spas Nail Salons, Day Spas [Edit] Ashi Ashi Boley Tumi -Thakur New York - York College- Sargam Band ... Upgrade to the latest Flash ... 363 Primrose Rd Burlingame, CA 94010, (650) 401-6899, Add Photos Hours:Tue-Sat 10 am - 7 pm,Sun 10 am - 6 pm, Price Range:$$,Accepts Credit Cards:Yes,By Appointment Only:No,Wheelchair Accessible:Yes, First to Review Muncia S. Edit Business Info, Send to Friend Bookmark Send to Phone Write a Review, Yelp Ad Dermalounge, 37 reviews, About This Business: At Dermalounge, we believe that beautiful skin begins with education. Your visit with us begins with a complimentary consultation with our skin health… read more » 86 reviews for Te & Ashi Spa Reviews Matching: Search Reviews Sort by: Yelp Sort | Date | Rating | Elites' | Facebook Friends,' Facebook Friends,From Reviewers You're Following,Reviews from Your Friends, 85 reviews in English, Review from Erica E. Elite '12 99 friends122 reviewsErica E. Menlo Park, CA, 2/12/2012 1 Check-in Here ROTD 5/25/2012 For a spa place in Burlingame, this is about as good as it gets for a girl with my budget. The wonderful ladies were friendly and pleasant. The colors were fantastic!!!! They have Shelac and Gelish- totally doing that next time. They also have OPI, SpaRitual, Chanel and other great lines. The prices are AWESOME!! Spa pedicure with hot stone massage, exfoliating scrub and the works for only $25. Manicure w/o hot stone, but still fantastic for $15. I'll report back on how long the polish lasts, but as a self-proclaimed "nail expert" I know that they took the time to make sure that it was done right, with no scratches, cuts or polish on my skin! Was this review …?seful (4) Funny Cool (3) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Irma R. 30 friends218 reviewsIrma R. San Francisco, CA, 12/22/2011 I came here at 10 am rushing for a mani.... they were able to fit me right in. I don't know the name of the girl who helped me but she did a good job. It's the first time i came here. It was nice and peaceful inside, not loud like other places. She was able to do my mani in the "free" time I had and told me that if i messed them up to come back and she'd fix them for me. It was $15.00 I had no cash and on the cc receipt they don't give you a line for tip. I'll probably come back to see how the pedis are. The only con I have is that it was really cold in there. Maybe they don't have a heater? But over all i liked it. Was this review …?Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Selena M. 0 friends2 reviewsSelena M. Burlingame, CA, 6/18/2012 I've been going to Te and Ashi for 2 years and i think it is the best nail salon I've ever been to! The shop is very clean and organized. They're massage chairs actually give you a relaxing massage unlike all the others which just pinch your back. They have a variety of nail polish that you can pick from. The workers were very professional and very welcoming. They don't talk in another language the entire time. I hate that so much because i always feel like they are gossiping about me. The location is great. The prices are also very reasonable. You always get what you paid for. The salon's environment is very calming and relaxing. They always keep the store clean and smelling good instead of the nail polish remover smell. Te and Ashi also plays music in the back ground which helps relax a person ever more. The employees are very thoughtful of their customers and always makes sure their customer is comfortable with whatever is being done with them. I don't understand why there are some ridiculous reviews for Te and Ashi because this place is nothing but PERFECT. If they can't squeeze you in, then it's not their fault. If you think they have an attitude, then you might want to recheck because YOU might be the one with the attitude. I would highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a place to relax with friends. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Jean B. 0 friends1 reviewJean B. Burlingame, CA, 4/8/2012 My daughter and I tried this nail spa for the first time last week, and it is fantastic. Everyone who works there is extremely professional and very friendly. Most importantly, the results are great. The polish lasted very well and there were many to choose from. We both tried Shelac for the first time and are hooked. We will definitely be regulars at Te & Ashi from now on. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Kylie C. 5 friends36 reviewsKylie C. San Francisco, CA, 5/18/2012 Horrific attitude! I literally walked out 5 min after they started my manicure. The rudeness started as soon as I walked in. While picking a color as instructed, I looked around for someone to ask a color related question. The rude woman started by looking at me with her eyebrows raised in silence from across the room even though she wasn't doing anything (I felt uncomfortable yelling across the room to ask her) like I was an idiot. When I got in the chair, she was just radiating annoyance. She started by dipping my right hand in a bowl of water for about 10 seconds took it out and started on my cuticles. She told me to put my left hand in. I did. It sat in there in the bowl for about 5 min before I pulled it out to respond to a text. I put it back in. Took it back out...they the woman snaps "can u put ur hand back in the water so I can cut ur cuticles." I responded "u didn't need my other hand in the water before u started on it" she says "that's cause I put cuticle oil on it" n gestures toward a bottle she had taken all of 3.5 seconds to dab on each finger. Really?! Did I miss something?! She just had a funky attitude. She says "fine u don't have to put ur hand in the water if u don't want" with a nasty tone. EHW!!! What the?! I don't pay $85 to get a mani/pedi and be treated like a pain in some bleeps bleep! I said you know what, that's fine, I'm gonna go. It ended with her yelling at me as I got up, "Don't you fall in here!!" Was this review …? Useful Funny (1) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Nika B. 21 friends1 reviewNika B. Burlingame, CA, 8/15/2011 I'd like to know what some reviewers mean by "it's your typical Vietnamese nail salon", that seems a little narrow minded, no? Also, if you're going to be erratic about your appointments, you really have no reason to complain. If you can't get your poop together, why should you expect anyone else to, business or not. More importantly, don't ever assume people are talking about you, in Vietnamese or any other language. You're not that important. Mai and her team at TeAshi are the best at what they do. I've been following Mai at her various locations for over 10 years and there's a reason for that. Not only are they great at doing manicures and pedicures but they also try to make you feel at home in their place of business. They remember your name, they ask you about your family, they remember how you like your nails done and you're not just another customer to them. They value you as a customer and they really do take care of you. I wouldn't dream of going anywhere else to get my nails done and every penny is worth it. They do get busy, so make an appointment, it's worth it. Was this review …?Useful (2) Funny (1) Cool (3) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Mashimaro M. 10 friends184 reviewsMashimaro M. San Francisco, CA, 9/16/2011 1 Check-in Here Some people had raving reviews about this place but it just didn't grab me as I had hoped it would. The lady seemed to be working very meticulously but since my trip there my cuticles had been stripping and peeling, which has never happened elsewhere. Argh. The thing that irritated me the most is that you have to tip CASH ONLY. What the... Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Anna D. Elite '12 236 friends381 reviewsAnna D. San Francisco, CA 7/22/2011 1 Check-in Here Impressed with the shellac mani in that it keeps shiny and doesn't chip for an extended amount of time. However, I opted for a french mani and the white tips, though impressively done free-handed and thin just how I like, didn't look so fresh. It looks like the white nail polish they used was old and thick causing the tips to clump and appeared to have these ridges. From afar it looks like a great french mani, but when I look up close, it's not as impressive as I thought. The girls in the salon are pleasant, friendly, and keep conversation. The one gal in the salon that did my eyebrow wax and mani was really outgoing and funny. I mistook her for the owner, which she says many customers do. Prior to her, another girl prepped my nails for the mani. She was pleasantly friendly as well. But, she cut me. Normally I'm not so sensitive to this but she cut me to the point that it stung. She was rushing the prep which probably caused the cut. Overall, it's a nicely kept salon. Very cute and professional for a small space. I'd maybe come back for a shellac if I was going on a vacation and needed a mani that was long lasting. But I definitely am going to have to take off two stars for the rush job, the less than perfect french mani, and the boo boo. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from sophia l. 138 friends67 reviewssophia l. Daly City, CA 8/13/2011 2 Check-ins Here This was the second time I came in for a mani/pedi. It's preferable to make an appt. at least a week in advance to get the time you want. The manicurists were all welcoming & friendly. They spent about an hour on me. I loved the exfoliating scrub and massage on my legs and feet. They used a warm rock that felt really good. Unfortunately, the polish application just wasn't up to par this time. My entire nails were not covered with polish, and the polish on my toes were very thin. I had to add another coat at home :( Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Oriana C. Elite '12 264 friends288 reviewsOriana C. San Mateo, CA 7/16/2011 1 Check-in Here I rarely get my nails did now that I live in Nor Cal - so when I saw a deal on groupon ...Scored! The Decor is super cute and very "zen" like. They have Chanel Nail Polish. No Gossiping. Hot stones/towels. Clean. No Rush. I will def. come back!! Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Naho M. 2 friends3 reviewsNaho M. San Francisco, CA 8/6/2011 Love, love, love this place! I have been a regular here (for gel/acrylics and pedi) for a couple of months now and plan to stay so. I have gone through so many nail salons in CA in the last 10 years, in SD, LA, SF, Sacramento, all over the Peninsula.... And finally! I found the one. In regards to some of the poor reviews here, I wonder if these are the same ladies I've seen walk in, demand service condescendingly, and stomp out after having gotten the same exact service as the person right next to them. I agree credit should certainly not be given to where credit is not due but I hardly believe this place is deserving of such negative feedback. If anyone posted these horrible reviews in hopes to cash in, I insist you take my sincere advice and find a real job. (Hint hint ladies, the salon owners know very well who you are.) Te & Ashi is a standout because it meets everything I look for in a nail salon: The place and equipments are clean. Everyone is professional, friendly, and qualified. My favorites are the owner and Mai. They are skilled, detail-oriented, and to top if off, super kind. Trust me, you will walk out of this place feeling relaxed and content with fabulous nails. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Patricia Y. 39 friends84 reviewsPatricia Y. San Francisco, CA 2/22/2011 If there was a way for me to give 0 stars, I would for this place. I am completely perplexed as to why they received a 4.5 star rating on Yelp. This is your typical Vietnamese nail salon, only it looks nicer and therefore they are able to charge you more for their services. The reason I came here was because I purchased a Groupon for a mani and pedi. I scheduled an appointment beforehand, and they were able to seat me in a timely manner. It was a standard pedi, however the water was only lukewarm and I had to ask the ladies to put in hotter water. I got my pedicure last Thursday, and 5 days later, the polish is already starting to chip. I noticed they offered Shellac, so I opted to get that for my nails for an additional $15. Typically with Shellac, the polish is supposed to last at least 2 weeks. Mine didn't even last 1 week. Within a few days, the polish started to chip and peel away from my nail bed. When the lady was applying the polish, I noticed she missed several spots, and kept putting on more base + top coat, which may have led to the quick peeling. On top of that, she failed to cut my cuticles and cut my nails square, when I requested them be round. She had to go back several times to fix mistakes and redo things over again because she did not do it the first time. When she rounded my nails, she did not file them evenly resulting in an uneven shape. Needless to say, I did not leave a tip. The main lady (I assume owner or manager), could tell I was not happy and when I started to leave without paying a tip, she proceeded to give me a 50% off coupon. Even with that incentive, I will not be visiting this salon again. It is small, cramped, slow, and lacks quality nail ladies. Be forewarned. EDIT 2/26/11 -- ALL of the Shellac from my nails peeled off by 2/23, a mere SIX DAYS after I had them painted. So disappointing. I am never coming to this hell hole again. Listed in: so fresh and so clean Was this review …? Useful (3) Funny (9) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Jean T. 15 friends77 reviewsJean T. San Francisco, CA 5/20/2011 This is a small tiny nail salon. They provide really good wax for waxing and you don't usually see in other salons. However, the host here is really pushy. She asked me did I leave review on Yelp and also I can tell all the girls working here have pressure from her. A simple conversation will be great but not to be pushy. Was this review …? Useful Funny (2) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Pari G. 11 friends11 reviewsPari G. South San Francisco, CA 5/7/2011 I LOVE this spot! As a new mom and recent law school grad, I rarely had the time to get my nails done. My study buddy and I wanted to treat ourselves to some pampering. Mai greeted us with a huge smile and playful demeanor. Immediately we felt welcomed. SHe treated us like long time friends! We were sat down and pampered with no delay. The women skillfully treated my hands and feet, on top of giving luxurious massages with hot stones, after a luscious rub which lifted the dreariness and exhaustion from every day life. After 3 months of no spoiling myself, I returned to Te & Ashi. Mai remembered me immediately! I was pleasantly surprised as I am sure she meets a ton of people every day. Again, I was pampered to the fullest with percise expertise and utmost professionalism. I definitely would suggest all to visit this joint. They truly know how to treat a girl (or guy). Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from The Y. 0 friends33 reviewsThe Y. San Mateo, CA 7/13/2011 Went here with a Groupon- for mani-pedi. Very friendly, pleasant service, and a great mani-pedi. It felt totally unrushed. Cosy and pleasant atmosphere. What's not to like! Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Doreen H. 25 friends108 reviewsDoreen H. Burlingame, CA 4/12/2011 Do you like to be reminded every 5 minutes how crappy your cuticles look? Do you like to have your cuticles cut until you bleed, and when you point it out to her, to have her say, "oh, I thought they were like this when you came in?" (uh, no, I wasn't bleeding. See how the blood dropletS are pooling? See how you're wielding your cuticle scissors? Hmm...) If so, this is your place! Facilities were fine. I just didn't like the service. (oh yeah, bleeding cuticles also don't make me happy, but whatev.) Shellac lasted about a week, so I was fine with that. Good thing I purchased a Groupon, and will never be coming back. Was this review …? Useful Funny (4) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from ANGELA B. 42 friends118 reviewsANGELA B. San Mateo, CA 1/19/2011 1 Check-in Here I have no choice but to wait a few days after a pedicure to yelp because I want to make sure my toe nails don't start chipping & such. o, I purchased the GROUPON the same day I got the email and I made sure to forward it off to a friend. We both purchased it and waited until it was ready to be printed to make an appointment for Saturday afternoon. We go in, its a tad small but very comfortable. Not a squished in kind of feeling just an intimate feeling of being surrounded by numerous hard working ladies & one gentleman. We pick out our colors and they have a few good ones, even Chanel colors. We get to sit down and get started for our pedicure, the water is perfect not too hot not too cold, they start out like any other pedi and they make sure to do what you ask of them (me specifically, I need them to pick at my ingrown, yeah gross but shut up) anyway, the moment prior to the massage they give you an orange wash type thing, with half and orange no joke squeezed all over your toes and rubbed into your legs. It was very different but it felt really nice. Anyway, the massage was great the polish was put on quite well and the woman that helped both myself & Nicole were very attentive and were bringing us tea (citrus is the bomb) and making sure we were comfortable. Ohhh & even better upon leaving we were offered a coupon for our next trip, I will say I am going to be giving the fancy pedi's a try next time, maybe the lavender... mmm I cant wait! Thank you Te & Ashi Spa for a great experience! We will be back! Was this review …? seful (1) Funny (2) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Irina K. 67 friends39 reviewsIrina K. Santa Clara, CA 2/13/2011 1 photo 1 Check-in Here The overall place is a little small but is very clean and tidy. There are only 3 massage chairs, cashier table, drying station for 2 people and 2 tables for manicures. Staff is very patient, careful, happy and friendly. It does look like this place is fairly new, but overall it looks like a little spa getaway. I also liked that they have a small fountain at the entrance, makes it soothing :) and having OPI is definitely a plus :) I got a Groupon for Mani- Pedi and it was worth every penny and more. Definitely coming back!!!!!!! Was this review …? Useful (2) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Esther A. Elite '12 310 friends669 reviewsEsther A. San Francisco, CA 2/4/2011 I don't usually get my nails done at the salon anymore as I've been on the new nail polish sheets that adheres to your nails (lasts about two weeks and NO dry time) but I got a deal from Groupon that was too good to pass up. I went with a friend and we were ready to get pampered and relax for about an hour. We had reservations but they seemed a bit overwhelmed when we arrived as I'm sure their appointment book was packed due to the Groupon promotion. This salon is tiny and only have three pedi chairs and three stations to do nails. They asked us to pick out a nail color while they finished up on one of the other patrons. I was surprised to find they had a selection of Chanel colors. They were about to have a lady get on the chair to soak her toes but WE had the reservation so they had to do her mani at the table first before she had her pedi on the chairs. I loved the leg massage and the hot stone. It was so relaxing that I almost fell asleep right on the chair. Like all the salons, some girls are chatty and some aren't. I find complete silence a bit awkward but I'm sure some people prefer it. I walked out relaxed with pretty toes and nails and a 50% off services coupon, which in itself is like another Groupon promotion. I'd definitely drive all the way out here from the city for this type of pampering again. Was this review …? Useful (2) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from AK S. 4 friends43 reviewsAK S. San Francisco, CA Updated - 11/8/2010 Went back for a Mani/Pedi with no appointment. Walk-in - no problem I was in and out in an hour (and I had a lot of cuticle!). This is the first time I went during a peak period and even though they were perhaps quicker than in the past, the service was not rushed. My feet (5 days later) still feel soft and tingly. The most surprising? - My manicure has not chipped at all and I had my hands soaking in a TON of water this weekend. It's officially my favorite place ever for Mani/Pedi and the price is right. Was this review …? Useful (3) Funny Cool (1) 2 Previous Reviews: Show all » 7/28/2010 Back for another visit - even better then the last. The chairs ARE massage chairs, they recognized me… Read more » Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Areena M. 8 friends164 reviewsAreena M. Belmont, CA 1/29/2011 I got a great deal from Groupon, so I can't really complain too much. For my $22 plus $5 tip, I got a decent mani/pedi (although I had to fix the polish on one nail right after I got home--didn't notice the error at the spa). If I had paid their usual $45, this would be a 2-star rating. Pros: Very clean, nice massage, and they didn't seem to mind using my polish & topcoat at my request. Cons: Water for the pedi was cold (girl didn't ask me about temp; I had to ask her to warm it up), one of my nails is filed at an odd angle, there was no conversation during the hour I was there--just had the 2 ladies working in near silence, they didn't catch all the polish on my skin--I had to point it out, and my pet peeve--having my mani done while I'm sitting in the pedi chair (means I have to reach one arm across my body for the woman to work and I don't get to relax my arms during the whole affair). Overall, it wasn't a bad job but it wasn't great. If I lived nearby and I got another coupon, I might go back, but I don't foresee returning otherwise. Was this review …? Useful Funny (1) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Ace M. 63 friends17 reviewsAce M. Daly City, CA 4/27/2011 Came here with a friend & my daughter (4y/o) to get our nails done. Three very patient & pleasant woman. Other nail places they're always talking and laughing about something between themselves. This place was very professional & quiet and very very clean. They took their time on our nails and they were very gentle too. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Alicia C. 2 friends11 reviewsAlicia C. San Carlos, CA 7/13/2011 I came here on a groupon that my husband gave me. I tried for the first time ever a shellac manicure and I am hooked. The shellac stayed on for more than two weeks. I only took it off because my nails were growing and it was starting to look like a french manicure. I was not so happy with the pedicure. It looked just "ok." Now, that I have tried the shellac manicure at two different locations, I liked the shellac manicure better here. Although, I need to find a place that will do a good job on both my hands and feet. So the hunt will go on. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Vindy C. 65 friends60 reviewsVindy C. South San Francisco, CA 1/21/2011 I've been to my fair share of nail salons and this place is one of the cleaner and friendlier ones I've been to. I brought my mom and sister her for a little treat since Groupon was having such a great bargain on their mani/pedi package.... simply couldn't resist a little pampering. Before entering the salon, I didn't know what to expect since it was our first visit. Upon entering, I remember my first thought being "This place is tiny" =oP They had 2 manicure stations and 3 spa chairs. But as the old saying goes... never judge a book by its cover. Being that we had an appointment, they got started on us immediately. The environment was comfortable and the staff was friendly. Not once did we feel rushed and it turned out to be a very relaxing evening. I truly enjoyed my mani/pedi and so did my mom and sister. And even though the salon was small compared to othere places I've been to, it didn't feel cramped at all. The next time I visit, I think I'll have to try the Shellac nails. By the sound of it from the other clients, people seem to enjoy it. Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from C. T. 5 friends64 reviewsC. T. San Francisco, CA 2/24/2011 Purchased a groupon and had my mani and pedi. They were really friendly and nice, and there were no loud talking in Vietnamese, which I also liked. They offered me a drink, which was good. Now on the details...the lady that did my feet spent around 45 minutes just prepping it for the pedi! i was so impressed because I figured I wouldn't get that great of a service because I used a groupon. However, it did hurt when she was picking at my ingrowns but luckily I didn't bleed. My feet and hands look really well. I would definitely go back if they had a groupon special again. I don't want to pay $45 when I can pay less somewhere else, since I don't always get my nails done. However, I did not get a 50% off coupon when i left as some reviewers have mentioned. =( Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Xenia M. 0 friends3 reviewsXenia M. Burlingame, CA 5/28/2011 I have been going to Mai for my eyebrows and pedicures for years. She is AMAZING and has a huge following. I have been going to her since her Pinkies days!! She is an eyebrow/waxing genius, ALWAYS does a great job and knows her craft so well, that she knows if I have been cheating on her;-) HA HA! I love Te and Ashi Spa, the atmosphere is calm and relaxing and the location is great. I LOVE LOVE LOVE, that they offer nail polish that is Toluene, Formaldehyde and DPB free!!! I get pedicures there all the time and they always look great and last a long time. Mai treats her clients like family. I even got a gift when my daughter was born!! Great place!!! Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Carla S. 10 friends40 reviewsCarla S. Burlingame, CA 1/14/2011 Totally digging this place for many reasons. I bought the groupon as soon as it came on today (literally, at 12:01) and when my gf called to make us appointments, (around 1pm) they said they could take us today as long as we were able to print out the coupon. We made our appointment for 30 minutes later and they were ready for us when we went in. It's a small place, so an appointment is basically necessary on a Friday (and definitely for the groupon!). My (Mai?) did my nails and was fantastic. We both will be back. No doubt. I still can't get over how great my feet feel. She worked hard at getting my "runner feet" callouses off and did an amazing job. Oh, they have a great selection of polish to choose from. And "green" which is nice to see. My partner usually brings her own in, but she actually used theirs today, which is a first! Was this review …? Useful (1) Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from N C. 3 friends48 reviewsN C. Burlingame, CA 8/2/2010 I usually go to SF for pedicures cuz they're cheaper and they do a good job, but I've been looking for a place closer to home and I think I found it! Got a gift card and a recommendation from my cousin about this place. She had had bad pedicures in the past where she got infections in addition to her nails done. She really liked this place and highly recommended it. I called and made an appointment an hour before, and luckily enough, they had time. I thought they did a really good job and even though it's pricier than the average place, they really do a lot more. I got a standard pedicure, but it came with an exfoliating leg and foot scrub where they used some kind of lavender colored salt scrub and then squeezed some fresh orange juice on it. After that, they massaged in the lotion for a good 5 mins. each leg and then used a warmed rock as part of the massage. It was very relaxing. I had just cut my own toe nails the day before and I like to cut them short. Usually when I go in for a pedicure at other places they always tell me my I cut my nails too short and then they don't try very hard to file or cut the cuticles but at Te & Ashi, they spend a good amount of time and effort on the basics. I appreciated the fact that she neither blamed or complained to me that I cut my nails too short and still tried to do her best. The place was very clean, all their tools are wrapped in sealed bags, and the ambiance is nice and calming. I thought the staff was very calm, composed and professional, despite some customers rude attitudes towards them. Was this review …? Useful (5) Funny Cool (3) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Q L. 14 friends105 reviewsQ L. San Francisco, CA 6/18/2010 I went here once for a pedicure, and I'm at a loss at all the 5 star reviews. I had to show the woman doing my pedicure that she missed removing old nailpolish on multiple toes. The filing was uneven. And when the owner/manager (I'm not sure if she was, but obviously a superior), heard me telling this to the nail tech, she started berating the tech right in front of me, I couldn't believe it and decided I would not make any more comments on the lackluster job. I had picked out Zoya polish (which I've had before) but in this application the nails had bubbles and the polish ended up smuding even though I waited 4 hours to wear shoes, and peeled off on some toes. If I were you, I'd try across the street at Universe instead. UPDATE: Wow, since writing my HONEST review, I've received "compliments" from "Ronda C.San Mateo, CA" telling me I should give the place another try and the person was "let go due to poor performance" I was also sent a message from I'm assuming the owner telling me as well to give the place another try and the worker was let go. I find this all very interesting since in my review (as you can read) I never mentioned the exact day or name of the person who gave me a pedicure. The only way I would try this place again is if they had new management. It was the supervisor/manager's response...her berating of her employee in front of customers which I cannot stomach, and here I am getting mulitple messages that this person was fired. Wow. Really. I won't be surprised if the owner/manager gets my honest review deleted, and I seriously question the validity of these other 5 star reviews if the response by this business is to start harassing people who write less than perfect reviews. Was this review …? Useful (7) Funny (8) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Shirley C. 0 friends4 reviewsShirley C. Millbrae, CA 7/12/2011 I would give them zero stars if it was possible because it was a very unpleasant experience. When I walked in at 10:55am today, the owner asked if we had an appointment. When I said yes, she said she didn't have any appointments for me and asked when I called. I said I called over the weekend and she again said she didn't have any appointments. I told her I called her three times over the weekend and had to prove to her from my iPhone log that I called 3 times to their phone number on Saturday. I told her that it was confusing because I made an appointment the first time for 11am on Tuesday then called back and changed it to 6pm on Thursday and called again to change it back to 11am on Tuesday. This was all within 10 minutes when I found out that my daughter couldn't make the 6pm timeframe. I understand that this could be confusing and she could have inadvertently not put our names down the third time; however, what was unpleasant was how rude she treated us and grilled us on when we made the appointment. Everyone at the shop was staring at us as if we tried to crash a party. I really think as an owner of the establishment, she didn't have to be rude. To make it even more uncomfortable, she immediately said something in Vietnamese to her staff and we were rushed through the process. We really only got to dip our feet in the water because it was pulled out to start the pedicure immediately. We did not feel relaxed and felt the tension in the air throughout our manicure and pedicure. During our pedicure, the owner was talking to one of her repeat customers. I can tell from her mumbling that she was talking about us and our situation, which I don't think is appropriate. When we were drying our hands, she came up to us as wanted to make sure that her appointment book was correct so she asked me the times of the appointments I made so she can erase the future one. When she asked for my name and phone number again and looked through her book, she finally said she can see my name and number erased for Tuesday at 11am. She didn't apologize for being rude or for making the mistake and didn't acknowledge she got three calls from me. When it came time to pay, I asked the owner if she wanted me to give the tips to her to give to her staff or if I should hand it to her staff myself. She said to do whatever I felt comfortable with. Therefore, I told her she can give it to her staff for me. When I gave her two $5 bills, she immediately told me I should give it to them myself. I'm not sure why she changed her mind but maybe the $5 tip was too low. I read in prior Yelp reviews that was the amount given so I followed it and thought $5 was good enough considering the unpleasant experience. Maybe it wasn't and she felt offended by it because she certainly made me feel like I was cheap. To top it all off, both of our manicures and pedicures weren't great. I used my Groupon to try out new vendors but this is definitely one vendor I would never go back to. Was this review …? Useful (2) Funny (2) Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from AJ S. 3 friends113 reviewsAJ S. San Diego, CA,9/7/2009 LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS PLACE,I went for a bikini wax and it has to be one of the best I have had in a long time. The place is spotless clean and Te is just as sweet as can be. Looking forward to booking a mani & pedi, Was this review …? Useful (4) Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Steven K. 64 friends11 reviewsSteven K. San Francisco, CA, 10/15/2011 Fast and efficient service! Provides eye brow waxing service also. Ask for the owner, 'Mai' she's very nice and easy to talk to and express your desired look. Was this review …? Useful, Funny Cool Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Christy L. Elite '12 223 friends572 reviewsChristy L. San Francisco, CA, Updated - 6/19/2010 3 Check-ins Here Back for another fab mani and pedi. I love My and her staff! They made me feel relaxed and at home and they never rush.I was sad to see the one star review :( I know I have only received the best quality and care when I've been and have no complaints. My works hard to please her customers! My has also been doing my brows and is helping me whip them back into shape!Thanks again My - I am looking forward to my next visit :)Was this review …?seful (2) Funny Cool (1) 1 Previous Review: Show all »6/14/2010, I am so happy that I found Te & Ashi Spa! My and her ladies made me feel pampered and at home. My spa… Read more » Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from katya t. 4 friends16 reviewskatya t. Burlingame, CA, 10/18/2010 I found this place about a year ago (when it opened I guess). I used to always get my nails done SF but since I work down south now this is closer. I have tried other nails places in Burlingame (because that's where I live) and I'm sorry to say that they all suck. This place is really great though, I get a mani/pedi here every two weeks, which is how long they last (definite plus!) , and I love that they also have natural (non-toxic) nail polish brands like Spiritual and Zoya. Once you get to know the girls they treat you like family and thats really great. They always give their honest opinion (if you ask for it) about what color looks good, etc. They also do really good eyebrow waxing and shaping. Was this review …? Useful Funny Cool (1) Add owner comment Bookmark Send to a FriendLink to This Review Review from Lina S. 0 friends29 reviewsLina S. San Francisco, CA, 9/15/2011 I went to this place because I bought Groupon and read good reviews. I do not understand the good reviews. Avoid this business. This place does a horrible job of mani-pedi. First of all, they do not listen when they are told "not to cut cuticles" I like my cuticles pushed and only gently cut the end piece to clean off, but do not like cutting it all the way around. Quick rundown:1. Rude! Especially, girl named May. Bad attitude and unpleasant personality.2. Their polish do not last and they do not listen to your request. 3. Massage chair isn't worth sitting in. Very weak massage. 4. The bathroom was out of order! 5. They do not give very good massage during the service. 6. Spa water is lukewarm and very unpleasant to soak your feet in. The first time I went to this place, they told me to come 30 min. later. I accommodated them. I went there 35 min. later. So, I waited 30 min. for them but I was 5 min. late. They gave me attitude from the start for this even though I accommodated them in the first place. The girl in charge (I am not sure if she is the manager) May, is awful. She is full of attitude and just plain rude. Very unpleasant. When you ask something, she cut you off and act like she already knows what you are about to say. And, of course they never quite get what you want and just do whatever they want to like cutting my cuticles all the way around. The mani-pedi polish did not last even a few days and they started to flake and peel off. My cuticles looked awful after a day. They give half-witted massage and their spa water is never hot enough to feel good to soak your feet in it. I received terrible service the first time I used groupon here. Although I wasn't happy with their service, I had to use the coupon I purchased so I scheduled a service for which I had to reschedule my appointment that was for July. When I called them to inquire about the expiring coupon (it was to expire on July 17 and I wanted to know if they will still honor it), they told me I can still use it when I come back in the later time. They did not mention any stipulation. When I went today to redeem the coupon, they insisted that I pay extra $23 for mani-pedi because the coupon expired even though that is not what they told me on the phone. They were very rude and said either I pay it or they will call the police. I reluctantly paid to avoid further argument and embarrassment. Again, I was unhappy with overall quality of the service I received. They basically treat Groupon customers terribly. They like to sell it to raise money but do not like it when customers come to redeem coupons. Hours: Monday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Tuesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Wednesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, more...Monday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Tuesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Wednesday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Thursday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Friday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM, Sunday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Categories: Day Spas, Nail Care, Payment: Visa, MasterCard, Debit Cards, Specialities: Spa Parties are offered by reservation. Brands: Select from one of our many Toluene, Formaldehyde and DPB free nail polishes! Products and Services: Te and Ashi Spa offers an extensive selection of spa treatments for your face, hands, feet more...Te and Ashi Spa offers an extensive selection of spa treatments for your face, hands, feet and body. Other Contact Info: Email: teandashispa@yahoo.com, Edit business details, nota: Informações sobre o significado do Dojo Kun foram publicadas na, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):Encontre aqui academia de ginástica, natação e musculação, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):SEARC UNIDAD STADES_Estados Unidos da América - EUA,Informações sobre os Estados Unidos, bandeira dos Estados Unidos, cultura norte-americana, mapa dos Estados Unidos, consulado dos Estados Unidos, tudo sobre a Estados Unidos, geografia, economia, administração e cultura, cidades e estados dos Estados Unidos Alabama – Montgomery, Alasca – Juneau, Arizona – Phoenix, Arkansas – Little Rock, Califórnia – Sacramento, Carolina do Norte – Raleigh, Carolina do Sul – Columbia, Colorado – Denver, Connecticut – Hartford, Dakota do Norte – Bismarck, Dakota do Sul – Pierre, Delaware – Dover, Flórida – Tallahassee, Geórgia – Atlanta, Havaí – Honolulu, Idaho – Boise, Illinois – Springfield, Indiana – Indianápolis, Iowa – Dês Moines, Kansas – Topeka, Kentucky – Frankfort, Luisiana – Baton Rouge, Maine – Augusta, Maryland – Annapolis Massachusetts – Boston, Michigan – Lansing, Minnesota – Saint Paul, Mississippi – Jackson, Missouri – Jefferson City, Montana – Helena, Nebraska – Lincoln, Nevada – Carson City, New Hampshire – Concord, Nova York – Albany, Nova Jersey – Trenton, Novo México – Santa Fé, Ohio – Columbus, Oklahoma – Oklahoma City, Oregon – Salem, Pensilvânia – Harrisburg, Rhode Island – Providence, Tennessee – Nashville, Texas – Austin, Utah – Salt Lake City, Vermont – Montpellier, Virgínia – Richmond, Virgínia Ocidental – Charleston, Washington – Olympia, Wisconsin – Madison, Wyoming – Cheyenne, Estados, Alabama, Alasca, Arizona, Arkansas, Califórnia, Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul, Colorado, Connecticut, Dakota do Norte, Dakota do Sul, Delaware, Flórida, Geórgia, Havaí, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Nova Hampshire, Nova Iorque, Nova Jérsei, Novo México, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pensilvânia, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgínia, Virgínia Ocidental, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Territórios e distritos, Distrito de Columbia, Guam, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Porto Rico, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Cidades com mais de 100 mil habitantes, Alasca, Juneau Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Alasca, Anchorage, Barrow, Fairbanks, Homer, Juneau - capital, Ketchikan, Nome, Seward, Sitka, Valdez, Arizona, Phoenix Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Arizona, Chandler, Flagstaff, Gilbert, Glendale, Marana, Mesa, Nogales, Oro Valley, Peoria, Phoenix - capital, Prescott, Sahuarita, Scottsdale, Sierra Vista, Tempe, Tucson, Yuma, Arkansas, Little Rock Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Arkansas, Bentonville, Fayetteville, Fort Smith, Hope, Hot Springs, Jonesboro, Little Rock - capital, North Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Springdale, Texarkana, West Memphis, Califórnia, Sacramento Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Califórnia, Alameda, Alhambra, Anaheim, Apple Valley, Bakersfield, Berkeley, Beverly Hills, Cerritos, Chico, Chino, Chino Hills, Citrus Heights, Corona, Cypress, Daly City, Diamond Bar, Downey, Escondido, Eureka, Fairfield, Fremont, Fresno, Fullerton, Garden Grove, Glendale, Half Moon Bay, Huntington Beach, Huntington Park, Irvine, Lakewood, Lancaster, Lodi, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Malibu, Merced, Modesto, Monterey, Moreno Valley, Moraga, Newport Beach, Norwalk, Oakland, Ontário, Orange, Oxnard, Palmdale, Palm Springs, Palo Alto, Paramount, Pasadena, Pomona, Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cucamonga, Redding, Redlands, Rialto, Riverside, Sacramento - capital, Salinas, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San José, San Juan Capistrano, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, San Rafael, Santa Ana, Santa Bárbara, Santa Cruz, Santa Mônica, Simi Valley, Stockton, Thousand Oaks, Tustin, Sonoma, Vallejo, Visalia, West Covina, Whittier, Carolina do Norte, Raleigh Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Carolina do Norte, Asheville, Burlington, Cary, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Concord, Durham, Elizabeth City, Fayetteville, Gastonia, Greensboro, Greenville, Hickory, High Point, Jacksonville, New Bern, Raleigh - capital, Rocky Mount, Wilmington, Winston-Salem, Carolina do Sul, Columbia Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Carolina do Sul, Anderson, Charleston, Clemson, Columbia - capital, Darlington, Florence, Greenville, Myrtle Beach, Orangeburg, Spartanburg, Colorado, Denver Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Colorado, Acres Green, Aspen, Aurora, Boulder, Centennial, Colorado Springs, Denver - capital, Durango, Fort Collins, Grand Junction, Lakewood, Littleton, Pueblo, Vail, Connecticut Hartford Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Connecticut Bridgeport, Greenwich, Hartford - capital, Middletown, New Britain, New Haven, New London, Norwich, Stamford, Storrs, Dakota do Norte, Bismarck Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Dakota do Norte, Bismarck - capital, Dickinson, Fargo, Grand Forks, Jamestown, Mandan, Minot, Williston, Dakota do Sul, Pierre Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Dakota do Sul, Aberdeen, Deadwood, Pierre - capital, Rapid City, Sioux Falls, Sturgis, Vermillion, Watertown, Delaware, Dover Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Delaware, Dover - capital, Elsmere, Georgetown, Milford, Newark, New Castle, Rehoboth Beach, Seaford, Wilmington, Flórida, Tallahassee Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Flórida, Boca Raton, Bradenton, Brandon, Cape Coral, Clearwater, Coral Gables, Coral Springs, Daytona Beach, Delray Beach, Deltona, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers, Gainesville, Hialeah, Hollywood, Jacksonville Kendall, Key West, Kissimmee, Lakeland, Melbourne, Miami, Miami Beach, Miami Gardens, North Miami, Ocala, Orlando, Palm Beach, Panama City, Pembroke Pines, Pensacola, Plantation, Pompano Beach, Port St. Lucie, Port Charlotte, Saint Augustine, São Petersburgo, Sarasota, Sunrise, Tallahassee - capital, Tampa, West Palm Beach, Geórgia, Atlanta Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Geórgia (Estados Unidos), Alpharetta, Athens, Atlanta - capital, Augusta, Brunswick, Columbus, Dalton, Gainesville, Kennesaw, LaGrange, Macon, Marietta, Rome, Roswell, Sandy Springs, Savannah, Statesboro, Thomasville, Valdosta, Warner Robins, Waycross, Havaí, Honolulu Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Havaí, Hilo, Honolulu - capital, Kailua, Kailua-Kona, Lahaina, Lihue, Pearl City, Schofield Barracks, Wahiawa, Waipahu, Illinois, Springfield Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Illinois, Aurora, Belleville, Bloomington, Cairo, Calumet City, Carbondale, Champaign, Charleston, Chicago, Chicago Heights, Cicero, Danville, Decatur, DeKalb, East St. Louis, Evanston, Farmer City, Galesburg, Highland Park, Joliet, Kankakee, Macomb, Moline, Naperville, Normal, North Chicago, Peoria, Quincy, Rock Island, Rockford, Springfield - capital, Urbana, Waukegan, Wheaton, Indiana, Indianápolis Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Indiana, Bloomington, Elkhart, Evansville, Fort Wayne, Gary, Hammond, Indianápolis - capital, Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie, South Bend, Terre Haute, Valparaiso, Vincennes, West Lafayette, Iowa, Des Moines Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Iowa, Ames, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Davenport, Des Moines - capital, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Iowa City, Mason City, Sioux City, Waterloo, Kansas, Topeka Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Kansas, Abilene, Dodge City, Hutchinson, Kansas City, Lawrence, Liberal, Manhattan, Overland Park, Topeka - capital, Wichita, Kentucky, Frankfort Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Kentucky, Bowling Green, Covington, Danville, Florence, Frankfort - capital, Hopkinsville, Jeffersontown, Lexington, Louisville, Murray, Owensboro, Paducah, Richmond, Louisiana, Baton Rouge Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades da Luisiana, Alexandria, Baton Rouge - capital, Bossier City, Grambling, Hammond, Houma, Kenner, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Metairie, Monroe, Morgan City, Natchitoches, New Iberia, New Orleans, Opelousas, Ruston, Shreveport, Slidell, Thibodaux, Maine, Augusta Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades do Maine, Augusta - capital, Bangor, Bar Harbor, Caribou, Freeport, Kennebunk, Lewiston, Orono, Portland, Presque Isle, Maryland, Annapolis Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Maryland, Annapolis - capital, Baltimore, Bethesda, Bowie, College Park, Dundalk, Cumberland, Frederick, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Hagerstown, Laurel, Ocean City Rockville (Maryland), Salisbury, Silver Spring, Towson, Waldorf, Washington, DC - capital dos Estados Unidos, Massachusetts, Boston Ver página anexa: Lista de cidades de Massachusetts, Agawam, Amesbur, Attleboro, Beverly, Boston - capital, Brockton, Cambridge, Chelsea, Chicopee, Easthampton, Everett, Fall River, Fitchburg, Franklin, Gardner, Gloucester, Greenfield, Haverhill, Holyoke, Lawrence, Leominster, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Marlborough, Medford, Melrose, Methuen, Needham, New Bedford, Newburyport, Newton, North Adams, Northampton, Peabody, Pittsfield, Quincy, Revere, Salem, Somerville, Springfield, Taunton, Waltham, Watertown, West Springfield, Westfield, Weymouth, Woburn, Worcester, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO)Cities of Estados Unidos da América, Lista de cidades populares, New York, Las Vegas, NV, Washington, DC (311 hotéis) Miami Beach, FL (387 hotéis), Chicago, IL, Miami, FL (784 hotéis) Los Angeles, CA, BOSTON, MA, Houston, TX, Lista das cidades de Estados Unidos da América, Abbeville, AL, Abbeville, LA, Abbotsford, Abbottstown, PA, Aberdeen, Aberdeen, MD, Aberdeen, MS, Aberdeen, NC, Aberdeen, SD, Aberdeen, WA, Abilene, KS, Abilene, TX, Abingdon, Abiquiu, Absecon, Acme, Acworth, GA, Ada, Adair, Adairsville, Addison, Addison, IL, Addison, TX, Adel, Adelanto, Adrian, Afton, Agoura Hills, Aiken, Ainsworth, Airway Heights, Akron, Akron, OH, Akron, PA, Alabaster, Alachua, FL, Alameda, CA, Alamo, Alamogordo, Alamosa, Albany, Albany, GA, Albany, KY, ALBANY, MN, Albany, NY, Albany, OR, Albemarle, Albert Lea, Albertville, AL, ALBERTVILLE, MN, Albion, Albuquerque, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, Alcoa, TN, Alexander City, Alexandria, Alexandria, LA, Alexandria, MN, Alexandria, VA, Algoma, Algona, Algonquin, Alhambra, Alice, Aliso Viejo, Allegan, Allen, Allen Park, ALLEN PARK, MI, Allen, TX, Allendale, Allentown, Alliance, NE, Alliance, OH, Alma, AR, Alma, GA, Alma, MI, Alma, NE, Aloha, Alpena, Alpharetta, ALPHARETTA, GA, Alpine, Alpine, CA, Alpine, TX, Alsip, Alsip, IL, Alta, WY, Altamont, Altamonte Springs, Altamonte Springs, FL, Altavista, Alto, Alton, Altoona, IA, Altoona, PA, Alturas, Altus, Alva, Alvarado, Alvin, Amarillo, AMARILLO, TX, Amelia Court House, Amelia Island, AMELIA ISLAND, FL, American Canyon, American Fork, Americus, AMERICUS, GA, Ames, Amesbury, Amherst, Amherst, MA, Amherst, NY, Amherst, OH, Amite, Amory, Amsterdam (Amsterdão), Anacortes, Anadarko, Anaheim, Anaheim Hills, ANAHEIM, CA, Anamosa, Anchorage, ANCHORAGE, AK, Andalusia, Anderson, Anderson, CA, Anderson, IN, Anderson, MO, Anderson, SC, Andover, KS, Andover, MA, Andrews, Andrews, NC, Andrews, TX, Angel Fire, Angels Camp, Angleton, Angola, Ankeny, Ann Arbor, Anna, Annandale, Annapolis, Annapolis Junction, ANNAPOLIS, MD, Annawan, Anniston, Anoka, Anthem, AZ, Anthony, Antigo, Antimony, UT, Antioch, Antioch, CA, Antioch, IL, Antioch, TN, Antonito, CO, Apache Junction, Apalachicola, Apalachin, Apex, Apopka, Apple Valley, Appleton, Appleton, WI, Appomattox, Aptos, Aquia Harbour, Arab, Aransas Pass, Arcadia, Arcadia, CA, Arcadia, FL, Arcata, CA, Archdale, Arcola, Arden, Ardmore, Ardmore, OK, Ardmore, TN, Ardsley, Arkadelphia, ARKANSAS CITY, Arlington, Arlington Heights, Arlington Heights, IL, Arlington, MA, Arlington, TX, Arlington, VA, Arlington, VT, Arlington, WA, Armonk, NY, Arnold, CA, Arnold, MO, Arnolds park, Arroyo Grande, ARROYO GRANDE, CA, Artesia, Artesia, CA, Artesia, NM, Arvada, Asbury Park, Ascutney, VT, Ashburn, Ashburn, GA, Ashburn, VA, Asheboro, ASHEVILLE, NC, Ashford (WA), Ashland City, Ashland, KY, Ashland, NH, Ashland, OH, Ashland, OR, Ashland, VA, Ashland, WI, Ashtabula, Ashville, Aspen, Aspen, CO, Aspermont, Astoria, Astoria, NY, Astoria, OR, Atascadero, Atchison, Athens, AL, Athens, GA, Athens, OH, Athens, TN, Athens, TX, Atkins, Atlanta, GA, Atlanta, IL Atlanta, TX Atlantic, Atlantic Beach, FL, Atlantic Beach, NC, Atlantic City West, ATLANTIC CITY, NJ, Atlantic City, NJ, Atlantic Highlands, Atmore, Atoka, Attalla, Attleboro, Au Gres, Auburn, Auburn Hills, Auburn, AL, Auburn, CA, Auburn, IN, Auburn, MA, Auburn, ME, Auburn, MI, Auburn, NY, Auburn, WA, Auburndale, Audubon, Augusta, Augusta, GA, Augusta, KS, Augusta, ME, Aurora, Aurora, CO, Aurora, IL, Aurora, OH, Austell, Austin, Austin, MN, Austin, TX, Austinburg, Austintown, Ava, Avalon, Avenel, Aventura, Aventura, FL, Avila Beach, Avon, Avon Park, Avon, CO, AVON, CT, Avon, IN, Avon, MN Avon, OH Avondale, Avondale, AZ, Avondale, LA, Azle, Azusa, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Babson Park, Bad Axe, Bailey Island, Baileys Harbor, Bainbridge, Bainbridge Island, Baker City, BAKER CITY, OR, Bakersfield, BAKERSFIELD, CA, Bal Harbour, Balch Springs, Bald Head Island, Baldwin Park, Baldwin, FL, Baldwin, WI, Baldwinsville, Ballard, Baltimore, BALTIMORE, MD, Baltimore-Washington, Bandera, Bandon, Bangor, BANGOR, ME, Banner Elk, BANNER ELK, NC, Banning, Bannockburn, Bar Harbor, Bar Harbor, ME, Baraboo, Baraga, Barboursville, Bardstown, BARDSTOWN, KY, Barkeyville, Barnesville, Barnwell, Barre, Barrington, Barrow, AK, Barstow, Barstow, CA, Bartlesville, Bartlett, NH, Bartlett, TN, Bartonsville, PA, Bartow, Bartow, FL, Basalt, Basking Ridge, Bass Lake, Bastrop, LA, Bastrop, TX, Basye, Batavia, NY, Batavia, OH, Batesville, AR, Batesville, IN, Batesville, MS, Bath, ME, Bath, NY, Baton Rouge, BATON ROUGE, LA, Battle Creek, Battle Ground, Battle Mountain, Battleboro, Baudette, Baxley, Baxter, Bay City, MI, Bay City, TX, Bay Harbor, Bay Minette, BAY SAINT LOUIS, MS, Bay Shore, Bay St. Louis, Bayside, Baytown, Beach Haven Gardens, Beachwood, Beachwood, OH, Bear, Beardstown, Beatrice, Beatty, Beaufort, Beaufort, SC, Beaumont, Beaumont, CA, Beaumont, TX, Beaver Bay, MN, Beaver Creek, BEAVER CREEK, CO, Beaver Dam, KY, Beaver Dam, WI, Beaver Falls, Beaver, UT, Beaver, WV, Beaverton, Beaverton, OR, Becker, Beckley, Bedford Heights, Bedford Park, Bedford Park, IL, Bedford, IN, Bedford, MA, Bedford, NH, Bedford, PA, Bedford, TX, Bedford, VA, Beebe, Beeville, BEL AIR, Belen, Belfair, Belfast, Belgrade (Belgrado), Bell Gardens, BELL GARDENS, CA, Bella Vista, Bellaire, Belle Fourche, Belle Plaine, Belle Vernon, Bellefontaine, Bellefonte, Bellemont, Belleville, Belleville, IL, Belleville, KS, Belleville, MI, Bellevue, Bellevue, KY, Bellevue, NE, Bellevue, OH, Bellevue, WA, Bellflower, Bellingham, Bellmawr, Bellows Falls, Bells, Belmont, CA, Belmont, NC, Beloit, Beloit, KS, Beloit, WI, Belton, MO, Belton, TX, Beltsville, Belvidere, Bemidji, Ben Lomond, Benbrook, Bend, BEND, OR, Benicia, Bennettsville, Bennington, Bennington, VT, Bensalem, BENSALEM, PA, Bensenville, Benson, AZ, Benson, MN, Benson, NC, Bentleyville, BENTLEYVILLE, PA, Benton Harbor, Benton, AR, Benton, IL, Benton, KY, Bentonville, AR, Berea, Beresford, Berkeley, Berkeley Springs, Berkeley, CA, Berkeley, MO, Berlin, CT, Berlin, NH, Berlin, NJ, Berlin, OH, Berlin, VT, Berlin, WI, Bernalillo, Bernardsville, Berrien Springs, Berwick, LA, Berwyn, Bessemer, Bessemer City, Bessemer, AL, Bessemer, MI, Bethany, Bethany Beach, Bethany, MO, Bethany, OK, Bethel, AK, Bethel, CT, Bethel, ME, Bethel, PA, Bethesda, BETHESDA, MD, Bethlehem, NH, Bethlehem, PA, Bethpage, Bettendorf, Beulah, MI, Beulah, ND, Beverly Hills, Beverly Hills, CA, Beverly, MA, Bicknell, Biddeford, Big Bear, Big Bear Lake, CA, Big Bend National Park (TX), Big Island, HI, Big Rapids, BIG SKY, MT, Big Springs, TX, Big Stone Gap, Big Sur, Big Sur, CA, Big Timber, Bigfork, Bill, Billerica, BILLERICA, MA, Billings, Billings, MT, Biloxi, Biloxi, MS, Bingham, Binghampton, Birch Run, Bird in Hand, Birmingham, AL, Birmingham, MI, Bisbee, Biscoe, Bishop, Bishop, CA, Bishop, TX, Bishopville, Bismarck, ND, Biwabik, Black Hawk, Black Mountain, Black River Falls, Blackduck, Blackfoot, Blacksburg, Blackshear, GA, Blackwell, Blackwood, Blaine, MN, Blaine, WA, Blair, Blairsville, GA, Blairsville, PA, Blakely, Blakeslee, Blanco, TX, Blanding, Block Island, Bloomfield, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, Bloomingdale, Bloomingdale, IL, Bloomington, IL, Bloomington, IN, Bloomington, MN, Bloomsburg, Blowing Rock, Blue Ash, OH, Blue Bell, Blue Earth, Blue Ridge, Blue Springs, BLUE SPRINGS, MO, Bluefield, VA, Bluefield, WV, Bluff Point, Bluffton, IN, Bluffton, OH, Bluffton, SC, Blythe, Blytheville, Blythewood, Boardman, OH, Boardman, OR, Boaz, Bodega Bay, Bodega, CA, Boerne, Bohemia, Boiling Springs, Boise, Boise, ID, Bolingbrook, Bolivar, MO, Bolivar, OH, Bolton Landing, Bolton Valley, Bonham, Bonita Shores, Bonita Springs, BONITA SPRINGS, FL, Bonne Terre, Bonner Springs, Bonners Ferry, Boone, IA, Boone, NC, Booneville, Boothbay Harbor, Bordentown, Borger, Borrego Springs Bossier City BOSSIER CITY, LA Boston, BOSTON, MA, Bothell, Bottineau, Boulder, BOULDER, CO, Bountiful, Bourbonnais, Bourne, Bow, Bowie, MD, Bowie, TX, Bowling Green, FL, Bowling Green, KY, Bowling Green, MO, Bowling Green, OH, Bowman, Bowmansville, Boxborough, Boyes Hot Springs, CA, Boyne Falls, MI, Boynton Beach, FL, Bozeman, BOZEMAN, MT, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, FL (Bradenton Beach), BRADENTON, FL, Bradford, Bradley, Brady, Brainerd, Braintree, BRAINTREE, MA, Branchburg, Brandenburg, Brandon, FL, Brandon, MS, Brandon, SD, Branford, Branford, CT, Branson West, Branson West, MO, Branson, MO, Branson, MT, Brant Beach, Braselton, Brattleboro, BRATTLEBORO, VT, Brawley, Brazil (Brasil), Brea, Brea, CA, Breaux Bridge, Breckenridge, CO, Breckenridge, MN, Breckenridge, TX, Breezewood, Breinigsville, PA, Bremen, Bremerton, Brenham, Brent, Brentwood, Brentwood, CA, Brentwood, MO, Brentwood, NY, Brentwood, TN, Bretton Woods, BRETTON WOODS, NH, Brevard, NC, Brewer, ME, Brewerton, Brewster, MA, Brewton, Brian Head, Briarcliff Manor, Bridge City, TX, Bridgeport, Bridgeport, CA, Bridgeport, CT, Bridgeport, MI, Bridgeport, TX, Bridgeport, WV, Bridgeton, Bridgeton, MO, Bridgeview, Bridgeville, Bridgewater, Bridgewater, NJ, BRIGANTINE, NJ, Brigham City, Brighton, CO, Brighton, MI, Brillion, Brinkley, Brinkley, AR, Brisbane, Bristol, Bristol, CT, Bristol, PA, Bristol, RI, Bristol, TN, Bristol, VA, Brockport, Brockton, BROCKTON, MA, Brockway, CA, Broken Arrow, Broken Bow, NE, Broken Bow, OK, Bronx, Brook Park, Brookdale, Brookfield, Brookfield, CT, Brookfield, MO, Brookfield, WI, Brookhaven, Brookings, OR, Brooklawn, BROOKLINE, MA, Brooklyn Center, MN, Brooklyn Park, BROOKLYN, CT, Brooklyn, IA, Brooklyn, MI, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn, OH, Brookpark, Brooks, Brookshire, Brooksville, Brooksville, FL, Brookville, OH, Brookville, PA, Broomfield, Broussard, Brown Deer, Brownfield, Browns Mills, Brownsburg, Brownsville, TN, Brownsville, TX, Brownsville, VT, Brownwood, Brunswick, Brunswick, GA, Brunswick, MD, Brunswick, ME, Brunswick, OH, Brush, Bryan, Bryan, OH, Bryan, TX, Bryce Canyon National Park, UT, Bryce, UT, Bryson City, Buckeye, Buckeye Lake, Buckhannon, Buckley, Bucksport, Bucyrus, Buda, Budd Lake, Buellton, Buena, Buena Park, Buena Vista, Buffalo, Buffalo Grove, Buffalo, MN, Buffalo, NY, Buffalo, TX, Buffalo, WY, Buford, Bull Shoals, Bullfrog, Bullhead City, Bulls Gap, Bunkie, Burbank, Burbank, CA, Burbank, IL, Burkburnett, Burkeville, Burleson, Burley, Burlingame, BURLINGAME, CA, Burlington, Burlington, CO, Burlington, IA, Burlington, MA, Burlington, NC, Burlington, NJ, Burlington, VT, Burlington, WA, Burlington, WI, Burnet, Burnham, Burns, Burnsville, Burr Ridge, Burr Ridge, IL, Bushkill, Bushnell, Butler, MO, Butler, PA, Butte, Buttonwillow, Buxton, Byers, Byhalia, Byram, Byron, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Cabool, Cabot, Caddo Valley, AR, Cadillac, Cadiz, Cahokia, Caineville, UT, Cairo, GA, Cairo, IL, Calabasas, Calabasas, CA, Calabash, Calcium, Caldwell, ID, Caldwell, OH, Caledonia, Calera, Calexico, Calhan, Calhoun, California (Califórnia), Calimesa, Calistoga, Calistoga, CA, Callicoon, Calumet, Calumet City, Calvert City, Camarillo, Cambria, CAMBRIA, CA, Cambridge, Cambridge, MA, Cambridge, MD, CAMBRIDGE, MN, Cambridge, OH, Camden, AL, Camden, AR, Camden, ME, Camden, SC, Camden, TN, Camdenton, Cameron, Cameron Park, Cameron, MO, Cameron, TX, Camilla, CAMP HILL, Camp Springs, Camp Verde, Campbell, CAMPBELL, CA, Campbellsville, Campton, Canaan, Canadensis, Canadian, TX, Canal Winchester, Canandaigua, Canby, Candler, Canfield, Canistota, Cannon Beach, Cannon Falls, Canoga Park, Canoga Park, CA, Canon City, Canonsburg, Canonsburg, PA, Canton Township, Canton, GA, Canton, IL, Canton, MI, Canton, MO, Canton, MS, Canton, NC, Canton, NY, Canton, OH, Canton, TX, Canyon, Canyon Lake, CA, Canyon Point (UT), Canyonville, CAPE CANAVERAL, Cape Charles, VA, Cape Charles, VT, Cape Cod, Cape Coral, Cape Elizabeth, Cape Girardeau, Cape May, Capistrano Beach, Capitol Heights, Capitola, Captiva, Captiva Island, Carbondale, CO, Carbondale, IL, Cardiff by the Sea, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, CA, Carefree, Carefree, AZ, Caribou, Carle Place, Carlin, Carlinville, Carlisle, Carlisle, AR, Carlisle, PA, Carlsbad, Carlsbad, CA, Carlsbad, NM, Carlstadt, Carlton, Carlyle, Carmel, Carmel by the Sea, Carmel Valley, Carmel Valley, CA, Carmel, CA, Carmel, IN, Carnegie, Carnelian Bay, Carneys Point, CARNEYS POINT, NJ, Carol Stream, Carolina Beach, Carpinteria, Carpinteria, CA, Carrabassett Valley, Carrington, Carroll, Carrollton, GA, Carrollton, KY, Carrollton, MO, Carrollton, OH, Carrollton, TX, Carson, Carson City, CARSON, CA, CARTER LAKE, Carteret, Cartersville, Carthage, MO, Carthage, NC, Carthage, TX, Cary, CARY, NC, Caryville, Casa Grande, Cascade, Cascade Locks, CASEY, IL, Caseyville, Cashiers, Casper, CASPER, WY, Casselberry, Casselton, Cassville, Castaic, Castle Rock, Castleton, Castro Valley, Cathedral City, CATHEDRAL CITY, CA, Catlettsburg, Catonsville, Catoosa, Catskill, Cave City, Cave Creek, Cavendish, VT, Cayce, Cayucos, Cedar, Cedar City, CEDAR CITY, UT, Cedar Falls, IA, Cedar Hill, Cedar Key, FL, Cedar Lake, Cedar Park, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids, IA, Cedaredge, Cedartown, Celebration, Celebration, FL, Celina, Centennial, Centennial, CO, Center, Centereach, Centerville, IA, Centerville, IN, Centerville, OH, Centerville, TN, Centerville, TX, Central City, KY, Central City, NE, Central Point, Central Valley, CENTRAL VALLEY, NY, Centralia, IL, Centralia, WA, Centre, Centreville, Cerritos, Chadds Ford, Chadron, Chalk Hill, Chalmette, Chama, Chamberlain, Chambersburg, Chamblee, Champaign, CHAMPAIGN, IL, Champions Gate, Chandler, Chandler, AZ, Chanhassen, Channelview, Chantilly, CHANTILLY, VA, Chanute, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, Chaplin, CT, Chapmanville, Chariton, Charles City, Charles Town, Charleston, CHARLESTON NORTH, Charleston, IL, Charleston, MO, Charleston, SC, Charleston, WV, Charlestown, Charlevoix, Charlotte, Charlotte, MI, Charlotte, NC, Charlottesville, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, Chaska, Chatham, Chatham, MA, Chatsworth, CA, Chatsworth, GA, Chattanooga, Chattanooga, TN, Chebeague Island, Cheboygan, Checotah, Cheektowaga, Chehalis, Chelan, Chelmsford, Chelsea, MA, Chelsea, MI, Cheney, Chenoa, Cheraw, Cherokee, Cherokee, IA, Cherokee, NC, Cherry Hill, Cherry Hill, NJ, Cherry Valley, Chesaning, Chesapeake, Chesapeake, VA, Cheshire, Chester, Chester, CA, Chester, IL, Chester, NY, Chester, PA, Chester, VA, Chester, VT, Chesterfield, Chesterfield, MI, Chesterfield, MO, Chesterton, Chesterton, IN, Chestertown, Chetek, Cheverly, Chevy Chase, Cheyenne, CHEYENNE, WY, Chicago, IL, Chickamauga, GA, Chickasha, Chico, Chico, CA, Chicopee, CHICOPEE, MA, Chiefland, Childersburg, Childress, Chilhowie, Chillicothe, Chillicothe, IL, Chillicothe, MO, Chillicothe, OH, Chiloquin, Chilton, Chimney Rock, NC, Chincoteague, Chincoteague Island, Chinle, CHINLE, AZ, Chino, Chino Hills, Chino Valley, AZ, Chipley, Chippewa Falls, Chittenden, Chocowinity, NC, Choctaw, MS, Chowchilla, CHOWCHILLA, CA, Christiansburg, Chula Vista, CHULA VISTA, CA, Church Hill, Cicero, Cincinnati, CINCINNATI, OH, Cinnaminson, Circleville, Cisco, City of Industry, Clackamas, Clairton, PA, Clanton, Clare, Claremont, Claremont, CA, Claremont, NC, Claremore, CLAREMORE, OK, Clarence, Clarendon, Clarinda, Clarion, Clark, NJ, Clarks Summit, Clarksburg, Clarksburg, WV, Clarksdale, Clarkston, Clarksville, Clarksville, AR, Clarksville, GA, Clarksville, IN, Clarksville, TN, Clarksville, VA, Clatskanie, Clawson, Claxton, Claymont, Clayton, GA, Clayton, MO, Clayton, NC, Clayton, NM, Cle Elum, Clear Lake, Clear Lake, IA, Clear Spring, MD, Clearfield, PA, Clearfield, UT, Clearlake Oaks, CLEARMONT, WY, Clearwater, Clearwater Beach, FL, Clearwater, FL, Clearwater, MN, Cleburne, Clemmons, Clemson, Clermont Clermont, FL Cleveland, Cleveland, GA, Cleveland, MS, Cleveland, OH, Cleveland, TN, Cleveland, TX, Clewiston, Clifton, Clifton Park, Clifton, CO, Clifton, NJ, Clifton, TX, Clint, Clinton Township, Clinton, AR, Clinton, IA, Clinton, MD, Clinton, MO, Clinton, MS, Clinton, NC, Clinton, NJ, Clinton, OK, Clinton, SC, Clinton, TN, Clintonville, Clive, CLIVE, IA, Cloquet, Cloudcroft, Cloverdale, CA, Cloverdale, IN, Clovis, CA, Clovis, NM, Clute, CLUTE, TX, CLYDE, OH, Coalinga, Coalville, Coarsegold, CA, Cobleskill, Cobleskill, NY, Cockeysville, Cocoa, Cocoa Beach, Cocoa Beach, FL, Coconut Grove, Cody, CODY, WY Coeur d*Alene, ID, Coeur d''Alene, ID, Coffeyville, Cohasset, Cohasset, MA, Cohoes, Colby, Cold Spring Hills, Coldwater, Coleman, Colfax, Colfax, IA, Colfax, WA, College Corner, College Park, College Park, GA, College Park, MD, COLLEGE STATION, TX, Collegeville, Collierville, Collins, Collinsville, IL Collinsville, VA Colombus, Colonial Heights, Colonial Heights, VA, Colony, Colorado City, Colorado City, CO, Colorado City, TX, Colorado Springs, Colstrip, Colton, COLTS NECK, Columbia, Columbia City, Columbia Falls, Columbia, IL, Columbia, KY, Columbia, MD, Columbia, MO, Columbia, MS, Columbia, PA, Columbia, SC, Columbia, TN, Columbus, Columbus, GA, Columbus, IN, Columbus, MS, Columbus, MT, Columbus, NC, Columbus, NE, Columbus, OH, Columbus, TX, Columbus, WI, Colville, Comanche, Comfort, Commack, Commerce, Commerce Township, Commerce, CA, Commerce, GA, Commerce, TX, Compton, Comstock Park, Concord, Concord, CA, Concord, MA, Concord, NC, Concord, NH, Concord, OH, Concordia, KS, Concordia, MO, Concordville, Conley, GA, Conneaut, Conover, Conrad, Conroe, Conshohocken, Conway, AR, Conway, SC, Conyers, CONYERS, GA, Cooke City, Cookeville, Cookstown, Coon Rapids, Cooper Landing, Coopersburg, Cooperstown, Coopersville, Coos Bay, COOS BAY, OR, Copiague, Copley, Copper Center, Copper Mountain, Copperas Cove, Coral Gables, Coral Gables, FL, Coral Springs, CORAL SPRINGS, FL Coralville, Coraopolis, CORAOPOLIS, PA, Corbin, Cordell, Cordova, Corfu, NY, Corinth, Corinth, MS, Corinth, VT, Cornelia, Cornelius, Cornersville, Corning, Corning, CA, Corning, NY, Cornwall, NY, Corolla, Corona, Corona, CA, Corona, NY, Coronado, CORONADO, CA, Corpus Christi, CORPUS CHRISTI, TX, Corrales, Corsicana, Corte Madera, Cortez, CORTEZ, CO, Cortland, Corvallis, Corvallis, OR, Corydon, Cos Cob, Coshocton, Costa Mesa, COSTA MESA, CA, COTTAGE GROVE, MN, Cottage Grove, OR, Cottonwood, COTTONWOOD, AZ, Cotulla, Counce, Council Bluffs, Countryside, Coupeville, Coventry, Covina, Covington, Covington, GA, Covington, KY, Covington, LA, Covington, TN, Covington, VA, Coxsackie, Cozad, Cozad, NE, Craig, Cranberry, Cranberry Township, Cranbury, Crandon, Cranford, Cranston, Crawfordsville, Crawfordville, Creedmoor, Crescent City, Crescent City, CA, Cresco, Cresson, TX, Crested Butte, Creston, Crestview, Crestwood, Creswell, Crete, Creve Coeur, Cripple Creek, CO, Crivitz, Crockett, Cromwell, Crookston, Cross Lanes, Crossett, CrossLake, MN, Crossville, Crowley, Crump, TN, Crystal, Crystal Bay, NV, Crystal Beach, Crystal Lake, Crystal Mountain, Crystal River, Crystal River, FL, Cuba, MO, Cuba, NY, Cullman, Culpeper, Culver City, CULVER CITY, CA, Cumberland, Cumberland, MD, CUMBERLAND, WI, Cumming, CUMMING, GA, Cupertino, Cupertino, CA, Custer, Cut Bank, Cuthbert, Cutler Ridge, CUYAHOGA FALLS, Cypress, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Dade City, Dahlgren, Dahlonega, Dale, Daleville, AL, Daleville, IN, Daleville, VA, Dalhart, Dallas, GA, Dallas, OR, Dallas, TX, Dalles, Dalles, OR, Dalton, Dana Point, Dana Point, CA, Danbury, DANBURY, CT, Danby, Dandridge, Dania, Dania Beach, Dania Beach, FL, DANIA, FL, Daniels, Danvers, DANVERS, MA, Danville, Danville, CA, Danville, IL, Danville, KY, Danville, PA, Danville, VA, Daphne, Daphne, AL, Darby, Dardanelle, AR, Darien, GA, Darien, IL, Darlington, Darlington, SC, Darlington, WI, Davenport, Davenport, CA, Davenport, FL, Davenport, IA, Davidson, Davie, Davis, CA, Davis, WV, Davison, Dawson, Dawsonville, Dayton, Dayton, OH, Dayton, TN, Dayton, TX, Daytona, Daytona Beach, FL, Dayville, De Funiak Springs, De Kalb, De Land, De Pere, De Smet, De Soto, KS, Deadwood, Dearborn, DEARBORN, MI, Death Valley National Park, DEATH VALLEY, CA, Debary, Decatur, Decatur, AL, Decatur, GA, Decatur, IL, Decatur, IN, Decatur, TX, Decherd, Decorah, Dedham, DEDHAM, MA, Deer Lodge, Deer Park, Deerfield Beach, DEERFIELD BEACH, FL, Deerfield, IL, Deerwood, Defiance, Deforest, DEL CITY, OK, Del Mar, DEL MAR, CA, Del No, Del Norte, Del Rio, DEL RIO, TX, Delafield, Delafield, WI, Deland, Delano, Delavan, DELAVAN, WI, Delaware, Delaware Water Gap, Delhi (Deli), Delmar, Delmont, Delphos, Delray Beach, DELRAY BEACH, FL, Delta, Delta, CO, Delta, UT, Deltona, Deming, Demopolis, Denali, Denali National Park, AK, Denham Springs, Denison, Denison, IA, Denison, TX, DENNIS PORT, MA, Dennisport, Denton, Denton, MD, Denton, TX, Denver, Denver, CO, Denver, PA, Denville, Depoe Bay, Deptford, Dequeen, Derby, KS, Des Moines, Des Moines, IA, Des Plaines, Des Plaines, IL, Desert Hot Springs, Desoto, Desoto, TX, Destin, Destin, FL, Detorit, MI, Detroit, Detroit Lakes, DETROIT, MI, Devens, Devils Lake, Dewey Beach, DeWitt, DeWitt, MI, DeWitt, NY, Dexter, Diamond Bar, Diamondhead, D'Iberville, D'Iberville-Biloxi, MS, Dickinson, Dickinson, ND, Dickinson, TX, Dickson, Dickson City, Dillard, Dillon, Dillon, CO, Dillon, MT, Dillon, SC, Dillsboro, Dillsburg, Dimondale, Dinuba, Dix, Dixon, CA, Dixon, IL, Dixville Notch, DOBSON, Dodge City, DODGE CITY, KS, Dodgeville, Donaldsonville, Donaldsonville, LA, Donegal, Doniphan, MO, Donna, Doral, DORAL, FL, Doraville, Dorris, Doswell, DOSWELL, VA, Dothan, DOUGLAS, AZ, Douglas, GA, Douglas, MI, Douglas, WY, Douglasville, Dove Creek, Dover, Dover, DE, Dover, NH, Dover, NJ, Dover, OH, Dowagiac, Dowell, Downers Grove, Downers Grove, IL, Downey, Downey, CA, Draper, Driggs, Drums, Dry Ridge, Du Bois, Du Quoin, Duarte, Dublin, Dublin, CA, Dublin, GA, Dublin, OH, Dublin, VA, DuBois, PA, Dubois, WY, Dubuque, Dubuque, IA, Duck, Duck Keys, Dulce, Dulles, DULLES, VA, Duluth, GA, Duluth, MN, Dumas, AR, Dumas, TX, Dumfries, Dunbar, Duncan, OK, Duncan, SC, Duncannon, Duncansville, Duncanville, DUNCANVILLE, TX, Dundee, FL, Dundee, MI, Dunedin, Dunkirk, Dunmore, Dunn, Dunnigan, DUNNIGAN, CA, Dunsmuir, Dupont, Durand, Durango, DURANGO, CO, Durant, MS, Durant, OK, Durham, Durham, NC, Durham, NH, Duson, Dwight, Dyersburg, Dyersville, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Eagan, Eagan, MN, Eagar, Eagle, Eagle Nest, Eagle Pass, EAGLE PASS, TX, Eagle River, AK, Eagle River, WI, Eagle, ID, Early, Earth City, Easley, Easley, SC, East Aurora, East Boothbay, East Brunswick, East Brunswick, NJ, East Chicago, IN, East Dubuque, East Ellijay, East Elmhurst, East Glacier Park (MT), East Greenbush, East Hampton, East Hanover, East Hartford, EAST HARTFORD, CT, East Haven, East Hazelcrest, East Lansing, East Liverpool, East Moline, East Norriton, East Norwich, East Orange, East Palatka, East Peoria, East Peoria, IL, East Point, East Providence, East Quogue, NY, East Ridge, East Rutherford, EAST RUTHERFORD, NJ, East Stroudsburg, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA, East Syracuse, NY, East Tawas, EAST TROY, East Wareham, East Wenatchee, East Windsor, East Windsor, CT, East Windsor, NJ, Eastham, Eastland, Eastman, Easton, Easton, MD, Easton, PA, Eaton, Eatonton, Eatontown, Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI, Ebensburg, Eddyville, Eden, Eden Prairie, Eden Prairie, MN, Eden, NC, Eden, UT, Edenton, Edgartown, Edgerton, Edgewater, Edgewater, FL, Edgewater, NJ, Edgewood, Edina, Edinburg, TX, Edinburgh (Edimburgo), Edison, EDISON, NJ, EDISTO BEACH, Edisto Island, SC, Edmond, Edmonds, Edmore, Edna, Edwards, Edwardsville, Effingham, Effingham, IL, Egg Harbor, Egg Harbor Township, Ehrenberg, El Cajon, El Cajon, CA, El Campo, El Centro, CA, El Cerrito, El Dorado Hills, El Dorado Springs, MO, El Dorado, AR, El Dorado, KS, El Monte, El Paso, El Paso, IL, El Paso, TX, El Portal, EL PORTAL, CA, El Reno, El Segundo, EL SEGUNDO, CA, Elberton, Eldon, Eldridge, Elgin, IL, Elgin, SC, Elgin, TX, Elizabeth City, Elizabeth, IN, Elizabeth, NJ, Elizabethton, Elizabethtown, KY, Elizabethtown, NC, Elizabethtown, PA, Elk, Elk City, ELK CITY, OK, Elk Grove, Elk Grove Village, Elk Grove Village, IL, Elk Grove, CA, Elk Horn, IA, Elk River, Elkhart, Elkhart Lake, Elkhart, IN, Elkhorn, Elkhorn, ID, Elkhorn, WI, Elkins, Elko, ELKO, NV, Elkridge, Elkton, FL, Elkton, MD, Elkview, Ellensburg, Ellensburg, WA, Ellenton, Ellicott City, Ellicottville, Ellisville, Ellsworth, KS, Ellsworth, ME, Elma, Elmendorf, Elmhurst, Elmhurst, IL, Elmhurst, NY, Elmira, Elmsford, Elmsford, NY, Elmwood Park, Eloy, Elroy, ELY, MN, Ely, NV, Elyria, ELYRIA, OH, Emerald Isle, Emeryville, Emeryville, CA, Emmetsburg, Empire, Emporia, Emporia, KS, Emporia, VA, Encinitas, Endicott, Endwell, Enfield, Englewood, Englewood, CO, Englewood, FL, ENGLEWOOD, NJ, Englewood, OH, Enid, Ennis, Enola, Enterprise, AL, Enterprise, OR, Enumclaw, Ephraim, Ephrata, PA, Ephrata, WA, Erick, Erie, ERIE, PA, Erlanger, Erwin, Escanaba, Escondido, Espanola, Essex, Essex Junction, Essington, ESSINGTON, PA, EST, NM, Estero, Estero, FL, Estes Park, ESTES PARK, CO, Estherville, Etowah, Etters, Eufaula, Eufaula, AL, Eufaula, OK, Eugene, Eugene, OR, Euless, Eunice, Eupora, MS, Eureka, Eureka Springs, Eureka Springs, AR, Eureka, CA, Eureka, MO, Eureka, NV, Eustis, Eutaw, Evans, Evansdale, Evanston, IL, Evanston, WY, Evansville, Evansville, IN, Evansville, WI, Evansville, WY, Eveleth, Everett, EVERETT, WA, Evergreen, Ewing, NJ, Excelsior Springs, Exeter, CA, Exeter, NH, Exmore, Exton, Eynon, PA TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO):bens, Fair Lawn, Fairbanks, FAIRBANKS, AK, Fairborn, Fairburn, Fairfax, Fairfax City, Fairfax, VA, Fairfax, VT, Fairfield Bay, FAIRFIELD BAY, AR, Fairfield Glade, Fairfield Glade, TN, Fairfield, AL, Fairfield, CA, Fairfield, CT, Fairfield, IA, Fairfield, NJ, Fairfield, OH, Fairfield, PA, Fairfield, TX, Fairhaven, Fairhope, Fairmont City, Fairmont, MN, Fairmont, WV, Fairport, Fairview, Fairview Heights, Fairview Park, Fairview, PA, Fairview, TN, Falconer, Falfurrias, Fall River, Fallbrook, Falling Waters, Fallon, Falls Church, Falls Church, VA, Falmouth, FALMOUTH, MA, Fancy Gap, Fargo, Fargo, ND, Faribault, Farmer City, Farmers Branch, Farmingdale, NJ, Farmingdale, NY, Farmington, Farmington Hills, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI, Farmington, CT, Farmington, MO, Farmington, NM, FARMINGTON, NY, Farmingville, Farmville, Fayette, Fayetteville, AR, Fayetteville, NC, Fayetteville, NY, Fayetteville, PA, Fayetteville, TN, Fayetteville, WV, Feasterville Trevose, PA, Federal Way, Federal Way, WA, Fenton, MI, Fenton, MO, Ferdinand, Fergus Falls, FERN PARK, FL, Fernandina Beach, Ferndale, WA, Fernley, Festus, Fife, Fillmore, CA, Fillmore, UT, Findlay, Findley Lake, Finlayson, Firebaugh, Firestone, Fish Camp, FISH CAMP, CA, Fish Creek, Fisher Island, FL, Fishers, Fishers, IN, Fishersville, VA, Fisherville, Fishkill, Fishkill, NY, Fitchburg, MA, Fitchburg, WI, Fitzgerald, FLAGLER BEACH, Flagstaff, FLAGSTAFF, AZ, Flat Rock, MI, Flat Rock, NC, Flatonia, Flemington, Fletcher, Flint, Flint, MI, Flintstone, Flora, Floral Park, Flordia City, FL, Florence, Florence, AL, Florence, AZ, Florence, CO, Florence, IN, Florence, KY, Florence, OR, Florence, SC, Floresville, Florham Park, Florida City, Florida City, FL, Florida Keys (FL), Florien, Florissant, Flowery Branch, Flowood, Flushing, FLUSHING, NY, Fogelsville, Foley, Folkston, Folly Beach, Folsom, Folsom, CA, Fond Du Lac, Fontana Dam, Fontana, CA, Fontana, WI, Foothill Ranch, Foothill Ranch, CA, Fords, Fordyce, Forest, Forest City, Forest City, IA, Forest City, NC, Forest Grove, Forest Hill, Forest Lake, Forest Park, Forest Park, GA, Forest Park, OH, Foristell, Forks, Forney, Forsyth, GA, Forsyth, IL, Forsyth, MT, Fort Atkinson, Fort Bragg, FORT BRAGG, CA, Fort Collins, FORT COLLINS, CO, Fort Dodge, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Lauderdale, FL, Fort Lee, FORT LEE, NJ, Fort Madison, Fort Mill, Fort Mitchell, Fort Montgomery, Fort Morgan, Fort Myers, Fort Myers Beach, FORT MYERS, FL, Fort Oglethorpe, Fort Payne, Fort Pierce, Fort Pierce, FL, Fort Pierre, Fort Scott, Fort Smith, FORT SMITH, AR, Fort Stockton, Fort Stockton, TX, Fort Sumner, Fort Valley, FORT WALTON BEACH, FORT WALTON BEACH, FL, Fort Washington, Fort Washington, PA, Fort Wayne, IN, Fort Worth, FORT WORTH, TX, Fort Wright, Fortuna, Fosston, Foster City, Fostoria, Fountain, Fountain Hills, Fountain Valley, Fountain Valley, CA, Four Oaks, NC, Fowlerville, Foxborough, Frackville, Framingham, Framingham, MA, Francestown, Franconia, Frankenmuth, Frankfort, IN, Frankfort, KY, Franklin, Franklin Park, Franklin, IN, Franklin, KY, Franklin, LA, Franklin, MA, Franklin, NC, Franklin, OH, Franklin, PA, Franklin, TN, Franklin, TX, Franklin, VA, Franklin, WI, Franklinton, NC, Frazer, Frederick, Frederick, MD, Frederick, OK, Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg, TX, Fredericksburg, VA, Fredonia, Freehold, Freeport, FREEPORT, IL, Freeport, ME, Freeport, NY, Freeport, TX, Freer, Fremont, Fremont, CA, Fremont, IN, Fremont, NE, Fremont, OH, French Lick, Frenchtown, Fresno, FRESNO, CA, Friday Harbor, Fridley, Friendship, Frisco, CO, Frisco, TX, Front Royal, Frostburg, Fruita, Fruitland, MD, Fullerton, FULLERTON, CA, Fulton, IL, Fulton, KY, Fulton, MO, Fulton, MS, Fulton, TX, Fultondale, Fuquay-Varina, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Gable, Gadsden, Gaffney, GAFFNEY, SC, Gahanna, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, Gainesville, GA, Gainesville, TX, Gainesville, VA, Gaithersburg, Gaithersburg, MD, Galax, Galena, Galena Park, Galesburg, Galion, OH, Gallatin, Galliano, Gallipolis, Galloway, NJ, Gallup, GALLUP, NM, Galt, Galveston, Galveston, TX, Gamaliel, Garberville, Garden City Beach, Garden City, GA, Garden City, KS, Garden City, NY, Garden Grove, Garden Grove, CA, Gardena, Gardendale, Gardiner, Gardner, KS, Gardner, MA, Gardnerville, Garibaldi, Garland, Garner, Gary, Gas City, Gassaway, Gassville, Gastonia, Gastonia, NC, Gatesville, Gateway, Gatlinburg, GATLINBURG, TN, Gautier, Gaylord, Gearhart, Geneseo, IL, Geneseo, NY, Geneva, Geneva on the Lake, Geneva, IL, Geneva, NY, Genoa, George West, Georgetown, Georgetown, CO, Georgetown, DE, Georgetown, KY, Georgetown, SC, Georgetown, TX, Gering, Germantown, Germantown, MD, Germantown, TN, GERMANTOWN, WI, Gettysburg, Gettysburg, PA, Geyserville, Ghent, Gibsonia, Giddings, Gig Harbor, Gila Bend, Gilbert, Gilford, NH, Gillette, Gilman, Gilroy, Gilroy, CA, Girard, Girdwood, Glade Spring, Gladstone, OR, Glasgow, Glastonbury, Glastonbury, CT, Glen Allen, Glen Allen, VA, Glen Arbor, Glen Burnie, Glen Burnie, MD, Glen Carbon, Glen Cove, NY, Glen Ellen, Glen Falls, Glen Mills, Glen Rose, Glencoe, Glendale, Glendale Heights, Glendale, AZ, Glendale, CA, Glendale, CO, Glendale, UT, Glendale, WI, Glendive, Glendora, Gleneden Beach, Glenmont, Glennville, Glenpool, Glens Falls, Glenview, Glenville, Glenwood Springs, Globe, Gloucester City, Gloucester City, NJ, Gloucester, MA, Gloucester, VA, Gold Beach, Gold Canyon, Golden, Golden Valley, Golden, CO, Goldendale, Goldsboro, Goleta, GOLETA, CA, Gonzales, Gonzales, LA, Gonzales, TX, Goode, VA, Goodland, Goodlettsville, Goodyear, Goose Creek, Gordonsville, TN, Gordonsville, VA, Gorham, Gorman, Goshen, IN, Goshen, NY, Gothenburg, Government Camp, Graeagle, Graford, Grafton, Grafton, ND, Grafton, VT, Grafton, WI, Graham, NC, Graham, TX, Grain Valley, GRAN PRAIRIE,TX, Granada Hills, Granbury, Granbury, TX, Granby, CO, Granby, CT, Grand Blanc, Grand Canyon West (AZ), Grand Canyon, AZ, Grand Forks, Grand Forks, ND, Grand Haven, Grand Island, Grand Island, NE, Grand Island, NY, Grand Junction, GRAND JUNCTION, CO, Grand Lake, Grand Marais, Grand Mound, Grand Prairie, Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, MI, GRAND RAPIDS, MN, Grand Rivers, Grandview, Grandview, MO, Grandview, TX, Grandville, Granger, IN, Grangeville, Granite City, Grants, Grants Pass, GRANTS PASS, OR, Grantsville, Grantville, Granville, Grapevine, Grapevine, TX, Grasonville, Grasonville, MD, Grass Valley, Gray Summit, Gray, GA, Gray, LA, Grayling, Grayslake, Grayson, Grayville, Great Barrington, Great Barrington, MA, Great Bend, Great Falls, GREAT FALLS, MT, Great Neck, NY, Greeley, Green Bay, GREEN BAY, WI, Green Lake, Green River, UT, Green River, WY, Green Valley, Greenbelt, Greenbelt, MD, Greencastle, Greeneville, Greenfield, IN, Greenfield, MA, Greenough (MT), Greenpprt, NY, Greensboro, Greensboro, GA, Greensboro, NC, Greensburg, IN, Greensburg, KS, Greensburg, PA, Greenup, IL, Greenville, AL, Greenville, IL, Greenville, ME, Greenville, MI, Greenville, MS, Greenville, NC, Greenville, OH, Greenville, SC, Greenville, TX, Greenwich, CT, Greenwood Village, GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO, Greenwood, IN, Greenwood, MS, Greenwood, SC, Greer, Grenada (Granada), Grennough, Gresham, GRESHAM, OR, Gretna, Gretna, LA, Gretna, NE, Gretna, VA, Greybull, Griffin, GRIMES, IA, Grinnell, Griswold, Groesbeck, TX, Groton, Groton, CT, Grove, Grove City, OH, Grove City, PA, Groveland, Groveport, Grover Beach, Grover Beach, CA, Groves, Grovetown, Grundy, Grundy Center, Gualala, Guardia, la, Guerneville, Guilderland, Guilford, Gulf Shores, Gulf Shores, AL, Gulfport, Gulfport, MS, Gun Barrel City, Gunnison, Guntersville, Gurdon, Gurnee, Gurnee, IL, Gustavus, Guthrie, Guymon, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO: Hacienda Heights, HACIENDA HEIGHTS, CA, Hackensack, Hackettstown, Haddonfield, Hadley, Hadley, MA, Hagerstown, Haiku, Hailey, Haines, Haines City, Half Moon Bay, Halfway, Hallandale, Hallandale Beach, Hallettsville, Hallock, Hallowell, Halsey, Haltom City, Ham Lake, Hamburg, Hamburg, NY, Hamburg, PA, Hamden, Hamder, CT, Hamilton, Hamilton, AL, Hamilton, MT, Hamilton, NJ, Hamilton, OH, Hamilton, TX, Hammond, Hammond, IN, Hammond, LA, Hammonton, Hampshire, Hampton, Hampton, GA, Hampton, IA, Hampton, NH, Hampton, SC, Hampton, VA, Hamptonville, Hana, Hanalei, Hanceville, Hancock, Hancock, MA, Hancock, MD, Hancock, ME, Hancock, MI, Hanford, Hankamer, Hankinson, Hannibal, Hanover, Hanover Park, Hanover, MD, Hanover, NH, Hanover, PA, Hapeville, Harahan, Harbor City, Harbor Springs, Harbor Springs, MI, Hardeeville, Hardin, MT, Hardy, Hardyston, Harker Heights, Harlan, Harlan, IA, Harlan, KY, Harleyville, Harlingen, Harlingen, TX, Harmarville, Harpers Ferry, Harriman, Harrington, Harrisburg, Harrisburg, IL, Harrisburg, PA, Harrison, Harrison, AR, Harrison, NJ, Harrison, OH, Harrisonburg, Harrisonville, HARRODSBURG, KY, Hart, Hartford, Hartford, CT, Hartford, WI, Hartland, Hartselle, Hartsville, Hartwell, Harvard, Harvey, Harvey, IL, Harvey, LA, Harwich Port, Hasbrouck Heights, HASBROUCK HEIGHTS, NJ, Haskell, Hastings, HASTINGS, MN, Hastings, NE, Hatfield, Hatteras, Hattiesburg, Hattiesburg, MS, Haubstadt, Hauppauge, Hauppauge, NY, Havelock, Haverhill, Havre, Havre de Grace, Haw River, Hawaiian Gardens, CA, Hawaii-Hilo, Hawaii-Mauna Lani, Hawkinsville, Hawley, Hawthorne, Hawthorne, CA, Hawthorne, NV, Hawthorne, NY, Hayden, Hays, Hayti, Hayward, Hayward, CA, Hayward, WI, Hazard, Hazelton, PA, Hazelton, WV, HAZELWOOD, MO, Hazen, Hazle Township, Hazlehurst, Hazlehurst, GA, Hazlehurst, MS, Hazlet, Hazleton, Healdsburg, Hearne, Heath, Hebbronville, Heber, Heber City, Heber Springs, Hebron, Hebron, IN, HEBRON, KY, Hebron, OH, Heflin, Helen, Helena, HELENA, MT, Hemet, Hemet, CA, Hempstead, Henderson, Henderson, CO, Henderson, KY, Henderson, NC, Henderson, NV, Henderson, TN, Henderson, TX, Hendersonville, Hendersonville, NC, Hendersonville, TN, Henniker, HENRIETTA, Henrietta, NY, Henrietta, TX, Henryetta, Hereford, Herkimer, Hermann, MO, Hermiston, Hermitage, PA, Hermitage, TN, Hermosa Beach, Hernando, Hernando, FL, Hernando, MS, Herndon, Herndon, VA, Hershey, Hershey, PA, Hesperia, Hesston, Heth, Hewitt, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Hiawassee, Hibbing, Hickory, Hicksville, Hidalgo, TX, Higginsville, High Point, Highland, Highland Beach, Highland Falls, Highland Park, Highland, CA, Highland, IL, Highland, NY, Highlands, Highlands Ranch, Highlands Ranch, CO, Hill City, Hilliard, Hillsboro, Hillsboro, OH, Hillsboro, OR, Hillsboro, TX, Hillsborough, Hillsborough, NC, Hillsborough, NJ, Hillsdale, Hillside, Hillsville, Hillview, Hilo, Hilton Head Island, Hilton Head Island, SC, Hilton Head, SC, Hinckley, Hines, Hinesville, HINESVILLE, GA, Hiram, Hixson, Hobart, Hobbs, Hoboken, Hoffman Estates, HOFFMAN ESTATES, IL, Hogansburg, Hogansville, Holbrook, HOLBROOK, AZ, Holderness, NH, Holdrege, Holiday, Holiday City, Holladay, Holland, Holland, MI, Holland, OH, Hollister, Hollister, CA, Hollister, MO, Holly Springs, Hollywood, Hollywood Beach, FL, Hollywood, CA, Hollywood, FL, Holmes Beach, Holton, Holts Summit, Holtsville, Holyoke, Homer, HOMER, AK, Homestead, Homestead, FL, Homewood, Homewood, AL, Homewood, IL, HOMOSASSA, FL, Hondo, Honey Brook, Honolulu, HI, HONOMU, HI, Hood River, HOOD RIVER, OR, Hooksett, Hoover, Hope, Hope Hull, Hope Mills, Hope, AR, Hopewell, Hopewell Junction, Hopkinsville, Hoquiam, WA, Horn Lake, Horn Lake, MA, Horn Lake, MS, Hornell, Horse Cave, Horseheads, Horseheads, NY, HORSESHOE BAY, Horsham, Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, Hot Springs, AR, Hot Springs, SD, Hot Springs, VA, Houghton, Houghton Lake, HOUGHTON, MI, Houlton, Houma, Houston, MS, Houston, TX, Howe, Howell, Hubbard, Huber Heights, Hudson, Hudson, MA, Hudson, NY, Hudson, OH, Hudson, WI, Hudsonville, Hulett, HULL, MA, Humble, Humboldt, Hummelstown, Hunt Valley, Hunt Valley, MD, Huntersville, Huntingburg, Huntingdon, Huntingdon, PA, Huntington, Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, CA, Huntington Park, CA, Huntington Station, Huntington, IN, Huntington, NY, Huntington, WV, Huntsville, Huntsville, AL, Huntsville, TX, Hurley, Huron, Huron, OH, Huron, SD, Hurricane, Hurricane Mills, Hurricane, UT, Hurricane, WV, Hurst, Hutchins, Hutchinson, HUTCHINSON ISLAND, FL, Hutchinson, KS, Hutchinson, MN, Hutto, Hyannis, HYANNIS, MA, Hyattsville, MD, Hyde Park, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO: Ida Grove, Idabel, Idaho Falls, ID, Ignacio, CO, Ilion, Imlay City, Imperial, CA, Incline Village, Independence, Independence, IA, Independence, KS, Independence, MO, Independence, OH, Indialantic, FL, Indian Head, Indian River, Indian Rocks Beach, INDIAN SHORES, FL, Indian Wells, INDIAN WELLS, CA, Indiana, Indiana, PA, Indianapolis, IN, Indianola, Indianola, IA, Indianola, MS, Indio, Inez, Ingleside, Inglewood, INGLEWOOD, CA, INNISBROOK, Intercourse, Interior, International Falls, Intervale, Inver Grove Heigts (INVER GROVE HEIGHTS), Inverness, Inwood, Iola, Ionia, Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa City, IA, Iowa Falls, Ipswich, IRMO, SC, IRON MOUNTAIN, Iron River, Irondale, Ironton, Ironwood, Irvine, IRVINE, CA, Irving, Irving (TX), Irvington, NJ, Irvington, VA, Iselin, Ishpeming, Islamorada, ISLAMORADA, FL, Island Park, Islandia, Isle of Palms, SC, Issaquah, Issaquah, WA, Itasca, Ithaca, Ithaca, NY, Ivins, Ivoryton, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Jackman, Jackpot, NV, Jackson, Jackson Village, Jackson, AL, Jackson, CA, Jackson, GA, Jackson, MI, Jackson, MN, Jackson, MO, Jackson, MS, Jackson, NH, Jackson, OH, Jackson, TN, Jackson, WI, Jackson, WY, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Beach, Jacksonville, AL, Jacksonville, AR, Jacksonville, FL, Jacksonville, IL, Jacksonville, NC, Jacksonville, OR, Jacksonville, TX, Jamaica, Jamaica, NY, Jamesburg, Jamestown, Jamestown, CA, Jamestown, ND, Jamestown, NY, JAMESTOWN, RI, Janesville, Jasper, Jasper, AL, Jasper, FL, Jasper, GA, Jasper, IN, Jasper, TX, Jean, Jefferson, Jefferson City, Jefferson City, MO, Jefferson City, TN, Jefferson, GA, Jefferson, IA, Jefferson, NC, JEFFERSON, TX, Jefferson, WI, Jeffersonville, Jeffersonville, GA, Jeffersonville, IN, Jeffersonville, OH, Jekyll Island, JEKYLL ISLAND, GA, Jellico, JELLICO, TN, Jenks, Jenner, Jennings, Jennings, FL, Jennings, LA, Jensen Beach, JENSEN BEACH, FL, Jericho, Jerome, Jersey City, JERSEY CITY, NJ, Jerseyville, Jessup, Jessup, MD, Jewett, TX, Jim Thorpe, Joelton, John Day, Johnson, Johnson City, Johnson City, NY, Johnson City, TN, Johnson City, TX, Johnson Creek, Johnston, Johnstown, Johnstown, NY, Johnstown, PA, Joliet, Jonesboro, Jonesboro, AR, Jonesboro, GA, Jonesborough, Jonestown, Jonesville, Jonesville, MI, Jonesville, NC, Jonson City, Joplin, Joplin, MO, Joppa, Joshua Tree, Joshua, TX, Jourdanton, Julesburg, CO, Junction, Junction City, Junction City, KS, Junction City, OR, June Lake, Juneau, Juneau (AK), JUNEAU, AK, Juno Beach, Jupiter, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Kaanapali, Kadoka, Kahala (HI), Kahana, Kahuku, HI, Kahului, Maui, Kailua, KAILUA KONA, HI, Kalama, Kalamazoo, KALAMAZOO, MI, Kalispell, KALISPELL, MT, Kalkaska, Kalona, Kamas, Kamuela, HI, Kanab, KANAB, UT, Kaneohe, Kankakee, Kankakee, IL, Kannapolis, Kansas City, Kansas City, KS, Kansas City, MO, Kapaa, Kapalua, Kapolei, Kasson, Katy, Kauai Island, HI, KAUAI, HI, Kaufman, Kaukauna, Kaunakakai, Kayenta, KAYENTA, AZ, Kearney, Kearney, MO, Kearney, NE, Keene, KEENE, NH, Keizer, Kellogg, Kelseyville, CA, Kelso, KELSO, WA, Kemah, Kemmerer, WY, Kenai, Kendall, Kendallville, Kenilworth, Kenly, Kenmore, Kennebunk Beach, ME, Kennebunk, ME, KENNEBUNKPORT, ME, Kennedy, Kenner, Kenner, LA, Kennesaw, KENNESAW, GA, Kennett, Kennett Square, Kennett Square, PA, Kennewick, KENNEWICK, WA, Kenosha, KENOSHA, WI, Kent, Kent, OH, Kent, WA, Kentland, Kenton, Kentwood, Kenwood, Keokuk, Kernersville, Kerrville, KERRVILLE, TX, KESWICK, VA, Ketchikan, Ketchikan, AK, Ketchikan, AR, Ketchum, Kettleman City, Kewadin, MI, Kewanee, Key Biscayne, Key Islamorada, Key Largo, KEY LARGO, FL, Key West, KEY WEST, FL, Keystone, Keystone, CO, Keystone, SD, Kiawah Island, Kihei, Kilgore, Kill Devil Hills, Kill Devil Hills, NC, Killeen, KILLEEN, TX, Killington, VT, Kilmarnock, Kimball, Kimball, NE, Kimball, SD, Kimball, TN, Kimberling City, Kimberly, Kimberly, WI, Kinder, King City, KING CITY, CA, King George, King Of Prussia, KING OF PRUSSIA, PA, Kingdom City, Kingfield, Kingman, Kings Beach, Kings Mountain, Kingsburg, Kingsland, KINGSLAND, GA, Kingsport, Kingsport, TN, Kingston, Kingston Springs, Kingston, NY, Kingston, TN, Kingstree, Kingsville, Kingwood, Kingwood, TX, Kingwood, WV, Kinston, Kiowa, OK, Kirkland, KIRKLAND, WA, Kirksville, Kirkwood, KISSEEMME, FL, Kissimmee, Kissimmee, FL, Kittanning, Kittery, Kitty Hawk, Kitty Hawk, NC, Klamath Falls, KLAMATH FALLS, OR, Knightdale, Knik Glacier - Palmer, AK, Knob Noster, Knoxville, Knoxville, IA, Knoxville, TN, Kodak, Kodiak, KODIAK, AK, Kohala Coast, HI, Kohler, Kokomo, Koloa, Koloa, Kauai, HI, Kosciusko, Kountze, Kremmling, CO, Kulpsville, Kuttawa, Kutztown, Kyle, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): La Belle, La Crosse, WI, La Feria, La Grande, La Grande, OR, La Grange, GA, La Grange, KY, La Grange, TX, La Jolla, LA JOLLA, CA, La Junta, La Marque, LA MESA, LA MESA, CA, LA MIRADA, CA, La Miranda, LA PALMA, CA, La Pine, La Plata, La Porte, La Porte, IN, La Porte, TX, La Puente, La Quinta, La Vergne, La Vista, Lacey, Lackawanna, Laconia, Lacy Lakeview, Ladoga, Ladson, Lady Lake, Lady Lake, FL, Ladysmith, Lafayette, Lafayette Hill, Lafayette, CA, Lafayette, IN, Lafayette, LA, Lago Vista, Laguna Beach, LAGUNA BEACH, CA, Laguna Hills, Laguna Woods, Lahaina, LAHAINA, HI, Lahaska, Laie, Lajitas, Lake Ariel, Lake Arrowhead, Lake Bluff, Lake Buena Vista, Lake Buena Vista, FL, Lake Charles, LAKE CHARLES, LA, Lake City, FL, Lake City, MN, Lake City, SC, Lake City, TN, Lake Dallas, Lake Elmo, Lake Elsinore, Lake Forest, Lake Forest, CA, Lake Forest, IL, Lake Geneva, Lake George, Lake Harmony, Lake Havasu, Lake Havasu City, Lake Havasu City, AZ, Lake Jackson, Lake Junaluska, Lake Lure, Lake Luzerne, Lake Mary, LAKE MARY, FL, Lake Mills, Lake Orion, Lake Oswego, LAKE OSWEGO, OR, Lake Ozark, MO, Lake Park, Lake Placid, Lake Placid, FL, Lake Placid, NY, Lake St Louis, Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoe, CA, Lake Tahoe, NV, Lake Village, Lake Wales, Lake Worth, Lake Worth, FL, Lake Worth, TX, Lake Zurich, Lakeland, Lakeland, FL, Lakeland, TN, Lakeport, Lakeshore, Lakeside, Lakeview, Lakeville, Lakeville, CT, Lakeville, MN, Lakeville, NY, Lakeville, PA, Lakeway, Lakewood, Lakewood, CO, Lakewood, NJ, Lakewood, WA, Lamar, Lamar, CO, Lamar, MO, Lambertville, Lamesa, TX, Lamoni, Lampasas, Lanai, Lanai City, LANAI CITY, HI, Lancaster, LANCASTER, CA, Lancaster, NH, Lancaster, OH, Lancaster, PA, Lancaster, SC, Lancaster, TX, Lancaster, WI, Lander, Landover, Landover Hills, Lanett, Langhorne, Lanham, Lansdale, Lansing, Lansing, IL, Lansing, KS, Lansing, MI, Lantana, Lapeer, Laplace, Laramie, Laramie, WY, Laredo, LAREDO, TX, Largo, Largo, FL, Largo, MD, Larkspur, Larned, Las Animas, Las Colinas, Las Cruces, LAS CRUCES, NM, Las Vegas, NM, Las Vegas, NV, Latham, Lathrop, Latrobe, Latta, Lauderdale, Laughlin, LAUGHLIN, NV, Laurel, Laurel, MD, Laurel, MS, Laurel, MT, Laurens, Laurinburg, Lava Hot Springs, Lavergne, Lavonia, Lawndale, Lawrence, Lawrence, KS, Lawrence, MA, Lawrence, NY, Lawrenceburg, Lawrenceburg, IN, Lawrenceburg, KY, Lawrenceburg, TN, Lawrenceville, Lawrenceville, GA, Lawrenceville, NJ, Lawton, LAWTON, OK, Layton, LAYTON, UT, Le Claire, Le Mars, Le Roy, Lead, Leadville, League City, Leavenworth, Leavenworth, KS, Leavenworth, WA, Leawood, KS, Lebanon (Líbano), Lebanon, IN, Lebanon, KY, Lebanon, MO, Lebanon, NH, Lebanon, NJ, Lebanon, OH, Lebanon, OR, Lebanon, PA, Lebanon, TN, Lebanon, VA, Lebec, Lecanto, Ledgewood, Ledyard, Lee Vining, Lee*s Summit, MO, Lee, MA, Leeds, Lees Summit, Leesburg, Leesburg, FL, Leesburg, VA, Leesville, Leesville, LA, Lehi, Lehigh Acres, Lehighton, Leitchfield, Leland, Leland, NC, Lemon Grove, Lemoore, Lenexa, LENEXA, KS, Lenoir, Lenoir City, Lenox, Lenox, GA, Lenox, MA, Leola, Leominster, Lester, Levelland, Levittown, Lewes, Lewisburg, Lewisburg, PA, Lewisburg, TN, Lewisburg, WV, Lewisport, Lewiston, Lewiston, ID, Lewiston, ME, Lewistown, Lewisville, Lewisville, TX, Lexington, Lexington Park, Lexington, KY, Lexington, MA, Lexington, NC, Lexington, NE, Lexington, SC, Lexington, TN, Lexington, VA, Libby, Liberal, Liberty, Liberty Lake, Liberty, MO, Liberty, NY, Liberty, TX, Libertyville, LIGONIER, PA, Lihue, LIHUE, HI, Lillington, Lima, Limerick, PA, Limon, Lincoln, Lincoln City, LINCOLN PARK, MI, Lincoln, AL, Lincoln, CA, Lincoln, IL, Lincoln, NE, Lincoln, NH, Lincoln, RI, Lincolnshire, Lincolnton, Lincolnville, Lindale, Linden, Lindsay, CA, Lindsay, TX, Linn, LINO LAKES, Linthicim Heights (MD), Linthicum Heights, MD, Linthicum, MD, Lisbon, ND, LISBON, NH, Lisbon, OH, Lisle, Lisle, IL, Litchfield, Litchfield Park, Litchfield, CT, Litchfield, IL, Litchfield, MN, Lithia Springs, Lithonia, Lithonia, GA, Lititz, Little America, LITTLE CHUTE, LITTLE FALLS, MN Little Falls, NY Little River Little River, CA Little River, SC Little Rock, Little Rock, AR, Little Torch Key, Littlefield, Littleton, Littleton, CO, Littleton, NH, Live Oak, Live Oak, FL, Livermore, Livermore, CA, Liverpool, Livingston, Livingston, AL, Livingston, MT, Livingston, NJ, LIVINGSTON, TX, Livonia, Livonia, LA, Livonia, MI, Llano, Lock Haven, Lockhart, Lockport, Locust Grove, Locust Grove, GA, Locust Grove, OK, Locust Valley, NY, Lodi, Lodi, CA, Lodi, WI, Logan, Logan, OH, Logan, UT, Logan, WV, Logansport, Lolo, Loma Linda, Lombard, Lombard, IL, Lomira, Lomita, Lompoc, LOMPOC, CA, London, London, KY, London, OH, Londonderry, Londonderry, NH, Londonderry, VT, Lone Pine, Lone Pine, CA, Lone Tree, LONE TREE, CO, Lone Wolf, Long Beach, Long Beach, CA, Long Beach, MS, Long Beach, NY, Long Beach, WA, Long Branch, LONG BRANCH, NJ, Long Island City, LONG ISLAND, NY, Long Lake, Long Prairie, Longboat Key, LONGBOAT KEY, FL, Longmont, LONGMONT, CO, Longview, Longview, TX, Longview, WA, Lonoke, Lookout Mountain, Loomis, Lordsburg, Lorton, Los Alamitos, Los Alamos, Los Alamos, NM, Los Altos, Los Angeles, CA, Los Banos, Los Banos, CA, Los Gatos, Los Lunas, Los Osos, Lost Hills, Lost Pines, Loudon, Loudon, NH, Loudon, TN, Louisa, Louisburg, Louisville, Louisville, CO, Louisville, KY, Louisville, MS, Loveland, LOVELAND, CO, Loves Park, Low Moor, VA, Lowell, Lowell, AR, Lowell, MA, Loxley, Lubbock, LUBBOCK, TX, Lucedale, Lucerne, CA, Luck, Ludington, Ludlow, Ludlow, MA, Ludlow, VT, Lufkin, LUFKIN, TX Lugoff Luling Luling, LA Lumberton LUMBERTON, NC Luna Pier, Luray, LURAY, VA, Lusk, Lutsen, Lutz, Luverne, AL, Luverne, MN, Lynbrook, Lynchburg, LYNCHBURG, VA, Lynden, WA, Lyndhurst, Lynn Haven, Lynnwood, Lynnwood, WA, Lyons, Lyons, IL Lytle TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Maalaea, Maui, Mableton, Macclenny, Macedonia (Macedónia), Macedonia, OH, Mackinac Island, Mackinaw City, Macomb, Macon, Macon, GA, Macon, MO, Macon, MS, Macungie, Madeira (FL), Madeira Beach, MADEIRA BEACH, FL, Madelia, Madera, Madill, OK, Madison, Madison Heights, Madison Heights, MI, Madison Heights, VA, Madison, AL, Madison, CT, Madison, FL, Madison, GA, Madison, IN, Madison, MS, Madison, SD, Madison, TN, Madison, WI, Madisonville, Madisonville, KY, Madisonville, TX, Madras, Magee, Maggie Valley, Magnolia, Mahwah, Mahwah, NJ, Maitland, Maitland, FL, Makena, Malden, Malibu, Malone, Malta, Malvern, AR, Malvern, PA, Mammoth Lakes, MAMMOTH LAKES, CA, Manahawkin, Manalapan, Manassas, MANASSAS, VA, Manchester, Manchester Township, Manchester Village, Manchester, CT, Manchester, IA, Manchester, KY, Manchester, ME, Manchester, NH, Manchester, NY, Manchester, TN, Manchester, VT, Mancos, Mandan, Manhattan Beach, MANHATTAN BEACH, CA, Manhattan, KS, Manhattan, NY, Manheim, Manistee, Manistique, Manitou Springs, Manitowoc, Mankato, Mankato, MN, Manning, Manor, Mansfield, Mansfield, MA, Mansfield, OH, Mansfield, PA, Mansfield, TX, Manteca, Manteno, Manteo, Manti, UT, Manvel, TX, Many, Manzanita, Maple Grove, Maple Grove, MN, Maple Shade, Maple Shade, NJ, Maplewood, Maquoketa, Marana, Marathon, MARATHON, FL, Marble Falls, Marblehead, MA, Marblehead, OH, Marco Island, MARCO ISLAND, FL, Marianna, Maricopa, Marienville, Marietta, Marietta, GA, Marietta, OH, Marietta, PA, Marina, Marina Del Rey, MARINA DEL REY, CA, Marinette, Marion, Marion, AR, Marion, IA, Marion, IL, Marion, IN, Marion, NC, Marion, OH, Marion, VA, Mariposa, Mariposa, CA, Markham, Markle, Marlboro, Marlboro, MA, Marlin, TX, Marmora, Marquette, MARQUETTE, MI, Marrero, Mars, Mars Hill, Marshall, Marshall, IL, Marshall, MI, Marshall, MN, Marshall, MO, Marshall, TX, Marshalls Creek, PA, Marshalltown, Marshfield, MA, Marshfield, MO, Marshfield, WI, Marston, Martin, TN, Martinez, Martinez, CA, Martinsburg, Martinsburgh, Martinsville, IN, Martinsville, VA, Mary Esther, Maryland Heights, Marysville, Marysville, CA, Marysville, KS, Marysville, MI, Marysville, OH, Marysville, WA, Maryville, IL, Maryville, MO, Maryville, TN, Mascoutah, IL, Mashantucket, Mashpee, Mason, Mason, OH, Maspeth, Massapequa Park, Massena, Massillon, Matamoras, Mathis, Matteson, Matthews, Mattoon, Maui, Maui, HI, Maui-Kahana, Maumee, Maumelle, Maunaloa, Mauston, Max Meadows, Mayfield, Mayfield Heights, MAYFIELD HEIGHTS, OH, Mayfield Village, Maysville, Mayville, NY, Mayville, WI, Maywood, Mc Allen, Mc Call, Mc Cook, Mc Donough, Mc Gehee, Mc Kinney, Mc Pherson, Mcalester, McAllen, TX, McCamey, TX, Mccomb, McGaheysville, McHenry, IL, McHenry, MD, Mckenzie, Mckinleyville, Mclean, Mclean, IL, Mclean, VA, McLeansville, McMinnville, OR, Mcminnville, TN, McPherson, KS, Meade, Meadville, Mebane, Mechanicsburg, MECHANICSBURG, PA, Mechanicsville, Medford, Medford, MA, Medford, NY, Medford, OR, Medford, WI, Media, Medina, Medley, FL, Medora, Melbourne, MELBOURNE BEACH, Melbourne, FL, Melrose, Melrose Park, Melville, Melvindale, Memphis, Memphis, TN, Memphis, TX, Mendenhall, Mendocino, Mendon, Mendota, Mendota Heights, Menemsha, Menlo Park, Menominee, Mentor, Mequon, Merced, Merced, CA, Mercedes, Mercer, Meredith, Meriden, Meridian, Meridian, ID, Meridian, MS, Merkel, Merriam, Merrill, Merrillville, Merrillville, IN, Merrimack, Merritt Island, Merritt Island, FL, Mesa, Mesa Verde, Mesa Verde National Park, CO, Mesa, AZ, MESCALERO, NM, Mesquite, Mesquite, NV, Mesquite, TX, Metairie, Methuen, Metropolis, Metropolis, IL, Mettawa, Metter, Mexia, Mexican Hat (UT), Mexico (CidadedoMéxico), Mi Wuk Village, CA, Miami Beach, FL, Miami Lakes, Miami Springs, Miami, AZ, Miami, FL, Miami, OK, Miamisburg, Michigan City, Middleboro, Middleburg Heights, Middleburg, VA, Middlebury, Middlesboro, Middleton, Middletown, CT, Middletown, DE, Middletown, NJ, Middletown, NY, Middletown, OH, Middletown, PA, Middletown, RI, Middletown, VA, Midland, Midland, MI, Midland, TX, Midlothian, Midlothian, TX, Midlothian, VA, Midvale, Midvale, UT, Midway, Midway, FL, Midway, UT, Midwest City, Mifflintown, Mifflinville, Milaca, Milan, Milan, MI, Milan, OH, Milan, TN, Milbank, Miles City, Milesburg, Milford, Milford, CT, Milford, DE, Milford, IA, Milford, MA, Milford, ME, Milford, OH, Milford, PA, Milford, UT, Mill Hall, Mill Valley, Millbrae, MILLBRAE, CA, Millbrook, Millbury, Milledgeville, Miller, Millersburg, Millington, Millinocket, Millsboro, DE, Millville, Milpitas, MILPITAS, CA, Milroy, Milton, Milwaukee, MILWAUKEE, WI, Minden, Minden, LA, Minden, NV, Mineola, Mineral Point, Mineral Wells, TX, Mineral Wells, WV, Minneapolis, Minnetonka, Minocqua, Minot, MINOT, ND, Miramar, Miramar Beach, Miramar Beach, FL, MIRAMAR, FL, Mishawaka, Mishicot, Misquamicut, RI, Mission Hills, Mission Viejo, Mission, KS, Mission, SD, Mission, TX, Missoula, Missoula, MT, Missouri Valley, Mitchell, Moab, MOAB, UT, Moberly, Mobile, MOBILE, AL, Mobridge, Mocksville, Modesto, Modesto Ceres, Modesto, CA, Mohnton, PA, Mojave, Mokelumne Hill, Mokena, Moline, MOLINE, IL, Molokai, HI, Monaca, Monahans, Moncks Corner, Monee, Monett, Monmouth Junction, Monmouth, IL, Monmouth, OR, Monona, Monroe, GA, Monroe, LA, Monroe, MI, Monroe, NC, Monroe, OH, Monroe, WA, Monroe, WI, Monroeville, AL, Monroeville, PA, Monrovia, Monrovia, CA, Montague, Montana City, Montauk, Monte Rio, Monte Vista, Monteagle, Montebello, MONTEBELLO, CA, Monterey, Monterey Park, Monterey Park, CA, Monterey, CA, Monterey, TN, Montevideo (Montevidéu), Montezuma, Montgomery, Montgomery, AL, Montgomery, NY, Montgomery, TX, Montgomeryville, Monticello, AR, Monticello, FL, Monticello, IL, Monticello, IN, Monticello, KY, Monticello, MN, Monticello, NY, Monticello, UT, Montoursville, Montpelier, ID, Montpelier, OH, Montpelier, VT, Montrose, Montvale, Monument Valley, MONUMENT VALLEY, UT, Monument, CO, Moody, Moon Township, PA, Moore, Mooresville, Mooresville, NC, Moorhead, Moose Lake, Moose Pass, Moosic, Moosup, Mora, Moraine, Moran, Morehead City, Morehead, KY, Morehead, NC, Moreno Valley, Morgan City, Morgan Hill, Morganton, Morgantown, PA, Morgantown, WV, Moriarty, Morrill, Morrilton, Morris, Morris Plains, MORRIS, CT, Morris, IL Morris, MN, Morristown, Morristown, NJ, Morristown, TN, Morrisville, Morrisville, NC, Morrisville, PA, Morro Bay, MORRO BAY, CA, Morrow, Morton, Morton Grove, Morton's Gap, Mortons Gap, KY, Moscow (Moscovo), MOSCOW, ID, Moses Lake, MOSES LAKE, WA, Mosinee, WI, Moss Landing, CA, Moss Point, Moulton, Moultonborough, Moultrie, Mound City, Mounds View, Mount Airy, Mount Arlington, Mount Carmel, MOUNT CARMEL, UT, Mount Clemens, Mount Crested Butte, Mount Dora, Mount Ephraim, Mount Gilead, Mount Holly, Mount Hope, Mount Jackson, Mount Joy, Mount Juliet, Mount Kisco, Mount Laurel, Mount Laurel, NJ, Mount MORRIS, Mount Olive, NC, Mount Olive, NJ, Mount Orab, Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant, IA, Mount Pleasant, MI, Mount Pleasant, PA, Mount Pleasant, SC, Mount Pleasant, TN, Mount Pleasant, TX, Mount Pocono, MOUNT POCONO, PA, MOUNT PROSPECT, Mount Shasta, CA, Mount Sterling, Mount Sterling, KY, Mount Sterling, OH, Mount Sunapee, Mount Vernon, Mount Vernon, IA, Mount Vernon, IL, Mount Vernon, IN, Mount Vernon, KY, Mount Vernon, MO, Mount Vernon, OH, Mount Vernon, TX, Mount Vernon, WA, Mountain City, Mountain Grove, Mountain Home, Mountain Home, AR, Mountain Home, ID, Mountain Iron, MN, Mountain View, Mountain View, AR, Mountain View, CA, Mountlake Terrace, Mountville, Mt Hood, OR, Mukilteo, Mukilteo, WA, Mukwonago, Muldraugh, Muldrow, Mullins, Muncie, Mundelein, Munfordville, Munising, Munster, Murdo, Murfreesboro, TN, Murphy, Murphy, CA, Murphy, NC, Murphys, Murray, KY, Murray, UT, Murrells Inlet, Murrieta, Muscatine, Muscle Shoals, Muskegon, Muskogee, Myerstown, Myrtle Beach, SC, Mystic, MYSTIC, CT, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): NAALEHU, Nacogdoches, Nacogdoches, TX, Nags Head, NC, Nampa, NAMPA, ID, Nantucket, Nanuet, Nanuet, NY, Napa, CA, Naperville, Napili (HI), Naples (Nápoles), NAPLES, FL, Napoleon, Napoleonville, Nappanee, Narragansett, Nashua, NASHUA, NH, Nashville, Nashville, IL, Nashville, IN, Nashville, TN, Nassawadox, Natchez, NATCHEZ, MS, Natchitoches, Nathrop, Natick, National City, National Harbor, MD, Natural Bridge, Naugatuck, Nauvoo, Navarre, Navarre Beach, FL, Navasota, Nebraska City, Nederland, CO, Nederland, TX, Needham, Needles, Neenah, Neillsville, Nelsonville, Neosho, Nephi, Neptune, NEPTUNE BEACH, NEVADA, Nevada City, Nevada, MO, New Albany, New Albany, IN, New Albany, MS, New Ashford, New Bedford, New Bedford Falls, PA, New Berlin, New Berlin, WI, New Berlinville, New Bern, New Bern, NC, New Boston, New Braunfels, New Britain, CT, New Brunswick, NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ, New Buffalo, New Canaan, New Caney, TX, New Carrollton, New Castle, CO, New Castle, DE, New Castle, IN, New Castle, NH, New Castle, PA, New Columbia, New Cumberland, New Florence, New Freedom, New Hampton, New Hampton, IA, New Hampton, NY, New Harmony, New Hartford, New Haven, New Haven, CT, New Haven, IN, New Holland, New Hope, New Iberia, New Kensington, New Lisbon, New London, New London, CT, New London, WI, New Market New Milford, CT, New Milford, PA, New Orleans, LA, New Paltz, New Paris, New Philadelphia, New Port Richey, NEW PORT RICHEY, FL, New Prague, New Providence, New Richmond, NEW ROCHELLE, New Smyrna Beach, New Stanton, New Ulm, New Windsor, New York, New York/ Brooklyn, NY, Newark, Newark, CA, Newark, DE, Newark, NJ, Newark, NY, Newark, OH, Newberg, Newberry, Newberry, MI, Newberry, SC, Newburgh, NEWBURGH, NY, Newbury, Newbury Park, Newbury, NH, Newburyport, Newcastle, Newcomerstown, Newell, Newfane, Newington, Newnan, Newport, Newport Beach, Newport Beach - Irvine, CA, Newport Beach, CA, Newport Coast, CA, Newport News, Newport News, VA, NEWPORT, AR, Newport, KY, Newport, OR, Newport, RI, Newport, TN, Newry, Newton, Newton Falls, Newton, IA, Newton, KS, Newton, MA, Newton, MS, Newton, NJ, Newtown, Niagara Falls, NIAGARA FALLS, NY, Niantic, Nice, Niceville, Nicholasville, Niles, IL, Niles, MI, Niles, OH, Nisswa, Nixa, Noblesville, Nogales, Nome, Norco, Norcross, GA, Norden, Norfolk, Norfolk, CT, Norfolk, NE, Norfolk, VA, Normal, Norman, NORMAN, OK, North Adams, North Attleboro, North Augusta, North Aurora, North Bay Village, North Bend,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): North Bergen, NORTH BERGEN, NJ, North Birmingham, North Branch, North Brunswick, NJ, North Canton, North Canton, OH, North Charleston, North Charleston, SC, North Chelmsford, North Chicago, North Conway, NORTH CONWAY, NH, North Creek, NY, North Dartmouth, North East, North East, MD, North East, PA, North Eastham, North Falmouth, North Fort Myers, North Haven, North Hills, North Hollywood, CA, North Huntington, North Kansas City, North Kingstown, North Las Vegas, North Lima, North Little Rock, North Little Rock, AR, North Myrtle Beach, SC, North Olmsted, North Palm Beach, FL, North Plainfield, North Platte, NE, North Redington Beach, North Redington Beach, FL, North Richland Hills, North Ridgeville, North Rim, North Salt Lake, North Scituate, North Sioux City, North Stonington, North Syracuse, North Tonawanda, North Truro, North Vernon, North Wales, North Wildwood, NORTH WOODSTOCK, NH, Northampton, Northborough, Northbrook, NORTHBROOK, IL, Northeast Harbor, Northfield, Northglenn, Northlake, Northport, Northridge, Northville,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Northwood, Northwood, IA, Northwood, OH, Norton, Norton, MA, Norton, VA, Norwalk, Norwalk, CA, Norwalk, CT, Norwalk, OH, Norway (Noruega), Norwich, Norwich, CT, Norwich, NY, Norwood, Notre Dame, Novato, NOVATO, CA, Novi, Novi, MI, Nyack, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): O Fallon, IL, O Fallon, MO, O*Fallon, IL, O*Fallon, MO, Oacoma, Oahu, Oak Bluffs, Oak Brook, IL, Oak Creek, OAK CREEK, WI, Oak Forest, Oak Grove, Oak Grove, KY, Oak Grove, MO, Oak Harbor, Oak Harbour, WA, Oak Hill, Oak Lawn, Oak Park, Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge, TN, Oakbrook Terrace, Oakbrook Terrace, IL, Oakdale, Oakdale, CA, Oakdale, LA, Oakdale, MN, Oakdale, PA, Oakhurst, OAKHURST, CA, Oakland, Oakland, CA, Oakley, Oakley, CA, Oakley, KS, Oakridge, Oakridge, OR, Oakwood, Oakwood Village, Oberlin, Obetz, Ocala, OCALA, FL, Occidental,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Ocean City, Ocean City, MD, Ocean City, NJ, Ocean Isle Beach, Ocean Shores, OCEAN SHORES, WA, OCEAN SPRINGS, Oceano, Oceanside, OCEANSIDE, CA, Ocoee, Oconomowoc, Oconomowoc, WI, Oconto, Odessa, Odessa, MO, Odessa, TX, Oelwein, Ogallala, Ogden, Ogdensburg, Oglesby, Ogunquit, OGUNQUIT, ME, Oil City, Ojai, Okawville, Okeechobee, Okemah, Okemos, Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Okoboji, IA, Olathe, Old Forge, Old Greenwich, Old Lyme, Old Orchard Bea, ME, Old Orchard Beach, OLD ORCHARD BEACH, ME, Old Saybrook, Oldsmar, Oldsmar, FL, Olean, Olean, NY, Olive Branch, Olmito, Olmsted, Olney, Olympia, OLYMPIA, WA, OLYMPIC VALLEY, Olympic Village, Omaha, Omaha, NE, Omak, Omro, Onalaska, Onamia, Onawa, Oneida, O'Neill, Onekama, Oneonta, Oneonta, AL, Oneonta, NY,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Onley, Ontario, Ontario, CA, ONTARIO, NY, Ontario, OR, Ooltewah, Opelika, Opelousas, Opp, Orange, Orange Beach, AL, Orange City, Orange City, FL, Orange City, IA, Orange County, Orange Park, Orange Park, FL, Orange, CA, Orange, CT, Orange, TX, Orange, VA, Orangeburg, Orangeburg, NY, Orangeburg, SC, Orcas Island, Orchard Park, Oregon, Oregon City, Orem, OREM, UT, Orion Township, Oriskany, Oriskany, NY, Orland Park, Orlando, Orlando, FL, Orleans, MA, Ormond Beach, ORMOND BEACH, FL, Oro Valley, Orofino, Orono, ORONO, ME, Oroville, Oroville, CA, Ortonville, Osage, Osage Beach, Osceola, AR, Osceola, IA, Oscoda, Oshkosh, WI, Oskaloosa, Osprey, Osseo, WI, Oswego, Oswego, IL, Oswego, NY, Othello, Otsego, Ottawa, Ottawa, IL, Ottawa, KS, Ottertail, Ottumwa, Ottumwa, IA, Ouray, Overland Park, Overland Park, KS, Overton, Owasso, OK, Owatonna, Owego, Owensboro, OWENSBORO, KY, Owings Mills, Owings Mills, MD, Oxford, Oxford, AL, Oxford, MS, Oxford, NC, Oxford, OH, Oxnard, OXNARD, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Oxon Hill, Ozark, Ozark, AL, Ozark, AR, Ozark, MO, Ozona, Ozone Park, NY, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Pacific, Pacific City, Pacific Grove, PACIFIC GROVE, CA, Pacifica, Pacifica, CA, Packwood, Paducah, PADUCAH, KY, Page, PAGE, AZ, Pagosa Springs, Pagosa Springs, CO, Pahoa, Pahrump, Paia, Painesville, Painted Post, PAINTED POST, NY, Paintsville, Pala, Palatine, Palatine Bridge, NY, Palatka, Palestine, Palisade, Palisades, Palm Bay, Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, Palm Beach Shores, PALM BEACH, FL, Palm Coast, Palm Coast, FL, Palm Desert,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Palm Desert (CA), Palm Springs, PALM SPRINGS, CA, Palmdale, Palmdale, CA, Palmer, Palmyra, Palmyra, NY, Palmyra, PA, Palo Alto, PALO ALTO, CA, Pampa, Panama Beach City, PANAMA CITY, Panama City Beach, FL, Panguitch, Paola, Parachute, PARADISE, Paradise Valley, Paradise, CA, Paradise, MI, Paradise, PA, Paragould, Paramus, Paris, Paris, IL, Paris, KY, Paris, TN, Paris, TX, Park City Park City, KS, Park City, UT, Park Falls, Park Hill, Park Rapids, Park Ridge, Parker, Parker, AZ, Parker, CO, Parkersburg, Parowan, Parsippany, Parsippany, NJ, Parsons, Pasadena, Pasadena, CA, Pasadena, TX, Pascagoula, Pasco, PASCO, WA, Paso Robles, Patterson, PATTERSON, CA, Pauls Valley,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Paw Paw, Pawleys Island, Pawtucket, PAWTUCKET, RI, Paxinos, PA, Paxton, Paynesville, MN, Payson, Payson, AZ, Payson, UT, Peabody, Peach Springs, Peachtree City, Pearl River, Pearl River, LA, Pearl River, NY, Pearl, MS, Pearland, Pearland, TX, Pearsall, Pebble Beach, Pecos, Pekin, Pelham, Pelham, AL, Pelham, GA, Pell City, Pella, Pellston, Pemberton, Pembine, Pembroke, Pembroke Pines, Pendleton, PENDLETON, OR, Penn Yan, Pennsville, Pensacola, Pensacola Beach, Pensacola Beach, FL, PENSACOLA, FL, Pentwater, Peoria, Peoria, AZ,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Peoria, IL, Peosta, Pequot Lakes, Percival, Perdido Key, FL, Perham, Perris, PERRY, Perry, FL, Perry, GA, PERRY, IA, Perry, OK, Perrysburg, OH, Perryton, Perryville, MD, Perryville, MO, Peru, Peru, IL, Peru, IN, Peru, VT, Pescadero, Petaluma, PETALUMA, CA, Petersburg, Petersburg, IL, Petersburg, VA, Petoskey, Pevely, Pewaukee, Pflugerville, TX, Pharr, Phelan, Phelps, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, MS, Philadelphia, PA, Philipsburg, Phillips, Phoenix, AZ, Phoenix, OR, Phoenixville, PA, Picayune, Pickerington, OH, Pico Rivera, Piedmont, Pierre, Pigeon Forge, PIGEON FORGE, TN, Pikesville, Pikesville, MD,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Piketon, Pikeville Pilot Mountain, Pinckneyville, PINE BLUFF, Pine Brook, Pine Grove, Pine Knoll Shores, Pine Mountain, Pine River, Pinebluff, Pinedale, Pinehurst, Pinellas Park, FL, Pinetop, Pinetop, AZ, Pineville, Pineville, LA, Pineville, NC, Pinole, Pioneer, Pipestone, Piqua, Piscataway, Piscataway, NJ, Pisgah Forest, NC, Pismo Beach, PISMO BEACH, CA, Pittsboro, Pittsburg, Pittsburg, CA, Pittsburg, KS, PITTSBURG, PA, Pittsfield, Pittsfield, MA, Pittsfield, ME, Pittsford, Pittston, Placentia, CA, Placerville, Placerville, CA, Plainfield, Plainfield, CT, Plainfield, IN, Plainfield, NH, Plainsboro, Plainview, Plainview, NY, Plainview, TX, Plainville, Plainwell,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Plano, TX, Plant City, Plantation, Plantation, FL, Plantsville, Plaquemine, Platte City, Platteville, Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, NY, Playa del Rey, Pleasant Hill, Pleasant Hill, CA, Pleasant Hill, IA, PLEASANT PRAIRIE, Pleasanton, Pleasanton, CA, Pleasanton, TX, Pleasantville, Plover, Plymouth, Plymouth Meeting, Plymouth Meeting, PA, Plymouth, IN, Plymouth, MA, Plymouth, MI, Plymouth, MN, Plymouth, NC, Plymouth, NH, Plymouth, WI, Pocahontas, Pocatello, POCATELLO, ID, Pocomoke, Pocomoke City, Pocono Manor, Poconos, Point Arena, Point Clear, Point Pleasant, Poipu, Poipu Beach, Poland (Polónia), Pollock Pines, Polson, POMONA, CA, Pompano Beach, POMPANO BEACH, FL, Pompton Plains, Ponca City, Ponderay, Pontiac, Pontiac, IL, Pontiac, MI, Pontoon Beach, Pontotoc, Pooler, Poplar Bluff, Port Allen, Port Angeles, WA, Port Aransas, Port Arthur, Port Charlotte,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): PORT CHARLOTTE, FL, Port Clinton, Port Hueneme, CA, Port Huron, Port Isabel, Port Jefferson, Port Jervis, Port Lavaca, Port Lucie, Port Ludlow, Port Orange, Port Orchard, Port Richey, Port Royal, Port Saint Joe, Port Saint Lucie, Port Saint Lucie, FL, Port Townsend, Port Washington, PORT WENTWORTH, Portage, Portage, IN, Portage, WI, Portales, Porter, Porter, IN, Porter, TX, Porterville, Porterville, CA, Portland, Portland, IN, Portland, ME, Portland, MI, Portland, OR, Portland, TN, Portland, TX, Portsmouth, Portsmouth, NH, Portsmouth, OH, Portsmouth, VA, Post, Post Falls, Poteau, Potomac, Potosi, Pottsboro, Pottstown, Pottstown, PA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Pottsville, Poughkeepsie, Poulsbo, Pounding Mill, Poway, Poway, CA, Powell, Powell Butte, Powell, TN, Powell, WY, Pownal, Prairie Du Chien, Pratt, Prattville, Prescott, Prescott Valley, Prescott, AR, Prescott, AZ, Presque Isle, ME, Prestonsburg, Price, Priceville, Primm, NV, Prince Frederick, Prince George, Princess Anne, Princeton, Princeton, IL, Princeton, IN, Princeton, MN, Princeton, NJ, Princeton, WV, Princeville, HI, Prior Lake, Proctor, Prospect (OR), Prospect Heights, Prosser, Providence, Providence, RI, Providence, UT, Provincetown, Provo, Pryor, Pueblo, Pueblo West, PUEBLO, CO, Pulaski, NY, Pulaski, TN, Pullman, Punta Gorda, PUNTA GORDA, FL, Purcell, Put-in-Bay, Putnam, Puyallup TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Quakertown, Quanah, Quantico, Quechee, Queens, Queensbury, Quinault, QUINAULT, WA, Quincy,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Quincy, FL, Quincy, IL, Quincy, MA, Quincy, WA, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Racine. RACINE, WI. Radcliff. Radford. Radnor, Rahway, Rahway, NJ, RAILROAD, Rainsville, Raleigh, RALEIGH, NC, Raleigh/Durham, NC, Ramona, CA, Ramsey, Ramsey, MN, Ramsey, NJ, Rancho Cordova, Rancho Cordova, CA, Rancho Cucamonga, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, RANCHO MIRAGE, RANCHO MIRAGE, CA, Rancho Palo Verdes (CA), Rancho Santa Fe, Rancho Viejo, Ranchos de Taos, Randolph, Rangeley, ME, Rangely,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Ranger, Ranson, Rantoul, Raphine, Rapid City, RAPID CITY, SD, Raritan, Raton, Rawlins, Raymondville, Raymondville, TX, Rayne, Raynham, Rayville, Reading, Red Bank, Red Bluff, Red Lodge, Red Oak, IA, Red Oak, TX, Red River, Red Wing, Redding, REDDING, CA, Redfield, Redgranite, Redington Beach, FL, Redington Shores, Redlands, CA, Redmond, Redmond, OR, Redmond, WA, Redondo Beach, REDONDO BEACH, CA, Redway, Redwood City, Redwood City, CA, Redwood Falls, Reedsburg, Reedsport, Refugio, Register, Rehoboth, Rehoboth Beach, Reidsville, Remington, Reno, RENO, NV, Rensselaer, Rensselaer, IN, Rensselaer, NY, Renton, Renton, WA, Republic, Research Triangle Park, Reseda, Reston, REUNION, FL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Revere, REVERE, MA, Rexburg, ID, Reynoldsburg, REYNOLDSBURG, OH, Rhinelander, Rialto, Rice Hill, Rice Lake, Richardson, RICHARDSON, TX, Richburg, Richfield, Richfield Springs, Richfield, MN, Richfield, OH, Richfield, UT, Richland, Richland Center, Richland Hills, Richland, MS, Richland, WA, Richlands, Richmond, Richmond Heights, MO, Richmond Hill, GA, Richmond, CA, Richmond, IL, Richmond, IN, Richmond, KY, Richmond, MA, Richmond, MO, Richmond, VA, Richmondville, Richwood, Ridgecrest, Ridgecrest, CA, Ridgedale, MO, Ridgefield Park, Ridgefield, CT, Ridgefield, NJ, Ridgeland, Ridgeland, MS, Ridgeland, SC, Ridgeway, Ridgeway, SC, Ridgeway, VA, Rifle, Riggins, Rincon, Ringgold, Rio Grande City, Rio Grande Valley, TX, Rio Rancho, Rio Rancho, NM, Rio Rico, Rio Vista, Ripley, Ripley, MS, Ripley, TN, Ripley, WV, Ripon, Ripon, CA, Ripon, WI, Rising Sun, Ritzville, River Edge, LA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): River Falls, River Grove, River Ranch, Riverdale, Riverhead, Riverside, Riverside, AL, Riverside, CA, Riverside, IA, Riverside, MO, Riverton, RIVERTON, WY, Riverview, Riverwoods, Riviera, Riviera Beach, Roanoke, Roanoke Rapids, Roanoke Rapids, NC, Roanoke, AL, Roanoke, TX, Roanoke, VA, Roanoke, WV, Robbinsville, Robinson, Robinsonville, Robstown, Rochelle, Rochelle Park, Rochester, Rochester Hills, Rochester, IN, Rochester, MI, Rochester, MN, Rochester, NH, Rochester, NY, ROCK FALLS, Rock Hill, Rock Hill, SC, Rock Island, Rock Port, Rock Springs, ROCK SPRINGS, WY, Rock Valley, Rockaway, Rockaway, NJ, Rockdale, Rockford, Rockford, IL, Rockingham, Rockland, Rocklin, ROCKLIN, CA, Rockmart, Rockport, Rockport, IN, Rockport, MA, Rockport, ME, Rockport, TX, Rockville, Rockville Centre, Rockville Centre, NY, ROCKVILLE, MD, Rockwall, Rockwall, TX, Rockwood, Rocky Hill, Rocky Mount, Rocky Mount, NC, Rocky Mount, VA, Rogers, Rogers, AR,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Rogers, MN, Rogersville, Rohnert Park, ROHNERT PARK, CA, Roland, Rolla, Rolling Meadows, Rome, Rome, GA, Rome, NY, Romeo, Romeoville, Romulus, ROMULUS, MI, Ronan, Ronkonkoma, Ronkonkoma, NY, Ronks, Roosevelt, Roseau (ROZO), Roseburg, Roseburg, OR, ROSELLE, Rosemead, Rosemead, CA, Rosemont, ROSEMONT, IL, Rosenberg, Roseville, Roseville, CA, Roseville, MI, Roseville, MN, Rossford, Rosslyn, Roswell, Roswell, GA, Roswell, NM, Rothschild, Round Rock, Round Rock, TX, Rowland, Rowland Heights, Rowland Heights, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Rowlett, Rowley, Roxboro, Royersford, PA, Royse City, Royston, Ruckersville, Rugby, Ruidoso, Ruidoso Downs, Ruidoso, NM, Rumford, ME, Rumford, RI, Runnemede, Rushville, Rusk, Ruskin, Russell, Russellville, Russellville, AL, Russellville, AR, Russellville, KY, Ruston, Ruther Glen, Rutherford, Rutherford, CA, Rutherford, NJ, Rutland, RUTLAND, VT, Rye, Rye Brook, Rye Brook, NY, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saco, Sacramento, SACRAMENTO, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saddle Brook, Saddle River, Safety Harbor, Safford, Saginaw, Saint Albans, Saint Albans, VT, Saint Albans, WV, Saint Anthony, Saint Augustine Beach, Saint Augustine, FL, Saint Charles, Saint Charles, IL, Saint Charles, MO, Saint Charles, MT, Saint Clair, Saint Clair, MO, Saint Clairsville, Saint Cloud, Saint Cloud, MN, Saint Croix Falls, Saint Francisville, SAINT FRANCISVILLE, LA, Saint George, Saint George, SC, Saint George, UT, Saint Germain, Saint Helena, Saint Ignace, Saint James, Saint Johns, Saint Johnsbury, Saint Joseph, Saint Joseph, MI, Saint Joseph, MN, Saint Joseph, MO, Saint Louis, Saint Louis Park, MN, Saint Louis, MO, Saint Marys, Saint Marys, GA, Saint Marys, PA, Saint Michaels, Saint Michaels, MD,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saint Paul, Saint Paul, MN, Saint Paul, NE, Saint Pete Beach, Saint Peter, Saint Peters, Saint Petersburg, SAINT PETERSBURG BEACH, FL, Saint Petersburg, FL, Saint Regis, Saint Robert, Saint Rose, LA, Saint Simons Island, Saint Stephen, Sainte Genevieve, Salado, Salamanca, Salem, Salem, IL, Salem, MA, Salem, MO, Salem, NH, Salem, OR, Salem, VA, Salida, Salida, CA, Salida, CO, Salina, Salina, KS, Salina, UT, Salinas, Salisbury, Salisbury, MD, Salisbury, NC, Sallisaw, OK, Salmon, Salt Lake City, SALT LAKE CITY, UT, San Angelo, San Angelo, TX, San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, San Augustine, San Benito, San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA, San Bruno, San Carlos, San Carlos, AZ, San Carlos, CA, San Clemente, San Clemente, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): San Diego, San Diego, CA, San Dimas, San Francisco, CA, San Gabriel, San Gabriel, CA, San Jacinto, San Jose, SAN JOSE, CA, San Juan, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, San Leandro, San Leandro, CA, San Luis Obispo, SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA, San Marcos, San Marcos, CA, San Marcos, TX, San Martin, San Mateo, SAN MATEO, CA, San Pablo, San Pedro, San Rafael, San Rafael, CA, San Ramon, San Simeon, CA, San Ysidro, Sanbornton, Sand Spring, Sandersville, Sandpoint, SANDPOINT, ID, Sandston, SANDSTON, VA, Sandusky, OH, Sandwich, Sandwich, IL, Sandwich, MA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Sandy, Sandy, OR, Sandy, UT, Sanford, Sanford, FL, Sanford, ME, Sanford, NC, Sanibel Island, FL, Santa Ana, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, NM, Santa Ana, CA, Santa Barbara, CA, Santa Clara, SANTA CLARA, CA, Santa Clarita, Santa Clarita, CA, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, Santa Fe, Santa Fe Springs, SANTA FE, NM, Santa Maria, CA, Santa Monica, CA, Santa Nella, Santa Paula, CA, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa Beach, FL, Santa Rosa, CA, Santa Rosa, NM, Santa Ynez, Sante Fe, Santee, Santee, CA, Santee, SC, Sapphire, Sapphire Valley, NC, Sapulpa, Saraland, Saranac Lake, Sarasota, SARASOTA, FL, Saratoga Springs,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Saratoga Springs, NY, Saratoga, CA, Sardis, Sartell, Sasabe, Satellite Beach, Satsuma, AL, Saugatuck, Saugerties, Saugus, Saugus, MA, Sauk Centre, Sauk City, Saukville, Sault Sainte Marie, Sault Sainte Marie, MI, Sausalito, Savage, Savanna, IL, Savanna, OK, Savannah, Savannah, GA, Savannah, TN, Savoy, Sawyer, Sayre, Sayre, OK, Sayre, PA, Scarborough, Schaumburg, Schaumburg, IL, Schenectady, Schererville, Schertz, Schiller Park, SCHILLER PARK, IL, Schofield, Schoharie, SCHROON LAKE,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Schulenburg, Scituate, Scotland, Scotrun, Scott, Scott City, Scottdale, Scotts Valley, Scottsbluff, Scottsboro, Scottsburg, Scottsdale, Scottsdale, AZ, Scottsville, Scranton, Scranton, PA, Sea Island, Sea Ranch, Sea Side Heights, SEA TAC, WA, Seabrook, Seabrook, NH, Seabrook, TX, Seacrest Beach, Seaford, Seagoville, Seagrove Beach, FL, Seal Beach, Sealy, Seaman, Searcy, Searsport, ME, Seaside, Seaside Heights, Seaside Heights, NJ, Seaside Park, Seaside, CA, Seaside, OR, SeaTac, Seattle,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): SEATTLE, WA, Sebasco Estates, Sebastian, Sebastopol, Sebring, Secaucus, Secaucus, NJ, Sedalia, Sedona, SEDONA, AZ, Seekonk, Seffner, Seguin, Seguin, TX, Seligman, Selinsgrove, Sellersburg, Sellersburg, IN, Selma, Selma, AL, Selma, CA, Selma, NC, Selma, TX, Selmer, Seminole, Senatobia, Seneca, Seneca Falls, Seneca, SC, Sequim, Sequoia National Park, Sergeant Bluff, Sevierville, Sevierville, TN, Seville, Seward, Seward, AK, Seward, NE, Seymour, Seymour, IN, Seymour, MO, Shady Cove, OR, Shaftsbury, Shakopee, Shalimar, Shallotte, Shamokin Dam, Shamrock, Sharon, Sharon Springs, KS, Sharonville, Shartlesville, Shawano, Shawnee,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Shawnee on Delaware, Shawnee, KS, Shawnee, OK, Sheboygan, Sheboygan Falls, Sheboygan, WI, Sheffield, Sheffield, AL, Sheffield, IL, Shelbina, Shelburne, Shelby, Shelby Township, MI, Shelby, MT, Shelby, NC, Shelbyville, Shelbyville, IN, Shelbyville, KY, Shelbyville, TN, Sheldon, Sheldon Point Airport, AK, Shell Beach, CA, Shell Lake, Shelter Island, Shelton, Shelton, CT, Shelton, WA, Shenandoah, Shenandoah, IA, Shenandoah, TX, Shepherdstown,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Shepherdsville, Sheridan, Sheridan, WY, Sherman, Sherman Oaks, Sherwood, MD, Shillington, Shiloh, Shippensburg, Shipshewana, Shoreview, Shoreview, MN, Short Hills, Shorter, Shoshone, Show Low, Showshoe, Shreveport, Shrewsbury, MA, Sibley, Sidney, Sidney, MT, Sidney, NE, Sidney, NY, Sidney, OH, Sierra Vista, Sierra Vista, AZ, Siesta Key, Signal Hill, Sikeston, Siloam Springs, Silt, Silver Bay, Silver City, Silver City, MI, Silver City, NM,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Silver Spring, MD, Silver Springs, Silver Springs, FL, Silverdale, Silverthorne, Silverton, Simi Valley, Simpsonville, Simsbury, Singer Island, FL, Sinton, Sioux Center, Sioux City, Sioux City, IA, SIOUX CITY, IN, Sioux Falls, SIOUX FALLS, SD, Siren, Sisseton, Sister Bay, Sisters, Sitka, SITKA, AK, Skagway, SKAGWAY, AK, Skaneateles, Skokie, Skokie, IL, Skytop, Slaton, TX, Slidell, Slidell, LA, Slinger, Smackover, Smithfield, Smithfield, NC,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Smithfield, RI, Smithtown, Smithville, MO, Smithville, NJ, Smithville, TX, Smugglers Notch, Smyrna, Smyrna, DE, Smyrna, GA, Smyrna, TN, Sneads Ferry, Snellville, Snoqualmie, Snowflake, Snowmass Village, Snowshoe, Snyder, Socorro, Soddy Daisy, Solana Beach, Soldotna, Soledad, Solomons, Solomons, MD,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Solon, Solon Springs, Solvang, SOLVANG, CA, Somers Point, Somerset, Somerset, KY, Somerset, MA, Somerset, NJ, Somerset, PA, Somerton, AZ, Somerville, Somerville, MA, Somerville, TX, Sonoita, Sonoma, SONOMA VALLEY, CA, Sonoma, CA, Sonora, Sonora, CA, Sonora, TX, Sorrento Mesa, South Amboy, South Beach, South Beloit, South Bend, South Bend, IN,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): South Boston, South Boston, VA, South Brunswick, South Burlington, South Burlington, VT, South Charleston, South Deerfield, South El Monte, South Fork, South Gate, South Hackensack, South Haven, South Hill, South Holland, South Houston, South Jacksonville, SOUTH JORDAN, South Kingstown, South Lake Tahoe, South Lake Tahoe, CA, South Lee, South Ozone Park, South Padre Island, South Padre Island, TX, South Pasadena, South Plainfield, South Plainfield, NJ, South Point, South Portland, SOUTH PORTLAND, ME, South Saint Paul, South Sioux City, NE, South Wellfleet, South Yarmouth, South Yarmouth, MA, Southampton, Southaven, Southaven, MS, Southborough, Southbridge, Southbury, Southern Pines, Southfield, SOUTHFIELD, MI, Southgate, Southington, Southlake, Southpoint, Southport, Southport, ME, Southport, NC, Spanish Fort, Sparks, SPARKS, NV,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Sparta, Sparta, IL, Sparta, KY, Sparta, NC, Sparta, WI, Spartanburg, Spartanburg, SC, Spearfish, SPEARFISH, SD, Speedway, Spencer, Spindale, Spirit Lake, Spokane, Spokane Valley, SPOKANE, WA, Spooner, Spray Beach, Spring, Spring City, Spring Hill, Spring Hill, FL, Spring Hill, TN, Spring Lake, Spring Lake, MI, Spring Lake, NC, Spring Lake, NJ, Spring Valley, Springboro, Springdale, Springdale, AR, Springdale, OH, Springdale, UT, Springerville, Springfield, Springfield, IL, Springfield, KY, Springfield, LA, Springfield, MA, Springfield, MN,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Springfield, MO, Springfield, NJ, Springfield, OH, Springfield, OR, Springfield, PA, Springfield, TN, Springfield, VA, Springfield, VT, Springville, Springville, NY, Springville, UT, Spruce Pine, St Helena, CA, St Peters, MO, St. Augustine, FL, St. Clairsville, OH, ST. LOUIS, MO, ST. PETERSBURG, FL, Stafford, Stafford, TX, Stafford, VA, Stamford, Stamford, CT, Standish, Stanfordville, Stanley, Stanton, Stanton, CA, Stanton, TN, Staples, Star City, Starke, Starkville, Starkville, MS, State College, State College, PA, Stateline, Stateline, NV, Staten Island, Staten Island, NY, Statesboro, Statesville, Staunton, Staunton, IL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Staunton, VA, Steamboat Springs, STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO, Steinhatchee, Stephens City, Stephenville, Stephenville, TX, Sterling, Sterling Heights, Sterling, CO, Sterling, MA, Sterling, VA, Steubenville, Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI, Stevenson Ranch, Stevenson, WA, Stevensville, STEVENSVILLE, MI, Stewartville, Stillwater, Stillwater, MN, Stillwater, OK, Stilwell, Stockbridge, Stockbridge, GA, Stockbridge, MA, Stockton, Stockton, CA, STOCKTON, IL, Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA, Stonington, Stony Brook, NY, Stony Creek, Stonybrook (NY), Storm Lake, Storm Lake, IA, Storrs, Story City, Stoughton, MA, Stoughton, WI, Stow, Stowe, Stowe, VT, Strasburg, Strasburg, OH, Strasburg, PA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Strasburg, VA, Stratford, Stratford, CT, Stratton, Stratton Mountain, Streator, Streetsboro, Strongsville, Stroud, Stroudsburg, Strousburg, Stuart, Stuart, FL, Stuart, IA, Studio City, Studio City, CA, Sturbridge, STURBRIDGE, MA, Sturgeon Bay, Sturgis, Sturgis, MI, Sturgis, SD, Sturtevant, Stuttgart (Estugarda), Sublimity, Sudbury, Suffern, Suffolk, Suffolk, VA, Sugar Hill, NH,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Sugar Land, Suisun City, CA, Sullivan, IN, Sullivan, MO, Sulphur, Sulphur Springs, Sulphur, LA, Sulphur, OK, Summerland, Summersville, Summerton, Summit, Sumner, Sumter, Sun City, Sun City Center, Sun City, CA, Sun Prairie, Sun Valley, Sunapee, Sunbury, Sundance, Sundance, UT, Sundance, WY, Sunny Isles, Sunny Isles Beach, Sunny Isles Beach, FL, SUNNY ISLES, FL, Sunnyside, Sunnyvale, SUNNYVALE, CA, Sunrise, Sunrise Beach, SUNRISE, FL, Sunriver, Sunset Beach, Sunset Beach, CA, Sunset Beach, NC, Sunset, UT, Superior, Superior, MT, Superior, WI, Suquamish, Surfside Beach, Surfside Beach, SC,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Surprise, Susanville, Sutherlin, Sutter Creek, Sutton, Sutton, MA, Sutton, WV, Suwanee, Swainsboro, Swansboro, Swansea, Swanton, Swedesboro, Sweet Springs, Sweetwater, Sweetwater, TN, Sweetwater, TX, Sycamore, Sylacauga, Sylmar, Sylva Sylvania, GA, Sylvania, OH, Syosset, Syracuse, Syracuse East, Syracuse, NY, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tacoma, TACOMA, WA, Tahlequah, Tahoe City, Tahoe Vista, Talladega, Tallahassee, Tallahassee, FL, Tallapoosa, Tallulah, Tamarac, Tampa, Tampa, FL, Tannersville, Tannersville, NY, Tannersville, PA, Taos, Taos, NM, Tappahannock, Tarboro, Tarentum, Tarpon Springs,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tarrytown, Tarrytown, NY, Tarzana, Taunton, Tavares, Tavernier, Tawas City, Taylor, Taylor, AZ, Taylor, MI, Taylor, TX, Taylorsville, Taylorsville, IN, Taylorsville, MS, Teaneck, Tehachapi, Tell City, Telluride, Temecula, Temecula, CA, TEMPE, AZ, Temple, Temple Hills, Temple Terrace, TEMPLE, TX, Tenafly, Tequesta, FL, Terre Haute, Terre Haute, IN,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Terrell, Test City, Test City, AZ, Test City, HI, Test City, NE, Teton Village, TETON VILLAGE, WY, Tewksbury, Texarkana, Texarkana, AR, Texarkana, TX, Texas City, Thackerville, Thatcher, Thermopolis, Thibodaux, THIBODAUX, LA, Thief River Falls, Thomaston, Thomaston, GA, Thomaston, ME, Thomasville, Thomasville, AL, Thomasville, GA, Thomasville, NC, THOMPSONVILLE, Thomson, Thornburg, Thornton, Thorofare Thorp, Thousand Oaks,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Thousand Palms, Three Rivers, Three Rivers, CA, Three Rivers, MI, Three Rivers, TX, Thurmont, Tiburon, Ticonderoga, Tiffin, Tifton, Tigard,, TIGARD, OR, Tillamook, TILLAMOOK, OR, Tilton, Timberline, Timmonsville, Timonium, TIMONIUM, MD, Tinley Park, Tinley Park, IL, Tinton Falls, Tipp City, Titusville, Titusville, FL, Titusville, PA, Toccoa, Tofte, Tok, AK, Toledo, Toledo, IA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Toledo, OH, Toledo, OR, Tolleson, Tomah, Tomahawk, Tomball, Tombstone, TOMBSTONE, AZ, Toms River, Tonawanda, Tonopah, Tooele, Topeka, Topeka, KS, Toppenish, Topsham, Torrance, Torrance, CA, Torrey, TORREY, UT, Torrington, CT, Torrington, WY, Totowa, Towanda, Townsend, Townsend, TN, Towson, Tracy, Trappe, Trapper Creek, Travelers Rest, Traverse City, Traverse City, MI, Treasure Island, TREASURE ISLAND, FL, Tremonton, Trenton, GA, Trenton, ME, Trenton, NJ, Trevose, TREVOSE, PA, Triadelphia, Triangle, Trinidad,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Trinidad, CA, Trinidad, CO, Trion, Tropic, UT, Trout Creek, Troutdale, Troutville, Troy, Troy, AL, Troy, IL, Troy, MI, Troy, MO, Troy, NY, Troy, OH, Truckee, TRUCKEE, CA, Trumann, Trumbull, Trussville, AL, Truth or Consequence, Tualatin, Tuba City, AZ, Tubac, Tucker, Tucker, GA, Tucson, TUCSON, AZ, Tucumcari, TUCUMCARI, NM, Tukwilla, Tulalip,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tulare, Tullahoma, Tully, Tulsa, Tulsa, OK, Tumwater, Tunica, Tunica Resorts, Tunica, MS, Tunkhannock, Tupelo, Tupelo, MS, Turlock, Tuscaloosa, Tuscaloosa Cottondale, AL, TUSCALOOSA, AL, Tuscola, Tuscumbia, Tuskegee, AL, Tustin, Tuxekan Island, Twenty Nine Palms, Twin Falls, Twin Falls, ID, Twin Mountain, NH, Twinsburg, Twinsburg, OH, Two Harbors, Two Rivers,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Tybee Island, Tyler, TYLER, TX, Tyngsboro, Tysons Corner, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Uhrichsville, Uintah, UT, Ukiah, Ullin, Ulysses, Umatilla, Unadilla, Uncasville, Union City, Union City, CA, Union City, GA, Union City, TN, Union Gap, Union, MO, Union, NJ, Union, SC, Union, WA, Uniondale, Uniontown, Uniontown, OH, Uniontown, PA, Universal City, Universal City, CA, Universal City, TX,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): University Park, University Park, FL, Upland, Upper Lake, Upper Marlboro, Upper Sandusky, Urbana, Urbana, IL, URBANA, OH, Urbandale, Utah Lake State Park, UT, Utica, Utica, IL, Utica, MI, Utica, NY, Uvalde, Uxbridge, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Vacaville, Vacherie, Vail, Vail, CO, Valdez, VALDEZ, AK, Valdosta, Valdosta, GA, Valencia (Valência),TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Valentine, Vallejo, VALLEJO, CA, Valley, Valley Center, Valley Center, CA, Valley City, Valley Forge, Valparaiso, Van Buren, Van Horn, Van Nuys, Van Wert, Vance, Vancouver, Vancouver, WA, Vandalia, Vandalia, IL, Vandalia, OH, Vaughn, Vega, Venice, Venice Beach, Venice, CA, Ventnor City, Ventura, VENTURA, CA, Vergennes, Vermillion, Vernal, VERNAL, UT, Vernon, Vernon Hills, Vernon, CT, VERNON, NJ,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Vernon, NY, Vernon, TX, Vero Beach, Verona, NY, Verona, VA, Verona, WI, Vestal, Vestal Parkway, Vestavia Hills, Vevay, Vicksburg, Vicksburg, MA, Vicksburg, MS, Victor, Victor, ID, Victor, NY, Victoria, Victoria, TX, Victorville, Victorville, CA, Vidalia, Vidalia, GA, Vidalia, LA, Vidor, Vienna (Viena), Vienna, VA, Vienna, WV, Villa Rica, Villa Ridge,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Villages, Ville Platte, Vincennes, Vineland, Vineyard Haven, Vinita, Virginia, Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, VA, Virginia City, Visalia, VISALIA, CA, Vista, VISTA, CA, Volcano, Voorhees TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): W. Chesterfield, NH, Wabash, WABASHA, MN, Waco, WACO, TX, Waconia, Wade, Wadena, Wadesboro, Wadsworth, Wadsworth, IL, Wadsworth, OH, Wagoner, Wahpeton, Waikiki, Waikoloa Hawaii,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): WAIKOLOA, HI, Wailea, Wailuku, Waimea, HI, Waitsfield, Wake Forest, WaKeeney, Wakefield, WAKEFIELD, MA, Walcott, Waldford, MD, Waldo, Waldorf, Waldport, Walker, Walker, LA, Walker, MI, WALKER, MN, Wall, Wall Township, Wall, NJ, Wall, SD, Walla Walla, Wallace, Wallace, ID, Wallace, NC, Walland, Waller, Wallingford, Walloon Lake, Walnut Creek, Walnut Creek, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Walnut, CA, Walnut, IA, Walsenburg, Walterboro, Waltham, WALTHAM, MA, Walton, Wamego, Wapakoneta, Warm Springs, Warminster, Warner Robins, Warner Robins, GA, Warren, Warren, AR, Warren, IN, Warren, MI, Warren, NJ, Warren, OH, Warren, PA, Warren, VT, Warrensburg, Warrensburg, MO, Warrensville Heights, Warrenton, Warrenton, MO, Warrenton, OR, Warrenton, VA, Warrenville, Warrenville, IL, Warrington, Warroad, Warsaw, Warsaw, IN, Warsaw, MO, Warsaw, NC, Warsaw, VA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Warwick, WARWICK, RI, Wasco, CA, Waseca, Washburn, Washington Court House, Washington, CT, Washington, DC, Washington, GA, Washington, IA, Washington, IL, Washington, IN, Washington, MO, Washington, NC, Washington, PA, Washington, UT, Washington, VA, Washougal, WA, Wasilla, Wasta, SD, Watch Hill, RI, Waterbury, Waterbury Center, Waterbury, CT, Waterbury, VT, Waterford, Waterford, CT, Waterford, MI, Waterford, WI, Waterloo, Waterloo, IA, Waterloo, IL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Waterloo, NY, Watertown, Watertown, MA, Watertown, NY, Watertown, SD, Watertown, WI, Waterville, Waterville Valley, WATERVILLE, ME, WATKINS GLEN, Watseka, Watsonville, WATSONVILLE, CA, Waukegan, Waukesha, Waukon, Waunakee, Waupaca, Waupun, Wausau, Wausau, WI, Wauseon, Wautoma, Wauwatosa, Waveland, Waverly, IA, Waverly, OH, Waxahachie,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Waycross, Wayne, Wayne, NE, Wayne, NJ, Wayne, PA, Waynesboro, Waynesboro, GA, Waynesboro, PA, Waynesboro, VA, Waynesburg, Waynesville, Waynesville, NC, Weatherford, Weatherford, OK, Weatherford, TX, Weaverville, Webster, Webster City, Webster, NY, Webster, TX, Weed, Weedsport, Weehawken, Weeki Wachee, Weimar, Weirs Beach, NH, Weirton, Welch, Welches, Weldon, Weldon Springs, Wellington, Wellington, CO, Wellington, FL, Wellington, KS, Wellington, UT, Wells, Wells, ME, Wells, NV, Wellsville, Wellsville, NY, Wellsville, UT, Wellton, Wenatchee, Wendover, Wendover, NV, Wendover, UT, Wenona,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Wentzville, Weslaco, WESLACO, TX, Wesley Chapel, West, West Allis, West Atlantic City, West Baden Springs, West Baraboo, West Bend, West Bend, IA, West Bend, WI, West Branch, IA, West Branch, MI, West Burlington, West Chester, West Chester, OH, West Chester, PA, West Columbia, West Columbia, SC, West Columbia, TX, West Conshohocken, West Covina, West Covina, CA, West Coxsackie, West Dennis, West Des Moines, West Des Moines, IA, West Dover, West Dundee, West Fargo, West Forks, West Frankfort, WEST GLACIER, MT, West Greenwich,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): West Harrison, West Hartford, West Haven, WEST HAVEN, CT, West Hazleton, West Helena, West Hollywood, West Homestead, West Jefferson, West Jordan, West Lafayette, West Lafayette, IN, West Lebanon, West Liberty, IA, West Liberty, KY, West Long Branch, West Memphis, WEST MIDDLESEX, West Mifflin, West Monroe, West Monroe, LA, West Orange, West Palm Beach, FL, West Plains, West Plains, MO, West Point, West Point, GA, West Point, MS, West Point, NE, West Point, NY, West Sacramento, West Salem, West Seneca, West Springfield, WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA, West Townshend, VT,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): West Union, WEST VALLEY CITY, WEST VALLEY CITY, UT, West Warwick, West Yarmouth, West Yarmouth, MA, West Yellowstone, WEST YELLOWSTONE, MT, Westampton, Westborough, Westborough, MA, Westbrook, CT, Westbrook, ME, Westbury, Westbury, NY, Westchester, Westchester, IL, Westchester, NY, Westerly, Westerville, Westfield, Westfield, IN, Westfield, MA, Westfield, NJ, Westfield, NY, Westford, Westhampton, Westlake, Westlake Village, Westlake, OH, Westlake, TX, Westley, Westminster, Westminster, CA, Westminster, CO, Westminster, MA, Westminster, MD, Westminster, SC, Westmont, Westmorland,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Weston, Weston, FL, Weston, WI, Weston, WV, Westport, Westport, CT, Westport, MA, Westwego, Westwood, Wethersfield, WETHERSFIELD, CT, Wetmore, Wetumpka, Wexford, Weymouth, Wharton, Wheat Ridge, Wheatland, Wheaton, IL, Wheeler, Wheelersburg, Wheeling, Wheeling, IL, Wheeling, WV, Whippany, WHIPPANY, NJ, White, White Bear Lake, White Castle, White City, White Hall, AR, White Haven, White House, White Marsh, White Pine, White Plains, White River Junction, White Rock, White Settlement, White Springs, FL, WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, WV,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Whitefield, Whitefish, WHITEFISH, MT, Whitefish, PA, Whitehall, Whitehall Township, Whitehall, MI, Whitehall, MT, Whitehouse Station, Whites City, Whites Creek, Whitesboro, TX, Whitesburg, Whitestone, Whiteville, Whiteville, NC, Whiteville, TN, Whitewater, Whitley City, Whitmore Lake, Whitney, Whitsett, Whittier, Whittier, CA, Whittier, NC, Wibaux, MT, Wichita Falls, WICHITA FALLS, TX, WICHITA, KS, Wickenburg, WICKENBURG, AZ, Wickliffe, Wiggins, Wilbraham, Wilder, Wildersville, TN, Wildwood Crest, Wildwood, FL, Wildwood, MO, Wildwood, NJ, Wilkes Barre, WILKES BARRE, PA, Wilkesboro, Willard, Willcox, Williams,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Williams, AZ, Williams, CA, Williams, IA, Williamsburg, Williamsburg, IA, Williamsburg, KY, Williamsburg, VA, Williamsport, Williamsport, MD, Williamsport, PA, Williamston, Williamstown, Williamstown, KY, Williamstown, MA, Williamstown, NJ, Williamstown, WV, Williamsville, WILLIAMSVILLE, NY, Willington, Willis, Williston, Williston, ND, Williston, VT, Willits, WILLITS, CA, Willmar, Willoughby, Willow Grove, Willow Park, Willow Springs, Willowbrook, WILLOWBROOK, IL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Willows, Willsboro, Wilmington, Wilmington, CA, Wilmington, DE, Wilmington, IL, Wilmington, NC, Wilmington, NY, Wilmington, OH, Wilmington, VT, Wilson, Wilson, NC, Wilson, WY, Wilsonville, WILSONVILLE, OR, Wilton, Wimberley, Winchester, Winchester, IN, Winchester, KY, Winchester, TN, Winchester, VA, Wind Gap, Winder, Windham,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Windom, Window Rock, Windsor, Windsor Locks, Windsor Locks, CT, Windsor Mill, Windsor, CA, Windsor, CO, Windsor, CT, Windsor, WI, Winfield, Winnemucca, Winner, Winnfield, Winnie, Winnsboro, Winnsboro, LA, Winnsboro, SC, Winnsboro, TX, Winona, Winslow, Winston Salem, Winston Salem, NC, Winston, OR, WINTER GARDEN, WINTER GARDEN, FL, Winter Haven, Winter Park, Winter Park, CO, Winter Park, FL,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Wintergreen, Winterhaven, CA, Winterset, Winterville, Winthrop, Winthrop, MA, Winthrop, ME, Winthrop, WA, Wisconsin Dells, WI, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin Rapids, WI, Wise, Wittenberg, Wixom, Woburn, WOBURN, MA, Wolcott, Wolf Point, Wolfeboro, Wolfforth, TX, Wood Dale, Wood Dale, IL, Woodbridge, Woodbridge, NJ, Woodbridge, VA, Woodburn, Woodbury, WOODBURY, MN, Woodbury, NY, Woodcliff Lake, Woodcliff Lake, NJ, Woodhaven, WOODHAVEN, MI, Woodinville, Woodland, Woodland Hills, Woodland Hills, CA, Woodland Park, Woodland, CA, Woodland, WA, Woodlands, Woods Cross, Woodside, Woodstock, Woodstock, GA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Woodstock, IL, Woodstock, VA, WOODSTOCK, VT, Woodward, Woodway, Woonsocket, Wooster, Worland, Wormleysburg, Worthington, Worthington, MN, Worthington, OH, Wrightstown, Wrightsville Beach, Wurtsboro, Wylie, TX, Wynne, Wyoming, Wyomissing, Wysox, Wytheville, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Xenia, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Yachats, Yadkinville, Yakima,, YAKIMA, WA, Yampa, Yanceyville,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Yankton, Yardley, Yarmouth Port, Yazoo City, Yellowstone, Yellowstone National Park, YELLOWSTONE PARK, MT, Yemassee, Yermo, Yonkers, Yonkers, NY, Yorba Linda, York, York Beach, York Harbor, York, AL, York, ME, York, NE, York, PA, York, SC, Yorktown, Yorkville Yosemite National Park, Yosemite National Park, CA,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Young Harris, Youngstown, Youngstown, OH, Yountville, Ypsilanti, Yreka, Yuba City, Yucca Valley, Yukon, Yulee, Yuma, YUMA, AZ, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Zachary, Zanesville, Zapata, Zephyr Cove, Zephyrhills, Zillah, Zion, Zion National Park, UT, Zumbrota, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): fghanistan, Albânia, Alemanha, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antígua, Antilhas Neerlandesas, Arábia Saudita, Argélia, Argentina, Arménia, Aruba, Austrália, Áustria, Autoridade Palestiniana, Azerbaijão, Bahamas,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Bahrein, Bangladesh, Barbados, Bélgica, Belize, Benim, Bermudas, Bielorrússia, Bolívia, Bósnia e Herzegovina, Botswana, Brasil, Brunei, Bulgária, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Butão, Camarões, Camboja, Canadá, Cazaquistão, Chade, Chile, China, Chipre, Colômbia, Coréia do Sul, Costa Rica,, Coted’’Ivoire,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Croácia, Cuba, Dinamarca, Djibouti, Dominica, Egipto, El Salvador, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Equador, Eritreia, Eslováquia, Eslovénia, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Espanha, Estados Unidos da América, Estónia, Etiópia, Filipinas, Finlândia, França, Gabão, Gâmbia, Gana, Georgia, Gibraltar, Granada, Grécia, Gronelândia, Guadalupe, Guatemala, Guiana, Guiana Francesa, Guiné, Guinea Equatorial, Haiti, Honduras, Hungria, Iémen, Ilhas Cayman, Ilhas Cook, Ilhas Faroé, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Ilhas Virgens Britânicas, Ilhas Virgens dos Estados Unidos, Índia, Indonésia, Irão, Iraque, Irlanda,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Islândia, Israel, Itália, Jamaica, Japão, Jordânia, Kuwait, Laos, Lesoto, Letónia, Líbano, Líbia, Liechtenstein, Lituânia, Luxemburgo, Macedónia, Madagáscar, Malásia, Malawi, Maldivas, Mali, Malta, Marrocos, Martinica, Maurícia, Mauritânia, México, Micronésia, Moçambique, Moldávia, Monaco, Mongólia, Montenegro, Montserrat, Myanmar, Namíbia, Nepal, Nicarágua, Nigéria, Noruega, Nova Caledónia,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Nova Zelândia, Omã, Países Baixos, Panamá, Papua Nova Guiné, Paquistão, Paraguai, Peru, Polinésia Francesa, Polónia, Porto Rico, Portugal, Qatar, Quénia, Quirguízia, Reino de Tonga, Reino Unido, República Checa, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): República da África do Sul, República de Cabo Verde, República de Fiji, República de Palau, República Dominicana, Reunião, Roménia, Ruanda, Rússia, Samoa, Samoa Ocidental, San Marino, Santa Lúcia, São Cristóvão e Nevis, São Martinho, São Tomé e Príncipe, Senegal, Sérvia, Seychelles, Singapura, Síria, Sri Lanka, St. Vincent, Suazilândia, Sudão, Suécia, Suíça, Suriname, Tailândia, Taiwan, Tajiquistão, Tanzânia, Togo, Trinidad e Tobago, Tunísia, Turcomenistão, Turks e Caicos, Turquia, Ucrânia, Uganda, Uruguai, Uzbequistão, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietname, Zambia, Zimbábue, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): DADOS PRINCIPAIS, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Área: 9.372.614 km², Capital: Washington DC, População: 308.745.538 milhões (Censo 2010), Moeda: dólar norte-americano ( USD ), Nome Oficial: Estados Unidos da América ( United States of America ). Nacionalidade: norte-americana ou estadunidense, Data Nacional: 4 de julho ( Dia da Independência dos Estados Unidos ). Hino: HINO DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): GEOGRAFIA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS (Física e Humana), Mapa: Mapa dos Estados Unidos,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Divisão Administrativa: 50 estados e uma capital federal (Washington DC), Localização: centro da América do Norte, Fuso Horário: - 2 horas em relação à Brasília, Clima dos Estados Unidos: temperado continental (L), subtropical (SE), de montanha (centro e Montanhas Rochosas), árido tropical (SO), mediterrâneo (costa O), árido frio (NO). Cidades dos Estados Unidos (principais): Nova Iorque, Los Angeles; Chicago, Houston, Filadélfia, Washington DC, São Francisco, Miami, Detroit, San Diego, Boston, Orlando, Dallas, Atlanta, Portland, Seattle, New Orleans, Austin, Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Denver, San Antonio , Sacramento Estados dos Estados Unidos: Alabama, Alasca, Arizona, Arkansas, Califórnia, Carolina do Norte, Carolina do Sul, Colorado, Connecticut, Dacota do Norte, Dacota do Sul, Delaware, Flórida, Geórgia, Havaí, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Luisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississípi, Missouri, Montana, Nebrasca, Nevada, Nova Hampshire, Nova Iorque, Nova Jérsei, Novo México, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pensilvânia, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virgínia, Virgínia Ocidental, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming. Territórios Administrados: Porto Rico, Ilhas Marianas do Norte, Atol Johnston, Guam, Ilhas Wake, Ilhas Midway, Ilhas Virgens Americanas, Samoa Americana. Composição da População: brancos (79,96%); negros (12,85%); asiáticos (4,43%), indígenas nativos e do Alasca (0,97%); nativos do Havaí e outras ilhas do Pacífico (0,18%); duas ou mais raças (1,61%). (estimativa de julho de 2007) Densidade Demográfica: 32,9 hab./km2. Crescimento Demográfico: 0,963% por ano (estimativa 2011), CULTURA E DADOS SOCIAIS,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Idioma: inglês (oficial).TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Religião: Protestantes 51,3%; católicos 23,9%; mórmons 1,7%; outros cristãos 1,6%; judeus 1,7%; budistas 0,7%; muçulmanos 0,6%, outros não especificados 2,5%; não afiliados 12,1%; nenhum 4% (estimativa ano de 2007), Taxa de Analfabetismo: 1% (estimativa 2003). IDH: 0,910 (Pnud 2011) - desenvolvimento humano muito alto, Gini: 45.0 (ano de 2007), ECONOMIA DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS:TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Produtos Agrícolas: tabaco, milho, soja, sorgo, batata, beterraba, trigo, outros cereais. Pecuária: : bovinos, suínos, aves.TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Mineração: petróleo, gás natural, carvão, minério de ferro, minério de cobre, alumina, prata, urânio. Indústria: equipamentos de transporte, alimentícia, máquinas, química, metalúrgica, gráfica e editorial. Renda per capita: US$ 48.500 ( estimativa 2011). PIB: US$ 15,087 trilhões (2011) Crescimento do PIB em 2011: 1,7%, Taxa de Desemprego: 9,7% (janeiro de 2010), RELAÇÕES EXTERIORES: TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas), FMI (Fundo Monetário Internacional), Banco Mundial, OMC (Organização Mundial do Comércio), G-8, OEA (Organização dos Estados Americanos), Nafta (Tratado Norte-Americano de Livre Comércio), OCDE (Organização de Cooperação e de Desenvolvimento Econômicos), OTAN (Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte). Consulado dos Estados Unidos em São Paulo,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Rua Henri Dunant, 700, Chácara Santo Antônio, CEP 04709-110 - São Paulo - SP, tel: (0xx11) 5186-7000, fax: (0xx11) 5186-7199, Embaixada dos Estados Unidos,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Av. das Nações, Q.801 - Lote 3 - Brasília-DF, Tel. (061) 3312-7000, fax (061) 3225-9136, e-mail: contact@embaixada-americana.org.br, TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Veja também:TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Pontos Turísticos dos Estados Unidos - os principais pontos de turismo e culturais nos Estados Unidos,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Economia dos Estados Unidos - características econômicas, dados, taxas, produção, exportações e importações. População dos Estados Unidos - grupos étnicos, taxas de crescimento, urbanização, migração e outros dados. Dólar - história da moeda, dolarização da economia mundial, valores das notas e moedas, impressão, etc. Cidades dos Estados Unidos - lista das principais cidades dos Estados Unidos da América. Geografia dos Estados Unidos - relevo, clima, vegetação e outras informações geográficas. Bandeira dos Estados Unidos - história e significados da bandeira dos Estados Unidos da América. Rios dos Estados Unidos - lista com os principais rios dos Estados Unidos. Guerra de Secessão - a Guerra Civil Americana,TE ASHI DO (KARATE DO): Presidentes dos Estados Unidos - nomes dos presidentes dos Estados Unidos e período de governo. Livros sobre os Estados Unidos - indicação de bibliografia sobre os Estados Unidos,Referencias:[Karate Do,Te Ashi Do,kung fu]Artes Marciais:_[Karate Do,Te Ashi Do,kung fu]_busca_detalhada: Academia,meta tags=Descrição:busca_em_todas_as:_cidades de:Referência:[Karate Do,Te Ashi Do,kung fu]_busca_detalhada:Academia,meta tags=Descrição:busca_em_todas_as:_cidades de:Referências:Busca na web_google_motor de busca_asseleradores de busca:_Referências:Selecione um município do seu interesse e o sistema recuperará a folha de maior escala onde o centro da sede municipal se encontra. Eventualmente, pode ocorrer mais de uma cidade numa mesma folha: Abdon Batista Abelardo Luz Agrolandia Agronomica Agua Doce Aguas Frias Aguas Mornas Aguas de Chapeco Alfredo Wagner Alto Bela Vista Anchieta Angelina Anita Garibaldi Anitapolis Antonio Carlos Apiuna Arabuta Araquari Ararangua Armazem Arroio Trinta Arvoredo Ascurra Atalanta Aurora Balneario Arroio do Silva Balneario Barra do Sul Balneario Camboriu Balneario Gaivota Bandeirante Barra Bonita Barra Velha Bela Vista do Toldo Belmonte Benedito Novo Biguacu Blumenau Bocaina do Sul Bom Jardim da Serra Bom Jesus do Oeste Bom Jesus Bom Retiro Bombinhas Botuvera Braco do Norte Braco do Trombudo Brunopolis Brusque Cacador Caibi Calmon Camboriu Campo Alegre Campo Belo do Sul Campo Ere Campos Novos Canelinha Canoinhas Capao Alto Capinzal Capivari de Baixo Catanduvas Caxambu do Sul Celso Ramos Cerro Negro Chapadao do Lageado Chapeco Cocal do Sul Concordia Cordilheira Alta Coronel Freitas Coronel Martins Correia Pinto Corupa Criciuma Cunha Pora Cunhatai Curitibanos Descanso Dionisio Cerqueira Dona Emma Doutor Pedrinho Entre Rios Ermo Erval Velho Faxinal dos Guedes Flor do Sertao Florianopolis Formosa do Sul Forquilhinha Fraiburgo Frei Rogerio Galvao Garopaba Garuva Gaspar Governador Celso Ramos Grao Para Gravatal Guabiruba Guaraciaba Guaramirim Guaruja do Sul Guatambu Herval d'Oeste Ibiam Ibicare Ibirama Icara Ilhota Imarui Imbituba Imbuia Indaial Iomere Ipira Ipora do Oeste Ipuacu Ipumirim Iraceminha Irani Irati Irineopolis Ita Itaiopolis Itajai Itapema Itapiranga Itapoa Ituporanga Jabora Jacinto Machado Jaguaruna Jaragua do Sul Jardinopolis Joacaba Joinville Jose Boiteux Jupia Lacerdopolis Lages Laguna Lajeado Grande Laurentino Lauro Muller Lebon Regis Leoberto Leal Lindoia do Sul Lontras Luiz Alves Luzerna Macieira Mafra Major Gercino Major Vieira Maracaja Maravilha Marema Massaranduba Matos Costa Meleiro Mirim Doce Modelo Mondai Monte Carlo Monte Castelo Morro Grande Morro da Fumaca Navegantes Nova Erechim Nova Itaberaba Nova Trento Nova Veneza Novo Horizonte Orleans Otacilio Costa Ouro Verde Ouro Paial Painel Palhoca Palma Sola Palmeira Palmitos Papanduva Paraiso Passo de Torres Passos Maia Paulo Lopes Pedras Grandes Penha Peritiba Petrolandia Picarras Pinhalzinho Pinheiro Preto Piratuba Planalto Alegre Pomerode Ponte Alta do Norte Ponte Alta Ponte Serrada Porto Belo Porto Uniao Pouso Redondo Praia Grande Presidente Castelo Branco Presidente Getulio Presidente Nereu Princesa Quilombo Rancho Queimado Rio Fortuna Rio Negrinho Rio Rufino Rio d'Oeste Rio das Antas Rio do Campo Rio do Sul Rio dos Cedros Riqueza Rodeio Romelandia Salete Saltinho Salto Veloso Sangao Santa Cecilia Santa Helena Santa Rosa de Lima Santa Rosa do Sul Santa Terezinha do Progresso Santa Terezinha Santiago do Sul Santo Amaro da Imperatriz Sao Bento do Sul Sao Bernardino Sao Bonifacio Sao Carlos Sao Cristovao do Sul Sao Domingos Sao Francisco do Sul Sao Joao Batista Sao Joao do Itaperiu Sao Joao do Oeste Sao Joao do Sul Sao Joaquim Sao Jose do Cedro Sao Jose do Cerrito Sao Jose Sao Lourenco d'Oeste Sao Ludgero Sao Martinho Sao Miguel d'Oeste Sao Miguel da Boa Vista Sao Pedro de Alcantara Saudades Schroeder Seara Serra Alta Sideropolis Sombrio Sul Brasil Taio Tangara Tigrinhos Tijucas Timbe do Sul Timbo Grande Timbo Tres Barras Treviso Treze Tilias Treze de Maio Trombudo Central Tubarao Tunapolis Turvo Uniao do Oeste Urubici Urupema Urussanga Vargeao Vargem Bonita Vargem Vidal Ramos Videira Vitor Meireles Witmarsum Xanxere Xavantina Xaxim Zortea Abatia Adrianopolis Agudos do Sul Almirante Tamandare Altamira do Parana Altania Alto Parana Alto Piquiri Alvorada do Sul Amapora Ampere Anahy Andira Angulo Antonina Antonio Olinto Apucarana Arapongas Arapoti Arapua Araruna Araucaria Ariranha do Ivai Assai Assis Chateaubriand Astorga Atalaia Balsa Nova Bandeirantes Barbosa Ferraz Barra do Jacare Barracao Bela Vista da Caroba Bela Vista do Paraiso Bituruna Boa Esperanca do Iguacu Boa Esperanca Boa Ventura de Sao Roque Boa Vista da Aparecida Bocaiuva do Sul Bom Jesus do Sul Bom Sucesso do Sul Bom Sucesso Borrazopolis Braganey Brasilandia do Sul Cafeara Cafelandia Cafezal do Sul California Cambara Cambe Cambira Campina Grande do Sul Campina da Lagoa Campina do Simao Campo Bonito Campo Largo Campo Magro Campo Mourao Campo do Tenente Candido de Abreu Candoi Cantagalo Capanema Capitao Leonidas Marques Carambei Carlopolis Cascavel Castro Catanduvas Centenario do Sul Cerro Azul Ceu Azul Chopinzinho Cianorte Cidade Gaucha Clevelandia Colombo Colorado Congonhinhas Conselheiro Mairinck Contenda Corbelia Cornelio Procopio Coronel Domingos Soares Coronel Vivida Corumbatai do Sul Cruz Machado Cruzeiro do Iguacu Cruzeiro do Oeste Cruzeiro do Sul Cruzmaltina Curitiba Curiuva Diamante d'Oeste Diamante do Norte Diamante do Sul Dois Vizinhos Douradina Doutor Camargo Doutor Ulysses Eneas Marques Engenheiro Beltrao Entre Rios do Oeste Esperanca Nova Espigao Alto do Iguacu Farol Faxinal Fazenda Rio Grande Fenix Fernandes Pinheiro Figueira Flor da Serra do Sul Florai Floresta Florestopolis Florida Formosa do Oeste Foz do Iguacu Foz do Jordao Francisco Alves Francisco Beltrao General Carneiro Godoy Moreira Goioere Goioxim Grandes Rios Guaira Guairaca Guamiranga Guapirama Guaporema Guaraci Guaraniacu Guarapuava Guaraquecaba Guaratuba Honorio Serpa Ibaiti Ibema Ibipora Icaraima Iguaracu Iguatu Imbau Imbituva Inacio Martins Inaja Indianopolis Ipiranga Ipora Iracema do Oeste Irati Iretama Itaguaje Itaipulandia Itambaraca Itambe Itapejara d'Oeste Itaperucu Itauna do Sul Ivai Ivaipora Ivate Ivatuba Jaboti Jacarezinho Jaguapita Jaguariaiva Jandaia do Sul Janiopolis Japira Japura Jardim Alegre Jardim Olinda Jataizinho Jesuitas Joaquim Tavora Jundiai do Sul Juranda Jussara Kalore Lapa Laranjal Laranjeiras do Sul Leopolis Lidianopolis Lindoeste Loanda Lobato Londrina Luiziana Lunardelli Lupionopolis Mallet Mambore Mandaguacu Mandaguari Mandirituba Manfrinopolis Mangueirinha Manoel Ribas Marechal Candido Rondon Maria Helena Marialva Marilandia do Sul Marilena Mariluz Maringa Mariopolis Maripa Marmeleiro Marquinho Marumbi Matelandia Matinhos Mato Rico Maua da Serra Medianeira Mercedes Mirador Miraselva Missal Moreira Sales Morretes Munhoz de Melo Nossa Senhora das Gracas Nova Alianca do Ivai Nova America da Colina Nova Aurora Nova Cantu Nova Esperanca do Sudoeste Nova Esperanca Nova Fatima Nova Laranjeiras Nova Londrina Nova Olimpia Nova Prata do Iguacu Nova Santa Barbara Nova Santa Rosa Nova Tebas Novo Itacolomi Ortigueira Ourizona Ouro Verde do Oeste Paicandu Palmas Palmeira Palmital Palotina Paraiso do Norte Paranacity Paranagua Paranapoema Paranavai Pato Bragado Pato Branco Paula Freitas Paulo Frontin Peabiru Perobal Perola d'Oeste Perola Pien Pinhais Pinhal de Sao Bento Pinhalao Pinhao Pirai do Sul Piraquara Pitanga Pitangueiras Planaltina do Parana Planalto Ponta Grossa Pontal do Parana Porecatu Porto Amazonas Porto Barreiro Porto Rico Porto Vitoria Prado Ferreira Pranchita Presidente Castelo Branco Primeiro de Maio Prudentopolis Quarto Centenario Quatigua Quatro Barras Quatro Pontes Quedas do Iguacu Querencia do Norte Quinta do Sol Quitandinha Ramilandia Rancho Alegre d'Oeste Rancho Alegre Realeza Reboucas Renascenca Reserva do Iguacu Reserva Ribeirao Claro Ribeirao do Pinhal Rio Azul Rio Bom Rio Bonito do Iguacu Rio Branco do Ivai Rio Branco do Sul Rio Negro Rolandia Roncador Rondon Rosario do Ivai Sabaudia Salgado Filho Salto do Itarare Salto do Lontra Santa Amelia Santa Cecilia do Pavao Santa Cruz de Monte Castelo Santa Fe Santa Helena Santa Ines Santa Isabel do Ivai Santa Izabel do Oeste Santa Lucia Santa Maria do Oeste Santa Mariana Santa Monica Santa Tereza do Oeste Santa Terezinha de Itaipu Santana do Itarare Santo Antonio da Platina Santo Antonio do Caiua Santo Antonio do Paraiso Santo Antonio do Sudoeste Santo Inacio Sao Carlos do Ivai Sao Jeronimo da Serra Sao Joao do Caiua Sao Joao do Ivai Sao Joao do Triunfo Sao Joao Sao Jorge d'Oeste Sao Jorge do Ivai Sao Jorge do Patrocinio Sao Jose da Boa Vista Sao Jose das Palmeiras Sao Jose dos Pinhais Sao Manoel do Parana Sao Mateus do Sul Sao Miguel do Iguacu Sao Pedro do Iguacu Sao Pedro do Ivai Sao Pedro do Parana Sao Sebastiao da Amoreira Sao Tome Sapopema Sarandi Saudade do Iguacu Senges Serranopolis do Iguacu Sertaneja Sertanopolis Siqueira Campos Sulina Tamarana Tamboara Tapejara Tapira Teixeira Soares Telemaco Borba Terra Boa Terra Rica Terra Roxa Tibagi Tijucas do Sul Toledo Tomazina Tres Barras do Parana Tunas do Parana Tuneiras do Oeste Tupassi Turvo Ubirata Umuarama Uniao da Vitoria Uniflor Urai Ventania Vera Cruz do Oeste Vere Vila Alta Virmond Vitorino Wenceslau Braz Xambre Agua Santa Agudo Ajuricaba Alecrim Alegrete Alegria Alpestre Alto Alegre Alto Feliz Alvorada Amaral Ferrador Ametista do Sul Andre da Rocha Anta Gorda Antonio Prado Arambare Ararica Aratiba Arroio Grande Arroio do Meio Arroio do Sal Arroio do Tigre Arroio dos Ratos Arvorezinha Augusto Pestana Aurea Bage Balneario Pinhal Barao de Cotegipe Barao do Triunfo Barao Barra Funda Barra do Guarita Barra do Quarai Barra do Ribeiro Barra do Rio Azul Barracao Barros Cassal Benjamin Constant do Sul Bento Goncalves Boa Vista das Missoes Boa Vista do Burica Boa Vista do Sul Bom Jesus Bom Principio Bom Progresso Bom Retiro do Sul Boqueirao do Leao Bossoroca Braga Brochier Butia Cacapava do Sul Cacequi Cachoeira do Sul Cachoeirinha Cacique Doble Caibate Caicara Camaqua Camargo Cambara do Sul Campestre da Serra Campina das Missoes Campinas do Sul Campo Bom Campo Novo Campos Borges Candelaria Candido Godoi Candiota Canela Cangucu Canoas Capao da Canoa Capao do Leao Capela de Santana Capitao Capivari do Sul Caraa Carazinho Carlos Barbosa Carlos Gomes Casca Caseiros Catuipe Caxias do Sul Centenario Cerrito Cerro Branco Cerro Grande do Sul Cerro Grande Cerro Largo Chapada Charqueadas Charrua Chiapeta Chui Chuvisca Cidreira Ciriaco Colinas Colorado Condor Constantina Coqueiros do Sul Coronel Barros Coronel Bicaco Cotipora Coxilha Crissiumal Cristal do Sul Cristal Cruz Alta Cruzeiro do Sul David Canabarro Derrubadas Dezesseis de Novembro Dilermano de Aguiar Dois Irmaos das Missoes Dois Irmaos Dois Lajeados Dom Feliciano Dom Pedrito Dom Pedro de Alcantara Dona Francisca Doutor Mauricio Cardoso Doutor Ricardo Eldorado do Sul Encantado Encruzilhada do Sul Engenho Velho Entre Rios do Sul Entre-Ijuis Erebango Erechim Ernestina Erval Grande Erval Seco Esmeralda Esperanca do Sul Espumoso Estacao Estancia Velha Esteio Estrela Velha Estrela Eugenio de Castro Fagundes Varela Farroupilha Faxinal do Soturno Faxinalzinho Fazenda Vilanova Feliz Flores da Cunha Floriano Peixoto Fontoura Xavier Formigueiro Fortaleza dos Valos Frederico Westphalen Garibaldi Garruchos Gaurama General Camara Gentil Getulio Vargas Girua Glorinha Gramado Xavier Gramado dos Loureiros Gramado Gravatai Guabiju Guaiba Guapore Guarani das Missoes Harmonia Herval Herveiras Horizontina Hulha Negra Humaita Ibarama Ibiaca Ibiraiaras Ibirapuita Ibiruba Igrejinha Ijui Ilopolis Imbe Imigrante Independencia Inhacora Ipe Ipiranga do Sul Irai Itaara Itacurubi Itapuca Itaqui Itatiba do Sul Ivora Ivoti Jaboticaba Jacutinga Jaguarao Jaguari Jaquirana Jari Joia Julio de Castilhos Lagoa Vermelha Lagoa dos Tres Cantos Lagoao Lajeado do Bugre Lajeado Lavras do Sul Liberato Salzano Lindolfo Collor Linha Nova Macambara Machadinho Mampituba Manoel Viana Maquine Marata Marau Marcelino Ramos Mariana Pimentel Mariano Moro Marques de Souza Mata Mato Castelhano Mato Leitao Maximiliano de Almeida Minas do Leao Miraguai Montauri Monte Alegre dos Campos Monte Belo do Sul Montenegro Mormaco Morrinhos do Sul Morro Redondo Morro Reuter Mostardas Mucum Muitos Capoes Muliterno Nao-Me-Toque Nicolau Vergueiro Nonoai Nova Alvorada Nova Araca Nova Bassano Nova Boa Vista Nova Brescia Nova Candelaria Nova Esperanca do Sul Nova Hartz Nova Padua Nova Palma Nova Petropolis Nova Prata Nova Ramada Nova Roma do Sul Nova Santa Rita Novo Barreiro Novo Cabrais Novo Hamburgo Novo Machado Novo Tiradentes Osorio Paim Filho Palmares do Sul Palmeira das Missoes Palmitinho Panambi Pantano Grande Parai Paraiso do Sul Pareci Novo Parobe Passa Sete Passo Fundo Passo do Sobrado Paverama Pedro Osorio Pejucara Pelotas Picada Cafe Pinhal Grande Pinhal Pinheirinho do Vale Pinheiro Machado Pirapo Piratini Planalto Poco das Antas Pontao Ponte Preta Portao Porto Alegre Porto Lucena Porto Maua Porto Vera Cruz Porto Xavier Pouso Novo Presidente Lucena Progresso Protasio Alves Putinga Quarai Quevedos Quinze de Novembro Redentora Relvado Restinga Seca Rio Grande Rio Pardo Rio dos Indios Riozinho Roca Sales Rodeio Bonito Rolante Ronda Alta Rondinha Roque Gonzales Rosario do Sul Sagrada Familia Saldanha Marinho Salto do Jacui Salvador das Missoes Salvador do Sul Sananduva Santa Barbara do Sul Santa Clara do Sul Santa Cruz do Sul Santa Maria do Herval Santa Maria Santa Rosa Santa Tereza Santa Vitoria do Palmar Santana da Boa Vista Santana do Livramento Santiago Santo Angelo Santo Antonio da Patrulha Santo Antonio das Missoes Santo Antonio do Palma Santo Antonio do Planalto Santo Augusto Santo Cristo Santo Expedito do Sul Sao Borja Sao Domingos do Sul Sao Francisco de Assis Sao Francisco de Paula Sao Gabriel Sao Jeronimo Sao Joao da Urtiga Sao Joao do Polesine Sao Jorge Sao Jose das Missoes Sao Jose do Herval Sao Jose do Hortencio Sao Jose do Inhacora Sao Jose do Norte Sao Jose do Ouro Sao Jose dos Ausentes Sao Leopoldo Sao Lourenco do Sul Sao Luiz Gonzaga Sao Marcos Sao Martinho da Serra Sao Martinho Sao Miguel das Missoes Sao Nicolau Sao Paulo das Missoes Sao Pedro da Serra Sao Pedro do Butia Sao Pedro do Sul Sao Sebastiao do Cai Sao Sepe Sao Valentim do Sul Sao Valentim Sao Valerio do Sul Sao Vendelino Sao Vicente do Sul Sapiranga Sapucaia do Sul Sarandi Seberi Sede Nova Segredo Selbach Senador Salgado Filho Sentinela do Sul Serafina Correa Serio Sertao Santana Sertao Sete de Setembro Severiano de Almeida Silveira Martins Sinimbu Sobradinho Soledade Tabai Tapejara Tapera Tapes Taquara Taquari Taquarucu do Sul Tavares Tenente Portela Terra de Areia Teutonia Tiradentes do Sul Toropi Torres Tramandai Travesseiro Tres Arroios Tres Cachoeiras Tres Coroas Tres Forquilhas Tres Palmeiras Tres Passos Tres de Maio Trindade do Sul Triunfo Tucunduva Tunas Tupanci do Sul Tupancireta Tupandi Tuparendi Turucu Ubiretama Uniao da Serra Unistalda Uruguaiana Vacaria Vale Real Vale Verde Vale do Sol Vanini Venancio Aires Vera Cruz Veranopolis Vespasiano Correa Viadutos Viamao Vicente Dutra Victor Graeff Vila Flores Vila Langaro Vila Maria Vila Nova do Sul Vista Alegre do Prata Vista Alegre Vista Gaucha Vitoria das Missoes Xangri-la Adamantina Adolfo Aguai Aguas da Prata Aguas de Lindoia Aguas de Santa Barbara Aguas de Sao Pedro Agudos Alambari Alfredo Marcondes Altair Altinopolis Alto Alegre Aluminio Alvares Florence Alvares Machado Alvaro de Carvalho Alvinlandia Americana Americo Brasiliense Americo de Campos Amparo Analandia Andradina Angatuba Anhembi Anhumas Aparecida d'Oeste Aparecida Apiai Aracariguama Aracatuba Aracoiaba da Serra Aramina Arandu Arapei Araraquara Araras Arco-Iris Arealva Areias Areiopolis Ariranha Artur Nogueira Aruja Aspasia Assis Atibaia Auriflama Avai Avanhandava Avare Bady Bassitt Balbinos Balsamo Bananal Barao de Antonina Barbosa Bariri Barra Bonita Barra do Chapeu Barra do Turvo Barretos Barrinha Barueri Bastos Batatais Bauru Bebedouro Bento de Abreu Bernardino de Campos Bertioga Bilac Birigui Biritiba-Mirim Boa Esperanca do Sul Bocaina Bofete Boituva Bom Jesus dos Perdoes Bom Sucesso de Itarare Bora Boraceia Borborema Borebi Botucatu Braganca Paulista Brauna Brejo Alegre Brodosqui Brotas Buri Buritama Buritizal Cabralia Paulista Cabreuva Cacapava Cachoeira Paulista Caconde Cafelandia Caiabu Caieiras Caiua Cajamar Cajati Cajobi Cajuru Campina do Monte Alegre Campinas Campo Limpo Paulista Campos Novos Paulista Campos do Jordao Cananeia Canas Candido Mota Candido Rodrigues Canitar Capao Bonito Capela do Alto Capivari Caraguatatuba Carapicuiba Cardoso Casa Branca Cassia dos Coqueiros Castilho Catanduva Catigua Cedral Cerqueira Cesar Cerquilho Cesario Lange Charqueada Chavantes Clementina Colina Colombia Conchal Conchas Cordeiropolis Coroados Coronel Macedo Corumbatai Cosmopolis Cosmorama Cotia Cravinhos Cristais Paulista Cruzalia Cruzeiro Cubatao Cunha Descalvado Diadema Dirce Reis Divinolandia Dobrada Dois Corregos Dolcinopolis Dourado Dracena Duartina Dumont Echapora Eldorado Elias Fausto Elisiario Embauba Embu Embu-Guacu Emilianopolis Engenheiro Coelho Espirito Santo do Pinhal Espirito Santo do Turvo Estiva Gerbi Estrela d'Oeste Estrela do Norte Euclides da Cunha Paulista Fartura Fernando Prestes Fernandopolis Fernao Ferraz de Vasconcelos Flora Rica Floreal Florida Paulista Florinia Franca Francisco Morato Franco da Rocha Gabriel Monteiro Galia Garca Gastao Vidigal Gaviao Peixoto General Salgado Getulina Glicerio Guaicara Guaimbe Guaira Guapiacu Guapiara Guara Guaracai Guaraci Guarani d'Oeste Guaranta Guararapes Guararema Guaratingueta Guarei Guariba Guaruja Guarulhos Guatapara Guzolandia Herculandia Holambra Hortolandia Iacanga Iacri Iaras Ibate Ibira Ibirarema Ibitinga Ibiuna Icem Iepe Igaracu do Tiete Igarapava Igarata Iguape Ilha Comprida Ilha Solteira Ilhabela Indaiatuba Indiana Indiapora Inubia Paulista Ipaucu Ipero Ipeuna Ipigua Iporanga Ipua Iracemapolis Irapua Irapuru Itabera Itai Itajobi Itaju Itanhaem Itaoca Itapecerica da Serra Itapetininga Itapeva Itapevi Itapira Itapirapua Paulista Itapolis Itaporanga Itapui Itapura Itaquaquecetuba Itarare Itariri Itatiba Itatinga Itirapina Itirapua Itobi Itu Itupeva Ituverava Jaborandi Jaboticabal Jacarei Jaci Jacupiranga Jaguariuna Jales Jambeiro Jandira Jardinopolis Jarinu Jau Jeriquara Joanopolis Joao Ramalho Jose Bonifacio Julio Mesquita Jumirim Jundiai Junqueiropolis Juquia Juquitiba Lagoinha Laranjal Paulista Lavinia Lavrinhas Leme Lencois Paulista Limeira Lindoia Lins Lorena Lourdes Louveira Lucelia Lucianopolis Luis Antonio Luiziania Lupercio Lutecia Macatuba Macaubal Macedonia Magda Mairinque Mairipora Manduri Maraba Paulista Maracai Marapoama Mariapolis Marilia Marinopolis Martinopolis Matao Maua Mendonca Meridiano Mesopolis Miguelopolis Mineiros do Tiete Mira Estrela Miracatu Mirandopolis Mirante do Paranapanema Mirassol Mirassolandia Mococa Mogi Guacu Moji das Cruzes Moji-Mirim Mombuca Moncoes Mongagua Monte Alegre do Sul Monte Alto Monte Aprazivel Monte Azul Paulista Monte Castelo Monte Mor Monteiro Lobato Morro Agudo Morungaba Motuca Murutinga do Sul Nantes Narandiba Natividade da Serra Nazare Paulista Neves Paulista Nhandeara Nipoa Nova Alianca Nova Campina Nova Canaa Paulista Nova Castilho Nova Europa Nova Granada Nova Guataporanga Nova Independencia Nova Luzitania Nova Odessa Novais Novo Horizonte Nuporanga Ocaucu Oleo Olimpia Onda Verde Oriente Orindiuva Orlandia Osasco Oscar Bressane Osvaldo Cruz Ourinhos Ouro Verde Ouroeste Pacaembu Palestina Palmares Paulista Palmeira d'Oeste Palmital Panorama Paraguacu Paulista Paraibuna Paraiso Paranapanema Paranapua Parapua Pardinho Pariquera-Acu Parisi Patrocinio Paulista Pauliceia Paulinia Paulistania Paulo de Faria Pederneiras Pedra Bela Pedranopolis Pedregulho Pedreira Pedrinhas Paulista Pedro de Toledo Penapolis Pereira Barreto Pereiras Peruibe Piacatu Piedade Pilar do Sul Pindamonhangaba Pindorama Pinhalzinho Piquerobi Piquete Piracaia Piracicaba Piraju Pirajui Pirangi Pirapora do Bom Jesus Pirapozinho Pirassununga Piratininga Pitangueiras Planalto Platina Poa Poloni Pompeia Pongai Pontal Pontalinda Pontes Gestal Populina Porangaba Porto Feliz Porto Ferreira Potim Potirendaba Pracinha Pradopolis Praia Grande Pratania Presidente Alves Presidente Bernardes Presidente Epitacio Presidente Prudente Presidente Venceslau Promissao Quadra Quata Queiroz Queluz Quintana Rafard Rancharia Redencao da Serra Regente Feijo Reginopolis Registro Restinga Ribeira Ribeirao Bonito Ribeirao Branco Ribeirao Corrente Ribeirao Grande Ribeirao Pires Ribeirao Preto Ribeirao do Sul Ribeirao dos Indios Rifaina Rincao Rinopolis Rio Claro Rio Grande da Serra Rio das Pedras Riolandia Riversul Rosana Roseira Rubiacea Rubineia Sabino Sagres Sales Oliveira Sales Salesopolis Salmourao Saltinho Salto Grande Salto de Pirapora Salto Sandovalina Santa Adelia Santa Albertina Santa Barbara d'Oeste Santa Branca Santa Clara d'Oeste Santa Cruz da Conceicao Santa Cruz da Esperanca Santa Cruz das Palmeiras Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo Santa Ernestina Santa Fe do Sul Santa Gertrudes Santa Isabel Santa Lucia Santa Maria da Serra Santa Mercedes Santa Rita d'Oeste Santa Rita do Passa Quatro Santa Rosa de Viterbo Santa Salete Santana da Ponte Pensa Santana de Parnaiba Santo Anastacio Santo Andre Santo Antonio da Alegria Santo Antonio de Posse Santo Antonio do Aracangua Santo Antonio do Jardim Santo Antonio do Pinhal Santo Expedito Santopolis do Aguapei Santos Sao Bento do Sapucai Sao Bernardo do Campo Sao Caetano do Sul Sao Carlos Sao Francisco Sao Joao da Boa Vista Sao Joao das Duas Pontes Sao Joao de Iracema Sao Joao do Pau d'Alho Sao Joaquim da Barra Sao Jose da Bela Vista Sao Jose do Barreiro Sao Jose do Rio Pardo Sao Jose do Rio Preto Sao Jose dos Campos Sao Lourenco da Serra Sao Luis do Paraitinga Sao Manuel Sao Miguel Arcanjo Sao Paulo Sao Pedro do Turvo Sao Pedro Sao Roque Sao Sebastiao da Grama Sao Sebastiao Sao Simao Sao Vicente Sarapui Sarutaia Sebastianopolis do Sul Serra Azul Serra Negra Serrana Sertaozinho Sete Barras Severinia Silveiras Socorro Sorocaba Sud Mennucci Sumare Suzanapolis Suzano Tabapua Tabatinga Taboao da Serra Taciba Taguai Taiacu Taiuva Tambau Tanabi Tapirai Tapiratiba Taquaral Taquaritinga Taquarituba Taquarivai Tarabai Taruma Tatui Taubate Tejupa Teodoro Sampaio Terra Roxa Tiete Timburi Torre de Pedra Torrinha Trabiju Tremembe Tres Fronteiras Tuiuti Tupa Tupi Paulista Turiuba Turmalina Ubarana Ubatuba Ubirajara Uchoa Uniao Paulista Urania Uru Urupes Valentim Gentil Valinhos Valparaiso Vargem Grande Paulista Vargem Grande do Sul Vargem Varzea Paulista Vera Cruz Vinhedo Viradouro Vista Alegre do Alto Vitoria Brasil Votorantim Votuporanga Zacarias Abadia dos Dourados Abaete Abre Campo Acaiaca Acucena Agua Boa Agua Comprida Aguanil Aguas Formosas Aguas Vermelhas Aimores Aiuruoca Alagoa Albertina Alem Paraiba Alfenas Alfredo Vasconcelos Almenara Alpercata Alpinopolis Alterosa Alto Caparao Alto Jequitiba Alto Rio Doce Alvarenga Alvinopolis Alvorada de Minas Amparo do Serra Andradas Andrelandia Angelandia Antonio Carlos Antonio Dias Antonio Prado de Minas Aracai Aracitaba Aracuai Araguari Arantina Araponga Arapora Arapua Araujos Araxa Arceburgo Arcos Areado Argirita Aricanduva Arinos Astolfo Dutra Ataleia Augusto de Lima Baependi Baldim Bambui Bandeira do Sul Bandeira Barao de Cocais Barao de Monte Alto Barbacena Barra Longa Barroso Bela Vista de Minas Belmiro Braga Belo Horizonte Belo Oriente Belo Vale Berilo Berizal Bertopolis Betim Bias Fortes Bicas Biquinhas Boa Esperanca Bocaina de Minas Bocaiuva Bom Despacho Bom Jardim de Minas Bom Jesus da Penha Bom Jesus do Amparo Bom Jesus do Galho Bom Repouso Bom Sucesso Bonfim Bonfinopolis de Minas Bonito de Minas Borda da Mata Botelhos Botumirim Bras Pires Brasilandia de Minas Brasilia de Minas Brasopolis Braunas Brumadinho Bueno Brandao Buenopolis Bugre Buritis Buritizeiro Cabeceira Grande Cabo Verde Cachoeira Dourada Cachoeira da Prata Cachoeira de Minas Cachoeira de Pajeu Caetanopolis Caete Caiana Cajuri Caldas Camacho Camanducaia Cambui Cambuquira Campanario Campanha Campestre Campina Verde Campo Azul Campo Belo Campo Florido Campo do Meio Campos Altos Campos Gerais Cana Verde Canaa Canapolis Candeias Cantagalo Caparao Capela Nova Capelinha Capetinga Capim Branco Capinopolis Capitao Andrade Capitao Eneas Capitolio Caputira Carai Caranaiba Carandai Carangola Caratinga Carbonita Careacu Carlos Chagas Carmesia Carmo da Cachoeira Carmo da Mata Carmo de Minas Carmo do Cajuru Carmo do Paranaiba Carmo do Rio Claro Carmopolis de Minas Carneirinho Carrancas Carvalhopolis Carvalhos Casa Grande Cascalho Rico Cassia Cataguases Catas Altas da Noruega Catas Altas Catuji Catuti Caxambu Cedro do Abaete Central de Minas Centralina Chacara Chale Chapada Gaucha Chapada do Norte Chiador Cipotanea Claraval Claro dos Pocoes Claudio Coimbra Coluna Comendador Gomes Comercinho Conceicao da Aparecida Conceicao da Barra de Minas Conceicao das Alagoas Conceicao das Pedras Conceicao de Ipanema Conceicao do Mato Dentro Conceicao do Para Conceicao do Rio Verde Conceicao dos Ouros Conego Marinho Confins Congonhal Congonhas do Norte Congonhas Conquista Conselheiro Lafaiete Conselheiro Pena Consolacao Contagem Coqueiral Coracao de Jesus Cordisburgo Cordislandia Corinto Coroaci Coromandel Coronel Fabriciano Coronel Murta Coronel Pacheco Coronel Xavier Chaves Corrego Danta Corrego Fundo Corrego Novo Corrego do Bom Jesus Couto de Magalhaes de Minas Crisolita Cristais Cristalia Cristiano Otoni Cristina Crucilandia Cruzeiro da Fortaleza Cruzilia Cuparaque Curral de Dentro Curvelo Datas Delfim Moreira Delfinopolis Delta Descoberto Desterro de Entre Rios Desterro do Melo Diamantina Diogo de Vasconcelos Dionisio Divinesia Divino das Laranjeiras Divino Divinolandia de Minas Divinopolis Divisa Alegre Divisa Nova Divisopolis Dom Bosco Dom Cavati Dom Joaquim Dom Silverio Dom Vicoso Dona Euzebia Dores de Campos Dores de Guanhaes Dores do Indaia Dores do Turvo Doresopolis Douradoquara Durande Eloi Mendes Engenheiro Caldas Engenheiro Navarro Entre Folhas Entre Rios de Minas Ervalia Esmeraldas Espera Feliz Espinosa Espirito Santo do Dourado Estiva Estrela Dalva Estrela do Indaia Estrela do Sul Eugenopolis Ewbank da Camara Extrema Fama Faria Lemos Felicio dos Santos Felisburgo Felixlandia Fernandes Tourinho Ferros Fervedouro Florestal Formiga Formoso Fortaleza de Minas Fortuna de Minas Francisco Badaro Francisco Dumont Francisco Sa Franciscopolis Frei Gaspar Frei Inocencio Frei Lagonegro Fronteira dos Vales Fronteira Fruta de Leite Frutal Funilandia Galileia Gameleiras Glaucilandia Goiabeira Goiana Goncalves Gonzaga Gouvea Governador Valadares Grao Mogol Grupiara Guanhaes Guape Guaraciaba Guaraciama Guaranesia Guarani Guarara Guarda-Mor Guaxupe Guidoval Guimarania Guiricema Gurinhata Heliodora Iapu Ibertioga Ibia Ibiai Ibiracatu Ibiraci Ibirite Ibitiura de Minas Ibituruna Icarai de Minas Igarape Igaratinga Iguatama Ijaci Ilicinea Imbe de Minas Inconfidentes Indaiabira Indianopolis Ingai Inhapim Inhauma Inimutaba Ipaba Ipanema Ipatinga Ipiacu Ipuiuna Irai de Minas Itabira Itabirinha de Mantena Itabirito Itacambira Itacarambi Itaguara Itaipe Itajuba Itamarandiba Itamarati de Minas Itambacuri Itambe do Mato Dentro Itamogi Itamonte Itanhandu Itanhomi Itaobim Itapagipe Itapecerica Itapeva Itatiaiucu Itau de Minas Itauna Itaverava Itinga Itueta Ituiutaba Itumirim Iturama Itutinga Jaboticatubas Jacinto Jacui Jacutinga Jaguaracu Jaiba Jampruca Janauba Januaria Japaraiba Japonvar Jeceaba Jenipapo de Minas Jequeri Jequitai Jequitiba Jequitinhonha Jesuania Joaima Joanesia Joao Monlevade Joao Pinheiro Joaquim Felicio Jordania Jose Goncalves de Minas Jose Raydan Josenopolis Juatuba Juiz de Fora Juramento Juruaia Juvenilia Ladainha Lagamar Lagoa Dourada Lagoa Formosa Lagoa Grande Lagoa Santa Lagoa da Prata Lagoa dos Patos Lagoas Lajinha Lambari Lamim Laranjal Lassance Lavras Leandro Ferreira Leme do Prado Leopoldina Liberdade Lima Duarte Limeira do Oeste Lontra Luisburgo Luislandia Luminarias Luz Machacalis Machado Madre de Deus de Minas Malacacheta Mamonas Manga Manhuacu Manhumirim Mantena Mar de Espanha Maravilhas Maria da Fe Mariana Marilac Mario Campos Maripa de Minas Marlieria Marmelopolis Martinho Campos Martins Soares Mata Verde Materlandia Mateus Leme Mathias Lobato Matias Barbosa Matias Cardoso Matipo Mato Verde Matozinhos Matutina Medeiros Medina Mendes Pimentel Merces Mesquita Minas Novas Minduri Mirabela Miradouro Mirai Miravania Moeda Moema Monjolos Monsenhor Paulo Montalvania Monte Alegre de Minas Monte Azul Monte Belo Monte Carmelo Monte Formoso Monte Santo de Minas Monte Siao Montes Claros Montezuma Morada Nova de Minas Morro da Garca Morro do Pilar Munhoz Muriae Mutum Muzambinho Nacip Raydan Nanuque Naque Natalandia Natercia Nazareno Nepomuceno Ninheira Nova Belem Nova Era Nova Lima Nova Modica Nova Ponte Nova Porteirinha Nova Resende Nova Serrana Nova Uniao Novo Cruzeiro Novo Oriente de Minas Novorizonte Olaria Olhos-d'Agua Olimpio Noronha Oliveira Fortes Oliveira Onca de Pitangui Oratorios Orizania Ouro Branco Ouro Fino Ouro Preto Ouro Verde de Minas Padre Carvalho Padre Paraiso Pai Pedro Paineiras Pains Paiva Palma Palmopolis Papagaios Para de Minas Paracatu Paraguacu Paraisopolis Paraopeba Passa Quatro Passa Tempo Passa Vinte Passabem Passos Patis Patos de Minas Patrocinio do Muriae Patrocinio Paula Candido Paulistas Pavao Pecanha Pedra Azul Pedra Bonita Pedra Dourada Pedra do Anta Pedra do Indaia Pedralva Pedras de Maria da Cruz Pedrinopolis Pedro Leopoldo Pedro Teixeira Pequeri Pequi Perdigao Perdizes Perdoes Periquito Pescador Piau Piedade de Caratinga Piedade de Ponte Nova Piedade do Rio Grande Piedade dos Gerais Pimenta Pingo d'Agua Pintopolis Piracema Pirajuba Piranga Pirangucu Piranguinho Pirapetinga Pirapora Pirauba Pitangui Piui Planura Poco Fundo Pocos de Caldas Pocrane Pompeu Ponte Nova Ponto Chique Ponto dos Volantes Porteirinha Porto Firme Pote Pouso Alegre Pouso Alto Prados Prata Pratapolis Pratinha Presidente Bernardes Presidente Juscelino Presidente Kubitschek Presidente Olegario Prudente de Morais Quartel Geral Queluzita Raposos Raul Soares Recreio Reduto Resende Costa Resplendor Ressaquinha Riachinho Riacho dos Machados Ribeirao Vermelho Ribeirao das Neves Rio Acima Rio Casca Rio Doce Rio Espera Rio Manso Rio Novo Rio Paranaiba Rio Pardo de Minas Rio Piracicaba Rio Pomba Rio Preto Rio Vermelho Rio do Prado Ritapolis Rochedo de Minas Rodeiro Romaria Rosario da Limeira Rubelita Rubim Sabara Sabinopolis Sacramento Salinas Salto da Divisa Santa Barbara do Leste Santa Barbara do Monte Verde Santa Barbara do Tugurio Santa Barbara Santa Cruz de Minas Santa Cruz de Salinas Santa Cruz do Escalvado Santa Efigenia de Minas Santa Fe de Minas Santa Helena de Minas Santa Juliana Santa Luzia Santa Margarida Santa Maria de Itabira Santa Maria do Salto Santa Maria do Suacui Santa Rita de Caldas Santa Rita de Ibitipoca Santa Rita de Jacutinga Santa Rita de Minas Santa Rita do Itueto Santa Rita do Sapucai Santa Rosa da Serra Santa Vitoria Santana da Vargem Santana de Cataguases Santana de Pirapama Santana do Deserto Santana do Garambeu Santana do Jacare Santana do Manhuacu Santana do Paraiso Santana do Riacho Santana dos Montes Santo Antonio do Amparo Santo Antonio do Aventureiro Santo Antonio do Grama Santo Antonio do Itambe Santo Antonio do Jacinto Santo Antonio do Monte Santo Antonio do Retiro Santo Antonio do Rio Abaixo Santo Hipolito Santos Dumont Sao Bento Abade Sao Bras do Suacui Sao Domingos das Dores Sao Domingos do Prata Sao Felix de Minas Sao Francisco de Paula Sao Francisco de Sales Sao Francisco do Gloria Sao Francisco Sao Geraldo da Piedade Sao Geraldo do Baixio Sao Geraldo Sao Goncalo do Abaete Sao Goncalo do Para Sao Goncalo do Rio Abaixo Sao Goncalo do Rio Preto Sao Goncalo do Sapucai Sao Gotardo Sao Joao Batista do Gloria Sao Joao Evangelista Sao Joao Nepomuceno Sao Joao da Lagoa Sao Joao da Mata Sao Joao da Ponte Sao Joao das Missoes Sao Joao del Rei Sao Joao do Manhuacu Sao Joao do Manteninha Sao Joao do Oriente Sao Joao do Pacui Sao Joao do Paraiso Sao Joaquim de Bicas Sao Jose da Barra Sao Jose da Lapa Sao Jose da Safira Sao Jose da Varginha Sao Jose do Alegre Sao Jose do Divino Sao Jose do Goiabal Sao Jose do Jacuri Sao Jose do Mantimento Sao Lourenco Sao Miguel do Anta Sao Pedro da Uniao Sao Pedro do Suacui Sao Pedro dos Ferros Sao Romao Sao Roque de Minas Sao Sebastiao da Bela Vista Sao Sebastiao da Vargem Alegre Sao Sebastiao do Anta Sao Sebastiao do Maranhao Sao Sebastiao do Oeste Sao Sebastiao do Paraiso Sao Sebastiao do Rio Preto Sao Sebastiao do Rio Verde Sao Thome das Letras Sao Tiago Sao Tomas de Aquino Sao Vicente de Minas Sapucai-Mirim Sardoa Sarzedo Sem-Peixe Senador Amaral Senador Cortes Senador Firmino Senador Jose Bento Senador Modestino Goncalves Senhora de Oliveira Senhora do Porto Senhora dos Remedios Sericita Seritinga Serra Azul de Minas Serra da Saudade Serra do Salitre Serra dos Aimores Serrania Serranopolis de Minas Serranos Serro Sete Lagoas Setubinha Silveirania Silvianopolis Simao Pereira Simonesia Sobralia Soledade de Minas Tabuleiro Taiobeiras Taparuba Tapira Tapirai Taquaracu de Minas Tarumirim Teixeiras Teofilo Otoni Timoteo Tiradentes Tiros Tocantins Tocos do Moji Toledo Tombos Tres Coracoes Tres Marias Tres Pontas Tumiritinga Tupaciguara Turmalina Turvolandia Uba Ubai Ubaporanga Uberaba Uberlandia Umburatiba Unai Uniao de Minas Uruana de Minas Urucania Urucuia Vargem Alegre Vargem Bonita Vargem Grande do Rio Pardo Varginha Varjao de MInas Varzea da Palma Varzelandia Vazante Verdelandia Veredinha Verissimo Vermelho Novo Vespasiano Vicosa Vieiras Virgem da Lapa Virginia Virginopolis Virgolandia Visconde do Rio Branco Volta Grande Wenceslau Braz Angra dos Reis Aperibe Araruama Areal Armacao de Buzios Arraial do Cabo Barra Mansa Barra do Pirai Belford Roxo Bom Jardim Bom Jesus do Itabapoana Cabo Frio Cachoeiras de Macacu Cambuci Campos dos Goytacazes Cantagalo Carapebus Cardoso Moreira Carmo Casimiro de Abreu Comendador Levy Gasparian Conceicao de Macabu Cordeiro Duas Barras Duque de Caxias Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin Guapimirim Iguaba Grande Itaborai Itaguai Italva Itaocara Itaperuna Itatiaia Japeri Laje do Muriae Macae Macuco Mage Mangaratiba Marica Mendes Miguel Pereira Miracema Natividade Nilopolis Niteroi Nova Friburgo Nova Iguacu Paracambi Paraiba do Sul Parati Paty do Alferes Petropolis Pinheiral Pirai Porciuncula Porto Real Quatis Queimados Quissama Resende Rio Bonito Rio Claro Rio das Flores Rio das Ostras Rio de Janeiro Santa Maria Madalena Santo Antonio de Padua Sao Fidelis Sao Francisco de Itabapoana Sao Goncalo Sao Joao da Barra Sao Joao de Meriti Sao Jose de Uba Sao Jose do Vale do Rio Preto Sao Pedro da Aldeia Sao Sebastiao do Alto Sapucaia Saquarema Seropedica Silva Jardim Sumidouro Tangua Teresopolis Trajano de Morais Tres Rios Valenca Varre-Sai Vassouras Volta Redonda Abaira Abare Acajutiba Adustina Agua Fria Aiquara Alagoinhas Alcobaca Almadina Amargosa Amelia Rodrigues America Dourada Anage Andarai Andorinha Angical Anguera Antas Antonio Cardoso Antonio Goncalves Apora Apuarema Aracas Aracatu Araci Aramari Arataca Aratuipe Aurelino Leal Baianopolis Baixa Grande Banzae Barra da Estiva Barra do Choca Barra do Mendes Barra do Rocha Barra Barreiras Barro Alto Barro Preto Belmonte Belo Campo Biritinga Boa Nova Boa Vista do Tupim Bom Jesus da Lapa Bom Jesus da Serra Boninal Bonito Boquira Botupora Brejoes Brejolandia Brotas de Macaubas Brumado Buerarema Buritirama Caatiba Cabaceiras do Paraguacu Cachoeira Cacule Caem Caetanos Caetite Cafarnaum Cairu Caldeirao Grande Camacan Camacari Camamu Campo Alegre de Lourdes Campo Formoso Canapolis Canarana Canavieiras Candeal Candeias Candiba Candido Sales Cansancao Canudos Capela do Alto Alegre Capim Grosso Caraibas Caravelas Cardeal da Silva Carinhanha Casa Nova Castro Alves Catolandia Catu Caturama Central Chorrocho Cicero Dantas Cipo Coaraci Cocos Conceicao da Feira Conceicao do Almeida Conceicao do Coite Conceicao do Jacuipe Conde Condeuba Contendas do Sincora Coracao de Maria Cordeiros Coribe Coronel Joao Sa Correntina Cotegipe Cravolandia Crisopolis Cristopolis Cruz das Almas Curaca Dario Meira Dias d'Avila Dom Basilio Dom Macedo Costa Elisio Medrado Encruzilhada Entre Rios Erico Cardoso Esplanada Euclides da Cunha Eunapolis Fatima Feira da Mata Feira de Santana Filadelfia Firmino Alves Floresta Azul Formosa do Rio Preto Gandu Gaviao Gentio do Ouro Gloria Gongogi Governador Mangabeira Guajeru Guanambi Guaratinga Heliopolis Iacu Ibiassuce Ibicarai Ibicoara Ibicui Ibipeba Ibipitanga Ibiquera Ibirapitanga Ibirapua Ibirataia Ibitiara Ibitita Ibotirama Ichu Igapora Igrapiuna Iguai Ilheus Inhambupe Ipecaeta Ipiau Ipira Ipupiara Irajuba Iramaia Iraquara Irara Irece Itabela Itaberaba Itabuna Itacare Itaete Itagi Itagiba Itagimirim Itaguacu da Bahia Itaju do Colonia Itajuipe Itamaraju Itamari Itambe Itanagra Itanhem Itaparica Itape Itapebi Itapetinga Itapicuru Itapitanga Itaquara Itarantim Itatim Itirucu Itiuba Itororo Ituacu Itubera Iuiu Jaborandi Jacaraci Jacobina Jaguaquara Jaguarari Jaguaripe Jandaira Jequie Jeremoabo Jiquirica Jitauna Joao Dourado Juazeiro Jucurucu Jussara Jussari Jussiape Lafaiete Coutinho Lagoa Real Laje Lajedao Lajedinho Lajedo do Tabocal Lamarao Lapao Lauro de Freitas Lencois Licinio de Almeida Livramento do Brumado Macajuba Macarani Macaubas Macurure Madre de Deus Maetinga Maiquinique Mairi Malhada de Pedras Malhada Manoel Vitorino Mansidao Maracas Maragogipe Marau Marcionilio Souza Mascote Mata de Sao Joao Matina Medeiros Neto Miguel Calmon Milagres Mirangaba Mirante Monte Santo Morpara Morro do Chapeu Mortugaba Mucuge Mucuri Mulungu do Morro Mundo Novo Muniz Ferreira Muquem de Sao Francisco Muritiba Mutuipe Nazare Nilo Pecanha Nordestina Nova Canaa Nova Fatima Nova Ibia Nova Itarana Nova Redencao Nova Soure Nova Vicosa Novo Horizonte Novo Triunfo Olindina Oliveira dos Brejinhos Ouricangas Ourolandia Palmas de Monte Alto Palmeiras Paramirim Paratinga Paripiranga Pau Brasil Paulo Afonso Pe de Serra Pedrao Pedro Alexandre Piata Pilao Arcado Pindai Pindobacu Pintadas Pirai do Norte Piripa Piritiba Planaltino Planalto Pocoes Pojuca Ponto Novo Porto Seguro Potiragua Prado Presidente Dutra Presidente Janio Quadros Presidente Tancredo Neves Queimadas Quijingue Quixabeira Rafael Jambeiro Remanso Retirolandia Riachao das Neves Riachao do Jacuipe Riacho de Santana Ribeira do Amparo Ribeira do Pombal Ribeirao do Largo Rio Real Rio de Contas Rio do Antonio Rio do Pires Rodelas Ruy Barbosa Salinas da Margarida Salvador Santa Barbara Santa Brigida Santa Cruz Cabralia Santa Cruz da Vitoria Santa Ines Santa Luzia Santa Maria da Vitoria Santa Rita de Cassia Santa Teresinha Santaluz Santana Santanopolis Santo Amaro Santo Antonio de Jesus Santo Estevao Sao Desiderio Sao Domingos Sao Felipe Sao Felix do Coribe Sao Felix Sao Francisco do Conde Sao Gabriel Sao Goncalo dos Campos Sao Jose da Vitoria Sao Jose do Jacuipe Sao Miguel das Matas Sao Sebastiao do Passe Sapeacu Satiro Dias Saubara Saude Seabra Sebastiao Laranjeiras Senhor do Bonfim Sento Se Serra Dourada Serra Preta Serra do Ramalho Serrinha Serrolandia Simoes Filho Sitio do Mato Sitio do Quinto Sobradinho Souto Soares Tabocas do Brejo Velho Tanhacu Tanque Novo Tanquinho Taperoa Tapiramuta Teixeira de Freitas Teodoro Sampaio Teofilandia Teolandia Terra Nova Tremedal Tucano Uaua Ubaira Ubaitaba Ubata Uibai Umburanas Una Urandi Urucuca Utinga Valenca Valente Varzea Nova Varzea da Roca Varzea do Poco Varzedo Vera Cruz Vereda Vitoria da Conquista Wagner Wanderley Wenceslau Guimaraes Xique-Xique Acari Acu Afonso Bezerra Agua Nova Alexandria Almino Afonso Alto do Rodrigues Angicos Antonio Martins Apodi Areia Branca Ares Augusto Severo Baia Formosa Barauna Barcelona Bento Fernandes Bodo Bom Jesus Brejinho Caicara do Norte Caicara do Rio do Vento Caico Campo Redondo Canguaretama Caraubas Carnauba dos Dantas Carnaubais Ceara-Mirim Cerro Cora Coronel Ezequiel Coronel Joao Pessoa Cruzeta Currais Novos Doutor Severiano Encanto Equador Espirito Santo Extremoz Felipe Guerra Fernando Pedroza Florania Francisco Dantas Frutuoso Gomes Galinhos Goianinha Governador Dix-Sept Rosado Grossos Guamare Ielmo Marinho Ipanguacu Ipueira Itaja Itau Jacana Jandaira Janduis Januario Cicco Japi Jardim de Angicos Jardim de Piranhas Jardim do Serido Joao Camara Joao Dias Jose da Penha Jucurutu Lagoa Nova Lagoa Salgada Lagoa d'Anta Lagoa de Pedras Lagoa de Velhos Lajes Pintadas Lajes Lucrecia Luis Gomes Macaiba Macau Major Sales Marcelino Vieira Martins Maxaranguape Messias Targino Montanhas Monte Alegre Monte das Gameleiras Mossoro Natal Nisia Floresta Nova Cruz Olho-d'Agua do Borges Ouro Branco Parana Parau Parazinho Parelhas Parnamirim Passa e Fica Passagem Patu Pau dos Ferros Pedra Grande Pedra Preta Pedro Avelino Pedro Velho Pendencias Piloes Poco Branco Portalegre Porto do Mangue Presidente Juscelino Pureza Rafael Fernandes Rafael Godeiro Riacho da Cruz Riacho de Santana Riachuelo Rio do Fogo Rodolfo Fernandes Ruy Barbosa Santa Cruz Santa Maria Santana do Matos Santana do Serido Santo Antonio Sao Bento do Norte Sao Bento do Trairi Sao Fernando Sao Francisco do Oeste Sao Goncalo do Amarante Sao Joao do Sabugi Sao Jose de Mipibu Sao Jose do Campestre Sao Jose do Serido Sao Miguel de Touros Sao Miguel Sao Paulo do Potengi Sao Pedro Sao Rafael Sao Tome Sao Vicente Senador Eloi de Souza Senador Georgino Avelino Serra Negra do Norte Serra de Sao Bento Serra do Mel Serrinha dos Pintos Serrinha Severiano Melo Sitio Novo Taboleiro Grande Taipu Tangara Tenente Ananias Tenente Laurentino Cruz Tibau do Sul Tibau Timbauba dos Batistas Touros Triunfo Potiguar Umarizal Upanema Varzea Venha-Ver Vera Cruz Vicosa Vila Flor Abreu e Lima Afogados da Ingazeira Afranio Agrestina Agua Preta Aguas Belas Alagoinha Alianca Altinho Amaraji Angelim Aracoiaba Araripina Arcoverde Barra de Guabiraba Barreiros Belem de Maria Belem de Sao Francisco Belo Jardim Betania Bezerros Bodoco Bom Conselho Bom Jardim Bonito Brejao Brejinho Brejo da Madre de Deus Buenos Aires Buique Cabo de Santo Agostinho Cabrobo Cachoeirinha Caetes Calcado Calumbi Camaragibe Camocim de Sao Felix Camutanga Canhotinho Capoeiras Carnaiba Carnaubeira da Penha Carpina Caruaru Casinhas Catende Cedro Cha Grande Cha de Alegria Condado Correntes Cortes Cumaru Cupira Custodia Dormentes Escada Exu Feira Nova Ferreiros Flores Floresta Frei Miguelinho Gameleira Garanhuns Gloria do Goita Goiana Granito Gravata Iati Ibimirim Ibirajuba Igarassu Iguaraci Inaja Ingazeira Ipojuca Ipubi Itacuruba Itaiba Itamaraca Itambe Itapetim Itapissuma Itaquitinga Jaboatao dos Guararapes Jaqueira Jatauba Jatoba Joao Alfredo Joaquim Nabuco Jucati Jupi Jurema Lagoa Grande Lagoa do Carro Lagoa do Itaenga Lagoa do Ouro Lagoa dos Gatos Lajedo Limoeiro Macaparana Machados Manari Maraial Mirandiba Moreilandia Moreno Nazare da Mata Olinda Orobo Oroco Ouricuri Palmares Palmeirina Panelas Paranatama Parnamirim Passira Paudalho Paulista Pedra Pesqueira Petrolandia Petrolina Pocao Pombos Primavera Quipapa Quixaba Recife Riacho das Almas Ribeirao Rio Formoso Saire Salgadinho Salgueiro Saloa Sanharo Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde Santa Cruz do Capibaribe Santa Cruz Santa Filomena Santa Maria da Boa Vista Santa Maria do Cambuca Santa Terezinha Sao Benedito do Sul Sao Bento do Una Sao Caitano Sao Joao Sao Joaquim do Monte Sao Jose da Coroa Grande Sao Jose do Belmonte Sao Jose do Egito Sao Lourenco da Mata Sao Vicente Ferrer Serra Talhada Serrita Sertania Sirinhaem Solidao Surubim Tabira Tacaimbo Tacaratu Tamandare Taquaritinga do Norte Terezinha Terra Nova Timbauba Toritama Tracunhaem Trindade Triunfo Tupanatinga Tuparetama Venturosa Verdejante Vertente do Lerio Vertentes Vicencia Vitoria de Santo Antao Xexeu Abaiara Acarape Acarau Acopiara Aiuaba Alcantaras Altaneira Alto Santo Amontada Antonina do Norte Apuiares Aquiraz Aracati Aracoiaba Ararenda Araripe Aratuba Arneiroz Assare Aurora Baixio Banabuiu Barbalha Barreira Barro Barroquinha Baturite Beberibe Bela Cruz Boa Viagem Brejo Santo Camocim Campos Sales Caninde Capistrano Caridade Carire Caririacu Carius Carnaubal Cascavel Catarina Catunda Caucaia Cedro Chaval Choro Chorozinho Coreau Crateus Crato Croata Cruz Deputado Irapuan Pinheiro Erere Eusebio Farias Brito Forquilha Fortaleza Fortim Frecheirinha General Sampaio Graca Granja Granjeiro Groairas Guaiuba Guaraciaba do Norte Guaramiranga Hidrolandia Horizonte Ibaretama Ibiapina Ibicuitinga Icapui Ico Iguatu Independencia Ipaporanga Ipaumirim Ipu Ipueiras Iracema Iraucuba Itaicaba Itaitinga Itapage Itapipoca Itapiuna Itarema Itatira Jaguaretama Jaguaribara Jaguaribe Jaguaruana Jardim Jati Jijoca de Jericoacoara Juazeiro do Norte Jucas Lavras da Mangabeira Limoeiro do Norte Madalena Maracanau Maranguape Marco Martinopole Massape Mauriti Meruoca Milagres Milha Miraima Missao Velha Mombaca Monsenhor Tabosa Morada Nova Moraujo Morrinhos Mucambo Mulungu Nova Olinda Nova Russas Novo Oriente Ocara Oros Pacajus Pacatuba Pacoti Pacuja Palhano Palmacia Paracuru Paraipaba Parambu Paramoti Pedra Branca Penaforte Pentecoste Pereiro Pindoretama Piquet Carneiro Pires Ferreira Poranga Porteiras Potengi Potiretama Quiterianopolis Quixada Quixela Quixeramobim Quixere Redencao Reriutaba Russas Saboeiro Salitre Santa Quiteria Santana do Acarau Santana do Cariri Sao Benedito Sao Goncalo do Amarante Sao Joao do Jaguaribe Sao Luis do Curu Senador Pompeu Senador Sa Sobral Solonopole Tabuleiro do Norte Tamboril Tarrafas Taua Tejucuoca Tiangua Trairi Tururu Ubajara Umari Umirim Uruburetama Uruoca Varjota Varzea Alegre Vicosa do Ceara Abaetetuba Abel Figueiredo Acara Afua Agua Azul do Norte Alenquer Almeirim Altamira Anajas Ananindeua Anapu Augusto Correa Aurora do Para Aveiro Bagre Baiao Bannach Barcarena Belem Belterra Benevides Bom Jesus do Tocantins Bonito Braganca Brasil Novo Brejo Grande do Araguaia Breu Branco Breves Bujaru Cachoeira do Arari Cachoeira do Piria Cameta Canaa dos Carajas Capanema Capitao Poco Castanhal Chaves Colares Conceicao do Araguaia Concordia do Para Cumaru do Norte Curionopolis Curralinho Curua Curuca Dom Eliseu Eldorado dos Carajas Faro Floresta do Araguaia Garrafao do Norte Goianesia do Para Gurupa Igarape-Acu Igarape-Miri Inhangapi Ipixuna do Para Irituia Itaituba Itupiranga Jacareacanga Jacunda Juruti Limoeiro do Ajuru Mae do Rio Magalhaes Barata Maraba Maracana Marapanim Marituba Medicilandia Melgaco Mocajuba Moju Monte Alegre Muana Nova Esperanca do Piria Nova Ipixuna Nova Timboteua Novo Progresso Novo Repartimento Obidos Oeiras do Para Oriximina Ourem Ourilandia do Norte Pacaja Palestina do Para Paragominas Parauapebas Pau d'Arco Peixe-Boi Picarra Placas Ponta de Pedras Portel Porto de Moz Prainha Primavera Quatipuru Redencao Rio Maria Rondon do Para Ruropolis Salinopolis Salvaterra Santa Barbara do Para Santa Cruz do Arari Santa Isabel do Para Santa Luzia do Para Santa Maria das Barreiras Santa Maria do Para Santana do Araguaia Santarem Novo Santarem Santo Antonio do Taua Sao Caetano de Odivelas Sao Domingos do Araguaia Sao Domingos do Capim Sao Felix do Xingu Sao Francisco do Para Sao Geraldo do Araguaia Sao Joao da Ponta Sao Joao de Pirabas Sao Joao do Araguaia Sao Miguel do Guama Sao Sebastiao da Boa Vista Sapucaia Senador Jose Porfirio Soure Tailandia Terra Alta Terra Santa Tome-Acu Tracuateua Trairao Tucuma Tucurui Ulianopolis Uruara Vigia Viseu Vitoria do Xingu Xinguara Acailandia Afonso Cunha Agua Doce do Maranhao Alcantara Aldeias Altas Altamira do Maranhao Alto Alegre do Maranhao Alto Alegre do Pindare Alto Parnaiba Amapa do Maranhao Amarante do Maranhao Anajatuba Anapurus Apicum-Acu Araguana Araioses Arame Arari Axixa Bacabal Bacabeira Bacuri Bacurituba Balsas Barao de Grajau Barra do Corda Barreirinhas Bela Vista do Maranhao Belagua Benedito Leite Bequimao Bernardo do Mearim Boa Vista do Gurupi Bom Jardim Bom Jesus das Selvas Bom Lugar Brejo de Areia Brejo Buriti Bravo Buriti Buriticupu Buritirama Cachoeira Grande Cajapio Cajari Campestre do Maranhao Candido Mendes Cantanhede Capinzal do Norte Carolina Carutapera Caxias Cedral Central do Maranhao Centro Novo do Maranhao Centro do Guilherme Chapadinha Cidelandia Codo Coelho Neto Colinas Conceicao do Lago-Acu Coroata Cururupu Davinopolis Dom Pedro Duque Bacelar Esperantinopolis Estreito Feira Nova do Maranhao Fernando Falcao Formosa da Serra Negra Fortaleza dos Nogueiras Fortuna Godofredo Viana Goncalves Dias Governador Archer Governador Edison Lobao Governador Eugenio Barros Governador Luiz Rocha Governador Newton Bello Governador Nunes Freire Graca Aranha Grajau Guimaraes Humberto de Campos Icatu Igarape Grande Igarape do Meio Imperatriz Itaipava do Grajau Itapecuru Mirim Itinga do Maranhao Jatoba Jenipapo dos Vieiras Joao Lisboa Joselandia Junco do Maranhao Lago Verde Lago da Pedra Lago do Junco Lagoa Grande do Maranhao Lagoa do Mato Lagoa dos Rodrigues Lajeado Novo Lima Campos Loreto Luis Domingues Magalhaes de Almeida Maracacume Maraja do Sena Maranhaozinho Mata Roma Matinha Matoes do Norte Matoes Milagres do Maranhao Mirador Miranda do Norte Mirinzal Moncao Montes Altos Morros Nina Rodrigues Nova Colinas Nova Iorque Nova Olinda do Maranhao Olho d'Agua das Cunhas Olinda Nova do Maranhao Paco do Lumiar Palmeirandia Paraibano Parnarama Passagem Franca Pastos Bons Paulino Neves Paulo Ramos Pedreiras Pedro do Rosario Penalva Peri Mirim Peritoro Pindare Mirim Pinheiro Pio XII Pirapemas Pocao de Pedras Porto Franco Porto Rico do Maranhao Presidente Dutra Presidente Juscelino Presidente Medici Presidente Sarney Presidente Vargas Primeira Cruz Raposa Riachao Ribamar Fiquene Rosario Sambaiba Santa Filomena do Maranhao Santa Helena Santa Ines Santa Luzia do Parua Santa Luzia Santa Quiteria do Maranhao Santa Rita Santana do Maranhao Santo Amaro do Maranhao Santo Antonio dos Lopes Sao Benedito do Rio Preto Sao Bento Sao Bernardo Sao Domingos do Azeitao Sao Domingos do Maranhao Sao Felix de Balsas Sao Francisco do Brejao Sao Francisco do Maranhao Sao Joao Batista Sao Joao do Caru Sao Joao do Paraiso Sao Joao do Soter Sao Joao dos Patos Sao Jose de Ribamar Sao Jose dos Basilios Sao Luis Gonzaga do Maranhao Sao Luis Sao Mateus do Maranhao Sao Pedro da Agua Branca Sao Pedro dos Crentes Sao Raimundo das Mangabeiras Sao Raimundo do Doca Bezerra Sao Roberto Sao Vicente Ferrer Satubinha Senador Alexandre Costa Senador La Rocque Serrano do Maranhao Sitio Novo Sucupira do Norte Sucupira do Riachao Tasso Fragoso Timbiras Timon Trizidela do Vale Tufilandia Tuntum Turiacu Turilandia Tutoia Urbano Santos Vargem Grande Viana Vila Nova dos Martirios Vitoria do Mearim Vitorino Freire Ze Doca Abadia de Goias Abadiania Acreuna Adelandia Agua Fria de Goias Agua Limpa Aguas Lindas de Goias Alexania Aloandia Alto Horizonte Alto Paraiso de Goias Alvorada do Norte Amaralina Americano do Brasil Amorinopolis Anapolis Anhanguera Anicuns Aparecida de Goiania Aparecida do Rio Doce Apore Aracu Aragarcas Aragoiania Araguapaz Arenopolis Aruana Aurilandia Avelinopolis Baliza Barro Alto Bela Vista de Goias Bom Jardim de Goias Bom Jesus de Goias Bonfinopolis Bonopolis Brasilia Brazabrantes Britania Buriti Alegre Buriti de Goias Buritinopolis Cabeceiras Cachoeira Alta Cachoeira Dourada Cachoeira de Goias Cacu Caiaponia Caldas Novas Caldazinha Campestre de Goias Campinacu Campinorte Campo Alegre de Goias Campos Belos Campos Verdes Carmo do Rio Verde Castelandia Catalao Caturai Cavalcante Ceres Cezarina Chapadao do Ceu Cidade Ocidental Cocalzinho de Goias Colinas do Sul Corrego do Ouro Corumba de Goias Corumbaiba Cristalina Cristianopolis Crixas Crominia Cumari Damianopolis Damolandia Davinopolis Diorama Divinopolis de Goias Doverlandia Edealina Edeia Estrela do Norte Faina Fazenda Nova Firminopolis Flores de Goias Formosa Formoso Goianapolis Goiandira Goianesia Goiania Goianira Goias Goiatuba Gouvelandia Guapo Guaraita Guarani de Goias Guarinos Heitorai Hidrolandia Hidrolina Iaciara Inaciolandia Indiara Inhumas Ipameri Ipora Israelandia Itaberai Itaguari Itaguaru Itaja Itapaci Itapirapua Itapuranga Itaruma Itaucu Itumbiara Ivolandia Jandaia Jaragua Jatai Jaupaci Jesupolis Joviania Jussara Leopoldo de Bulhoes Luziania Mairipotaba Mambai Mara Rosa Marzagao Matrincha Maurilandia Mimoso de Goias Minacu Mineiros Moipora Monte Alegre de Goias Montes Claros de Goias Montividiu do Norte Montividiu Morrinhos Morro Agudo de Goias Mossamedes Mozarlandia Mundo Novo Mutunopolis Nazario Neropolis Niquelandia Nova America Nova Aurora Nova Crixas Nova Gloria Nova Iguacu de Goias Nova Roma Nova Veneza Novo Brasil Novo Gama Novo Planalto Orizona Ouro Verde de Goias Ouvidor Padre Bernardo Palestina de Goias Palmeiras de Goias Palmelo Palminopolis Panama Paranaiguara Parauna Perolandia Petrolina de Goias Pilar de Goias Piracanjuba Piranhas Pirenopolis Pires do Rio Planaltina Pontalina Porangatu Porteirao Portelandia Posse Professor Jamil Quirinopolis Rialma Rianapolis Rio Quente Rio Verde Rubiataba Sanclerlandia Santa Barbara de Goias Santa Cruz de Goias Santa Fe de Goias Santa Helena de Goias Santa Isabel Santa Rita do Araguaia Santa Rita do Novo Destino Santa Rosa de Goias Santa Tereza de Goias Santa Terezinha de Goias Santo Antonio da Barra Santo Antonio de Goias Santo Antonio do Descoberto Sao Domingos Sao Francisco de Goias Sao Joao d'Alianca Sao Joao da Parauna Sao Luis de Montes Belos Sao Luiz do Norte Sao Miguel do Araguaia Sao Miguel do Passa Quatro Sao Patricio Sao Simao Senador Canedo Serranopolis Silvania Simolandia Sitio d'Abadia Taquaral de Goias Teresina de Goias Terezopolis de Goias Tres Ranchos Trindade Trombas Turvania Turvelandia Uirapuru Uruacu Uruana Urutai Valparaiso de Goias Varjao Vianopolis Vicentinopolis Vila Boa Vila Propicio Agua Branca Aguiar Alagoa Grande Alagoa Nova Alagoinha Alcantil Algodao de Jandaira Alhandra Amparo Aparecida Aracagi Arara Araruna Areia de Baraunas Areia Areial Aroeiras Assuncao Baia da Traicao Bananeiras Barauna Barra de Santa Rosa Barra de Santana Barra de Sao Miguel Bayeux Belem do Brejo do Cruz Belem Bernardino Batista Boa Ventura Boa Vista Bom Jesus Bom Sucesso Bonito de Santa Fe Boqueirao Borborema Brejo do Cruz Brejo dos Santos Caapora Cabaceiras Cabedelo Cachoeira dos ?ndios Cacimba de Areia Cacimba de Dentro Cacimbas Caicara Cajazeiras Cajazeirinhas Caldas Brandao Camalau Campina Grande Capim Caraubas Carrapateira Casserengue Catingueira Catole do Rocha Caturite Conceicao Condado Conde Congo Coremas Coxixola Cruz do Espirito Santo Cubati Cuite de Mamanguape Cuite Cuitegi Curral Velho Curral de Cima Damiao Desterro Diamante Dona Ines Duas Estradas Emas Esperanca Fagundes Frei Martinho Gado Bravo Guarabira Gurinhem Gurjao Ibiara Igaracy Imaculada Inga Itabaiana Itaporanga Itapororoca Itatuba Jacarau Jerico Joao Pessoa Juarez Tavora Juazeirinho Junco do Serido Juripiranga Juru Lagoa Seca Lagoa de Dentro Lagoa Lastro Livramento Logradouro Lucena Mae d'Agua Malta Mamanguape Manaira Marcacao Mari Marizopolis Massaranduba Mataraca Matinhas Mato Grosso Matureia Mogeiro Montadas Monte Horebe Monteiro Mulungu Natuba Nazarezinho Nova Floresta Nova Olinda Nova Palmeira Olho d'Agua Olivedos Ouro Velho Parari Passagem Patos Paulista Pedra Branca Pedra Lavrada Pedras de Fogo Pedro Regio Pianco Picui Pilar Piloes Piloezinhos Pirpirituba Pitimbu Pocinhos Poco Dantas Poco de Jose de Moura Pombal Prata Princesa Isabel Puxinana Queimadas Quixaba Remigio Riachao do Bacamarte Riachao do Poco Riachao Riacho de Santo Antonio Riacho dos Cavalos Rio Tinto Salgadinho Salgado de Sao Felix Santa Cecilia Santa Cruz Santa Helena Santa Ines Santa Luzia Santa Rita Santa Teresinha Santana de Mangueira Santana dos Garrotes Santarem Santo Andre Sao Bento de Pombal Sao Bento Sao Domingos de Pombal Sao Domingos do Cariri Sao Francisco Sao Joao do Cariri Sao Joao do Rio do Peixe Sao Joao do Tigre Sao Jose da Lagoa Tapada Sao Jose de Caiana Sao Jose de Espinharas Sao Jose de Piranhas Sao Jose de Princesa Sao Jose do Bonfim Sao Jose do Brejo do Cruz Sao Jose do Sabugi Sao Jose dos Cordeiros Sao Jose dos Ramos Sao Mamede Sao Miguel de Taipu Sao Sebastiao de Lagoa de Roca Sao Sebastiao do Umbuzeiro Sape Serido Serra Branca Serra Grande Serra Redonda Serra da Raiz Serraria Sertaozinho Sobrado Solanea Soledade Sossego Sousa Sume Tacima Taperoa Tavares Teixeira Tenorio Triunfo Uirauna Umbuzeiro Varzea Vieiropolis Vista Serrana Zabele Afonso Claudio Agua Doce do Norte Aguia Branca Alegre Alfredo Chaves Alto Rio Novo Anchieta Apiaca Aracruz Atilio Vivacqua Baixo Guandu Barra de Sao Francisco Boa Esperanca Bom Jesus do Norte Brejetuba Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Cariacica Castelo Colatina Conceicao da Barra Conceicao do Castelo Divino de Sao Lourenco Domingos Martins Dores do Rio Preto Ecoporanga Fundao Guacui Guarapari Ibatiba Ibiracu Ibitirama Iconha Irupi Itaguacu Itapemirim Itarana Iuna Jaguare Jeronimo Monteiro Joao Neiva Laranja da Terra Linhares Mantenopolis Marataizes Marechal Floriano Marilandia Mimoso do Sul Montanha Mucurici Muniz Freire Muqui Nova Venecia Pancas Pedro Canario Pinheiros Piuma Ponto Belo Presidente Kennedy Rio Bananal Rio Novo do Sul Santa Leopoldina Santa Maria de Jetiba Santa Teresa Sao Domingos do Norte Sao Gabriel da Palha Sao Jose do Calcado Sao Mateus Sao Roque do Canaa Serra Sooretama Vargem Alta Venda Nova do Imigrante Viana Vila Pavao Vila Valerio Vila Velha Vitoria Alvaraes Amatura Anama Anori Apui Atalaia do Norte Autazes Barcelos Barreirinha Benjamin Constant Beruri Boa Vista do Ramos Boca do Acre Borba Caapiranga Canutama Carauari Careiro da Varzea Careiro Coari Codajas Eirunepe Envira Fonte Boa Guajara Humaita Ipixuna Iranduba Itacoatiara Itamarati Itapiranga Japura Jurua Jutai Labrea Manacapuru Manaquiri Manaus Manicore Maraa Maues Nhamunda Nova Olinda do Norte Novo Airao Novo Aripuana Parintins Pauini Presidente Figueiredo Rio Preto da Eva Santa Isabel do Rio Negro Santo Antonio do Ica Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira Sao Paulo de Olivenca Sao Sebastiao do Uatuma Silves Tabatinga Tapaua Tefe Tonantins Uarini Urucara Urucurituba Acari Acu Afonso Bezerra Agua Nova Alexandria Almino Afonso Alto do Rodrigues Angicos Antonio Martins Apodi Areia Branca Ares Augusto Severo Baia Formosa Barauna Barcelona Bento Fernandes Bodo Bom Jesus Brejinho Caicara do Norte Caicara do Rio do Vento Caico Campo Redondo Canguaretama Caraubas Carnauba dos Dantas Carnaubais Ceara-Mirim Cerro Cora Coronel Ezequiel Coronel Joao Pessoa Cruzeta Currais Novos Doutor Severiano Encanto Equador Espirito Santo Extremoz Felipe Guerra Fernando Pedroza Florania Francisco Dantas Frutuoso Gomes Galinhos Goianinha Governador Dix-Sept Rosado Grossos Guamare Ielmo Marinho Ipanguacu Ipueira Itaja Itau Jacana Jandaira Janduis Januario Cicco Japi Jardim de Angicos Jardim de Piranhas Jardim do Serido Joao Camara Joao Dias Jose da Penha Jucurutu Lagoa Nova Lagoa Salgada Lagoa d'Anta Lagoa de Pedras Lagoa de Velhos Lajes Pintadas Lajes Lucrecia Luis Gomes Macaiba Macau Major Sales Marcelino Vieira Martins Maxaranguape Messias Targino Montanhas Monte Alegre Monte das Gameleiras Mossoro Natal Nisia Floresta Nova Cruz Olho-d'Agua do Borges Ouro Branco Parana Parau Parazinho Parelhas Parnamirim Passa e Fica Passagem Patu Pau dos Ferros Pedra Grande Pedra Preta Pedro Avelino Pedro Velho Pendencias Piloes Poco Branco Portalegre Porto do Mangue Presidente Juscelino Pureza Rafael Fernandes Rafael Godeiro Riacho da Cruz Riacho de Santana Riachuelo Rio do Fogo Rodolfo Fernandes Ruy Barbosa Santa Cruz Santa Maria Santana do Matos Santana do Serido Santo Antonio Sao Bento do Norte Sao Bento do Trairi Sao Fernando Sao Francisco do Oeste Sao Goncalo do Amarante Sao Joao do Sabugi Sao Jose de Mipibu Sao Jose do Campestre Sao Jose do Serido Sao Miguel de Touros Sao Miguel Sao Paulo do Potengi Sao Pedro Sao Rafael Sao Tome Sao Vicente Senador Eloi de Souza Senador Georgino Avelino Serra Negra do Norte Serra de Sao Bento Serra do Mel Serrinha dos Pintos Serrinha Severiano Melo Sitio Novo Taboleiro Grande Taipu Tangara Tenente Ananias Tenente Laurentino Cruz Tibau do Sul Tibau Timbauba dos Batistas Touros Triunfo Potiguar Umarizal Upanema Varzea Venha-Ver Vera Cruz Vicosa Vila Flor Agua Branca Anadia Arapiraca Atalaia Barra de Santo Antonio Barra de Sao Miguel Batalha Belem Belo Monte Boca da Mata Branquinha Cacimbinhas Cajueiro Campestre Campo Alegre Campo Grande Canapi Capela Carneiros Cha Preta Coite do Noia Colonia Leopoldina Coqueiro Seco Coruripe Craibas Delmiro Gouveia Dois Riachos Estrela de Alagoas Feira Grande Feliz Deserto Flexeiras Girau do Ponciano Ibateguara Igaci Igreja Nova Inhapi Jacare dos Homens Jacuipe Japaratinga Jaramataia Joaquim Gomes Jequiá da Praia Jundia Junqueiro Lagoa da Canoa Limoeiro de Anadia Maceio Major Isidoro Mar Vermelho Maragogi Maravilha Marechal Deodoro Maribondo Mata Grande Matriz de Camaragibe Messias Minador do Negrao Monteiropolis Murici Novo Lino Olho d'Agua Grande Olho d'Agua das Flores Olho d'Agua do Casado Olivenca Ouro Branco Palestina Palmeira dos Indios Pao de Acucar Pariconha Paripueira Passo de Camaragibe Paulo Jacinto Penedo Piacabucu Pilar Pindoba Piranhas Poco das Trincheiras Porto Calvo Porto Real do Colegio Porto de Pedras Quebrangulo Rio Largo Roteiro Santa Luzia do Norte Santana do Ipanema Santana do Mundau Sao Bras Sao Jose da Laje Sao Jose da Tapera Sao Luis do Quitunde Sao Miguel dos Campos Sao Miguel dos Milagres Sao Sebastiao Satuba Senador Rui Palmeira Tanque d'Arca Taquarana Teotonio Vilela Traipu Uniao dos Palmares Vicosa Acaua Agricolandia Agua Branca Alagoinha do Piaui Alegrete do Piaui Alto Longa Altos Alvorada do Gurgueia Amarante Angical do Piaui Anisio de Abreu Antonio Almeida Aroazes Arraial Assuncao do Piaui Avelino Lopes Baixa Grande do Ribeiro Barra d'Alcantara Barras Barreiras do Piaui Barro Duro Batalha Bela Vista do Piaui Belem do Piaui Beneditinos Bertolinia Betania do Piaui Boa Hora Bocaina Bom Jesus Bom Principio do Piaui Bonfim do Piaui Boqueirao do Piaui Brasileira Brejo do Piaui Buriti dos Lopes Buriti dos Montes Cabeceiras do Piaui Cajazeiras do Piaui Cajueiro da Praia Caldeirao Grande do Piaui Campinas do Piaui Campo Alegre do Fidalgo Campo Grande do Piaui Campo Largo do Piaui Campo Maior Canavieira Canto do Buriti Capitao Gervasio Oliveira Capitao de Campos Caracol Caraubas do Piaui Caridade do Piaui Castelo do Piaui Caxingo Cocal de Telha Cocal dos Alves Cocal Coivaras Colonia do Gurgueia Colonia do Piaui Conceicao do Caninde Coronel Jose Dias Corrente Cristalandia do Piaui Cristino Castro Curimata Currais Curral Novo do Piaui Curralinhos Demerval Lobao Dirceu Arcoverde Dom Expedito Lopes Dom Inocencio Domingos Mourao Elesbao Veloso Eliseu Martins Esperantina Fartura do Piaui Flores do Piaui Floresta do Piaui Floriano Francinopolis Francisco Ayres Francisco Macedo Francisco Santos Fronteiras Geminiano Gilbues Guadalupe Guaribas Hugo Napoleao Ilha Grande Inhuma Ipiranga do Piaui Isaias Coelho Itainopolis Itaueira Jacobina do Piaui Jaicos Jardim do Mulato Jatoba do Piaui Jerumenha Joao Costa Joaquim Pires Joca Marques Jose de Freitas Juazeiro do Piaui Julio Borges Jurema Lagoa Alegre Lagoa de Sao Francisco Lagoa do Barro do Piaui Lagoa do Piaui Lagoa do Sitio Lagoinha do Piaui Landri Sales Luis Correia Luzilandia Madeiro Manoel Emidio Marcolandia Marcos Parente Massape do Piaui Matias Olimpio Miguel Alves Miguel Leao Milton Brandao Monsenhor Gil Monsenhor Hipolito Monte Alegre do Piaui Morro Cabeca no Tempo Morro do Chapeu do Piaui Murici dos Portelas Nazare do Piaui Nossa Senhora de Nazare Nossa Senhora dos Remedios Nova Santa Rita Novo Oriente do Piaui Novo Santo Antonio Oeiras Olho d'Agua do Piaui Padre Marcos Paes Landim Pajeu do Piaui Palmeira do Piaui Palmeirais Paqueta Parnagua Parnaiba Passagem Franca do Piaui Patos do Piaui Paulistana Pavussu Pedro II Pedro Laurentino Picos Pimenteiras Pio IX Piracuruca Piripiri Porto Alegre do Piaui Porto Prata do Piaui Queimada Nova Redencao do Gurgueia Regeneracao Riacho Frio Ribeira do Piaui Ribeiro Goncalves Rio Grande do Piaui Santa Cruz do Piaui Santa Cruz dos Milagres Santa Filomena Santa Luz Santa Rosa do Piaui Santana do Piaui Santo Antonio de Lisboa Santo Antonio dos Milagres Santo Inacio do Piaui Sao Braz do Piaui Sao Felix do Piaui Sao Francisco de Assis do Piaui Sao Francisco do Piaui Sao Goncalo do Gurgueia Sao Goncalo do Piaui Sao Joao da Canabrava Sao Joao da Fronteira Sao Joao da Serra Sao Joao da Varjota Sao Joao do Arraial Sao Joao do Piaui Sao Jose do Divino Sao Jose do Peixe Sao Jose do Piaui Sao Juliao Sao Lourenco do Piaui Sao Luis do Piaui Sao Miguel da Baixa Grande Sao Miguel do Fidalgo Sao Miguel do Tapuio Sao Pedro do Piaui Sao Raimundo Nonato Sebastiao Barros Sebastiao Leal Sigefredo Pacheco Simoes Simplicio Mendes Socorro do Piaui Sussuapara Tamboril do Piaui Tanque do Piaui Teresina Uniao Urucui Valenca do Piaui Varzea Branca Varzea Grande Vera Mendes Vila Nova do Piaui Wall Ferraz Acorizal Agua Boa Alta Floresta Alto Araguaia Alto Boa Vista Alto Garcas Alto Paraguai Alto Taquari Apiacas Araguaiana Araguainha Araputanga Arenapolis Aripuana Barao de Melgaco Barra do Bugres Barra do Garcas Brasnorte Caceres Campinapolis Campo Novo do Parecis Campo Verde Campos de Julio Cana Brava do Norte Canarana Carlinda Castanheira Chapada dos Guimaraes Claudia Cocalinho Colider Comodoro Confresa Cotriguacu Cuiaba Denise Diamantino Dom Aquino Feliz Natal Figueiropolis d'Oeste Gaucha do Norte General Carneiro Gloria d'Oeste Guaranta do Norte Guiratinga Indiavai Itauba Itiquira Jaciara Jangada Jauru Juara Juina Juruena Juscimeira Lambari d'Oeste Lucas do Rio Verde Luciara Marcelandia Matupa Mirassol d'Oeste Nobres Nortelandia Nossa Senhora do Livramento Nova Bandeirantes Nova Brasilandia Nova Canaa do Norte Nova Guarita Nova Lacerda Nova Marilandia Nova Maringa Nova Monte Verde Nova Mutum Nova Olimpia Nova Ubirata Nova Xavantina Novo Horizonte do Norte Novo Mundo Novo Sao Joaquim Paranaita Paranatinga Pedra Preta Peixoto de Azevedo Planalto da Serra Pocone Pontal do Araguaia Ponte Branca Pontes e Lacerda Porto Alegre do Norte Porto Esperidiao Porto Estrela Porto dos Gauchos Poxoreo Primavera do Leste Querencia Reserva do Cabacal Ribeirao Cascalheira Ribeiraozinho Rio Branco Rondonopolis Rosario Oeste Salto do Ceu Santa Carmem Santa Terezinha Santo Afonso Santo Antonio do Leverger Sao Felix do Araguaia Sao Jose do Povo Sao Jose do Rio Claro Sao Jose do Xingu Sao Jose dos Quatro Marcos Sao Pedro da Cipa Sapezal Sinop Sorriso Tabapora Tangara da Serra Tapurah Terra Nova do Norte Tesouro Torixoreu Uniao do Sul Varzea Grande Vera Vila Bela da Santissima Trindade Vila Rica Amparo de Sao Francisco Aquidaba Aracaju Araua Areia Branca Barra dos Coqueiros Boquim Brejo Grande Campo do Brito Canhoba Caninde de Sao Francisco Capela Carira Carmopolis Cedro de Sao Joao Cristinapolis Cumbe Divina Pastora Estancia Feira Nova Frei Paulo Gararu General Maynard Gracho Cardoso Ilha das Flores Indiaroba Itabaiana Itabaianinha Itabi Itaporanga d'Ajuda Japaratuba Japoata Lagarto Laranjeiras Macambira Malhada dos Bois Malhador Maruim Moita Bonita Monte Alegre de Sergipe Muribeca Neopolis Nossa Senhora Aparecida Nossa Senhora da Gloria Nossa Senhora das Dores Nossa Senhora de Lourdes Nossa Senhora do Socorro Pacatuba Pedra Mole Pedrinhas Pinhao Pirambu Poco Redondo Poco Verde Porto da Folha Propria Riachao do Dantas Riachuelo Ribeiropolis Rosario do Catete Salgado Santa Luzia do Itanhy Santa Rosa de Lima Santana do Sao Francisco Santo Amaro das Brotas Sao Cristovao Sao Domingos Sao Francisco Sao Miguel do Aleixo Simao Dias Siriri Telha Tobias Barreto Tomar do Geru Umbauba Alta Floresta d'Oeste Alto Alegre do Parecis Alto Paraiso Alvorada d'Oeste Ariquemes Buritis Cabixi Cacaulandia Cacoal Campo Novo de Rondonia Candeias do Jamari Castanheiras Cerejeiras Chupinguaia Colorado do Oeste Corumbiara Costa Marques Cujubim Espigao d'Oeste Governador Jorge Teixeira Guajara-Mirim Jamari Jaru Ji-Parana Machadinho d'Oeste Ministro Andreazza Mirante da Serra Monte Negro Nova Brasilandia d'Oeste Nova Mamore Nova Uniao Novo Horizonte do Oeste Ouro Preto do Oeste Parecis Pimenta Bueno Pimenteiras do Oeste Porto Velho Presidente Medici Primavera de Rondonia Rio Crespo Rolim de Moura Santa Luzia d'Oeste Sao Felipe d'Oeste Sao Francisco do Guapore Sao Miguel do Guapore Seringueiras Teixeiropolis Theobroma Urupa Vale do Anari Vale do Paraiso Vilhena Abreulandia Aguiarnopolis Alianca do Tocantins Almas Alvorada Ananas Angico Aparecida do Rio Negro Aragominas Araguacema Araguacu Araguaina Araguana Araguatins Arapoema Arraias Augustinopolis Aurora do Tocantins Axixa do Tocantins Babaculandia Bandeirantes do Tocantins Barra do Ouro Barrolandia Bernardo Sayao Bom Jesus do Tocantins Brasilandia do Tocantins Brejinho de Nazare Buriti do Tocantins Cachoeirinha Campos Lindos Cariri do Tocantins Carmolandia Carrasco Bonito Caseara Centenario Chapada da Natividade Chapada de Areia Colinas do Tocantins Colmeia Combinado Conceicao do Tocantins Couto de Magalhaes Cristalandia Crixas do Tocantins Darcinopolis Dianopolis Divinopolis do Tocantins Dois Irmaos do Tocantins Duere Esperantina Fatima Figueiropolis Filadelfia Formoso do Araguaia Fortaleza do Tabocao Goianorte Goiatins Guarai Gurupi Ipueiras Itacaja Itaguatins Itapiratins Itapora do Tocantins Jau do Tocantins Juarina Lagoa da Confusao Lagoa do Tocantins Lajeado Lavandeira Lizarda Luzinopolis Marianopolis do Tocantins Mateiros Maurilandia do Tocantins Miracema do Tocantins Miranorte Monte Santo do Tocantins Monte do Carmo Mosquito Muricilandia Natividade Nazare Nova Olinda Nova Rosalandia Novo Acordo Novo Alegre Novo Jardim Oliveira de Fatima Palmas Palmeirante Palmeiropolis Paraiso do Tocantins Parana Pau d'Arco Pedro Afonso Peixe Pequizeiro Pindorama do Tocantins Piraque Pium Ponte Alta do Bom Jesus Ponte Alta do Tocantins Porto Alegre do Tocantins Porto Nacional Praia Norte Presidente Kennedy Pugmil Recursolandia Riachinho Rio Sono Rio da Conceicao Rio dos Bois Sampaio Sandolandia Santa Fe do Araguaia Santa Maria do Tocantins Santa Rita do Tocantins Santa Rosa do Tocantins Santa Tereza do Tocantins Santa Terezinha do Tocantins Sao Bento do Tocantins Sao Felix do Tocantins Sao Miguel do Tocantins Sao Salvador do Tocantins Sao Sebastiao do Tocantins Sao Valerio da Natividade Silvanopolis Sitio Novo do Tocantins Sucupira Taguatinga Taipas do Tocantins Talisma Tocantinia Tocantinopolis Tupirama Tupiratins Wanderlandia Xambioa Acrelandia Assis Brasil Brasileia Bujari Capixaba Cruzeiro do Sul Epitaciolandia Feijo Jordao Mancio Lima Manoel Urbano Marechal Thaumaturgo Placido de Castro Porto Acre Porto Walter Rio Branco Rodrigues Alves Santa Rosa do Purus Sena Madureira Senador Guiomard Tarauaca Xapuri Amapa Calcoene Cutias Ferreira Gomes Itaubal Laranjal do Jari Macapa Mazagao Oiapoque Pedra Branca do Amapari Porto Grande Pracuuba Santana Serra do Navio Tartarugalzinho Vitoria do Jari Alto Alegre Amajari Boa Vista Bonfim Canta Caracarai Caroebe Iracema Mucajai Normandia Pacaraima Rorainopolis Sao Joao da Baliza Sao Luiz, Uiramuta, ESTADOS E CAPITAIS DO BRASIL, ESTADO CAPITAL, Acre, Rio Branco, Alagoas, Maceió, Amapá, Macapá, Amazonas, Manaus, Bahia, Salvador, Ceará, Fortaleza, Distrito Federal Brasília, Espírito Santo, Vitória, Goiás, Goiânia, Maranhão, São Luis, Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso do Sul, Campo Grande, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Pará, Belém, Paraíba, João Pessoa, Paraná, Curitiba, Pernambuco, Recife, Piauí, Teresina, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Rondônia, Porto Velho, Roraima, Boa Vista, Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, São Paulo, São Paulo, Sergipe, Aracajú, Tocantins, Palmas, Lista de estados dos Estados Unidos Califórnia Texas Nova Iorque Flórida Illinois Pensilvânia Ohio Michigan Geórgia Carolina do Norte Nova Jérsei Virgínia Washington Massachusetts Indiana Arizona Tennessee Missouri Maryland Wisconsin Minnesota Colorado Alabama Carolina do Sul Luisiana Kentucky Oregon Oklahoma Connecticut Iowa Mississippi Arkansas Kansas Utah Nevada Novo México Virgínia Ocidental Nebraska Idaho Havaí Maine Nova Hampshire Rhode Island Montana 989 Delaware Dakota do Sul Alasca Dakota do Norte Vermont Distrito de Colúmbia Wyoming Estados Unidos Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Buenos Aires Catamarca Chaco Chubut Córdoba Corrientes Entre Ríos Formosa Jujuy La Pampa La Rioja Mendoza Misiones Neuquén Salta San Juan San Luis Santa Cruz Santa Fe Santiago del Estero Terra do Fogo Ushuaia Tucumán Buenos Aires (capital federal) Província de Buenos Aires Província de Chaco Província de Chubut Província de Córdoba Província de Corrientes Província de Entre Ríos Província de Formosa Província de Jujuy Província de La Pampa Província de La Rioja Província de Mendoza Província de Misiones Província de Neuquén Província de Río Negro Província de Salta Província de San Juan Província de San Luis Província de Santa Cruz Província de Santa Fe Província de Santiago del Estero 22 Província de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur 23 Província de Tucumán ÁFRICA AMÉRICAS ÁSIA EUROPA PACÍFICO Algeria Angola Benin Botswana Burkina Faso Burundi Cameroon Canary Islands Cape Verde Islands Central African Republic Chad Comoros Islands Côte d’Ivoire Democratic R. of Congo Djibouti Egypt Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Ethiopia Gabon Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea-Bissau Kenya Lesotho Liberia Libya Madagascar Malawi Mali Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Morocco Mozambique Namibia Niger Nigeria Republic of Congo Reunion Rwanda Sahara St. Tome and Principe Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Somalia South Africa St. Helena Sudan Swaziland Tanzania Togo Tunisia Uganda Zambia Zimbabwe Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Aruba Bahamas Barbados Belize Bermuda Bolivia Brazil British Virgin Islands Canada Cayman Islands Chile Colombia Costa Rica Cuba Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Falkland Islands French Guiana Georgia & Sandwich Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guyana Haiti Honduras Jamaica Martinique Mexico Montserrat Netherlands Antilles Nicaragua Panama Paraguay Peru Puerto Rico St. Kitts-Nevis St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Suriname Trinidad and Tobago Turks and Caicos Islands U.S. Virgin Islands Uruguay USA Venezuela Afghanistan Armenia Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Bhutan Brunei Cambodia China Georgia Hong-Kong India Indonesia Iran Iraq Israel Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Korea, North Korea, South Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Lebanon Macao Malaysia Maldives Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Oman Pakistan Palestinian Philippines Qatar Saudi Arabia Singapore Sri Lanka Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Tibet Timor Lorosae Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Uzbekistan Viet Nam Yemen Albania Andorra Austria Belarus Belgium Bosnia-Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Faroes Islands Finland France Germany Gibraltar Greece Guernsey Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Jersey Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macedonia Malta Moldova Man Island Monaco Montenegro Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia San Marino Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Vatican State American Samoa Australia Cocos Islands Cook Islands Christmas Island Easter Island Fiji French Polynesia Guam Hawaiian Islands Kiribati Marshall Islands Micronesia Midway Islands Nauru New Caledonia New Zealand Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands Palau Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Solomon Islands Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu Wake Island Wallis and Futuna Western Samoa Afghanistan – AF Albania – AL Algeria – DZ Andorra – AD Andorra French Andorra Spanish Angola – AO Anguilla – AI Antigua and Barbuda – AG Antigua Barbuda Argentina – AR Argentine Republic Buenos Aires Armenia – AM Aruba – AW Ascension – AC Australia – AU Australia Australian Antarctic Territory Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands New South Wales Norfolk Island Queensland South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia Austria – AT Azerbaijan – AZ Azores – XE Bahamas, The – BS Bahrain – BH Bangladesh – BD Barbados – BB Belarus – BY Belgium – BE Belgian Congo Belize – BZ Benin – BJ Dahomey People's Republic of Benin Bermuda – BM Bhutan – BT Bolivia – BO Bosnia-Herzegovina – BA Botswana – BW Bechuanaland Brazil – BR British Virgin Islands – VG Brunei – BN Bulgaria – BG Burkina Faso – BF Burundi – BI Cambodia – KH Cameroon – CM Cameroon Ind. Rep. of Cameroun Canada – CA New Brunswick Newfoundland Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Canary – IC Cape Verde – CV Cayman Islands – KY Celta – EA Central Africa – CF Central African Empire Central African Republic Chad – TD Chile – CL China – CN Christmas Island – CX Cocos Islands – CC Colombia – CO Comoros – KM Congo – CD Katanga Middle Congo South Kasai Zaire Congo – CG Congo Kinshasa Cook Islands – CK Costa Rica – CR Croatia – HR Fiume Serbian Posts Cuba – CU Cyprus – CY Czech Republic – CZ Czechoslovakia Denmark – DK Danish West Indies Denmark Faroe Islands Greenland Schleswig-Holstein Djibouti – DJ Dominica – DM Dominican Republic – DO East Timor – TP Ecuador – EC Galapagos Islands Egypt – EG United Arab Republic El Salvador – SV Equatorial Guinea – GQ Rio Muni Eritrea – ER Estonia – EE Ethiopia – ET External Territories of Australia – XA Falkland – FK Faroes Islands – FO Fiji – FJ Finland – FI Aland Islands Finish Occup. of Karelia France – FR French Guiana – GF French Polynesia – PF Gabon – GA Gambia – GM Georgia – GE Georgia & Sandwich – GS Germany – DE Ghana – GH Gibraltar – GI Greece – GR Crete Thrace Grenada – GD Greenland – GL Guadeloupe – GP Guam – GU Guatemala – GT Guernsey and Alderney – XU Guinea – GN Guinea Bissau – GW Guyana – GY Haiti – HT Honduras – HN Hong Kong – HK Hungary – HU Iceland – IS India – IN Indonesia – ID Indonesia Republic Riau-Lingga Archipelago Iran – IR Iraq – IQ Ireland – IE Israel – IL Italy – IT Ivory Coast – CI Côte d'Ivoire Jamaica – JM Japan – JP Jersey – XJ Jordan – JO Kazakhstan – KZ Kenya – KE Kiribati – KI Kuwait – KW Kyrgyzstan – KG Laos – LA Latvia – LV Lebanon – LB Lesotho – LS - Basutoland Liberia – LR Libya – LY Cyrenaica Libya Liechtenstein – LI Lithuania – LT Luxembourg – LU Macau – MO Macedonia – MK Madagascar – MG Diego-Suarez Madagascar Malagasy Republic Moheli St. Marie de Madagascar Madeira – XB Malawi – MW - Rhodesia and Nyasaland Malaysia – MY Maldives – MV Mali – ML Malta – MT Man (Isle of) – XM Marshall Islands – MH Martinique – MQ Mauritania – MR Mauritius – MU Mayotte – YT Mellila – EA Mexico – MX Micronesia – FM Moldova – MD Monaco – MC Mongolia – MN Montenegro – ME Montserrat – MS Morocco – MA Mozambique – MZ Inhambane Mozambique Mozambique Company Tete Myanmar – MM Burma Namibia – NA South West Africa Nauru – NR Nepal – NP Netherlands – NL Aruba Curacao Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Indies Netherlands New Guinea West Irian West New Guinea Netherlands Antilles – AN New Caledonia – NC New Zealand – NZ Aitutaki Cook Islands New Zealand Niue Penhryn Penrhyn Island Ross Dependency Tokelau Nicaragua – NI Niger – NE Nigeria – NG Niger Coast Protectorate Nigeria Northern Nigeria Southern Nigeria Niue – NU Norfolk – NF North Korea – KP Korean Empire North Korea, KPDR Norway – NO Oman – OM Muscat and Oman Sultanate of Oman Pakistan – PK Bahawalpur Palau – PW Palestine – PS Panama – PA Papua New Guinea – PG Paraguay – PY Peru – PE Philippines – PH Commonwealth of the Philippines Independent Republic Spanish Administration United States Administration Pitcairn – PN Poland – PL Polish Post in Danzig Portugal – PT Puerto Rico – PR Qatar – QA Reunion – RE Romania – RO Russia – RU Batum North Ingermandland North West Russia PO in China PO in Crete PO in Turkish Empire Post Offices in China Siberia South Russia Transcaucasian Federation Tuva Rwanda – RW Ruanda Urundi Sahara – EH Saint Helena – SH Saint Kitts and Nevis – KN Nevis St. Christopher St. Kitts St. Kitts - Nevis Saint Lucia – LC Saint Pierre and Miquelon – PM Saint Tome and Principe – ST Saint Vincent-Grenadines – VC Grenadines of St. Vincent St. Vincent Samoa Western – WS Samoa American – AS San Marino – SM Saudi Arabia – SA Seychelles – SC Zil Elwannyen Sesel Senegal – SN Serbia – RS Sierra Leone – SL Singapore – SG Slovakia – SK Slovenia – SI Solomon Islands – SB Somalia – SO Somaliland Protectorate South Africa – ZA Bophuthatswana Ciskei Natal Transkei Venda South Korea – KR - Republic of Korea Spain – ES Cape Juby Eloby, Annobon and Corisco Fernando Poo Ifni Mariana Islands Rio De Oro Spanish Guinea Spanish Morocco Post Offices in Tangier Spanish Sahara Spanish West Africa Sri Lanka – LK Sudan – SD Swaziland – SZ Suriname – SR Sweden – SE Switzerland – CH Syria – SY Taiwan – TW Tajikistan – TJ Tanger – MA Tanzania – TZ Kenya Uganda Tanganyika Zanzibar Terres Australes – TF Thailand – TH Tibet – ? Togo – TG Tokelau – TK Tonga – TO Niuafo'ou Trinidad and Tobago – TT Tunisia – TN Turkey – TR Hatay Thessaly Turkey Turkish Cypriot Posts Turkmenistan – TM Turks and Caicos – TC Tuvalu – TV Uganda – UG Ukraine – UA West Ukraine United Arab Emirates – AE Abu Dhabi Ajman Dubai Fujeira Ras al-Khaimah Sharjah Umm al-Qiwain United Kingdom – GB United Nations Geneva Headquarters New York Headquarters Vienna Headquarters United States of America – US Canal Zone Guam Hawaii Puerto Rico Uruguay – UY Uzbekistan – UZ Vanuatu – VU Vatican State – VA Venezuela – VE Vietnam – VN Virgin Islands of the USA – VI Wallis and Futuna – WF Yemen – YE Zambia – ZM Southern Rhodesia Northern Rhodesia Zimbabwe – ZW Abkhasie (Géorgie) Abou Dhabi (Emirats Arabes Unis) Açores (Portugal) Afars et Issas (Djibouti) Afghanistan Afrique du Sud Aitutaki (Nouvelle-Zélande) Ajman (Emirats Arabes Unis) Aland (Finlande) Albanie Algérie Allemagne Allemagne Fédérale Allemagne de l'Est – Berlin Andorre Angola Anguilla Antigua Antilles Neerlandaises Arabie Saoudite Argentine Arménie Aruba (Pays-Bas) Australie Autriche Azerbaïdjan Bahamas Bahreïn Bangladesh Barbade Batum (Géorgie) Belgique Belize Bénin Bermudes (Grande-Bretagne) Bhoutan Biélorussie Birmanie Bolivie Bophuthatswana (Afrique du Sud) Bosnie Herzegovine Botswana Brésil Brunei Bulgarie Burkina-Faso Burundi Cambodge Cameroun Canada Cap-Vert Cayman Centrafrique Chili Chine Christmas (Australie) Chypre Ciskei (Afrique du Sud) Cocos Islands (Australie) Colombie Colonies Françaises Comores Congo Congo (Belge) Congo Democratic République Cook (Nouvelle-Zélande) Corée du Nord Corée du Sud Costa Rica Côte-d'Ivoire Côte des Somalis (Djibouti) Christmas Island Croatie Cuba Dahomey (Bénin) Danemark Djibouti Dominicaine (Rép.) 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Domínica Egipto Emiratos Árabes Unidos Equador Eritreia Eslováquia Eslovénia Espanha Estados Unidos Estónia Etiópia Faroé Fiji Filipinas Finlândia França Gabão Gâmbia Gana Gaza Strip Geórgia Geórgia do Sul e Sandwich do Sul Gibraltar Granada Grécia Gronelândia Guame Guatemala Guernsey Guiana Guiné Guiné Equatorial Guiné-Bissau Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungria Iémen Ilha Bouvet Ilha do Natal Ilha Norfolk Ilhas Caimão Ilhas Cook Ilhas dos Cocos Ilhas Falkland Ilhas Heard e McDonald Ilhas Marshall Ilhas Salomão Ilhas Turcas e Caicos Ilhas Virgens Americanas Ilhas Virgens Britânicas Índia Indian Ocean Indonésia Irão Iraque Irlanda Islândia Israel Itália Jamaica Jan Mayen Japão Jersey Jibuti Jordânia Kuwait Laos Lesoto Letónia Líbano Libéria Líbia Listenstaine Lituânia Luxemburgo Macau Macedónia Madagáscar Malásia Malávi Maldivas Mali Malta Man, Isle of Marianas do Norte Marrocos Maurícia Mauritânia Mayotte México Micronésia Moçambique Moldávia Mónaco Mongólia Monserrate Montenegro Mundo Namíbia Nauru Navassa Island Nepal Nicarágua Níger Nigéria Niue Noruega Nova Caledónia Nova Zelândia Omã Pacific Ocean Países Baixos Palau Panamá Papua-Nova Guiné Paquistão Paracel Islands Paraguai Peru Pitcairn Polinésia Francesa Polónia Porto Rico Portugal Quénia Quirguizistão Quiribáti Reino Unido República Centro-Africana República Checa República Dominicana Roménia Ruanda Rússia Salvador Samoa Samoa Americana Santa Helena Santa Lúcia São Cristóvão e Neves São Marinho São Pedro e Miquelon São Tomé e Príncipe São Vicente e Granadinas Sara Ocidental Seicheles Senegal Serra Leoa Sérvia Singapura Síria Somália Southern Ocean Spratly Islands Sri Lanca Suazilândia Sudão Suécia Suíça Suriname Svalbard e Jan Mayen Tailândia Taiwan Tajiquistão Tanzânia Território Britânico do Oceano Índico Territórios Austrais Franceses Timor Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trindade e Tobago Tunísia Turquemenistão Turquia Tuvalu Ucrânia Uganda União Europeia Uruguai Usbequistão Vanuatu Vaticano Venezuela Vietname Wake Island Wallis e Futuna West Bank Zâmbia Zimbabué,
Academia,meta tags=Descrição:busca_em_todas_as:_cidades de:Referência:[Karate Do,Te Ashi Do,kung fu]_busca_detalhada:Academia,meta tags=Descrição:busca_em_todas_as:_cidades de:Referências:Busca na web_google_motor de busca_asseleradores de busca:_Referências: Sede Central: Karate Do (te ashi do)Blumenau, Santa Catariana. Rua Amazonas, 1650, Blumenau, SC. Santa Catarina, SC. CEP; 89.021-010. Tel. Contato: (47)3488-5445, (47)8429-50-71, (47)8422-5072 Todos os telefones são de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, SC.
Te Ashi Do Norte Amériva, Estados Unidos da América (USA, EUA),
Dojo Karate Do (te ashi do) Curitiba, Paraná. (Para obter melhores informações entre em contato com a sede central em Blumenau, SC. Tel. Contato: (47)3488-5445, (47)8429-50-71, (47)8422-5072 Todos os telefones são de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, SC.)
Karate Do (te ashi do) Londrina Paraná.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Maringa, Paraná.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Ponta Grossa, Paraná.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná.
Karate Do (te ashi do) SãoPaulo, São Paulo.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Campinas, São Paulo.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Santo Andre, São Paulo.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Guarulhos, São Paulo.
Karate Do (te ashi do) Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul.
Dojo Karate Do (te ashi do) Curitiba, Paraná. (Para obter melhores informações entre em contato com a sede central em Blumenau, SC. Tel. Contato: (47)3488-5445, (47)8429-50-71, (47)8422-5072 Todos os telefones são de Blumenau, Santa Catarina, SC.)
Karate Do São Paulo,SP. (Cidade de São Paulo)
Quem somos: Academia/escola-karate,karate do
Nossa História/História do Te Ashi Do
Pofessores de Karate Do
Karate Do Curitiba, Paraná, (Karate Paranaense)PR
Regulamento interno de Karate Do (te Ashi Do)
CATEGORIAS: Faixas de Karate
Locais e horários de treinamento de karate, karate do
email/msn - CONTATO: dandee@dandee.com.br
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Percursores do Karate no Brasil
Palavras do Sensei: Arno Éder Popper
Galeria de fotos e Imagens, fotos e imagens de karate do
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Curitiba, PR.
Karate Do Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Carate Carioca),
Karate Do Belo Horizonte, MG (Karate Mineiro),
Karate Do Chapecó, SC (Karate Catarinense),
Karate Do Campinas, SP, (Karate Paulista),
Karate Do Florianópolis, SC (Karate Catarinense),
Karate Do Porto Alegre, RS (Karate Gaucho),
Karate Do Joinville, SC,
Karate Do, Curitiba, PR.,
Karate Do São Paulo SP,
Karate Do Londrina, PR,
Karate Do, Catarinense, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo, Brasil, Brasileiro,
Te Ashi Do,
Karate Do Balneário Camboriú, SC,
Políticas Blumenau, SC. Santa Catarina ,
Karate Do, Kung Fu, Wushu, Shaolin, TeAshiDo ,
Academia de Karate Curitiba, PR, Karate Do Belo Horizonte, MG (Karate Mineiro), Karate Do Chapecó, SC (Karate Catarinense), Karate Do Campinas, SP, (Karate Paulista), Karate Do Florianópolis, SC (Karate Catarinense), Karate Do Porto Alegre, RS